112 research outputs found


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    Coccinellidae merupakan famili serangga ordo Coleoptera yang memiliki peranan penting dalam bidang pertanian, karena serangga ini dapat berfungsi sebagai predator dan sebagai hama utama pada beberapa jenis tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tentang keanekaragaman Coccinellidae pada ekosistem tanaman hortikultura di dataran tinggi Kabupaten Solok. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada ekosistem tanaman hortikultura di Kecamatan Gunung Talang, Danau Kembar dan Lembah Gumanti, Kabupaten Solok, kemudian identifikasi dilakukan di laboratorium Bioekologi Serangga Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Universitas Andalas. Penelitian ini berbentuk survei dan penentuan lokasi dilakukan menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan tangan dan jaring ayun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah Coccinellidae yang ditemukan sebanyak 92 individu yang terdiri atas 14 spesies. Indeks keanekaragaman Coccinellidae pada beberapa lokasi penelitian tergolong sedang (1,09; 1,67; 1,69), sedangkan pada tanaman cabai, bawang merah dan tomat tergolong rendah dan sedang (0,64; 1,45; 1,94). Indeks kemerataan Coccinellidae pada beberapa lokasi penelitian (0,61; 0,73; 0,81) dan pada beberapa pertanaman (0,70; 0,78; 0,92) tergolong tinggi. Indeks kesamaan spesies Coccinellidae tertinggi terdapat pada tanaman cabai dan tomat dengan nilai 0,6. Menochilus sexmaculatus adalah spesies yang dominan ditemukan pada lokasi penelitian dengan indeks nilai penting tertinggi di setiap lahannya. Kata kunci: Coccinellidae, Keanekaragaman, Hortikultur

