151 research outputs found

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with β-Thalassemia Underwent Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Abstract: Background: β-Thalassemia major (β-TM) represents one of the most important hemoglobinopathies worldwide. Remarkable improvements have been achieved in supportive therapy based on blood transfusions and iron chelation, and nowadays, this approach is capable of assuring a long life in these patients in industrialized countries. The only curative treatment is represented by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). However, this treatment may be burdened by deterioration in the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). This paper aimed to evaluate the role of HRQoL in transplanted β-TM patients with a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: PubMed database, Web of Science, and Scopus were systematically searched for studies published between January 1st, 2000 to September 2020. The following terms were entered in the database queries: β-thalassemia, HRQoL, and HSCT. The study was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. Results: We identified a total of 33 potential studies. Among these, 10 were finally considered in the systematic review and 5 in the meta-analysis. Overall, good scores in the principal domains of HRQoL were reported by transplanted patients. These data were confirmed by results of meta-analysis that showed significant difference between transplanted and β-TM patients treated with conventional therapy in the physical and emotional dimension, with a medium effect size [d=0.65, 95% CI (0.29-1.02), z = 3.52, p =0.0004, I2 =75%; and d=0.59, 95% CI (0.43-0.76), z = 6.99, p <0.00001,I 2 =0%, respectively]. Conclusion: HRQoL is generally good in β-TM transplanted patients and may significantly contribute in deciding whether or not to transplant a β-TM patient treated with conventional therapy

    A New Approach to Land-Use Structure. Patch Perimeter Metrics as a Spatial Analysis Tool

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    This work introduces a new class of landscape metrics characterizing basic features of patch perimeters. Specific computation on patch perimeters was carried out on fine-grained land-use maps with the aim to characterize spatial patterns of neighbor patches, evidencing contact points and perimeter length between two (or more) land-use types. A detailed set of class and landscape metrics were derived from such analysis. This approach is complementary to classical landscape metrics and proved to be particularly useful to characterize complex, fragmented landscapes profiling metropolitan regions based on integrated evaluations of their structural (landscape) and functional (land-use) organization. A multivariate analysis was run to characterize distinctive spatial patterns of the selected metrics in four metropolitan regions of southern Europe reflecting different morphological configurations (Barcelona: compact, polycentric; Lisbon: dispersed, mono-centric; Rome: dispersed, polycentric; and Athens: compact, mono-centric). Perimeter metrics assumed different values for each investigated land-use type, with peculiar characteristics associated to each city. Land-use types assessing residential, discontinuous urban patches were associated to particularly high values of perimeter metrics, possibly indicating patch fragmentation, spatially-associated distribution of land-use types and landscape complexity. Multivariate analysis indicates substantial differences among cities, reflecting the range of morphological configurations described above (from compact mono-centric to dispersed polycentric) and suggesting that urban expansion is accompanied with multiple modifications in the use of the surrounding non-urban land. The computational approach proposed in this study and based on spatially-explicit metrics of landscape configuration and proximity may reflect latent changes in local socio-spatial structures. Our results demonstrate that scattered urban expansion determines a polarization in suburban areas with highly fragmented and more homogeneous landscapes, respectively, associated with mixed cropland and forest systems

    A new approach to land-use structure : Patch perimeter metrics as a spatial analysis tool

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    This work introduces a new class of landscape metrics characterizing basic features of patch perimeters. Specific computation on patch perimeters was carried out on fine-grained land-use maps with the aim to characterize spatial patterns of neighbor patches, evidencing contact points and perimeter length between two (or more) land-use types. A detailed set of class and landscape metrics were derived from such analysis. This approach is complementary to classical landscape metrics and proved to be particularly useful to characterize complex, fragmented landscapes profiling metropolitan regions based on integrated evaluations of their structural (landscape) and functional (land-use) organization. A multivariate analysis was run to characterize distinctive spatial patterns of the selected metrics in four metropolitan regions of southern Europe reflecting different morphological configurations (Barcelona: compact, polycentric; Lisbon: dispersed, mono-centric; Rome: dispersed, polycentric; and Athens: compact, mono-centric). Perimeter metrics assumed different values for each investigated land-use type, with peculiar characteristics associated to each city. Land-use types assessing residential, discontinuous urban patches were associated to particularly high values of perimeter metrics, possibly indicating patch fragmentation, spatially-associated distribution of land-use types and landscape complexity. Multivariate analysis indicates substantial differences among cities, reflecting the range of morphological configurations described above (from compact mono-centric to dispersed polycentric) and suggesting that urban expansion is accompanied with multiple modifications in the use of the surrounding non-urban land. The computational approach proposed in this study and based on spatially-explicit metrics of landscape configuration and proximity may reflect latent changes in local socio-spatial structures. Our results demonstrate that scattered urban expansion determines a polarization in suburban areas with highly fragmented and more homogeneous landscapes, respectively, associated with mixed cropland and forest systems

