1,058 research outputs found

    The Fate of the Radion in Models with Metastable Graviton

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    We clarify some general issues in models where gravity is localized at intermediate distances. We introduce the radion mode, which is usually neglected, and we point out that its role in the model is crucial. We show that the brane bending effects discussed in the literature can be obtained in a formalism where the physical origin is manifest. The model violates positivity of energy due to a negative tension brane, which induces a negative kinetic term for the radion. The very same effect that violates positivity is responsible for the recovery of conventional Einstein gravity at intermediate distances.Comment: Latex file, 13 page

    Graviton loops and brane observables

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    We discuss how to consistently perform effective Lagrangian computations in quantum gravity with branes in compact extra dimensions. A reparametrization invariant and infrared finite result is obtained in a non trivial way. It is crucial to properly account for brane fluctuations and to correctly identify physical observables. Our results correct some confusing claims in the literature. We discuss the implications of graviton loops on electroweak precision observables and on the muon g-2 in models with large extra dimensions. We model the leading effects, not controlled by effective field theory, by introducing a hard momentum cut-off.Comment: 9 pages + 4 eps figures, JHEP style latex document. The paper is composed by a theoretical part, followed (after page 21) by a phenomenological part. v2: version published in JHEP, few typos corrected. v3: few additional typos corrected in the Appendi

    Recetario en busca de dueño: perfumería, medicina,y confitería en la casa del VII duque de Montalto (1635-1666)

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    Document number thirty from the manuscripts of the Count of Harrach, preserved in the Vienna State Archives, is an exceptionally interesting home recipe book that contains numerous personal annotations by a person whose identity we will reveal in this article. These insightful notes reveal details regarding the practices and use of perfume in a home of the nobility in the 17th century. Perfume waters, incense, pastilles and pomanders are some of the products that could be prepared by following the instructions in the recipes. A detailed analysis of the manuscript has led us to discover the owner and author of the annotations, as well as get a better understanding of the significance of perfume for the noble elite of the Spanish monarchy.El documento nĂșmero treinta de la secciĂłn de manuscritos del conde de Harrach, conservado en el Archivo de Estado de Viena, es un recetario domĂ©stico de notable interĂ©s en el que un desconocido personaje -cuya identidad se revela en este artĂ­culo- realizĂł numerosas anotaciones personales. Estas clarividentes notas desvelan los usos y prĂĄcticas del perfume en una casa nobiliaria del siglo XVII. Aguas de olor, pebetes, pastillas y pomas son algunos de los productos que se podĂ­an elaborar siguiendo las instrucciones de las recetas. Un detenido anĂĄlisis del manuscrito nos ha permitido descubrir al dueño y autor de las anotaciones, ademĂĄs de profundizar en el significado del perfume para las Ă©lites nobiliarias de la monarquĂ­a hispĂĄnica

    Towards a Realistic Model of Higgsless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    We present a 5D gauge theory in warped space based on a bulk SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_(B-L) gauge group where the gauge symmetry is broken by boundary conditions. The symmetry breaking pattern and the mass spectrum resembles that in the standard model (SM). To leading order in the warp factor the rho parameter and the coupling of the Z (or equivalently the S-parameter) are as in the SM, while corrections are expected at the level of a percent. From the AdS/CFT point of view the model presented here can be viewed as the AdS dual of a (walking) technicolor-like theory, in the sense that it is the presence of the IR brane itself that breaks electroweak symmetry, and not a localized Higgs on the IR brane (which should be interpreted as a composite Higgs model). This model predicts the lightest W, Z and photon resonances to be at around 1.2 TeV, and no fundamental (or composite) Higgs particles.Comment: 10 pages. v2: refs adde

    The fate of the zero mode of the five-dimensional kink in the presence of gravity

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    We investigate what becomes of the translational zero-mode of a five-dimensional domain wall in the presence of gravity, studying the scalar perturbations of a thick gravitating domain wall with AdS asymptotics and a well-defined zero-gravity limit. Our analysis reveals the presence of a wide resonance which can be seen as a remnant of the translational zero-mode present in the domain wall in the absence of gravity and which ensures a continuous change of the physical quantities (such as e.g. static potential between sources) when the Planck mass is sent to infinity. Provided that the thickness of the wall is much smaller than the AdS radius of the space-time, the parameters of this resonance do not depend on details of the domain wall's structure, but solely on the geometry of the space-time.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; v2: 2 machine-generated typos in the introduction correcte

    The radion and the perturbative metric in RS1

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    We calculate the linearized metric perturbations in the five dimensional two-brane model of Randall and Sundrum. In a carefully chosen gauge, we write down and decouple Einstein equations for the perturbations and get the final and simple perturbative metric ansatz. This ansatz turns out to be equal to the linear expansion of the metric solution of Charmousis et al. \cite{rubakov}. We show that this ansatz, the metric ansatz of Boos et al. \cite{boos} and the one of Das and Mitov \cite{das} are not incompatible, as it appears on the surface, but completely equivalent by an allowed gauge transformation that we give.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, LaTeX, typos fixed, 1 reference adde

    On Brane Inflation Potentials and Black Hole Attractors

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    We propose a new potential in brane inflation theory, which is given by the arctangent of the square of the scalar field. Then we perform an explicit computation for inflationary quantities. This potential has many nice features. In the small field approximation, it reproduces the chaotic and MSSM potentials. It allows one, in the large field approximation, to implement the attractor mechanism for bulk black holes where the geometry on the brane is de Sitter. In particular, we show, up to some assumptions, that the Friedman equation can be reinterpreted as a Schwarzschild black hole attractor equation for its mass parameter.Comment: 12 pages. Reference updated and minor changes added. Version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.
