342 research outputs found

    Students’ perceptions about acquisition of competencies of final project in Business Administration. The case of Universidad Loyola Andalucía

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    El desarrollo y la evaluación de los Trabajos Fin de Grado (TFG) en los planes de estudio están suponiendo todo un reto para el claustro de las universidades. La complejidad del proceso de elaboración del trabajo, la distinta casuística en cuanto a temas, competencias a evaluar y diversidad de profesorado, nos ha llevado a preocuparnos por conocer cuál es la percepción del alumno en relación a su proceso de aprendizaje y adquisición de competencias en esta materia. Un estudio exploratorio, basado en una encuesta realizada a los alumnos de ADE que han defendido su trabajo en el curso 2014-15, en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía, nos ha permitido poner de manifiesto cuál es la percepción del alumno en relación a todo el proceso del TFG. Su análisis nos ha permitido detectar que el TFG está suponiendo un retraso en la finalización de los estudios de grado, pero que existe un nivel de satisfacción alto con su desarrollo. Así mismo, es de resaltar la correlación que existe entre el interés por el tema a desarrollar y la calificación obtenida.The development and evaluation of the Final Project (FP) in the curriculum are posing a challenge for the university faculty. The complexity of the process of making this FP, the different casuistry regarding possible topics, the different competencies to assess and teachers diversity has led us to worry about knowing what is the perception of students in relation to their learning and skills acquisition in this area. A exploratory study based on a survey of Business Administration’ students who have defended their work in the 2014-15 course at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Loyola University Andalusia, has allowed us to show what is the perception of the student in relation to the whole process of the FP. The analysis revealed that the FP is supposing a delay in the completion of undergraduate studies, but that there is also a high level of satisfaction with the development of the FP. We must also highlight the correlation between interest in the topic to develop and marks obtained in the FP

    Haptic learning of the masters. Training by experience in the beginnings of the modern architecture movement

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    [EN] Great Master of Modern Architecture such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier received not a university education in architecture but practical training through professional practice. In their teaching they always valued the experience they had enjoyed of direct and active contact with the material reality of the environment.A review of their formative experiences, and the way in which they integrated these into their subsequent educational proposals, offers us data for a reflection on pedagogical methodologies in schools of architecture. This is the aim of this article.[ES] Grandes maestros de la arquitectura moderna, como Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe o Le Corbusier, no recibieron una formación arquitectónica universitaria, sino una capacitación práctica mediante el ejercicio profesional. En sus enseñanzas siempre valoraron la experiencia de contacto directo y activo con la realidad material del entorno, de la que ellos habían disfrutado.La revisión de sus experiencias formativas, y su integración en las propuestas educativas que posteriormente defendieron, nos ofrece datos para una reflexión sobre las metodologías pedagógicas en las escuelas de arquitectura. Este es el objeto de este artículo.Salazar Ruiz, M.; Salazar Lozano, MDP. (2022). Desarrollo háptico de la visión gráfica. Educación por experiencia en los comienzos del movimiento moderno de arquitectura. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 27(44):164-173. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2022.15309OJS164173274

    The Impact and Value of a Tourism Product: A Hybrid Sustainability Model

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    [Abstract] The concepts of social value creation and sustainability are acquiring a growing relevance in the vision shared by the tourism industry’s major stakeholders. Our aim was to determine a hybrid impact-value model capable of measuring tourism product sustainability through the use of indicators and the impact of stakeholder actions during the process of creating and generating products. An initial static vision of sustainability is complemented by a second dynamic vision, based on the measurement of value and change. The proposed model includes the same stakeholders, dimensions and indicators for both approaches. This standardization enhances the robustness of the model and its potential as an analysis instrument. After reviewing the considerable number of possible impact measurement techniques, we opted for the versatile methodology known as Social Return on Investment (SROI)

    Implementation of the Dependency Law in Spain. The activities-based cost systems as tools that can facilitate decision-making for the implementation of the Law

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    The coming into force in 2007 of Law 39/2006 about promotion of personal autonomy and care for people in a situation of dependency has created the right of everyone in these circumstances to be served by public services. This law involves an expansion and complement of the protective action of the State and Social Security System

    Promoting Sustainability Transparency in European Local Governments: An Empirical Analysis Based on Administrative Cultures

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    Nowadays, the transparency of governments with respect to the sustainability of public services is a very interesting issue for stakeholders and academics. It has led to previous research and international organisations (EU, IMF, OECD, United Nations, IFAC, G-20, World Bank) to recommend promotion of the online dissemination of economic, social and environmental information. Based on previous studies about e-government and the influence of administrative cultures on governmental accountability, this paper seeks to identify political actions useful to improve the practices of transparency on economic, social and environmental sustainability in European local governments. We perform a comparative analysis of sustainability information published on the websites of 72 local governments in 10 European countries grouped into main three cultural contexts (Anglo-Saxon, Southern European and Nordic). Using international sustainability reporting guidelines, our results reveal significant differences in local government transparency in each context. The most transparent local governments are the Anglo-Saxon ones, followed by Southern European and Nordic governments. Based on individualized empirical results for each administrative style, our conclusions propose useful policy interventions to enhance sustainability transparency within each cultural tradition, such as development of legal rules on transparency and sustainability, tools to motivate local managers for online diffusion of sustainability information and analysis of information needs of stakeholders