    Molekulardynamische Simulationen von Si-, SiC- und Si3N4-Schichtsystemen

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    Experimental and empirical work in the field of nano-scale, functional multilayer coatings produced by physical (PVD) or chemical (CVD) vapor deposition are currently an object of international research. The research results have already been implemented in industrial products, however, the atomistic understanding of the underlying processes during deposition of these multilayer systems is still incomplete. In particular the correlation between the deposition parameters and the resulting coating structure needs further attention. To overcome the heuristic stage of the coating development and to facilitate targeted and efficient optimization of the coating structure and the resulting mechanical properties, a deeper understanding of the correlation between the substrate temperature, deposition rate and energy onto the growing coating structure is necessary. The same holds for the structure-properties correlation of these systems with a large number of interfaces as well as for the mechanical properties of individual layers. The aim of this work is the combination and mutual validation of modern molecular dynamics simulations (MD) with experimental methods of physical vapor deposition of silicon and silicon-based SiC- and Si3N4-protective coatings. This was done within the framework of the research project "Molecular dynamics modeling and validation of manufacturing and structure-property correlations of SiC/SiN nano laminates" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and in a collaboration between the Institute for Materials Testing, Materials Science and Strength of Materials (IMWF) at the University of Stuttgart and the Institute for Applied Materials - Applied Materials Physics (IAM-AWP) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). While molecular dynamics simulations were performed at the IMWF, experimental investigations took place at the IAM-AWP. Hereby, the results of MD studies served as input parameters for experimental investigations. In this way, time-consuming and expensive experimental investigations could be avoided, since only optimistic simulation predictions had to be verified experimentally. In return, the group at the IAM-AWP delivered experimental results which were used to validate the simulation model. In general, each experimental study was also represented by a MD simulation. Hence, the entire process of the coating deposition and characterization can be divided into three distinct stages: - Simulation and experimental investigation of the sputtering process of Si, SiC and Si3N4. - Simulation und experimental investigation of the deposition process of silicon substrates by Si, SiC and Si3N4. - Simulations and experimental characterisation of the correlation between the structure and properties of the deposited silicon and silicon-based SiC- and Si3N4- protective coatings.Experimentell-empirische Arbeiten im Bereich nanoskaliger, funktioneller Multilagenschichten, die mittels physikalischer (PVD) oder chemischer (CVD) Gasphasenabscheidung hergestellt werden, sind derzeit internationaler Forschungsgegenstand. Die erzielten Forschungsergebnisse sind bereits vielfach in industrielle Produkte umgesetzt worden. Dennoch ist das atomistische Verständnis von Prozessen, die sich bei der Abscheidung solcher Schichtsystemen abspielen, weitgehend lückenhaft. Dies trifft insbesondere auf die Korrelation zwischen den Abscheideparametern und der resultierenden Schichtstruktur zu. Um das heuristische Stadium der Beschichtungsentwicklung zu verlassen und eine gezielte und effiziente Optimierung der Schichtstruktur zu ermöglichen, ist ein tieferes Verständnis der Korrelation zwischen der Substrattemperatur, der Abscheiderate und -energie und der daraus resultierenden Schichtstruktur mit hohem Grenzflächenanteil sowie den sich einstellenden mechanischen Eigenschaften erforderlich. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, moderne Molekulardynamiksimulationen (MD) und experimentelle Methoden der physikalischen Gasphasenabscheidung von Silizium und siliziumbasierten SiC- und Si3N4-Schutzschichten miteinander zu kombinieren und gegenseitig zu validieren. Dies geschah im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projektes "Molekulardynamische Modellierung und Validierung der Herstellung und der Struktur-Eigenschafts-Korrelationen von SiC/SiN-Nanolaminaten", in einer Zusammenarbeit des Instituts für Materialprüfung, Werkstoffkunde und Festigkeitslehre (IMWF) der Universität Stuttgart mit dem Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Angewandte Werkstoffphysik (IAM-AWP) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT). Die Zusammenarbeit der beiden Institute wurde so gestaltet, dass die Arbeitsgruppe am IMWF molekulardynamische Simulationen durchführte, während am IAM-AWP experimentelle Untersuchungen stattfanden. Die Ergebnisse der MD-Studien dienten als Eingabeparameter für die experimentellen Untersuchungen. Auf diese Weise konnten zeit- und kostenaufwendige Untersuchungen vermieden werden, da nur simulationstechnisch optimistische Voraussagen experimentell umgesetzt wurden. Im Gegenzug lieferte die Arbeitsgruppe am IAM-AWP experimentell relevante Ergebnisse, die zur Validierung des Simulationsmodells dienten. Jede experimentelle Untersuchung wurde auch simulationstechnisch umgesetzt. Das gesamte Arbeitspaket lässt sich somit in drei Einzelpakete aufteilen: - Simulation und experimentelle Umsetzung des Zerstäubungsprozesses von Si, SiC und Si3N4. - Simulation und experimentelle Umsetzung des Beschichtungsprozesses von Siliziumsubstraten mit Si, SiC und Si3N4. - Simulationstechnische und experimentelle Charakterisierung der Struktur Eigenschaften-Korrelationen von abgeschiedenen Silizium- und siliziumbasierten SiC- und Si3N4-Schutzschichten. Eine besondere Bedeutung wurde der Analyse von Eigenspannungen und der Messung der Härte mittels Nanoindentation an den Schichtsystemen beigemessen

    Zarządzanie jakością życia w wieku senioralnym: uczestnictwo w Klubach Seniora jako forma zapobiegania depresji

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    The article was written by me and my students from the Faculty of Psychology and Humanities Academy of Krakow. Senior Clubs are a very good example of social capital as a network of social relationships between individuals who trust each other and have a reciprocal. People in the network tend to mutually support each other, help and exchange important information. Thanks to the participation in the Senior Clubs can contribute actively to prevent a serious threat occurring at the senior age, which is depression. According to the WHO, it is the fourth most serious health problem in the world, which are often the source of a signifi cant deterioration in mental functioning, physical and social disability, and suicide attempts. Depression in the elderly is more dependent on environmental factors than younger people. While younger people family burden found in about 80% in the elderly is at about 44%. This means that the depression at the senior age is much more driven by the social rather than biological factors compared with younger age groups. This also means that it is easier to prevent and treat using these social factors. One of the main causes of depression in the elderly is the depletion interaction with the environment, and reduced activity. Therefore, it is important to stimulate the activation of such persons, thereby reducing the risk of depression. Recent psychological research indicates a strong relationship of friendship with happiness and the length and quality of life. Friendship improves happiness through the creation of social support and a sense of belonging. The aim of our research presented in this article was to test the hypothesis that individuals who actively participate in the Senior Club are less depressed than those who do not participate. Our team conducted empirical research presented in this paper, allowed to confi rm this hypothesis. Activity in the Senior Club provides activities, involvement and support of mental health, which may signifi cantly prevent the development of depression. Of course, it is also probably the case that those who are already at risk of suffering from depression or her less likely to participate in the activities of the Senior Citizens Clubs. It is often associated with passivity, apathy and withdrawal from the social environment, and so often associated with symptoms of depression. However, even in such a situation, the primary treatment, usually bringing more interest in the world and people should encourage such people to actively participate in senior clubs. It is then treated as a kind of social therapy. Social and cultural activity in old age is a factor in increasing the quality of life, serving mental and physical health, increasing the level of happiness and reducing the level of suffering

