9 research outputs found
La historia de un arpón. Reutilización de un proyectil óseo subneolítico procedente de Šventoji (Lituania)
Among the rich collection of osseous artefacts found in the Subneolithic and Neolithic levels from archaeological sites in Šventoji (Lithuania), a small fragment of a bone harpoon head is particularly interesting. The characteristics of the use-wear traces that were identified on the artefact suggest that the piece was reused as a kind of grinding tool. This observation became a starting point for a discussion concerning the presence of such practices in prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies of Europe and the significance of these kind of objects.Entre la rica colección de artefactos encontrados en los niveles Subneolíticos y neolíticos de varios yacimientos arqueológicos de Šventoji (Lituania), resalta un pequeño fragmento de la cabeza de un arpón, constituyendo un elemento realmente interesante. Las características de de las trazas de uso que fueron identificadas en la pieza sugieren que ésta fue reutilizada como una herramienta empleada en actividades de abrasión. Esta observación supuso un punto de partida para una discusión relativa a la presencia de tales prácticas en las sociedades prehistóricas de cazadores-recolectores de Europa y el significado de este tipo de objetos
Organic residue analysis shows sub-regional patterns in the use of pottery by Northern European hunter–gatherers
The introduction of pottery vessels to Europe has long been seen as closely linked with the spread of agriculture and pastoralism from the Near East. The adoption of pottery technology by hunter–gatherers in Northern and Eastern Europe does not fit this paradigm, and its role within these communities is so far unresolved. To investigate the motivations for hunter–gatherer pottery use, here, we present the systematic analysis of the contents of 528 early vessels from the Baltic Sea region, mostly dating to the late 6th–5th millennium cal BC, using molecular and isotopic characterization techniques. The results demonstrate clear sub-regional trends in the use of ceramics by hunter–gatherers; aquatic resources in the Eastern Baltic, non-ruminant animal fats in the Southeastern Baltic, and a more variable use, including ruminant animal products, in the Western Baltic, potentially including dairy. We found surprisingly little evidence for the use of ceramics for non-culinary activities, such as the production of resins. We attribute the emergence of these subregional cuisines to the diffusion of new culinary ideas afforded by the adoption of pottery, e.g. cooking and combining foods, but culturally contextualized and influenced by traditional practices
Arts Education of Pupils with Special Educational Needs: Objectives and Principles
Nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu prasidėjusią neįgaliųjų integraciją Lietuvoje keičia įtraukiojo (inkliuzinio) ugdymo poreikis. Atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, analizuojantys, kaip keičiasi visuomenės požiūris į negalią turinčius žmones, tiriama meno įtaka neįgaliųjų socializacijai, stiprinama juridinė šių asmenų ugdymo bazė. Meninio ugdymo dalykai (muzika, dailė, šokis, teatras) taip pat padeda ugdyti mokinių kompetencijas, reikalingas mokymuisi ir bendravimui, kūrybingai saviraiškai, komunikacijai ir individo vidinei darnai. Straipsnio tikslas – pasitelkiant mokslinės literatūros analizės metodą išryškinti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių meninio ugdymo tikslus ir principus.Changes in society, democratisation of education enable to shift towards persons with disabilities, in order to integrate them into society without causing discomfort neither the person, nor those around him. Categorization of disabilities and disorders according to medical criteria does not meet the educational objectives of pupils with special educational needs, as both developmental disorders and learning difficulties create the variety of abilities, needs and interests of pupils in the class. Such variety refers to school for all pupils, to involving (inclusive) education. According to the results of surveys, although the pupils with special educational needs are involved in general education, the teacher still remains alone with his philosophy and methods, without being offered an opportunity for cooperation, consultancy support, which is one of conditions for success in the involving (inclusive) education. Lack of systematic research is still observed, which brings out the didactics issues of art education of pupils with special educational needs, therefore, the analysed scientific problem is relevant. The objectives of special art education are focused not only on the pupils having special educational needs, but also to the surrounding people – teachers, classmates, family, society, and even more, to their mutual interactions. Such change of didactic goals reveals the new art education principles. The subjects of the article are the didactic goals and principles, educating the pupils with special needs by art. Applying the method of analysis of the scientific literature, the article reveals the research of the world and Lithuanian scientists in the field of special art pedagogy and theoretically justifies six principles of art education: art education focused on the emotionally positive interaction between the learner and teacher, directed to the learner’s family and society; art education is of moral aspect; content of art education is integral and perceived; educational methods are applied in complex; in the process of art education the verbal and nonverbal reflections predominate; art education is personally and socially meaningful for the pupils with special educational needs