202 research outputs found


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    Effect of Helichrysum italicum on the Corrosion of Copper in Simulated Acid Rain Solution

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    The inhibition of copper corrosion by Helichrysum italicum extract (HI) in simulated acid rain was investigated using electrochemical techniques. Results indicate an increase in corrosion inhibition efficiency with the HI extract concentration. The inhibitive process was assumed to occur via adsorption of the extract on the metal surface. The thermodynamic data indicated physical adsorption and followed the Freundlich isotherm. The effect of temperature on the copper corrosion was studied. The value of the activation energy confirmed physisorption of extract molecules on the copper surface. The concentration of Cu ions released into solution, measured by atomic absorption spectrometry, was in accordance with the electrochemical results. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


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    Petnaest godina nakon zavrÅ”etka rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao multietničkoj zemlji s tri konstitutivna naroda, posljedice su rata vrlo uočljive. Situacija u Mostaru, kao tipičnom primjeru grada s različitim etničkim skupinama suprotstavljenima u ratu, jasno oslikava dugotrajnost posljedica ratnih sukoba. Istraživanje je, metodom ankete, obuhvatilo 514 studenata u Mostaru. PokuÅ”ava se utvrditi u kojoj su mjeri etničke podjele u Mostaru prisutne u svijesti mladih ljudi, kakvi su njihovi stavovi o suživotu te kako na te stavove utječe izloženost nekom od izravnih ratnih stradanja. Socijalna distanca mladih postaje razumljivija ako uzmemo u obzir izloženost izravnim stradanjima ispitanika i njihovih bližnjih. Petina nema prijatelja druge nacionalnosti, četvrtina rijetko zalazi u klubove na suprotnoj obali Neretve, viÅ”e od trećine uopće rijetko zalazi na drugu obalu i ni u kojem slučaju nije spremno stupiti u vezu s djevojkom/mladićem druge etničke pripadnosti, a 40% je onih kojima smeta da član njihove obitelji stupi u brak s pripadnikom druge nacionalnosti. Pa ipak, dvije trećine studenata suglasno je s tvrdnjom da su podjele duboko u svijesti ljudi, ali da će se to stanje poboljÅ”ati.Fifteen years after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a multiethnic country with three constituent nations, the consequences of war can be easily seen. The situation in Mostar, which represents a typical town with different ethnic groups opposed in the war, clearly illustrates the long-term consequences of war. The participants of the research were 514 students at different universities in Mostar. The questionnaire was used to determine to what extent the students are aware of ethnic division in Mostar, what they think about the coexistence and in what way their attitudes are influenced by the direct exposure to some of the sufferings in war. Social distance among young people could be more easily perceived if we take into account the direct exposure of the participants and their family members to suffering. One-fifth of them don\u27t have any friends of other nationality, one-fourth rarely visit clubs on the other bank of the River Neretva. Furthermore, more than a third almost never go to the other river bank and they would never be in a relationship with a girl or a boy of other ethnic group. Forty percent of them wouldn\u27t approve of their family members getting married to a member of different nationality. And yet, two thirds of the students agree that the issue of ethnic division is rooted deep in the people\u27s consciousness, but they believe the situation will somehow improve in the future


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    Infodemia in the Time of Covid 19: Criminal Law and Security Aspect

