263 research outputs found

    Estudio de los sistemas sanguíneos ABO. Lewis, P y RH en la población autóctona de la Cerdanya : relación con el País Vasco

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    Se ha establecido una posible relación entre la población de la Cerdanya y la población vasca, basada en sus antecedentes históricos al tener el pueblo vasco un origen pre-indoeuropeo y ser la Cerdanya una zona de penetración de migraciones pre- e indoeuropeas. En este estudio se ha examinado dicha hipótesis mediante la comparación serológica entre ambas poblaciones. Se han analizado cuatro sistemas sanguíneos habiéndose observado que la población ceretana no difiere significativamente de la población vasca -salvo en el sistema ABO y el sistema Rh- ni de la población española control. Las frecuencias de los alelos B y d en el pueblo vasco contrastan con las frecuencias encontradas en la población ceretana, lo cual sugiere que la comarca de La Cerdanya fué solo una zona de paso para poblaciones de aporte génico pre-indoeuropeo o bien que este aporte se hubiera "diluido" con el establecimiento de poblaciones más modernas de substrato no vascón. Las migraciones de pueblos pre-indoeuropeos demostradas por la Antropología prehistórica y la toponimia no quedan, pues, reflejadas a nivel de estos marcadores genéticos.Dans des études préliminaires des systèmes sanguins dans un échantillon de population de la Cerdagne du versand sud, nous avons constaté certaines différences (p.e. dans le système ABO) entre notre population et les échantillons de population des basques. La Cerdagne est une vallée assez isolée, située dans les Pyrénées Orientales. Ses conditions geographiques ont rendu possible qu'elle soit un chemin, un passage, d' un côté à l'autre des Pyrénnés. Dans la recherche de l'origine des ancêstres des hommes autochtones de la Cerdagne on s' aperçoit que cette région naturelle avait été une voie d'accès à la Péninsule Ibérique. Ilya en une période importante pour le peuplement de l'Espagne, liée aux entrées succesives des migrateurs pré et indoeuropéens. Les études de M. Fusté sur cette époque dans la Catalogne montrent l'arrivée d'un apport d'une nouvelle population de type brachycèphal. Le même auteur trouve une population plus moderne, dolichocéphale, qu'il considère comme, une preuve de l'entrée des groupes "européens". Aussi, des peuples indoeuropéens ont pénétre à travers la Cerdagne dans notre pays comme semble le démontrer la toponymie des certains peuples de cette contrée. D'autre part, il est accepté par tous les historiens et linguistes que l'origine du peuple basque doit être cherché parmi les peuples pré-indoeuropéens. Ces considerations nous ont conduits à considérer les analogies possibles entre la population autochtone de la Cerdagne -zone où les migrations pré-indoeuropéenes entrèrent- et des populations basques -d'origine pré-indoeuropéene-. Ce travail est, donc, un apport à la connaissance et à la reconstruction de ces origines à partir de l'étude de differents marqueurs sanguins: ABO, Lewis, P et Rh. Ces marqueurs ont été étudies en 137 individus autochtones de la Basse Cerdagne sur un échantillon de population de 450 individus résidents dans la vallée. Les fréquences de ces systèmes trouvés dans cette étude, si on les compare avec les fréquences obtenues par differents auteurs chez la population basque, indiquent le degré de rapport entre les deux populations. On doit compter avec les conclusions obtenues dans le travail de Aluja: "Systèmes polymorphiques de la Cerdagne et son rapport avec ceu du Pays Basque"

    SIVIM – das Online-Datenbank-System zur Vegetation der iberischen Halbinsel und der Makaronesischen Inseln

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    SIVIM (Sistema de Información de la Vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica) is an information system designed for capturing, hosting, editing, analyzing and outputting georeferenced plot data of Iberian and Macaronesian vegetation. It currently hosts 86,000 relevés, mainly from the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, and will grow to 100,000 relevés in the near future. SIVIM has been conceived to offer direct and free on-line access to relevés, tables, as well as to floristic, syntaxonomical and bibliographical records. The system also offers on-line software for edition and analysis of vegetation data. The main characteristics of SIVIM are presented, and its particular technical solutions to typical data banking problems as well as its future objectives are briefly commented.SIVIM ist ein Informationssystem, mit welchem georeferenzierte Daten zur iberischen und makaronesischen Vegetation erfasst, gehostet, editiert, analysiert und ausgegeben werden können. Momentan umfasst das System 86.000 Aufnahmen. In naher Zukunft soll die Anzahl der Aufnahmen auf 100.000 steigen, hauptsächlich durch Daten aus dem Norden der Iberischen Halbinsel und von den Balearen. SIVIM wurde initiiert, um einen direkten, freien Online-Zugang zu Vegetationsaufnahmen, Vegetationstabellen, sowie zu floristischen, syntaxonomischen und bibliographischen Daten anzubieten. Außerdem bietet es Online-Software, um Vegetationsdaten zu editieren und zu analysieren. Dieser Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht über die wesentlichen Eigenschaften von SIVIM und erläutert die implementierten technischen Lösungen typischer Datenbankprobleme sowie die zukünftigen Ziele

