620 research outputs found

    Insiders y outsiders: La calidad del empleo tras un periodo de desempleo

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    Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DER2015-63701-C3-1-

    What girls study at school affects how healthy their babies will be later in life

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    Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of individuals and societies. Pilar Cuevas-Ruiz, Cristina Borra and Almudena Sevilla present findings from research on the long-term health effects of a comprehensive educational reform in Spain that integrated a more general curriculum into the high school system. They find girls who followed a broader educational curriculum until the age of 16 were more likely to have healthier children later in life than those who were divided into vocational or academic tracks at the age of 14

    The causal impact of maternal educational curricula on infant health at birth

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    We provide the first causal evidence of the returns to maternal educational curricula on offspring's health at birth. Educational programs that aim to deliver more general knowledge may potentially improve women's earning potential and maternal prenatal investment by increasing the portability of skills across occupations and improving women's ability to make informed decisions about fertility options and health behavior. We study the impacts of a comprehensive educational reform that postponed students' curriculum choices and integrated more general education into the high school system on infant health outcomes. Using a dose-response difference-in-differences (DiD) model research design applied to linked population registries, we find that the reform led to a significant reduction in the incidence of very low birth weight (less than 1,500 grams) and very preterm birth (less than 33 gestation weeks). Overall, the reform's positive effects on infant health at birth seem to be driven by increased mothers' labor market opportunities and better family planning, rather than increased ability to avoid risky behaviours or increased women's earnings via different occupational choices or assortative mating

    Storabelity of melon for different ripeness stages at harvest. Selection of instrumental procedures for quality assessment.

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    The consumption of melon (Cucumis melo L.) has been, until several years ago, regional, seasonal and without commercial interest. Recent commercial changes and world wide transportation have changed this situation. Melons from 3 different ripeness stages at harvest and 7 cold storage periods have been analysed by destructive and non destructive tests. Chemical, physical, mechanical (non destructive impact, compression, skin puncture and Magness- Taylor) and sensory tests were carried out in order to select the best test to assess quality and to determine the optimal ripeness stage at harvest. Analysis of variance and Principal Component Analysis were performed to study the data. The mechanical properties based on non-destructive Impact and Compression can be used to monitor cold storage evolution. They can also be used at harvest to segregate the highest ripeness stage (41 days after anthesis DAA) in relation to less ripe stages (34 and 28 DAA).Only 34 and 41 DAA reach a sensory evaluation above 50 in a scale from 0-100

    Las narices electrónicas en le ámbito de la industria agroalimentaria

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    El término "sentido electrónico" refiere la posibilidad de reproducir los sentidos humanos mediante matrices de sensores y sistemas de reconocimiento de patrones. La nariz electrónica (NE) ha sido uno de los dispositivos que más expectativas ha despertado, aunque como se verá en este artículo su estado de desarrollo es aún incipiente cuando se compara con la complejidad del sentido del olfato humano. Este artículo revisa las posibilidades de aplicación de las NE en el ámbito agroalimentario desde un punto de vista realista, y describe los aspectos más técnicos relativos a los sensores que se emplean en su fabricación indicando las ventajas e inconvenientes de los distintos tipos actualmente comercializados

    Utilización de una nariz electrónica tipo QCM para la evaluación de la calidad aromática en pera y manzana

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    The "Libra Nose" electronic nose has eight Quartz Microbalance Sensors. When gas molecules are adsorbed onto the quartz crystal surface, the oscillation frequency changes in proportion to the amount of mass. The response of sensors depends on numerous factors that may be difficult to control, sucha as the temperature and the humidity of the carrier gas. All these factors cuase changes in the selectivity of sensors affectin the reproducibility of measurements. In this paper additive a multiplicative corrections are proposed to be applied to the raw sensors´ signal in order to eliminate sources of variations. After thses corrections, the sensors´ response gives useful information to distinguish between batch of apples and pears with different ripeness level

    Redes profesionales para la innovación en Educación Infantil

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    Reforma educativa e innovación se relacionan. En ocasiones la reforma ha llegado a los centros escolares cuando los profesores, grupos de profesores o el Claustro en su conjunto, comenzaban a plantearse cambios. La bibliografía sobre innovación ha relacionado el cambio para la mejora de la enseñanza con el desarrollo profesional de los profesores, ya que el aprendizaje siempre supone algo nuevo y se desarrolla a la vez que la innovación que pretenden llevar a cabo quienes se implican en un proceso de cambio. Pues bien, los proyectos de innovación que la Junta de Andalucía ha financiado en los años 90 han supuesto un modelo de innovación centrado en la formación de los profesores a través del intercambio libre y abierto con otros compañeros o con otras escuelas sobre ideas y acciones orientadas hacia la renovación educativa, que llegaban a configurar un proyecto de innovación. En este trabajo presentamos un grupo de proyectos que nosotros hemos estudiado, en los que se muestra la relación entre innovación y aprendizaje profesional, bien por el trabajo en grupo alrededor de un proyecto, bien por el trabajo en grupo entre profesionales de distintas escuelas que han llegado a formar una red local para la difusión y reconstrucción de una innovación creada en educación infantil.Educational Reform and innovation are interrelated. On ocasión, the Reform has arrived at schools when teachers, team of teachers or the staff together begun changes. The literature on innovation has related changes for improvement of teaching with professional development of teachers. This is because learning always means some new thing, and takes place at the same time as the innovation that those involve in the process of change try to carry aout. The project of innovation that the Andalusian Government funded in the 90s assumed a model of innovation focused on in-service teacher education via free and open interchange with colleages or with other schools on ideas and actions directed towards educational change. This processes constitute a project of innovation. In this work, we present a group of projects that we have studied, showing the relationship between innovation and professional learning, either by team work in a project, or by group work between teachers from different schools who have achieved a local network for dissemination and reconstruction of a innovation already begun in Pre-school

    Compuestos aromáticos en manzana, pera y pera asiática

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es recopilar, a partir de los datos bibliográficos obtenidos, cuales son los compuestos que determinan principalmente el aroma característico de la manzana, pera y pera asiática, así como la observación de las posibles coincidencias que se puedan encontrar, en cuanto a la composición aromática, entre variedades de una misma especie y entre especies distintas. Se ha podido observar, en los tres casos, como los ésteres son los compuestos que predominan sobre la fracción aromática total del fruto, destacando el Butil y Hexil acetato, al encontrarse éstos en cantidades importantes en prácticamente todas las variedades estudiadas