    Occupational Exposure to Fine Particles and Ultrafine Particles in a Steelmaking Foundry

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    Several studies have shown an increased mortality rate for different types of tumors, respiratory disease and cardiovascular morbidity associated with foundry work. Airborne particles were investigated in a steelmaking foundry using an electric low-pressure impactor (ELPI+™), a Philips Aerasense Nanotracer and traditional sampling equipment. Determination of metallic elements in the collected particles was carried out by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The median of ultrafine particle (UFP) concentration was between 4.91 × 103 and 2.33 × 105 part/cm3 (max. 9.48 × 106 part/cm3). Background levels ranged from 1.97 × 104 to 3.83 × 104 part/cm3. Alveolar and deposited tracheobronchial surface area doses ranged from 1.3 × 102 to 8.7 × 103 mm2, and 2.6 × 101 to 1.3 × 103 mm2, respectively. Resulting inhalable and respirable fraction and metallic elements were below limit values set by Italian legislation. A variable concentration of metallic elements was detected in the different fractions of UFPs in relation to the sampling site, the emission source and the size range. This data could be useful in order to increase the knowledge about occupational exposure to fine and ultrafine particles and to design studies aimed to investigate early biological effects associated with the exposure to particulate matter in the foundry industries

    MediterraneitĂ  di un territorio urbano in trasformazione: il caso di Roma

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    L'articolo prende in considerazione i cambi di uso del suolo e la crescita di tessuti urbani nell'entroterra romano tra il 2000-2006

    Urbanizzazione e qualitĂ  dei suoli: il caso di Roma

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    I fenomeni di trasformazione urbana determinano cambiamenti socioeconomici ed ambientali che hanno impatti imprevedibili, soprattutto in un’area ecologicamente fragile come quella del bacino del Mediterraneo, dove le interazioni tra la sfera bio-fisica e quella socio-economica hanno contribuito a rendere il suolo vulnerabile. Negli ultimi decenni le città europee del Mediterraneo sono passate da un modello di crescita compatta ad un modello spaziale più discontinuo e disperso, basato spesso sull’espansione irregolare di insediamenti a bassa densità. Il consumo di suolo dovuto allo sprawl e la frammentazione delle aree agricole fertili sono interrelati con la capacità produttiva degli agro-ecosistemi e col valore estetico dei paesaggi rurali. Indagare le dinamiche insediative, relativamente recenti, che hanno caratterizzato l’Europa meridionale costituisce dunque un interessante tema di dibattito scientifico. Inserendosi nel solco degli studi sui processi di inurbamento e sugli esiti territoriali che da essi derivano, si intende riflettere sui processi che hanno concorso al disegno delle morfologie attualmente osservabili nell’area romana. La metodologia impiegata ha un taglio transdisciplinare, coinvolgendo allo stesso tempo prospettive morfologico-geografiche, socio-economiche e storiche. Oltre ad una caratterizzazione qualitativa e quantitativa dell’espansione urbana avvenuta nel corso degli ultimi sessant’anni, viene proposto un approfondimento sui caratteri socio-economici delle popolazioni che vivono il territorio metropolitano di Roma attraverso l’impiego di dati demografici. I risultati del presente studio e la metodologia sviluppata potrebbero essere sfruttati nei programmi di monitoraggio e nelle politiche per una gestione sostenibile del suolo. In particolare, la comprensione di come differenti forme di espansione urbana impattano la qualità del suolo può costituire una base informativa rilevante per la valutazione del consumo delle risorse naturali causate dall’urbanizzazione. Una considerazione finale sarà dunque fatta sugli aspetti di policy e pianificazione che potrebbero consentire interventi più mirati di protezione e conservazione della qualità del suolo alla scala metropolitana

    Compattezza delle forme urbane

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    Compattezza delle forme urban
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