    Sistemas polimórficos de la Cerdanya y su relación con los del País Vasco

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    En este trabajo se ha caracterizado la población autóctona de La Cerdanya mediante el estudio serológico de los sistemas MNSs, Kell, Duffy y HLA (loci A y B), y, se ha comparado con la población vasca. Los resultados obtenidos únicamente muestran diferencias para algunos sistemas en determinadas poblaciones comparadas, lo cual parece indicar que, en el País Vasco, no existe uniformidad genética para todos los marcadores. Las características serológicas que presenta la población autóctona de la Cerdanya no demuestran una proximidad genética, como cabría esperar "a priori" dados sus antecedentes históricos y, de haber existido este patrimonio genético, debió haber sido "diluido" por la influencia de invasiones posteriores.Pour mener ce travail, nous avons voulu caractériser la Cerdagne par une étude séro-anthropologique de la population autochtone parce que les caractères sérologiques sont sous le contrôle direct du génotype et échappent totalement aux conditions du milieu. Comme cela n'avait pas encore été fait du côté sud, et du côté français, la population a été étudiée en tenant compte de l'ensemble des Pyrénées Orientales. D'autre part, l'étude des caractères morphologiques, les seuls longtemps utilisés pour caractériser les populations, avait déjà été realisée par le Dr. Alcobé, bien que la population n'était pas totalement autochtone, que ces caractères dépendent d'une herédité polymorphique et qu'ils sont influencés par le milieu.La Cerdagne est un territoire de 1.129 Km2 situé dans une vallée des Pyrénées Orientales. Elle est formée par le haut bassin du Segre et elle est entourée par des chaînes montagneuses qui atteignent presque 3.000 m. d'altitude. Cette région a été partagée de NW en SE par la frontière franco-espagnole au traité des Pyrénées, en 1660, entre Louis XIV de France et Felipe IV de Castilla, et elle a été utilisée par des peuples pré et indoeuropéens comme lieu de passage pour entrer dans la Péninsule Ibérique. A la fin de l'époque mégalithique et après pendant l'Âge du Bronze, des populations brachycéphales sont venues du Centre de l'Europe vers les Pyrénées et ont pénétré par la Cerdagne dans la Péninsule Ibérique influant sur les populations autochtones qui avaient un élément dolichocéphale. Les événements de ces époques associés à des études de toponymies semblent indiquer que le peuple primitif de la Cerdagne pourrait avoir des affinités avec les peuples franco-cantabriques, lesquels parlaient une langue commune pré-indoeuropéenne de type basque, comme l'indique un grand nombre de noms de villages de type basque qui existent en Cerdagne: Das, Êller, Urtx, Urús, Ur, Ix, Er, Naüja, etc. En même temps, les anciens cerdagniens sont rapportés, par des romains, comme des "Kerretani". Ce mot provient du mot basque "Kerr", ou "xerri". Ces faits nous amenent à considérer si des analogies possibles existent entre la population basque et celle de la Cerdagne ou bien, au contraire, si tous les deux différent génétiquement. Le présent travail a été réalisé dans la Basse Cerdagne (côté sud) qui a 603.36 Km2 , dont la densité de population atteint seulement 22 hab/km2 et la population autochtone n'atteint pas 30%. Les marqueurs sérologiques (systèmes érythrocytaires Duffy, Kell, MNSs et le système lymphocytaire HLA -loci A, B-) ont étéanalysés sur 140 individus autochtones, sans apparentement connu jusqu'a 1/8. Les résultats obtenus témoignent, en général, d'une conduite inégale à l'ègard des différentes populations basques avec lesquelles nous les avons comparés. Il faut tenir compte du travail présenté par Malgosa à ce congrès intitulé: "Êtude des systèmes sanguins ABO, Lewis, P et Rh dans la population autochtone de la Cerdagne. Relation avec la population basque"

    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of AFB1 and OTA-toxicity through immunofluorescence and flow cytometry techniques : A systematic review

