1,403 research outputs found

    High-Level Methods for Hardware IP Protections: Solutions, Trends, and Challenges

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    Due to the globalization of the semiconductor supply chain, the security threats for the production of an integrated circuit (IC) and its intellectual property (IP) are becoming more and more critical for many fab-less design houses. Conversely, the protections for these threats are expensive, especially when introduced in the last stages of the design flow. In this paper, we discuss the approaches, the trends, and the associated challenges that can be applied in the early stages of the design, i.e., before logic synthesis. On one hand, these approaches can operate on more semantic information and offer more protection. On the other hand, they have more effects on the overall design and need to somehow 'predict' the effects on the final implementation

    Towards High-Level Synthesis of Quantum Circuits

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    In recent years, there has been a proliferation of quantum algorithms, primarily due to their exponential speedup over their classical counterparts. Quantum algorithms find applications in various domains, including machine learning, molecular simulation, and cryptography. However, extensive knowledge of linear algebra and quantum mechanics are required to program a quantum computer, which might not be feasible for traditional software programmers. Moreover, current quantum programming paradigm is difficult to scale and integrate quantum circuits to achieve complex functionality. To this end, in this paper, we introduce QHLS, a quantum high-level synthesis (HLS) framework. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first HLS framework for quantum circuits. The proposed QHLS allows quantum programmers to start with high-level behavioral descriptions (e.g., C, C++) and automatically generate the corresponding quantum circuit; thus, reducing the complexity of programming a quantum computer. Our experimental results demonstrate the success of QHLS in translating high-level behavioral software programs containing arithmetic, logical, and conditional statements

    Performance Modeling of Parallel Applications on MPSoCs

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    In this paper we present a new technique for automatically measuring the performance of tasks, functions or arbitrary parts of a program on a multiprocessor embedded system. The technique instruments the tasks described by OpenMP, used to represent the task parallelism, while ad hoc pragmas in the source indicate other pieces of code to profile. The annotations and the instrumentation are completely target-independent, so the same code can be measured on different target architectures, on simulators or on prototypes. We validate the approach on a single and on a dual LEON 3 platform synthesized on FPGA, demonstrating a low instrumentation overhead. We show how the information obtained with this technique can be easily exploited in a hardware/software design space exploration tool, by estimating, with good accuracy, the speed-up of a parallel application given the profiling on the single processor prototype

    Performance Estimation for Task Graphs Combining Sequential Path Profiling and Control Dependence Regions

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    The speed-up estimation of parallelized code is crucial to efficiently compare different parallelization techniques or task graph transformations. Unfortunately, most of the time, during the parallelization of a specification, the information that can be extracted by profiling the corresponding sequential code (e.g. the most executed paths) are not properly taken into account. In particular, correlating sequential path profiling with the corresponding parallelized code can help in the identification of code hot spots, opening new possibilities for automatic parallelization. For this reason, starting from a well-known profiling technique, the Efficient Path Profiling, we propose a methodology that estimates the speed-up of a parallelized specification, just using the corresponding hierarchical task graph representation and the information coming from the dynamic profiling of the initial sequential specification. Experimental results show that the proposed solution outperforms existing approaches

    Reconfigurable logic for hardware IP protection: Opportunities and challenges

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    Protecting the intellectual property (IP) of integrated circuit (IC) design is becoming a significant concern of fab-less semiconductor design houses. Malicious actors can access the chip design at any stage, reverse engineer the functionality, and create illegal copies. On the one hand, defenders are crafting more and more solutions to hide the critical portions of the circuit. On the other hand, attackers are designing more and more powerful tools to extract useful information from the design and reverse engineer the functionality, especially when they can get access to working chips. In this context, the use of custom reconfigurable fabrics has recently been investigated for hardware IP protection. This paper will discuss recent trends in hardware obfuscation with embedded FPGAs, focusing also on the open challenges that must be necessarily addressed for making this solution viable

    Ant Colony Heuristic for Mapping and Scheduling Tasks and Communications on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

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    To exploit the power of modern heterogeneous multiprocessor embedded platforms on partitioned applications, the designer usually needs to efficiently map and schedule all the tasks and the communications of the application, respecting the constraints imposed by the target architecture. Since the problem is heavily constrained, common methods used to explore such design space usually fail, obtaining low-quality solutions. In this paper, we propose an ant colony optimization (ACO) heuristic that, given a model of the target architecture and the application, efficiently executes both scheduling and mapping to optimize the application performance. We compare our approach with several other heuristics, including simulated annealing, tabu search, and genetic algorithms, on the performance to reach the optimum value and on the potential to explore the design space. We show that our approach obtains better results than other heuristics by at least 16% on average, despite an overhead in execution time. Finally, we validate the approach by scheduling and mapping a JPEG encoder on a realistic target architecture

    Invited: High-level design methods for hardware security: Is it the right choice?

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    Due to the globalization of the electronics supply chain, hardware engineers are increasingly interested in modifying their chip designs to protect their intellectual property (IP) or the privacy of the final users. However, the integration of state-of-the-art solutions for hardware and hardware-assisted security is not fully automated, requiring the amendment of stable tools and industrial toolchains. This significantly limits the application in industrial designs, potentially affecting the security of the resulting chips. We discuss how existing solutions can be adapted to implement security features at higher levels of abstractions (during high-level synthesis or directly at the register-transfer level) and complement current industrial design and verification flows. Our modular framework allows designers to compose these solutions and create additional protection layers
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