216 research outputs found

    Frequency Scales for Current Statistics of Mesoscopic Conductors

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    We calculate the third cumulant of current in a chaotic cavity with contacts of arbitrary transparency as a function of frequency. Its frequency dependence drastically differs from that of the conventional noise. In addition to a dispersion at the inverse RC time characteristic of charge relaxation, it has a low-frequency dispersion at the inverse dwell time of electrons in the cavity. This effect is suppressed if both contacts have either large or small transparencies.Comment: 4 page

    Frequency dependent third cumulant of current in diffusive conductors

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    We calculate the frequency dispersion of the third cumulant of current in diffusive-metal contacts. The cumulant exhibits a dispersion at the inverse time of diffusion across the contact, which is typically much smaller than the inverse RCRC time. This dispersion is much more pronounced in the case of strong electron-electron scattering than in the case of purely elastic scattering because of a different symmetry of the relevant second-order correlation functions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Statistics of Heat Transfer in Mesoscopic Circuits

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    A method to calculate the statistics of energy exchange between quantum systems is presented. The generating function of this statistics is expressed through a Keldysh path integral. The method is first applied to the problem of heat dissipation from a biased mesoscopic conductor into the adjacent reservoirs. We then consider energy dissipation in an electrical circuit around a mesoscopic conductor. We derive the conditions under which measurements of the fluctuations of heat dissipation can be used to investigate higher order cumulants of the charge counting statistics of a mesoscopic conductor.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalous density of states in a metallic film in proximity with a superconductor

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    We investigated the local electronic density of states in superconductor-normal metal (Nb-Au) bilayers using a very low temperature (60 mK) STM. High resolution tunneling spectra measured on the normal metal (Au) surface show a clear proximity effect with an energy gap of reduced amplitude compared to the bulk superconductor (Nb) gap. Within this mini-gap, the density of states does not reach zero and shows clear sub-gap features. We show that the experimental spectra cannot be described with the well-established Usadel equations from the quasi-classical theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Electronic Origin of the Inhomogeneous Pairing Interaction in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d

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    Identifying the mechanism of superconductivity in the high-temperature cuprate superconductors is one of the major outstanding problems in physics. We report local measurements of the onset of superconducting pairing in the high-transition temperature (Tc) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d using a lattice-tracking spectroscopy technique with a scanning tunneling microscope. We can determine the temperature dependence of the pairing energy gaps, the electronic excitations in the absence of pairing, and the effect of the local coupling of electrons to bosonic excitations. Our measurements reveal that the strength of pairing is determined by the unusual electronic excitations of the normal state, suggesting that strong electron-electron interactions rather than low-energy (<0.1 volts) electron-boson interactions are responsible for superconductivity in the cuprates

    ThermoElectric Transport Properties of a Chain of Quantum Dots with Self-Consistent Reservoirs

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    We introduce a model for charge and heat transport based on the Landauer-Buttiker scattering approach. The system consists of a chain of NN quantum dots, each of them being coupled to a particle reservoir. Additionally, the left and right ends of the chain are coupled to two particle reservoirs. All these reservoirs are independent and can be described by any of the standard physical distributions: Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein. In the linear response regime, and under some assumptions, we first describe the general transport properties of the system. Then we impose the self-consistency condition, i.e. we fix the boundary values (T_L,\mu_L) and (T_R,mu_R), and adjust the parameters (T_i,mu_i), for i = 1,...,N, so that the net average electric and heat currents into all the intermediate reservoirs vanish. This condition leads to expressions for the temperature and chemical potential profiles along the system, which turn out to be independent of the distribution describing the reservoirs. We also determine the average electric and heat currents flowing through the system and present some numerical results, using random matrix theory, showing that these currents are typically governed by Ohm and Fourier laws.Comment: Minor changes (45 pages

    Dephasing and Measurement Efficiency via a Quantum Dot Detector

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    We study charge detection and controlled dephasing of a mesoscopic system via a quantum dot detector (QDD), where the mesoscopic system and the QDD are capacitively coupled. The QDD is considered to have coherent resonant tunnelling via a single level. It is found that the dephasing rate is proportional to the square of the conductance of the QDD for the Breit-Wigner model, showing that the dephasing is completely different from the shot noise of the detector. The measurement rate, on the other hand, shows a dip near the resonance. Our findings are peculiar especially for a symmetric detector in the following aspect: The dephasing rate is maximum at resonance of the QDD where the detector conductance is insensitive to the charge state of the mesoscopic system. As a result, the efficiency of the detector shows a dip and vanishes at resonance, in contrast to the single-channel symmetric non-resonant detector that has always a maximum efficiency. We find that this difference originates from a very general property of the scattering matrix: The abrupt phase change exists in the scattering amplitudes in the presence of the symmetry, which is insensitive to the detector current but {\em stores} the information of the quantum state of the mesoscopic system.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Aspects of metallic low-temperature transport in Mott-insulator/ band-insulator superlattices: optical conductivity and thermoelectricity

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    We investigate the low-temperature electrical and thermal transport properties in atomically precise metallic heterostructures involving strongly-correlated electron systems. The model of the Mott-insulator/ band-insulator superlattice was discussed in the framework of the slave-boson mean-field approximation and transport quantities were derived by use of the Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation-time approximation. The results for the optical conductivity are in good agreement with recently published experimental data on (LaTiO3)N_3)_N/(SrTiO3)M_3)_M superlattices and allow us to estimate the values of key parameters of the model. Furthermore, predictions for the thermoelectric response were made and the dependence of the Seebeck coefficient on model parameters was studied in detail. The width of the Mott-insulating material was identified as the most relevant parameter, in particular, this parameter provides a way to optimize the thermoelectric power factor at low temperatures
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