123 research outputs found

    Lapuanjoen pengerrysalueen tulvasuojelukäytännön muutoksen kustannushyötytarkastelu

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää kuinka hyvin Lapuanjoen pengerrysalueet toimivat suurien tulvien vedenkorkeuspiikkien leikkaamisessa ja miten pengerrysalueita voidaan käyttää tulvasuojeluun tehokkaammin. Pengerrysalueet suojaavat Lapuan keskustan pohjoispuolella olevia alavia peltoalueita kerran 20 vuodessa toistuvilta tulvilta. Tätä suuremmilla tulvilla pengerrysalueiden tulvaluukut avataan, jolloin tulvavesiä päästetään pengerrysalueiden pelloille. Näin saadaan suojeltua Lapuan kaupungin rakennukset kastumiselta. Pengerrysalueelle päästetyt vedet pumpataan pois maanviljelijöiden kustannuksella, joten heidän kannaltaan kaikki ylimääräinen tulvaluukuista tullut vesi on liikaa. Toisaalta Lapuan kaupunki ja Lapuan jätevedenpuhdistamo voivat joutua tekemään isoja investointeja, mikäli joen vedenpinnan annetaan nousta liikaa nykyistä tulvarajaa korkeammaksi. Pengerrysalueiden käytön optimointi on tärkeää, ettei eri osapuolille aiheudu turhia kustannuksia. Tutkimus perustui konsultin tekemään tulvamallinnukseen (HEC-RAS -ohjelma), joka rakennettiin nykyisistä tulvakartoituksista poiketen muuttuvan virtaaman mallilla. Lisäksi mallinnuksessa otettiin pengerrysalueet tarkemmin huomioon kuin aiemmissa tulvakartoituksissa. Näin tuloksien pitäisi mallintaa nykyisiä tulvakartoituksia paremmin todellista tulvatilannetta. Virtausmallinnusten pohjalta rakennettiin ArcMap-ohjelmalla uudet tulvakartoitukset valituille tarkastelutilanteille. Tulvakartoitukseen otettiin mukaan uusimmat mittaukset ja tiedot alueelta tarkasteltavista riskikohteista. Kustannustarkastelu tehtiin kahdelle samanlaiselle tulvalle, mutta tarkasteltavilla tilanteilla pengerrysalueiden tulvaluukkujen avauskorkeudet olivat erilaiset. Näin saadaan tietoa, miten tulva vesi leviää kartoitetulla alueella näissä eri tilanteissa ja kuinka kustannukset muuttuvat tulvaluukkujen avauskorkeuden muuttuessa. Kustannustarkasteluun otettiin huomioon ne riskikohteet, jotka ovat eri asianosaisten kannalta tärkeitä. Kustannustarkastelussa otettiin huomioon myös tulvan ajankohdan vaikutus kustannuksiin kevät- ja syystulvilla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin kattava selvitys siitä, millaisia vaikutuksia pengerrysalueen käytön muutoksilla on tulvan leviämiseen tarkastellulla alueella. Lisäksi saatiin arvio siitä, mikä pengerrysalueiden käyttötapa olisi kustannushyötytarkastelun perusteella ihanteellisin. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tarkasteltujen tilanteiden kaltaisissa tulvatilanteissa olisi edullisinta jättää pengerrysalueen käyttö nykyisen kaltaiseksi. Tutkimuksessa huomattiin kuitenkin, että luotettavien tulosten saamiseksi olisi tutkittava useampia erilaisia tulvatilanteita. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myöhemmin Etelä-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskuksen toteuttamassa varsinaisessa Lapuanjoen pengerrysalueiden muutoksen toimenpidesuunnitelmassa ja lupahakemuksessa. Käytettyä uutta muuttuvan virtaaman tulvamallinnusta sekä tarkemman tulvakartoituksen menetelmää voidaan jatkossa käyttää yleisesti, kun nykyisiä tulvakartoituksia aloitetaan päivittämään koko Suomessa.Cost benefit examination caused by chances in flood protection methods in terracing area in Lapuanjoki river. Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to examine how well the terracing areas of Lapuanjoki river can reduce spikes of flood heights and how these terracing areas can be used more effectively to flood protection. The terracing areas protect large low-lying field areas in the north from centre of Lapua from floods that appears once in 20 years. When the flood is bigger than that, flood gates are opened and the floodwater flows to the fields (flood plain). That is how the buildings in the centre of Lapua can be protected from flood. Flooded waters have to be pumped out of the terracing areas by the local farmers causing cost for them. On the other hand, the city center of Lapua and the wastewater treatment plant of Lapua need to do large investments if water height is let to rice too high. Optimization of the use of terracing areas is very important so that there are no unnecessary costs to any party. The study was based on flood modeling done by a consultant with HEC-RAS programme. Flood model was improved since the previous version as discharge changes along time was considered in the new modeling, which was also more accurate than previous version. All this enable more realistic flood simulation. After modelling flood maps were created with ArcMap programme based on two scenarios of the flood model and the newest data available. Cost examination is made for two same amount of flood but there is difference between the opening heights of flood hatches in scenarios. With these scenarios can be examine how flood waters spread on the area in different situations and how costs are changing when opening heights are chancing. The subjects that are taken under observation are important for the parties in that area. Also the date of flood is taken into account of cost by examination of spring and fall floods. The result of this thesis gave information how chances in the use of terracing areas has impact on flood water spreading in the flood plain. Estimation of the best using method for terracing areas was made based on the cost examination. The results of this thesis was that in the situation that were examined it is more profitable to leave the using method of terracing areas in present usage. In this theses were also noticed that there need to be done more examination of different kinds of flood situations to get more reliable results for the change of using method of terracing areas. The results of this thesis can be in plan and licence application of the changes of Lapuanjoki river terracing areas in the future. The improved flood model and the more accurate flood mapping method can be applied when current flood maps will be further updated in Finland

