169 research outputs found

    The role of learning in innovation: in-house versus externally contracted R&D experience

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    En este trabajo se analiza el papel del aprendizaje en el éxito innovador de las empresas, tomando en consideración la naturaleza heterogénea de las actividades innovadoras, y en particular, distinguiendo entre el aprendizaje que proviene de la realización interna de actividades de I+D y el aprendizaje que proviene de la contratación externa de estas actividades. Para este trabajo se utiliza una muestra representativa de empresas manufactureras en España durante el período 1990-2006, y dentro del marco de una función de producción de innovaciones, se estiman modelos ¿count¿ con el fin de investigar la influencia que tiene en la obtención de resultados innovadores la experiencia que proviene de la I+D realizada dentro de la empresa y de la contratada externamente. Nuestros resultados muestran que el aprendizaje tiene un papel importante en la obtención de innovaciones de producto cuando las empresas organizan sus actividades de I+D internamente, y que la experiencia que proviene de la contratación externa de actividades de I+D no influye sobre el número de innovaciones de producto. This paper analyses the role of learning in firms¿ innovation success, taking into account the heterogeneous nature of innovation activities, and in particular, distinguishing between learning arising from the internal organization of R&D activities and learning from externally contracting these activities. We use a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms for the period 1990-2006, and within an innovation production function approach, we estimate count data models to investigate the influence of firms¿ in-house and externally contracted R&D experience in the achievement of innovative results. Our results show that learning is important in the achievement of product innovations when the firms organize R&D activities internally, and that experience from externally contracted R&D activities does not influence the number of product innovations.innovation, accumulation of knowledge, in-house R&D experience, externally contracted R&D experience, count data models. innovación, acumulación de conocimiento, experiencia en I+D interna, experiencia en I+D contratada externamente, modelos para datos ¿count¿.

    El vídeo tutorial como género discursivo en la proyección y desarrollo de la competencia oral en Secundaria

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    Ensenyar i avaluar la competència oral pot resultar més senzill en els nous escenaris d’aprenentatge mitjançant eines TIC. Aquí es mostra una experiència d’aula l’objectiu de la qual és verificar que, amb els nous gèneres discursius sorgits en la societat digital de l’aprenentatge, com el vídeo tutorial, es contribueix a donar sentit i contextualitzar el desenvolupament de la competència oral i que el docent és el que ha de presentar escenaris d’aprenentatge i planificar-los. El professor ha de descobrir i assumir quines competències i rol ha de desenvolupar i, amb aquesta finalitat, enfocar la seva formació. Els nous escenaris digitalitzats a l’aula no han d’estar exempts de metodologia per a poder concretar els objectius d’aprenentatge en la competència oral.Teaching and assessing oral competence can be easier in new learning scenarios using ICT tools. Here you can learn about a classroom experience whose objective is to verify that the new discursive genres emerged in the digital learning society, such as the video tutorial, help to make sense and to contextualize the development of oral competence. Also, it is stated that it is the teacher who must offer learning stages and plan them. Teachers need to find out which skills they should develop and which role they should take on so they can gear their training. The new digitalized scenarios in the classroom should not be exempt from methodology in order to achieve the learning targets in oral competence.Enseñar y evaluar la competencia oral puede resultar más sencillo en los nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje mediante herramientas TIC. Aquí se muestra una experiencia de aula cuyo objetivo es verificar que con los nuevos géneros discursivos surgidos en la sociedad digital del aprendizaje, como el tutorial, se contribuye a dar sentido y contextualizar el desarrollo de la competencia oral, así como, que el docente es el que debe presentar escenarios de aprendizaje y planificarlos. El profesor debe descubrir y asumir qué competencias y rol debe desarrollar y con este fin enfocar su formación. Los nuevos escenarios digitalizados en el aula no deben estar exentos de metodología para poder concretar los objetivos de aprendizaje en la competencia oral

    Evaluation of Natural Rubber Specific Heat Capacity at High Pressures from DSC Experimental Data at Atmospheric Pressure

