312 research outputs found

    Cуверенное банкроство

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    The concept of sovereign bankruptcy originated in the works of A. Smith, B. Miller, in which the need for the formation of the mechanism of bankruptcy of public law entities was anyhow pointed and justified in order to optimize the economic climates in the countries during the crisis, to keep the state competitiveness in the global stage and the overstability of economic processes at both the national and international levels. The concerned problematics is anxiously actual in light of the recent events: the escalation of military conflicts, geopolitical tensions in the international community, hyperinflation, raising US government debt, etc. The factual financial insolvency of a number of states becomes a major problem. The resolution of this issue requires not only formation of the institution of the state bankruptcy at a theoretical level, but also effective procedures which will be able to cope with a debt crisis of public legal entities in practice. An attempt to present the history of the idea of sovereign bankruptcy, to systematize the most appropriate mechanisms and suggested ways of overcoming the debt crisis in the area of sovereign insolvency was made by the author. The problem of bankruptcy of administrative-territorial units was indicated separately.Концепция банкротства суверенных государств берет начало в работах А. Смита, Б. Миллера, которые, так или иначе, указывали и обосновывали необходимость формирования механизма банкротства публично-правовых образований с целью оптимизации экономического климата внутри страны в период кризиса, сохранения государственной конкурентоспособности на мировой арене и устойчивости управления экономическими процессами как на национальном, так и на международном уровнях. Особенно актуальной рассматриваемая проблематика представляется в свете последних событий, имеющих как экономический, так и политико-правовой аспекты: эскалация военных конфликтов, геополитическая напряженность в мировом сообществе, гиперинфляция, рост государственного долга США и пр. Фактическая финансовая неплатежеспособность ряда государств становится важнейшей проблемой, разрешение которой требует не только формирования института государственного банкротства на теоретическом уровне, процедуры которого будут способны эффективно справляться с долговыми кризисами публично-правовых образований, но и реально применимого механизма реструктуризации суверенных долгов на практике

    On Problem of Description of Linguoaxiological Analysis Method (on Material of Dialogic Communication of Speakers of Vernacular Culture)

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    The article is devoted to the description of the procedure of linguoaxiological analysis of spoken language characterized by the implementation of a variety of communicative rights, including the right to axiological freedom of expression of thoughts and feelings. The material was a corpus of conversations of citizens of the Urals — vernacular speakers. The authors highlighted the basic (direct) and secondary (indirect) linguistic signals of verbalization of perceptions of values and attitudes. Specific examples show a procedure of explication of implicit axiological meanings. Ideas and attitudes are seen as cognitive structures that are special forms of storing knowledge and assessments that can be reconstructed and supported / rejected by communicants in the process of speech. The concepts of integreme and disintegreme are introduced as verbally expressed conceptual units of the axiosphere of linguoculture. It is proved that the functional status of the conceptual unit is manifested in a specific situation of communication and promotes solidarity or disunity between people on the basis of commonality or difference modus assessments. The question is raised that the axiological charge can characterize the contexts that are formally devoid of language and speech assessment tools. The proposed method allows to identify the basic national value constants ensuring the stability of personality and continuity of behavioral patterns in the linguistic culture.Статья посвящена описанию процедуры лингвоаксиологического анализа разговорной речи, характеризующейся реализацией разнообразных коммуникативных прав, в том числе права на аксиологическую свободу выражения мыслей и чувств. Материалом послужил корпус текстов-разговоров горожан-уральцев — носителей просторечия. Авторами выделены базовые (прямые) и дополнительные (косвенные) языковые сигналы вербализации ценностных представлений и установок. На конкретных примерах показана процедура экспликации имплицитных ценностных смыслов. Представления и установки рассматриваются как когнитивные структуры — особые формы хранения знаний и оценок, которые могут быть реконструированы и поддержаны / отвергнуты коммуникантами в процессе речи. Вводятся понятия интегремы и дезинтегремы как вербально выраженных концептуальных единиц аксиосферы лингвокультуры. Доказано, что функциональный статус концептуальной единицы проявляется в конкретной ситуации общения и способствует солидаризации или разобщению коммуникантов на основании общности или разности модусных установок. Поднимается вопрос о том, что аксиологической заряженностью могут характеризоваться контексты, формально лишенные языковых и речевых оценочных средств. Предложенная методика позволяет выявлять базовые национальные ценностные константы, обеспечивающие устойчивость личности и преемственность типов поведения в лингвокультуре.The work is financially supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities (grant 15-04-00239а “ National basic values and their reflection in the communicative space of a provincial town: traditions and dynamics”).Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ (грант 15-04-00239а «Национальные базовые ценности и их отражение в коммуникативном пространстве провинциального города: традиции и динамика»