    Consumer behaviour and the life-course: shopper reactions to self service grocery shops and supermarkets in England c.1947-1975

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordThe paper examines the development of self-service grocery shopping from a consumer perspective. Using qualitative data constructed through a nationwide biographical survey and oral histories, it is possible to go beyond contemporary market surveys which give insufficient attention to shopping as a socially and culturally embedded practice. The paper uses the conceptual framework of the life-course, to demonstrate how grocery shopping is a complex activity, in which the retail encounter is shaped by the specific interconnection of different retail formats with consumer characteristics and situational influences. Consumer reactions to retail modernization must be understood in relation to the development of consumer practices at points of transition and stability within the life-course. These practices are accessed by examining retrospective consumer narratives about food shopping

    Mathematical talent in Braille code pattern finding and invention

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    The recognition of patterns and creativity are two characteristics associated with mathematical talent. In this study, we analyzed these characteristics in a group of 37 mathematically talented students. The students were asked to find the pattern the Braille code had been built upon and reinvent it with the aim of making its mathematical language become more functional. Initially, the students were unable to identify the formation pattern of Braille, but after experiencing the difficulties that blind people face when reading it, they recognized the generating element and the regularity. The results were in contrast with those of a control group, and it is noted that the students with mathematical talent were more effective in using visualization to identify the regularity of the pattern and their invention proposals were more sophisticated and used less conventional mathematical content.This research is part of the R+D+I project EDU2015- 69,731-R (Spanish Government/MinEco and ERDF)

    Back to the past: the individual and its role in creativity in organisations

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    O objetivo deste texto é realçar o papel do indivíduo na criatividade nas organizações. Esse papel tem sido estranhamente remetido para um plano secundário, à medida que as modernas visões da criatividade a definem, sobretudo, com relação ao contexto em que ocorre. De fato, na perspectiva atual, a criatividade não pode ser entendida sem se considerarem os contextos funcional, relacional e organizacional nos quais está inserido o trabalhador. Tais são as considerações da maior parte dos autores que escreve sobre o tópico, como sejam Amabile (1996), Csikszentmihalyi (1996), ou, mais recentemente, Glăveanu (2010a, 2010b). Essa corrente dominante, com origem no interacionismo psico-social, tem ainda influenciado o desenvolvimento teórico de outros conceitos em psicologia, sociologia, e, na sequência, nas ciências sociais e humanas, e na gestão. Essa supremacia no que concerne a criatividade, tem conduzido os autores a olvidar o papel do indivíduo no processo e no resultado criativos, chegando a retirar-lhe a responsabilidade e o protagonismo pela geração e produção de ideias. Desse modo, no presente texto, recuperam-se os argumentos em favor da centralidade da pessoa na criatividade, defendendo-se que esta tem uma existência isolada de influências externas, e que, como tal, devem relembrar-se as bases individuais da criatividadeThe goal of the current text is to highlight the role of the individual in creativity in organisations. This role has been strangely disregarded in recent years, as modern accounts of creativity have been emphasising the idea that creativity is only defined in context. This main stream argues that creativity is a process that essentially occurs within a functional, relational, and organisational context in which workers are inserted. Key authors defending such a position include the likes of Amabile (1996), Csikszentmihalyi (1996), and, more recently, Glăveanu (2010a, 2010b). This is a vision rooted in the psychosocial interactionist perspective, which has also had a considerable impact in other areas in psychology, sociology, management and other social and human sciences. This supremacy, with regards to creativity, has led many to forget the role of the individual person in the creative process and output, removing their responsibility and protagonism for generating and producing ideas. Hence, the current text intends to bring back to discussion the individual bases of creativity, that people can have an existence isolated from external influences, further defending that the concept can and should be defined out of context, rather than in contextinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The problematic relationship between knowing how and knowing that in secondary art education