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    [EN] The natural rubber specific heat capacity dependence on pressure was estimated on thermodynamic grounds on the basis of the values empirically determined from differential scanning calorimetry data, (in the temperature range of 70 to 50 C), and by means of the Tait equation of state (in the pressure range of 0.1 240 MPa). It was found that the specific heat capacity decreases with pressure, being the dependency more pronounced at low pressures.This work was financially supported by the DGCYT through Grant MAT2008-06725-C03 and by Generalitat Valenciana through Grant No. ACOMP/2010/204.Ortiz Serna, MP.; Díaz Calleja, R.; Sanchis Sánchez, MJ. (2012). Evaluation of Natural Rubber Specific Heat Capacity at High Pressures from DSC Experimental Data at Atmospheric Pressure. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 128(4):2269-2272. doi:10.1002/app.38118S22692272128

    Exploring the impact of ketogenic diet on multiple sclerosis: obesity, anxiety, depression, and the glutamate system

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disorder. Individuals with MS frequently present symptoms such as functional disability, obesity, and anxiety and depression. Axonal demyelination can be observed and implies alterations in mitochondrial activity and increased inflammation associated with disruptions in glutamate neurotransmitter activity. In this context, the ketogenic diet (KD), which promotes the production of ketone bodies in the blood [mainly β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB)], is a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative that has shown promising results in peripheral obesity reduction and central inflammation reduction. However, the association of this type of diet with emotional symptoms through the modulation of glutamate activity in MS individuals remains unknown.AimTo provide an update on the topic and discuss the potential impact of KD on anxiety and depression through the modulation of glutamate activity in subjects with MS.DiscussionThe main findings suggest that the KD, as a source of ketone bodies in the blood, improves glutamate activity by reducing obesity, which is associated with insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, promoting central inflammation (particularly through an increase in interleukins IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-17). This improvement would imply a decrease in extrasynaptic glutamate activity, which has been linked to functional disability and the presence of emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression

    Textiles in architectural acoustic conditioning: a review

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    [EN] Environmental noise is a problem of increasing interest in advanced societies. Different types of textiles have properties which are suitable for the construction of elements able to condition sound in rooms. The use of these elements can foster acoustic comfort in all kind of rooms, both public and private. This work is a review of the possibilities and trends of textile materials in the field of acoustic conditioning. The use of textile materials for acoustic conditioning is widely extended. On the other hand, many efforts have been done in the last decades to understand the sound absorption mechanisms and to design materials and devices able to customize the sound space. Many of these new developments have used materials like wood, metal, plastic. Textiles can be thought as fully designable materials and potential base of composites, providing their unique technical and aesthetical characteristics to any ensemble.Segura Alcaraz, MP.; Bonet-Aracil, M.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Montava-Seguí, I. (2022). Textiles in architectural acoustic conditioning: a review. Journal of the Textile Institute. 113(1):166-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405000.2021.1976483166172113

    A comparative study of treatment interventions for patellar tendinopathy: a secondary cost-effectiveness analysis

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    Objective: To compare the cost-effectiveness of three patellar tendinopathy treatments. Design: Secondary (cost-effectiveness) analysis of a blinded, randomised controlled trial, with follow-up at 10 and 22 weeks. Settings: Recruitment was performed in sport clubs. The diagnosis and the intervention were carried out at San Jorge University. Participants: The participants were adults between 18 and 45 years (n = 48) with patellar tendinopathy. Interventions: Participants received percutaneous needle electrolysis, dry needling or sham needling, all of which were combined with eccentric exercise. Main outcome measures: Costs, quality-adjusted life years and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio were calculated for each group. Results: The total cost per session was similar in the three groups: €9.46 for the percutaneous needle electrolysis group; €9.44 for the dry needling group; and €8.96 for the sham group. The percutaneous needle electrolysis group presented better cost-effectiveness in terms of quality-adjusted life years and 96% and 93% probability of being cost-effective compared to the sham and dry needling groups, respectively. Conclusion: Our study shows that percutaneous needle electrolysis has a greater probability of being cost-effective than sham or dry needling treatment

    Estudio de los procesos patológicos de cristalización: litiasis renal, calcificaciones cardiovasculares y osteoporosis