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    Pandemija SARS-CoV-2 u Europi i svijetu dovela je do brojnih pravnih, ekonomskih, medicinskih, sigurnosnih i ostalih izazova. S obzirom na brzinu kojom se Å”ire (dez)informacije o SARS-CoV-2 doÅ”lo je do pojave novog termina - infodemija. Infodemija predstavlja poplavu informacija o virusu, pri čemu je jako teÅ”ko razlikovati istinu od laži. Osim toga Å”irenje dezinformacija može imati viÅ”estruke negativne posljedice, vezano uz zdravlje stanovniÅ”tva - ponajviÅ”e psihičko zdravlje, ali i na svijest građana o aktualnoj globalnoj situaciji. Ujedno, infodemija može biti povezana i s govorom mržnje Å”to konačno vodi do rizičnog ponaÅ”anja. Naime, takvi lažni natpisi posljedično uvode građane u kažnjivu zonu nepoÅ”tivanjem epidemioloÅ”kih mjera nadležnih tijela pri čemu vrlo lako može doći do svjesnog protupravnog djelovanja u vidu kaznenog djela Å”irenja zarazne bolesti. U tu svrhu Europska unija nastoji snažno odgovoriti na takve neželjene i opasne pojave konkretnim mjerama koje se mogu brzo implementirati kroz postojeće pravne resurse. Autori se u ovom radu bave analizom problema Å”irenja lažnih vijesti s kaznenopravnog i sigurnosnog aspekta uz poredbena rjeÅ”enja. Naime, hrvatsko kazneno zakonodavstvo ne inkriminira Å”irenje lažnih vijesti kao kazneno djelo, već je Å”irenje lažnih vijesti u naÅ”em pravnom sustavu propisano kao prekrÅ”aj u Zakonu o prekrÅ”ajima protiv javnog reda i mira koji je nastao joÅ” u doba bivÅ”e države. Slijedom navedenog, autori nastoje pružiti odgovore na niz pravnih i sigurnosnih pitanja. Ponajprije, koje pravne posljedice nastaju Å”irenjem lažnih vijesti o SARS-CoV-2, mogućnosti pooÅ”travanja sankcija za Å”irenje glasina, gdje nastaje ograničenje prava slobode izvjeÅ”tavanja, te kako lažne informacije utječu na nacionalnu sigurnost?The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe and the world has led to a number of legal, economic, medical, security and other challenges. Given the speed with which (dis) information about SARS-CoV-2 is spreading, a new term has emerged ā€“ infodemia. Infodemia is a flood of information about the virus, and it is very difficult to distinguish the truth from falsehoods. In addition, the spread of misinformation can have multiple negative consequences, both for the health of the population, mental health in particular, and the awareness of citizens about the current global situation. At the same time, infodemia can be associated with hate speech, which ultimately leads to risky behavior. Namely, such false inscriptions consequently may lead citizens into the criminal zone by disrespecting the epidemiological measures prescribed by competent authorities, which can very easily lead to global illegal action in the form of criminal offense of spreading infectious diseases. To this end, the EU seeks to respond to such undesirable and dangerous phenomena, with concrete measures that can be implemented quickly through existing legal resources. In this paper, the authors are analyzing the problem of false news spreading from criminal law and security aspects, along with comparative solutions. Namely, Croatian criminal legislation does not criminalize the dissemination of false news as a criminal offense. In our legal system the dissemination of false news is prescribed as a misdemeanor in the Misdemeanors against Public Peace and Order Act, which originated in the former state. Following the above, the authors seek to provide answers to a number of legal and security issues. First of all, what are the legal consequences of spreading false news about SARS-CoV-2, how can rumour spreading sanctions be aggravated, where are freedom of the press restrictions, and how do false information affect national security

    Criminal law aspects of piracy at sea according to the UNCLOS with reference to the Croatian legal system1

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    Piracy is traditionally one of the oldest forms of violation of international law and a global threat to maritime traffic. It is a serious international offense against which criminal protection is ensured in the domestic legal system, relying on the postulates of international maritime law, and in particular the Convention on the Law of the Sea. In this paper, the authors deal with the legal analysis of the incrimination of piracy at the international and national levels. In relation to the Republic of Croatia, the authors present recent regulations regarding this international criminal offense in the domestic legal system. This paper aims to point out the fundamental problems caused by the existing regulations regarding this international crime, especially when it comes to jurisdiction over piracy, universal jurisdiction, taking over criminal prosecution, etc

    Changes in cover and chemical properties of land in different ways of land use in the national park Mljet

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    Otok Mljet proglaÅ”en je 'zelenim otokom' zbog nacionalnog parka Mljet koji je smjeÅ”ten na zapadnom dijelu otoka. Zbog razvoja turizma, ali i depopulacije otoka zabilježen je trend smanjenja poljoprivrednih povrÅ”ina unutar granica Parka. Primarni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi stanje i promjene zemljiÅ”nog pokrova unutar granica NP Mljet u razdoblju od 1980. - 2012. godine te utvrditi kemijske značajke tla s obzirom na prijaÅ”nje različito koriÅ”tenje zemljiÅ”ta na lokaciji BoboviÅ”te u zoni usmjerene zaÅ”tite NP Mljet kao i preporučiti gnojidbu maslina vodeći se principima ekoloÅ”ke poljoprivrede. Analiza promjene koriÅ”tenja zemljiÅ”ta unutar nacionalnog parka Mljet prema CLC klasifikaciji u razdoblju 1980. ā€“ 2012. godine provedena je u ArcGIS 9 (ArcMap 9.3) programskom paketu. Zbrojene su sve vrijednosti namjene zemljiÅ”ta koje su unutar atributne tablice baznog sloja pripadale istoj kategoriji te je na takav način utvrđeno koriÅ”tenje zemljiÅ”ta prema definiranim CLC kategorijama u pojedinoj godini. Uzorkovanje tla na lokaciji BoboviÅ”te provedeno je u kolovozu 2016. godine, a liŔća masline u kolovozu 2017. Rezultati otkrivaju povećanje povrÅ”ina prekrivenih Å”umom, kao i smanjenje udjela poljoprivredno obradivih povrÅ”ina i kultiviranih parcela Å”to je posljedica izraženog procesa sukcesije Å”ume. Prema rezultatima kemijskih parametara tla, povrÅ”ina maslinika je neutralne reakcije, a tlo je umjereno opskrbljeno fizioloÅ”ki aktivnim fosforom, vrlo bogato opskrbljeno fizioloÅ”ki aktivnim kalijem, vrlo jako humozno te vrlo bogato duÅ”ikom. Također, rezultati statističke analize ukazuju da nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u kemijskim značajkama tla s obzirom na različito koriÅ”tenje zemljiÅ”ta, ali je zabilježena relativno veća akumulacija humusa i ukupnog duÅ”ika u Å”umskom tlu u odnosu na tlo maslinika. Rezultati analize liŔća otkrivaju da je prisutan suviÅ”ak fosfora (0,388 %), te nedostatka duÅ”ika (1,45 %). Temeljem dobivenih rezultata, osnovnu gnojidbu maslinika potrebno je provoditi sa 40 do 60 kg/ha P2O5 i 80 do 100 kg/ha K2O. Prihranu duÅ”ičnim gnojiva potrebno je provesti koncem ožujka, a prema potrebi i tijekom svibnja s količinom 80 ā€“ 120 kg/ha.Island of Mljet was declared ''green island'' regarding to national park Mljet, which is based on the west part of island. Due to tourism development, but also depopulation of the island, there has been a trend of reducing agricultural areas within the boundaries of the Park. The primary aim of this masters thesis was to determine the condition and changes of the land cover within the boundaries of NP Mljet in the period from 1980 to 2012. Moreover, it was important to determine the chemical properties of the soil given the previously different use of land at BoboviÅ”te site in the protected area of NP Mljet, as well as recommend the fertilization of olives leading to the principles of ecological agriculture. The analysis of changes in the use of land within the national park Mljet, according to the CLC classification in the period from 1980 to 2012, was carried out in the ArcGIS 9 (ArcMap 9.3) program package. All the values of the land use that are counted within the attribute table of the base layer, belonged to the same category. The use of land according to defined CLC categories in a given year was determined in this way. Soil sampling on BoboviÅ”te location was carried out in August 2016, and leaves of olive in August 2017. The results reveal an increase in the area covered by forests as well as the reduction of the share of agricultural land and cultivated plots resulting from the process od succession of forests. According to the chemical parameters of the soil, the surface of the olive tree is a neutral reaction. The soil is moderately supplied with physiologically active phosphorus, very richly supplied with physiologically active potassium, very humorous and very rich in nitrogen. Also, the results of the statistical analysis indicate that no significant differences in the chemical characteristics of the soil have been established due to the different use of land. However, there is a relatively higher accumulation of humus and total nitrogen in the forest soil compared to the soil of the olive groves. The results of leaf analysis reveal that phosphorus excess (0,388 %) and nitrogen deficiency (1,45 %) are present