    Identifying Motivation of the Local Governments to Improve the Sustainability Transparency

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    This paper examines the sustainability transparency of governments, i.e., the disclosure of information on the sustainability of their actions. To do so, we identify contributory factors to the online disclosure of environmental, social, economic and general information by local governments in Nordic countries. Linear regression analysis was used to identify factors infl uencing the online dissemination of government information on sustainability; a factor analysis, as a precursor to linear regression, led us to reduce 14 explanatory variables to four factors: fi nancial risk, demography, professional qualifi cations and local government resources. The results obtained show that local fi - nancial priorities have a greater impact on the sustainability-related content of governmental websites than does concern for the needs of the population. Furthermore, an organization’s disclosure of its fi nancial risks, together with greater awareness of stakeholders’ demands, could promote transparency in the fi eld of environmental, social and economic sustainability, while local demographic characteristics could foster the publication of information on environmental sustainability.This study was carried out with the assistance of a research project funded by the Regional Government of Andalusia (Ref. P11-SEJ-7700) and that of two projects funded by the National Research Plan, Nos. ECO2010-17463-ECON and ECO2010-20522-ECON

    SROI Methodology for Public Administration Decisions about Financing with Social Criteria. A Case Study

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    : The measurement of impacts has been considered one of the best methodologies to evaluate the level of achievement of social entities’ objectives as well as of their contribution to resolving social problems. Those methodologies can guide public policies and subsidies granting, as they help to identify the organizations producing a higher social value, and the effects of their projects. Our research focused on the effectiveness and the efficiency of social entities, measured through their capacity to generate impacts on their stakeholders. The research was realized through the analysis of a case study: the special education center for disabled youths, CEE-SA, in Spain. The social return on investment (SROI) methodology has allowed us to monetarize the social value created for stakeholders through the activity carried out by CEE-SA, and it provides information about the whole value creation process that is generated, for which the analysis and follow-up through the indicators offers a contribution to its management system. This case study can serve as a reference in assessing the management processes of similar entities and can also highlight SROI usefulness for public administrations as an assessment tool for subsidies granted on social criteria. The originality of this research relies on the new SROI methodology provided for the assessment of public financing decisions, especially in a field that remains as under-researched as special education schools

    SROI Methodology for Public Administration Decisions about Financing with Social Criteria. A Case Study

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    The measurement of impacts has been considered one of the best methodologies to evaluate the level of achievement of social entities’ objectives as well as of their contribution to resolving social problems. Those methodologies can guide public policies and subsidies granting, as they help to identify the organizations producing a higher social value, and the e ects of their projects. Our research focused on the e ectiveness and the e ciency of social entities, measured through their capacity to generate impacts on their stakeholders. The research was realized through the analysis of a case study: the special education center for disabled youths, CEE-SA, in Spain. The social return on investment (SROI) methodology has allowed us to monetarize the social value created for stakeholders through the activity carried out by CEE-SA, and it provides information about the whole value creation process that is generated, for which the analysis and follow-up through the indicators o ers a contribution to its management system. This case study can serve as a reference in assessing the management processes of similar entities and can also highlight SROI usefulness for public administrations as an assessment tool for subsidies granted on social criteria. The originality of this research relies on the new SROI methodology provided for the assessment of public financing decisions, especially in a field that remains as under-researched as special education schools

    Divulgación de información sobre responsabilidad social de los gobiernos locales europeos: el caso de los países nórdicos

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    La información por parte de los organismos públicos en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social (rs) es necesaria para legitimar sus actuaciones y dar a conocer a sus grupos de interés cómo están respondiendo a sus demandas. Las páginas web son en este mundo globalizado e informatizado un medio de comunicación adecuado y accesible. En este contexto, el objetivo del trabajo es analizar la información relacionada con la responsabilidad social que proporcionan los gobiernos locales europeos en sus páginas web y, en concreto, estudiar las corporaciones de las principales ciudades de los países nórdicos. Además se analizará si se pueden observar algunas pautas de comportamiento similares aplicando el análisis de conglomerados. Los resultados obtenidos permiten conocer el nivel de divulgación que estos países dan a la información relacionada con su comportamiento socialmente responsable y cuáles son los principales temas a los que prestan mayor atención.Public agencies should inform about their behavior in the space of the social responsibility not only to legitimate their existence but also to inform their stakeholders how they are responding to their demands. Web sites are a communication medium appropriate and accessible in this globalized and computerized world. In this context, the object of this investigation is to analyze the information related with the social responsibility that European town councils provide in their web pages, particularly of the main Nordic countries town councils. In addition, it will be analyzed if we can observe some similar guidelines of behavior applying the analysis cluster. The obtained results will allow to know the treatment that these countries give to the information related to socially responsible behavior and what are the main variables they are more responsive to.Estudio llevado a cabo con la ayuda de un proyecto de investigación financiado por la Junta de Andalucía (Ref. P09-SEJ-5395) y la de dos proyectos del Plan Nacional de Investigación (nos. ECO2010- 17463-ECON y ECO2010-20522-ECON)
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