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    This is a postprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the Oxford Review of Education© 2005 Copyright Taylor & Francis; Oxford Review of Education is available online at http://www.informaworld.comThis article explores and attempts to rectify current conceptual confusion found in secondary art education in the UK between procedural knowledge or 'knowing how' and declarative knowledge or 'knowing that'. The paper argues that current practice confuses procedural knowledge with declarative knowledge. A corollary is that assessment evidence for 'knowing how', which is shown or demonstrated, is confused with assessment evidence for 'knowing that', which requires spoken or written forms of reporting. The confusion is replicated in the national examination, the General Certificate of Secondary Education, taken by students at the age of 16. The article traces this confusion to three dualisms: the Cartesian dualisms of mind and body, an individual mind and the distributed mind of culture, and the more recent mind-in-brain hemisphere dualism. The article advocates a Wittgensteinian embodied, socio-cultural view of mind as a way of solving the current conceptual confusion that prevails in art education in the UK

    Gender and creativity: An overview of psychological and neuroscientific literature

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    The topic of gender differences in creativity is one that generates substantial scientific and public interest, but also courts considerable controversy. Owing to the heterogeneous nature of the findings associated with this line of research, the general picture often appears puzzling or obscure. This article presents a selective overview of psychological and neuroscientific literature that has a relevant bearing on the theme of gender and creativity. Topics that are explored include the definition and methods of assessing creativity, a summary of behavioral investigations on gender in relation to creativity, postulations that have been put forward to understand gender differences in creative achievement, gender-based differences in the structure and function of the brain, gender-related differences in behavioral performance on tasks of normative cognition, and neuroscientific studies of gender and creativity. The article ends with a detailed discussion of the idea that differences between men and women in creative cognition are best explained with reference to the gender-dependent adopted strategies or cognitive style when faced with generative tasks

    Risk and resilience in gifted young people from low socio-economic backgrounds

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    Gifted and talented young people from low socio-economic backgrounds are consistently under-represented in gifted programmes in New Zealand schools. This chapter reports on a qualitative study that explored the lived experiences of 101 gifted New Zealand young people from low socio-economic back-grounds. An overarching question for this study was ‘What is it about gifted young people from low socio-economic backgrounds who have achieved to exceptional levels, that has enabled them to do so?’ The risk and resilience construct was used as a lens through which to explore their experiences across a range of contexts. These young people reflected on their perceptions of their giftedness and socio-economic circumstances, their childhoods and school ex-periences, and their home lives. The stories of the participants in this study in-dicated that there are particular risks associated with both giftedness and low socio-economic status, and contribute to ideas about how these young people might be more effectively supported to develop their potential

    Advice for the Secretary of Agriculture about Management of the Giant Sequoia National Monument

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    Landscapes held in public trust are difficult to manage; a living National Monument subject to increased public use presents additional challenges. These landscapes are subject to regional and global effects outside the manager\u27s control, such as global climate change and air pollution. They are also subject to innumerable local variables, most of whose effects are difficult to predict. The giant sequoia groves and their surrounding ecosystem are fiercely loved by many; although the goals may be broadly similar, the objectives and policies of these giant sequoia lovers are often sharply at odds