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    Due to the globalization, mycotoxins have been considered a major risk to human health being the main con- taminants of foodstuffs. Among them, AFB1 and OTA are the most toxic and studied. Therefore, the goal of this review is to deepen the knowledge about the toxicological effects that AFB1 and OTA can induce on human health by using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence techniques in vitro and in vivo models. The examination of the selected reports shows that the majority of them are focused on immunotoxicity while the rest are con- cerned about nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, gastrointestinal toxicity, neurotoxicity, embryotoxicity, reproduc- tive system, breast, esophageal and lung toxicity. In relation to immunofluorescence analysis, biological processes related to AFB1- and OTA-toxicity were evaluated such as inflammation, neuronal differentiation, DNA damage, oxidative stress and cell death. In flow cytometry analysis, a wide range of assays have been performed across the reviewed studies being apoptosis assay, cell cycle analysis and intracellular ROS measurement the most employed. Although, the toxic effects of AFB1 and OTA have been reported, further research is needed to clarify AFB1 and OTA-mechanism of action on human health

    Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality in Mediterranean Vineyards under Contrasting Farming Schemes

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    The soil of most Spanish vineyards is strongly eroded and carbon depleted and is very poor in biodiversity. Growing evidence of the negative impacts of soil degradation on climate change mitigation, water quality, and plant production is pushing a shift from intensive viticulture to more sustainable management strategies of the vineyards. Among them, minimum impact and regenerative viticulture are gaining ground. However, field data are still necessary to assess the real effect of these new farming schemes on soil carbon stocks and soil functional biodiversity. We compared soil quality at three vineyards managed under intensive, regenerative, and minimum impact strategies using physical, chemical, and biological indicators. Soil carbon stocks were 2.3 and 3.4 times greater in the regenerative and the minimal impact vineyards than in the intensive vineyard, respectively. Soil biota was particularly favored by regenerative viticulture, with 26.2 times more protists, 3.1 times more nematodes, and 29.4 more microarthropods in the regenerative than in the intensive vineyard. Our results indicate that the ecological intensification of agricultural practices is highly promising to restore degraded agricultural soils under Mediterranean conditions. We also propose cost-effective soil bioindicators sensitive to agricultural management for their possible inclusion in soil monitoring programs

    A Phase 1 Drug-Drug Interaction Study Between Brigatinib and the CYP3A Substrate Midazolam in Patients With ALK-Positive or ROS1-Positive Solid Tumors

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    Anaplastic lymphoma kinase; Brigatinib; Drug-drug interactionQuinasa del linfoma anaplásico; Brigatinib; Interacción fármaco-fármacoQuinasa del limfoma anaplàstic; Brigatinib; Interacció medicament-medicamentBrigatinib is a next-generation anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitor approved for the treatment of patients with ALK-positive (ALK+) non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A phase 1 drug-drug interaction study was conducted to evaluate the effect of multiple-dose administration of brigatinib on the single-dose pharmacokinetics of midazolam, a sensitive cytochrome P450 3A substrate. In cycle 1, patients with ALK+ or ROS1+ solid tumors, including NSCLC, received a single 3-mg dose of midazolam as an oral solution alone on day 1 and then coadministered with brigatinib on day 21 (brigatinib 90 mg once daily on days 2-8; 180 mg once daily on days 9-28). After cycle 1, patients could continue to receive brigatinib in 28-day treatment cycles. The primary study objective was to characterize the effect of brigatinib 180 mg once daily on midazolam pharmacokinetics. The secondary objective was to assess safety. Exploratory efficacy endpoints included objective response rate and progression-free survival. Brigatinib was generally well tolerated, and safety data were consistent with the known safety profile. Among the 10 patients with ALK+ NSCLC, the confirmed objective response rate was 30% and median progression-free survival was 7.2 months. Coadministration of brigatinib reduced midazolam maximum observed plasma concentration by ≈16% (geometric least-squares mean ratio, 0.836 [90%CI, 0.662-1.056]) and area under the plasma concentration–time curve from time 0 to infinity by ≈26% (geometric least-squares mean ratio, 0.741 [90%CI, 0.600-0.915]). Thus, brigatinib is a weak inducer of cytochrome P450 3A in vivo.This study was sponsored by Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts, USA

    Educar sin excluir

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    Una educación inclusiva sólo es viable si se tejen amplias y sólidas redes de colaboración e interdependencia a todos los niveles y entre todos los actores implicados. Se trata de revisar actitudes, valores, ideas y prácticas para convertir el centro escolar en una auténtica comunidad de aprendizaje, abierta a la participación del profesorado, alumnado, familias y demás agentes educativos

    Bioaccessibility study of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A in bread enriched with fermented milk whey and/or pumpkin