    Чутливість рецепторів клітин ендометрію до естрогенів та прогестерону у корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит

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    Pathological processes that strongly affect the uterine endometrium lead to infertility and abortion. The most common of these pathologies are clinical and subclinical endometritis. Subclinical endometritis is characterized by endometrial inflammation in the absence of clinical signs of endometritis. In this study, we used uterine samples obtained from Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cows aged 4 to 7 years to compare the histology of the uterine endometrium and changes in estrogen-α (ER-α), estrogen-β (ER-β) and progesterone (PgR) nuclear receptor sensitivity in cows with subclinical endometritis. Cows were separated based on cytological examination of the endometrium into a healthy group, or those presenting with subclinical endometritis. From these groups endometrial and epithelial tissue samples were obtained using biopsy forceps and an endoscope then analyzed using immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrate that the sensitivity of ER-α and ER-β is lower while PgR sensitivity is elevated in cows with subclinical endometritis compared to the healthy control group. Additionally, we observed markedly altered histological changes characterized by enlargement of uterine glands, epithelial desquamation, and infiltration of leukocytes. These results suggest that there are significant changes in the endometrium linked to the sensitivity of nuclear steroid hormone receptors that may also play an immunoregulatory role in cows with subclinical endometriosis. While the interaction of steroid hormones and immunoregulation in the uterus remains to be elucidated, it may provide key insights into the uterine immune response.В основі патологічних процесів, що проходять у матці приводять до неплідності та абортів, важливу роль відіграє ендометрій. Найбільш поширеними патологіями, що проходять у матці є клінічний та субклінічний ендометрит. Субклінічний ендометрит характеризується запальним процесом у ендометрії без клінічних ознак. Метою нашої роботи було проаналізувати гістологічні зміни та зміни чутливості ендометрію матки до естроген-α (ER-α), естроген-β (ER-β) та прогестерону (PgR), що відбуваються у матці здорових корів та у корів за субклінічного ендометриту. Дослідження проводилось на двох групах корів української чорно-рябої молочної породи віком від 4 до 7 років. На основі цитологічного дослідження ендометрію, корови були поділені на дві групи. Контрольну групу (К), що включала клінічно здорових корів, та дослідну (Д), що включала корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит. Надалі проводили забір зразків за допомогою біопсійних щипців та ендоскопу. Наші результати дають змогу більш глибоко зрозуміти процеси, що відбуваються у ендометрії корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит. Активність рецепторів ядер ER-α, ER-β та PgR спостерігали у епітелії ендометрію, епітелії маткових залоз та стромі ендометрію. Активність рецепторів ядер ER-α та ER-β була нижчою у корів з субклінічним ендометритом, ніж у корів контрольної групи. Активність рецепторів ядер PgR була вищою у корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит, ніж у корів контрольної групи. На основі отриманих даних встановлено, що ендометрій хворих на субклінінчий ендометрит зазнає значних змін, що характеризується появою лейкоцитів, розширенням маткових залоз та ділянками десквамації епітелію. Зміни відбуваються на основі чутливості ядер ендометрію до рецепторів ER-α, ER-β та PgR. Чутливість ендометрію до гормонів є важливою у локальному захисті матки. В перспективі подальших досліджень слід вивчити експресію стероїдних гормонів та цитокінів у корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит

    Timing detectors with SiPM read-out for the MUSE experiment at PSI

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    The Muon Scattering Experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute uses a mixed beam of electrons, muons, and pions, necessitating precise timing to identify the beam particles and reactions they cause. We describe the design and performance of three timing detectors using plastic scintillator read out with silicon photomultipliers that have been built for the experiment. The Beam Hodoscope, upstream of the scattering target, counts the beam flux and precisely times beam particles both to identify species and provide a starting time for time-of-flight measurements. The Beam Monitor, downstream of the scattering target, counts the unscattered beam flux, helps identify background in scattering events, and precisely times beam particles for time-of-flight measurements. The Beam Focus Monitor, mounted on the target ladder under the liquid hydrogen target inside the target vacuum chamber, is used in dedicated runs to sample the beam spot at three points near the target center, where the beam should be focused