1,089 research outputs found

    Scattering Phases and Density of States for Exterior Domain

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    For a bounded open domain Ω∈ℜ2\Omega\in \real^2 with connected complement and piecewise smooth boundary, we consider the Dirichlet Laplacian -\DO on Ω\Omega and the S-matrix on the complement Ωc\Omega^c. Using the restriction AEA_E of (−Δ−E)−1(-\Delta-E)^{-1} to the boundary of Ω\Omega , we establish that AE0−1/2AEAE0−1/2−1A_{E_0}^{-1/2}A_EA_{E_0}^{-1/2}-1 is trace class when E0E_0 is negative and give bounds on the energy dependence of this difference. This allows for precise bounds on the total scattering phase, the definition of a ζ\zeta-function, and a Krein spectral formula, which improve similar results found in the literature.Comment: 15 pages, Postscript, A

    A compact design for the Josephson mixer: the lumped element circuit

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    We present a compact and efficient design in terms of gain, bandwidth and dynamical range for the Josephson mixer, the superconducting circuit performing three-wave mixing at microwave frequencies. In an all lumped-element based circuit with galvanically coupled ports, we demonstrate non degenerate amplification for microwave signals over a bandwidth up to 50 MHz for a power gain of 20 dB. The quantum efficiency of the mixer is shown to be about 70%\% and its saturation power reaches −112-112 dBm.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Two-particle spatial correlations in superfluid nuclei

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    We discuss the effect of pairing on two-neutron space correlations in deformed nuclei. The spatial correlations are described by the pairing tensor in coordinate space calculated in the HFB approach. The calculations are done using the D1S Gogny force. We show that the pairing tensor has a rather small extension in the relative coordinate, a feature observed earlier in spherical nuclei. It is pointed out that in deformed nuclei the coherence length corresponding to the pairing tensor has a pattern similar to what we have found previously in spherical nuclei, i.e., it is maximal in the interior of the nucleus and then it is decreasing rather fast in the surface region where it reaches a minimal value of about 2 fm. This minimal value of the coherence length in the surface is essentially determined by the finite size properties of single-particle states in the vicinity of the chemical potential and has little to do with enhanced pairing correlations in the nuclear surface. It is shown that in nuclei the coherence length is not a good indicator of the intensity of pairing correlations. This feature is contrasted with the situation in infinite matter.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, submitted to PR

    Convergence of Particle-Hole Expansions for the Description of Nuclear Correlations

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    The convergence properties of a multiparticle-multihole (mp-mh) configuration mixing approach whose purpose is to describe ground state correlations in nuclei without particle number and Pauli violations is investigated in the case of an exactly solvable pairing hamiltonian. Two different truncation schemes are tested by looking at quantities as correlation energies and single-particle occupation probabilities. Results show that pairing correlations present in usual superfluid nuclei can be accurately described using up to 6 particle-6 hole excitations, a convergence fast enought for envisaging extensions to fully microscopic calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Description of nuclear systems with a self-consistent configuration-mixing approach. I: Theory, algorithm, and application to the 12^{12}C test nucleus

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    Although self-consistent multi-configuration methods have been used for decades to address the description of atomic and molecular many-body systems, only a few trials have been made in the context of nuclear structure. This work aims at the development of such an approach to describe in a unified way various types of correlations in nuclei, in a self-consistent manner where the mean-field is improved as correlations are introduced. The goal is to reconcile the usually set apart Shell-Model and Self-Consistent Mean-Field methods. This approach is referred as "variational multiparticle-multihole configuration mixing method". It is based on a double variational principle which yields a set of two coupled equations that determine at the same time the expansion coefficients of the many-body wave function and the single particle states. The formalism is derived and discussed in a general context, starting from a three-body Hamiltonian. Links to existing many-body techniques such as the formalism of Green's functions are established. First applications are done using the two-body D1S Gogny effective force. The numerical procedure is tested on the 12^{12}C nucleus in order to study the convergence features of the algorithm in different contexts. Ground state properties as well as single-particle quantities are analyzed, and the description of the first 2+2^+ state is examined. This study allows to validate our numerical algorithm and leads to encouraging results. In order to test the method further, we will realize in the second article of this series, a systematic description of more nuclei and observables obtained by applying the newly-developed numerical procedure with the same Gogny force. As raised in the present work, applications of the variational multiparticle-multihole configuration mixing method will however ultimately require the use of an extended and more constrained Gogny force.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. v2: minor corrections and references adde

    Ionization of Rydberg atoms embedded in an ultracold plasma

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    We have studied the behavior of cold Rydberg atoms embedded in an ultracold plasma. We demonstrate that even deeply bound Rydberg atoms are completely ionized in such an environment, due to electron collisions. Using a fast pulse extraction of the electrons from the plasma we found that the number of excess positive charges, which is directly related to the electron temperature Te, is not strongly affected by the ionization of the Rydberg atoms. Assuming a Michie-King equilibrium distribution, in analogy with globular star cluster dynamics, we estimate Te. Without concluding on heating or cooling of the plasma by the Rydberg atoms, we discuss the range for changing the plasma temperature by adding Rydberg atoms.Comment: To be published in P.R.

    Temporal relation between quiet-Sun transverse fields and the strong flows detected by IMaX/SUNRISE

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    Localized strongly Doppler-shifted Stokes V signals were detected by IMaX/SUNRISE. These signals are related to newly emerged magnetic loops that are observed as linear polarization features. We aim to set constraints on the physical nature and causes of these highly Doppler-shifted signals. In particular, the temporal relation between the appearance of transverse fields and the strong Doppler shifts is analyzed in some detail. We calculated the time difference between the appearance of the strong flows and the linear polarization. We also obtained the distances from the center of various features to the nearest neutral lines and whether they overlap or not. These distances were compared with those obtained from randomly distributed points on observed magnetograms. Various cases of strong flows are described in some detail. The linear polarization signals precede the appearance of the strong flows by on average 84+-11 seconds. The strongly Doppler-shifted signals are closer (0.19") to magnetic neutral lines than randomly distributed points (0.5"). Eighty percent of the strongly Doppler-shifted signals are close to a neutral line that is located between the emerging field and pre-existing fields. That the remaining 20% do not show a close-by pre-existing field could be explained by a lack of sensitivity or an unfavorable geometry of the pre-existing field, for instance, a canopy-like structure. Transverse fields occurred before the observation of the strong Doppler shifts. The process is most naturally explained as the emergence of a granular-scale loop that first gives rise to the linear polarization signals, interacts with pre-existing fields (generating new neutral line configurations), and produces the observed strong flows. This explanation is indicative of frequent small-scale reconnection events in the quiet Sun.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    A note on the Landauer principle in quantum statistical mechanics

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    The Landauer principle asserts that the energy cost of erasure of one bit of information by the action of a thermal reservoir in equilibrium at temperature T is never less than kTlog2kTlog 2. We discuss Landauer's principle for quantum statistical models describing a finite level quantum system S coupled to an infinitely extended thermal reservoir R. Using Araki's perturbation theory of KMS states and the Avron-Elgart adiabatic theorem we prove, under a natural ergodicity assumption on the joint system S+R, that Landauer's bound saturates for adiabatically switched interactions. The recent work of Reeb and Wolf on the subject is discussed and compared
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