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    The presence of mycotoxins in cereals and cereal products remains a significant issue. The use of natural ingredients such as pumpkin and whey, which contain bioactive compounds, could be a strategy to reduce the use of conventional chemical preservatives. The aim of the present work was to study the bioaccessibility of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and ochratoxin (OTA) in bread, as well as to evaluate the effect of milk whey (with and without lactic acid bacteria fermentation) and pumpkin on reducing mycotoxins bioaccessibility. Different bread typologies were prepared and subjected to an in vitro digestion model. Gastric and intestinal extracts were analyzed by HPLC-MS/qTOF and mycotoxins bioaccessibility was calculated. All the tested ingredients but one significantly reduced mycotoxin intestinal bioaccessibility. Pumpkin powder demonstrated to be the most effective ingredient showing significant reductions of AFB1 and OTA bioaccessibility up to 74% and 34%, respectively. Whey, fermented whey, and the combination of pumpkin-fermented whey showed intestinal bioaccessibility reductions between 57-68% for AFB1, and between 11-20% for OTA. These results pointed to pumpkin and milk whey as potential bioactive ingredients that may have promising applications in the bakery industry

    Characterising the axial phenotype of psoriatic arthritis: a study comparing axial psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis with psoriasis from the REGISPONSER registry

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    AimsTo explore the clinical and radiographical characteristics of axial psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and to compare it with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) with psoriasis.MethodsCross-sectional study from the national multicentre registry REGISPONSER where participants fulfilled the European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group spondyloarthritis criteria at entry. Clinical, laboratory and radiographical characteristics between patients classified as axial PsA and AS with psoriasis by their rheumatologist are compared according to HLA-B27 status.ResultsOf 2367 patients on REGISPONSER, n=405 had PsA, of whom 27% (n=109) had axial involvement as per the treating rheumatologist. 30% (n=26/86) of axial PsA were HLA-B27 positive. In the AS group, 9% (127/1422) had a history of psoriasis and were more frequently male, with longer diagnostic delay and more anterior uveitis than those with axial PsA who had more peripheral involvement and nail disease. Patients with HLA-B27-negative axial PsA reported less inflammatory pain and structural damage compared with AS with psoriasis. By contrast, HLA-B27-positive axial PsA shared clinical characteristics similar to AS and psoriasis although with a lower BASRI score. In the multivariable analysis, patients with AS and psoriasis were independently associated with HLA-B27 positivity (OR 3.34, 95% CI 1.42 to 7.85) and lumbar structural damage scored by BASRI (OR 2.14, 95% CI 1.4 to 3.19).ConclusionThe more prevalent axial PsA phenotype is predominantly HLA-B27 negative and presents different clinical and radiological manifestations when compared with AS with psoriasis. There is great heterogeneity in what rheumatologists consider axial PsA from a clinical and imaging perspective, highlighting the need for research into possible genetic drivers and a consensus definition

    LungBEAM: A prospective multicenter study to monitor stage IV NSCLC patients with EGFR mutations using BEAMing technology

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    Mutacions de l'EGFR; Biòpsia líquida; Carcinoma de pulmó de cèl·lules no petitesMutaciones de EGFR; Biopsia liquida; Carcinoma de pulmón de células no pequeñasEGFR mutations; Liquid biopsy; Non-small cell lung carcinomaObjectives The aim of LungBEAM was to determine the value of a novel epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation test in blood based on BEAMing technology to predict disease progression in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with first- or second-generation EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs). Another goal was to monitor the dynamics of EGFR mutations, as well as to track EGFR exon 20 p.T790M (p.T790M) resistance during treatment, as critical indicators of therapeutic efficacy and patient survival. Methods Stage IV NSCLC patients with locally confirmed EGFR-TKI sensitizing mutations (ex19del and/or L858R) in biopsy tissue who were candidates to receive first- or second-generation EGFR-TKI as first-line therapy were included. Plasma samples were obtained at baseline and every 4 weeks during treatment until a progression-free survival (PFS) event or until study completion (72-week follow-up). The mutant allele fraction (MAF) was determined for each identified mutation using BEAMing. Results A total of 68 of the 110 (61.8%) patients experienced a PFS event. Twenty-six patients (23.6%) presented with an emergent p.T790M mutation in plasma at some point during follow-up, preceding radiologic progression with a median of 76 (interquartile ratio: 54–111) days. Disease progression correlated with the appearance of p.T790M in plasma with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.94 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.48–2.54; p < 0.001). The HR for progression in patients showing increasing plasma sensitizing mutation levels (positive MAF slope) versus patients showing either decreasing or unchanged plasma mutation levels (negative or null MAF slopes) was 3.85 (95% CI, 2.01–7.36; p < 0.001). Conclusion Detection and quantification of EGFR mutations in circulating tumor DNA using the highly sensitive BEAMing method should greatly assist in optimizing treatment decisions for advanced NSCLC patients.This work was supported by Sysmex Inostics GmbH. The sponsor and the study coordinating investigators were involved in the study design and data interpretation. Writing and editorial assistance was funded by Sysmex Inostics GmbH