    Localization of sterols and oxysterols in mouse brain reveals distinct spatial cholesterol metabolism

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    Dysregulated cholesterol metabolism is implicated in a number of neurological disorders. Many sterols, including cholesterol and its precursors and metabolites, are biologically active and important for proper brain function. However, spatial cholesterol metabolism in brain and the resulting sterol distributions are poorly defined. To better understand cholesterol metabolism in situ across the complex functional regions of brain, we have developed on-tissue enzyme-assisted derivatization in combination with microliquid extraction for surface analysis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to locate sterols in tissue slices (10 µm) of mouse brain. The method provides sterolomic analysis at 400-µm spot diameter with a limit of quantification of 0.01 ng/mm2. It overcomes the limitations of previous mass spectrometry imaging techniques in analysis of low-abundance and difficult-to-ionize sterol molecules, allowing isomer differentiation and structure identification. Here we demonstrate the spatial distribution and quantification of multiple sterols involved in cholesterol metabolic pathways in wild-type and cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase knockout mouse brain. The technology described provides a powerful tool for future studies of spatial cholesterol metabolism in healthy and diseased tissues

    Available engineering software for simulation in various fields

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    Modern analytical tools for structure analysis can be found in different forms and states. The market is full of different tools for engineering purposes. Some of them are free and some provide partial access to the software without fully purchasing them. For the common man, it is hard to select the one that will suit them perfectly without any experience or deep knowledge of these tools. The work will present the four tools that are commonly used in the scientific world for analysis of different areas in the engineering world. The work will present in brief the overall background of the software. Also, the fields that they are most commonly used and gained a reputation. Some comparisons of the tools will be presented in the paper

    «Black Friday» Axiologocal and Creative Potential of Color Metaphor

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    The purpose of the article is to consider the borrowed metaphorical nomination with the colorative component – Black Friday. The author represents the history of the appearance of recently assimilated borrowings, which fits in with the existing in the Russian language color metaphoric patterns indicating the time. The axiological significance of the metaphor is demonstrated in the projection on the linguocultural tradition of the idea of color semantics in the Russian and English cultures: a departure from the traditional negative evaluative semantics of the colorative black in the texts of economic orientation is revealed. The creative potential of the metaphor Black Friday is described on the material of commercial texts: it becomes a textforming element of advertising significant discounts. Copywriters in the creation of such texts expand the possibilities of compatibility of this metaphorical stable turnover, which indicates the understanding of the internal form of the linguistic unit and assigning it to the Russian linguoculture.Целью статьи является рассмотрение заимствованной метафорической номинации с колоративным компонентом – Черная пятница. Автором представляется история появления недавно освоенного заимствования, которое вписывается в существующую в русском языке колористическую метафорическую модель обозначения времени. Демонстрируется аксиологическая значимость метафоры в проекции на лингвокультурологическую традицию представления о семантике цвета в русскоязычной и англоязычных культурах: выявлен отход от традиционной негативной оценочной семантики колоротива черный в текстах экономической направленности. На материале коммерческих текстов описан креативный потенциал метафоры Черная пятница: она становится текстообразующим элементом рекламы значительных скидок. Копирайтеры при создании таких текстов расширяют возможности сочетаемости данного метафорического устойчивого оборота, что свидетельствует об осмыслении внутренней формы языковой единицы и присвоении её русской лингвокультурой

    Use of complementary cation and anion heavy-atom salt derivatives to solve the structure of cytochrome P450 46A1

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    Crystallization and analysis of the MIRAS heavy-atom structure solution of human cytochrome P450 46A1 using NaI and CsCl quick soaks

    Cholesterol-Metabolizing Enzyme Cytochrome P450 46A1 as a Pharmacologic Target for Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Cytochrome P450 46A1 (CYP46A1 or cholesterol 24-hydroxylase) controls cholesterol elimination from the brain and plays a role in higher order brain functions. Genetically enhanced CYP46A1 expression in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease mitigates the manifestations of this disease. We enhanced CYP46A1 activity pharmacologically by treating 5XFAD mice, a model of rapid amyloidogenesis, with a low dose of the anti-HIV medication efavirenz. Efavirenz was administered from 1 to 9 months of age, and mice were evaluated at specific time points. At one month of age, cholesterol homeostasis was already disturbed in the brain of 5XFAD mice. Nevertheless, efavirenz activated CYP46A1 and mouse cerebral cholesterol turnover during the first four months of administration. This treatment time also reduced amyloid burden and microglia activation in the cortex and subiculum of 5XFAD mice as well as protein levels of amyloid precursor protein and the expression of several genes involved in inflammatory response. However, mouse short-term memory and long-term spatial memory were impaired, whereas learning in the context-dependent fear test was improved. Additional four months of drug administration (a total of eight months of treatment) improved long-term spatial memory in the treated as compared to the untreated mice, further decreased amyloid-β content in 5XFAD brain, and also decreased the mortality rate among male mice. We propose a mechanistic model unifying the observed efavirenz effects. We suggest that CYP46A1 activation by efavirenz could be a new anti-Alzheimer's disease treatment and a tool to study and identify normal and pathological brain processes affected by cholesterol maintenance