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    A la present tesi s’ha estudiat la capacitat de l’àcid úric per actuar com a inductor de la litasis renal oxalocàlcica, diferents factors implicats en la formació de les calcificacions cardiovasculars i la capacitat de distints polifosfats per prevenir l’osteoporosi. D’aquesta tesi es conclou, en primer lloc, que l’àcid úric està implicat en la formació d’un significant percentatge de càlculs renals d’oxalat càlcic monohidrat de cavitat. En segon lloc, que la formació de calcificacions cardiovasculars, anàlogament als càlculs renals papil•lars, comença amb una lesió inicial sobre la qual es poden desenvolupar els cristalls càlcics. I en tercer lloc, que el fitat (myo-inositol hexafosfat), un polifosfat natural presenta fluids i teixits fisiològics, es capaç tant d’inhibir la formació de calcificacions cardiovasculars com de prevenir la pèrdua de massa òssia a l’osteoporosi.En esta tesis se ha estudiado la capacidad del ácido úrico para actuar como inductor de la litiasis renal oxalocálcica, diferentes factores implicados en la formación de las calcificaciones cardiovasculares y la capacidad de distintos polifosfatos para prevenir la osteoporosis. De esta tesis se concluye, en primer lugar, que el ácido úrico está implicado en la formación de un significante porcentaje de cálculos renales de oxalato cálcico monohidrato de cavidad. En segundo lugar, que la formación de calcificaciones cardiovasculares, al igual que los cálculos renales papilares, comienza con una lesión inicial a partir de la cual pueden desarrollarse los cristales cálcicos. Y en tercer lugar, que el fitato (myo-inositol hexafosfosfato), un polifosfato natural presente en fluidos y tejidos fisiológicos, es capaz tanto de inhibir la formación de calcificaciones cardiovasculares como de prevenir la pérdida de masa ósea en la osteoporosis.The aims of this thesis have been to study the capacity of uric acid as inducer of calcium oxalate renal calculi, different factors involved in cardiovascular calcifications and the capacity of different polyphosphates to prevent osteoporosis. The conclusions of this thesis are, firstly, uric acid play an important role as inducer of an important percentage of calcium oxalate monohydrate unattached renal calculi. Secondly, the formation of cardiovascular calcification (as in papillary renal calculi) begins with a lesion over which calcium crystals can develop. And thirdly, phytate (myo-inositol hxaphosphate), a natural occurring polyphosphate, can inhibit cardiovascular calcification as well as prevent bone mass loss in osteoporosis

    Murciano-Granadina goat performance and methane emission after replacing barley grain with fibrous by-products

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    [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los efectos de la sustitución de grano de cebada en la dieta por pulpa de naranja o vainas de soja en el balance de nitrógeno y carbono, las emisiones de metano y el rendimiento de la producción de leche en cabras. Para ello, se seleccionaron doce cabras lecheras Murciano-Granadina y se dividieron en tres grupos basados en un peso corporal similar (42,1 ± 1,2 kg) y la producción de leche (2,16 ± 0,06 kg/cabra/día). El experimento se realizó en un diseño cruzado donde un grupo de cuatro cabras fue alimentado con una ración mixta de grano de cebada, en otro grupo de cuatro cabras se reemplazó el grano de cebada por pulpa de naranja y el último grupo de cuatro cabras se alimentó con soja. Después de la adaptación a las dietas, las cabras se establecieron en jaulas individuales y se analizaron las heces, la orina y la leche. Asimismo, las mediciones de intercambio gaseoso fueron registradas por un sistema móvil de calorimetría en circuito abierto. El consumo de materia seca fue similar en los tres grupos (2,03 kg/d, en promedio). No se observó ninguna influencia de la dieta en el balance energético. Las dietas basadas en pulpa de naranja y cascarilla de soja mostraron una mayor movilización de grasa que en el caso de grano de cebada. El ácido pentadecanoico y el ácido heptadecanoico fueron potenciales biomarcadores de la función del rumen debido a los contenidos más elevados encontrados en la leche de cabras con la dieta de pulpa de naranja y vainas de soja frente al detectado en las cabras con dieta de grano de cebada, lo que sugiere un impacto de estas dietas sobre el metabolismo bacteriano rumen. Esto probablemente esté relacionado con un suministro de nitrógeno inferior en el caso de la dieta de pulpa de naranja para sintetizar proteína microbiana y un mayor contenido de grasa en el caso de la dieta de cascarilla de soja. La sustitución de grano de cereal con subproductos fibrosos no aumentó las emisiones de metano (54,7 L/cabra por día, en promedio). Por lo tanto, se podría utilizar pulpa de naranja y cascarilla de soja en la dieta de las cabras lactantes sin tener un impacto negativo en el rendimiento de la producción de leche.[EN] The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of substituting dietary barley grain with orange pulp or soybean hulls on energy, nitrogen and carbon balance, methane emission and milk performance in dairy goats. Twelve Murciano-Granadina dairy goats in midlactation were selected and divided into three groups based on similar body weight (42.1 +/- 1.2 kg) and milk yield (2.16 +/- 0.060 kg/goat/day). The experiment was conducted in an incomplete crossover design where one group of four goats was fed a mixed ration of barley grain (BRL), another group of four goats replaced barley grain with orange pulp (OP) and the last group of four goats with soybean hulls (SH). After adaptation to diets, the goats were allocated to individual metabolism cages and intake, faeces, urine and milk were recorded and analysed. Then, gas exchange measurements were recorded by a mobile open-circuit indirect calorimetry system using a head box. Dry matter intake was similar for all three groups (2.03 kg/d, on average). No influence of the diet was observed for energy balance and the efficiency of use of metabolizable energy for milk production was 0.61. The OP and SH diets showed greater (P th Symposium on Energy Metabolism. EAAP. Publ. 11. Academic Press, London.Brouwer E (1958) On simple formulae for calculating the heat expenditure and the quantities of carbohydrate and fat metabolized in ruminants, from data on gaseous exchange and urine N. Pages 182–194 in Proc. 1th Symposium on Energy Metabolism. EAAP. Publ. 8. Academic Press, London.Chwalibog, A., Tauson, A.-H., & Thorbek, G. (1997). Quantitative oxidation of nutrients in growing calves. Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft, 36(4), 313-316. doi:10.1007/bf01617806Casper, D. P., Maiga, H. A., Brouk, M. J., & Schingoethe, D. J. (1999). Synchronization of Carbohydrate and Protein Sources on Fermentation and Passage Rates in Dairy Cows,,. Journal of Dairy Science, 82(8), 1779-1790. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(99)75408-1Aguilera, J. F., Prieto, C., & FonollÁ, J. (1990). Protein and energy metabolism of lactating Granadina goats. British Journal of Nutrition, 63(2), 165-175. doi:10.1079/bjn19900104Tovar-Luna, I., Puchala, R., Sahlu, T., Freetly, H. C., & Goetsch, A. L. (2010). Effects of stage of lactation and dietary concentrate level on energy utilization by Alpine dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(10), 4818-4828. doi:10.3168/jds.2010-3315Bava, L., Rapetti, L., Crovetto, G. M., Tamburini, A., Sandrucci, A., Galassi, G., & Succi, G. (2001). Effects of a Nonforage Diet on Milk Production, Energy, and Nitrogen Metabolism in Dairy Goats throughout Lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(11), 2450-2459. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(01)74695-4López, M. C., & Fernández, C. (2013). Energy partitioning and substrate oxidation by Murciano-Granadina goats during mid lactation fed soy hulls and corn gluten feed blend as a replacement for corn grain. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(7), 4542-4552. doi:10.3168/jds.2012-6473Palmquist, D. L., & Jenkins, T. C. (1980). Fat in Lactation Rations : Review. Journal of Dairy Science, 63(1), 1-14. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(80)82881-5Kebreab E, Strathe AB, Dijkstra J, Mills JAN, Reynolds CK, Crompton LA, et al. (2010) Energy and protein interactions and their effects on nitrogen excretion in dairy cows. Pages 417–426 in Symp. on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Parma, Italy.Chilliard, Y., Ferlay, A., Rouel, J., & Lamberet, G. (2003). A Review of Nutritional and Physiological Factors Affecting Goat Milk Lipid Synthesis and Lipolysis. Journal of Dairy Science, 86(5), 1751-1770. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(03)73761-8Vlaeminck, B., Fievez, V., Cabrita, A. R. J., Fonseca, A. J. M., & Dewhurst, R. J. (2006). Factors affecting odd- and branched-chain fatty acids in milk: A review. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 131(3-4), 389-417. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2006.06.017Fievez, V., Colman, E., Castro-Montoya, J. M., Stefanov, I., & Vlaeminck, B. (2012). Milk odd- and branched-chain fatty acids as biomarkers of rumen function—An update. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 172(1-2), 51-65. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.12.008Vlaeminck, B., Gervais, R., Rahman, M. M., Gadeyne, F., Gorniak, M., Doreau, M., & Fievez, V. (2015). Postruminal synthesis modifies the odd- and branched-chain fatty acid profile from the duodenum to milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(7), 4829-4840. doi:10.3168/jds.2014-9207Jorjong, S., van Knegsel, A. T. M., Verwaeren, J., Bruckmaier, R. M., De Baets, B., Kemp, B., & Fievez, V. (2015). Milk fatty acids as possible biomarkers to diagnose hyperketonemia in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(8), 5211-5221. doi:10.3168/jds.2014-8728Ulbricht, T. L. V., & Southgate, D. A. T. (1991). Coronary heart disease: seven dietary factors. The Lancet, 338(8773), 985-992. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(91)91846-mKnapp, J. R., Laur, G. L., Vadas, P. A., Weiss, W. P., & Tricarico, J. M. (2014). Invited review: Enteric methane in dairy cattle production: Quantifying the opportunities and impact of reducing emissions. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(6), 3231-3261. doi:10.3168/jds.2013-7234Angelidaki, I., & Sanders, W. (2004). Assessment of the anaerobic biodegradability of macropollutants. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 3(2), 117-129. doi:10.1007/s11157-004-2502-3Velthof, G. L., Nelemans, J. A., Oenema, O., & Kuikman, P. J. (2005). Gaseous Nitrogen and Carbon Losses from Pig Manure Derived from Different Diets. Journal of Environmental Quality, 34(2), 698-706. doi:10.2134/jeq2005.0698Jarret, G., Cozannet, P., Martinez, J., & Dourmad, J. Y. (2011). Effect of different quality wheat dried distiller’s grain solubles (DDGS) in pig diets on composition of excreta and methane production from faeces and slurry. Livestock Science, 140(1-3), 275-282. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2011.04.006Triolo, J. M., Sommer, S. G., Møller, H. B., Weisbjerg, M. R., & Jiang, X. Y. (2011). A new algorithm to characterize biodegradability of biomass during anaerobic digestion: Influence of lignin concentration on methane production potential. 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    Dielectric spectroscopy of natural rubber-cellulose II nanocomposites

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    [EN] Nanocomposite materials obtained from natural rubber (NR) reinforced with different amounts of cellulose II nanoparticles (in the range of 0 to 30 phr) are studied by dielectric spectroscopy (DS). For comparative purposes the pure materials, NR and cellulose, are also investigated. The dielectric spectra of the nanocomposites exhibit: (a) two overlapped ¿-relaxations associated respectively with the dynamic glass transitions of NR (faster process) and of the lipid present in NR; (b) a ß-relaxation associated with local chain dynamics of cellulose and (c) a relaxation process associated to the presence of traces of water in cellulose. The spectra exhibit conductivity phenomena at low frequencies and high temperatures. The samples were also studied in the dry state. An explanation is given concerning the cellulose effect on the dielectric properties of the dry and wet nanocomposites. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.The authors gratefully acknowledge CICYT for Grant No. MAT2008-06725-C03-03 and Generalitat Valenciana for Grant No. ACOMP/2010/204.Ortiz Serna, MP.; Díaz Calleja, R.; Sanchis Sánchez, MJ.; Riande, E.; Numes, R.; Martins, A.; Visconte, L. (2011). Dielectric spectroscopy of natural rubber-cellulose II nanocomposites. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 357(2):598-604. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.06.044S598604357