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    "Fish pain perception"

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    Iako se dugo godina smatralo da ribe nemaju mogućnost osjeta bola, tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina sve se čeŔće spominje to pitanje. Novijim istraÅ£ivanjima dokazano je da brojne vrste poput riba, mekuÅ”aca i rakova posjeduju sustave za percepciju bola. Svaki organizam na drugačiji način doÅ£ivljava bol, Å”to znači da je ona subjektivna, a moÅ£e se opisati kao svako neugodno osjetilno ili emocionalno iskustvo koje potencijalno moÅ£e naÅ”tetiti organizmu. Zbog malog broja C vlakana kod riba, odgovornih za percepciju bola, smatralo se da ribe ne mogu osjetiti bol. IstraÅ£ivanja fizioloÅ”kih reakcija i promjena u ponaÅ”anju organizama dokazala su suprotno. Izbjegavanje Å”tetnih stimulansa, uspjeÅ”no ublaÅ£avanje promjena analgeticima i posjedovanje struktura za osjet bola tri su glava kriterija za dokazivanje percepcije bola kod riba. Bilo je potrebno viÅ”e od desetljeća da se dokaÅ£e prisutnost nociceptora kod duÅ£ičaste pastrve Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). Induciranjem Å”tetnih dogaĎaja dokazane su brojne fizioloÅ”ke promjene kod riba. UblaÅ£avanje takvih promjena postiÅ£e se analgeticima, iako mnogi ne ostavljaju Å£eljeni učinak. KoriÅ”tenje analgetika i primjena humanih postupaka nuÅ£ni su tijekom manipulacije sa Å£ivim organizmima jer noviji dokazi sugeriraju na veliku mogućnost percepcije bola. PoÅ£eljno je slične prakse uvesti u ribarstvo i akvakulturu, uz prethodno provedena detaljna istraÅ£ivanja.For a long time, it was considered that fishes cannot feel pain, but in recent years that topic is often discussed. It's proven that some species of fish, molluscs and crustaceans have systems for pain perception. Organisms react on different ways, which means that pain is subjective and can be described as unpleasant sensory or emotional experience that can harm organism. It was tought that fishes cannot feel pain since they have small amount of C fibers that are responsible for pain perception. Researches connducted on physiology and behavioural changes prove otherwise. Avoiding noxious stimulans, reducing pain with analgetics and possesion of structures for pain perception are three main criteria for describing pain perception in fishes. More than a decade was needed to prove presence of nociceptors in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). By inducing noxious stimuli, many physiological changes were spotted. Reducing those changes is achieved using analgetics, although many of them don't have desired effects. Using analgetics and humane procedures are necessary during manipulation with live animals because new evidence suggest large possibility of pain perception. Preferably, similar practice should be used in fisheries and aquaculture, after conducting necessary research
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