    On the Activation of One Word Formation Model in the Context of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 07.01.2023 г.В статье рассматривается семантика и функционирование отвлеченных процессуальных существительных с приставкой де- в современных СМИ. Активизация данного словообразовательного типа была стимулирована двумя ключевыми терминами, употребленными в ходе проводимой на Украине специальной военной операции — демилитаризация и денацификация. Исследуются контексты, включающие целый ряд узуальных слов и новообразований с данным префиксом. Показано, что приставка де- в составе производных слов конструирует описание современной сложной политической ситуации, манифестируя значение аннулирования всего, что составляло устоявшуюся основу прежнего мира.The article examines the semantics and functioning of abstract procedural nouns with the prefix de- in modern media. The activation of this word — formation type was stimulated by two key terms used during the special military operation conducted in Ukraine — demilitarization and denazification. Contexts involving a number of common words and neoplasms with this prefix are investigated. It is shown that the prefix dein the composition of derived words constructs a description of the modern complex political situation, manifesting the meaning of the annulment of everything that formed the established basis of the former world

    Linguoaxiological Diagnostics of the Supertext of the Russian Media during the Period of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 02.03.2024 г.В статье представлены результаты лингвоаксиологической диагностики сегмента сверхтекста российских СМИ, объединенного категорией хронотопа и темой провалившегося контрнаступления ВСУ. Установлено, что общей приметой сверхтекста является экспансия милитарной лексики. Доказано, что аксиологическая маркированность речевых средств зависит от стратегических позиций коллективных субъектов-действователей. В ходе анализа осуществлена систематизация вербализованных ценностей россиян, выявлены идеологические основы аксиологического лексикона украинской стороны и коллективного Запада, обозначены варианты развития и разрешения украинского конфликта.The article presents the results of the linguoaxiological diagnostics of the Russian media supertext segment, joined by the chronotope category and the theme of the AFU counteroffensive. It is established that the common feature of the supertext is the expansion of military vocabulary. It is proved that the axiological labeling of speech means depends on the strategic positions of collective actors. As a result of the analysis, the systematization of the verbalized values of Russians was carried out, the ideological foundations of the axiological lexicon of the Ukrainian side and the collective West were revealed, options for the development and resolution of the Ukrainian conflict were identified

    N,N-Dimethyl-3β-hydroxycholenamide Reduces Retinal Cholesterol via Partial Inhibition of Retinal Cholesterol Biosynthesis Rather Than its Liver X Receptor Transcriptional Activity

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    N,N-dimethyl-3β-hydroxycholenamide (DMHCA) is an experimental pharmaceutical and a steroidal liver X receptor (LXR) agonist, which does not induce undesired hepatic lipogenesis. Herein, DMHCA was evaluated for its retinal effects on normal C57BL/6J and Cyp27a1−/−Cyp46a1−/− mice; the latter having higher retinal total and esterified cholesterol in addition to retinal vascular abnormalities. Different doses and two formulations were used for DMHCA delivery either via drinking water (C57BL/6J mice) or by oral gavage (Cyp27a1−/−Cyp46a1−/− mice). The duration of treatment was 1 week for C57BL/6J mice and 2 or 4 weeks for Cyp27a1−/−Cyp46a1−/− mice. In both genotypes, the higher DMHCA doses (37–80 mg/kg of body weight/day) neither increased serum triglycerides nor serum cholesterol but altered the levels of retinal sterols. Total retinal cholesterol was decreased in the DMHCA-treated mice, mainly due to a decrease in retinal unesterified cholesterol. In addition, retinal levels of cholesterol precursors lanosterol, zymosterol, desmosterol, and lathosterol were changed in Cyp27a1−/−Cyp46a1−/− mice. In both genotypes, DMHCA effect on retinal expression of the LXR target genes was only moderate and gender-specific. Collectively, the data obtained provide evidence for a decrease in retinal cholesterol as a result of DMHCA acting in the retina as an enzyme inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis rather than a LXR transcriptional activator. Specifically, DMHCA appears to partially inhibit the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme Δ24-dehydrocholesterol reductase rather than upregulate the expression of LXR target genes involved in reverse cholesterol transport. The identified DMHCA dosages, formulations, and routes of delivery as well as the observed effects on the retina should be considered in future studies using DMHCA as a potential therapeutic for age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy