58 research outputs found

    Mobile customer relationship management : An explorative investigation of the italian consumer market

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    Mobile customer relationship management (CRM) services seem to have all the characteristics commonly associated with successful mobile services and have accordingly been predicted to be among the most promising. However, real development of this sector has not been well explored so far, especially in relation to the actual supply of mobile CRM services to the public. The purpose of this paper is to reduce this gap by giving a first snapshot of the current development of the supply of mobile CRM services to consumers taken in the context of the Italian market. In order to do so, it firstly proposes a conceptual framework indicating the relevant aspects to investigate for assessing this kind of environments: the market, value propositions, actors and issues. Then it applies this framework to get an overview of the supply of mobile CRM services in Italy and provides some empirical insight about its current development obtained through an exhaustive survey of the current supply of 750 services from 353 firms

    Apport de la génétique pour l’étude de la dynamique des populations de Loutre d’Europe Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) en France

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    peer reviewedContribution of genetic studies to the understanding of the population dynamics of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758)) The Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) experienced a dramatic decline in Europe during the 20th century, persisting only in small and spatially isolated populations. Since the 1970s and its legal protection in many regions, the species expanded in range and numbers, which stimulated scientific studies. The simultaneous development of molecular methods allowed scientists to adopt non-invasive sampling techniques for the monitoring of the species. These methods rely on the collection of cues of the species presence and neither requires to capture nor to observe the individuals. These studies improved our knowledge on the biology, population size and population dynamics of the species.The present article summarises the state of the art on otter in Europe based on recent genetic studies conducted throughout the species distribution range in France. We did not aim at an exhaustive review of studies on Eurasian otter, but rather at illustrating to what extent genetic studies contributed to our knowledge on otter biology at different temporal and spatial scales. Thus, innovative studies conducted on River otter Lontra canadensis Schreber, 1777 based on molecular methods were also included

    Redefining innovation processes: The digital designers at work

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    As design in digital innovation has become a thing, we highlight the inconclusive concepts that describe design activity in innovation processes. Proposing an alternative theoretical lens - a sociomaterial practice lens - we claim that this view can reveal the contribution of digital designers to the work of innovation. This paper draws on a research study with digital designers in the UK. At the same time as we begin to reconceptualise the ways digital design activity can be described, we also illustrate a theoretical framework based on 1) action and knowing as ordered by collectively produced objects, 2) sociomateriality and the configuration of human bodies and materials in action, 3) the co-emergence of objects and sociomaterial configurations where each is the condition of the other. This alternative way of looking at design activity may pose some challenges to the theoretical traditions in the field. We however believe that it contains immense potential too

    Effects of agricultural land use on fluvial carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide concentrations in a large European river, the Meuse (Belgium)

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    peer reviewedWe report a data-set of CO2, CH4, and N2O concentrations in the surface waters of the Meuse river network in Belgium, obtained during four surveys covering 50 stations (summer 2013 and late winter 2013, 2014 and 2015), from yearly cycles in four rivers of variable size and catchment land cover, and from 111 groundwater samples. Surface waters of the Meuse river network were over-saturated in CO2, CH4, N2O with respect to atmospheric equilibrium, acting as sources of these greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, although the dissolved gases also showed marked seasonal and spatial variations. Seasonal variations were related to changes in freshwater discharge following the hydrological cycle, with highest concentrations of CO2, CH4, N2O during low water owing to a longer water residence time and lower currents (i.e. lower gas transfer velocities), both contributing to the accumulation of gases in the water column, combined with higher temperatures favourable to microbial processes. Inter-annual differences of discharge also led to differences in CH4 and N2O that were higher in years with prolonged low water periods. Spatial variations were mostly due to differences in land cover over the catchments, with systems dominated by agriculture (croplands and pastures) having higher CO2, CH4, N2O levels than forested systems. This seemed to be related to higher levels of dissolved and particulate organic matter, as well as dissolved inorganic nitrogen in agriculture dominated systems compared to forested ones. Groundwater had very low CH4 concentrations in the shallow and unconfined aquifers (mostly fractured limestones) of the Meuse basin, hence, should not contribute significantly to the high CH4 levels in surface riverine waters. Owing to high dissolved concentrations, groundwater could potentially transfer important quantities of CO2 and N2O to surface waters of the Meuse basin, although this hypothesis remains to be tested

    Efficacy of Adalimumab as first-line “top-down” therapy in pediatric Crohn's Disease: 12 months of follow-up

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    Objectives and Study: Anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) agents are highly efficient in inducing and maintaining remission in pediatric Crohn's disease (CD). The question is who is the right patient and when is the right moment to introduce anti-TNF medication. Recent ECCO-ESPGHAN guidelines indicate a clear place of anti-TNF biologics in patients with positive predictors of poor outcome. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of adalimumab (ADA) as first-line therapy by comparing two НiffОrОnt stratОgiОsŚ χDχ “top Нown” in immunomoНulator anН anti-TNF naïve CD patients versus a “stОp up” stratОgy in patiОnts rОМОiving immunosupprОssivО agОnts (thiopurinО anН/or infliximabΨ before ADA. Method: Patients followed for CD at Necker hospital that started their ADA therapy between 2005 and 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. The beginning of the study (M0) was the date of first ADA injection. Enrolled patients were divided into 2 groups according to the treatment strategy. Group A was composed of patients naïve of immunosuppressors and anti TNF agents who started early ADA aftОr inНuМtion of rОmission, rОsulting in a “top Нown” stratОgy whilО group ψ was МomposОН by patiОnts who startОН χDχ aftОr a morО МlassiМal stratОgy (iО “stОp up” stratОgy using immunosuppressive agents then infliximab). For each patient were collected data at M0, M3, M6, M9 and M12 regarding the disease activity score (wPCDAI), auxological parameters, biological parameters (CRP, ESR, Albumin, ADA trough levels and antibodies anti-ADA). Results: 83 patients (43 boys) were enrolled in the study, 43,3% (n=36) in group A and 56,6% (n=47) in group B. Mean age at the start of ADA was 13.6 ± 2.6 years. At inclusion the 2 groups were comparable with a mean wPCDAi of 40.75 ± 14,8 in group A versus 45.6 ± 15,5 in group B. At 6 months, the 2 groups were in clinical remission with a median wPCDAI of 0 (0-12.5 IQR) in group A (n = 30) versus 0 (0-7.5 IQR) in group B (n=38) (p: 0.509). CRP level decreased from 15.5 (4.7-35.8 IQR) to 1.1 (0.5-5.6 IQR) in group A vs 17.1 (6.5-37.7 IQR) to 4,8 (0.7-6.1 IQR) in group B (p: 0.945 e p: 0.086). For the subgroup of patients who reached the 1 year follow up, there were no significant differences regarding the mean wPCDAI, CRP, ESR and serum allbumin between the 2 groups. Conclusion: ThО prОsОnt stuНy НОmonstratОs that thО “top Нown” stratОgy using Оarly χDχ monotherapy in disease course is as effective as a step-up strategy. Moreover, ADA monotherapy is as effective as combotherapy in maintaining clinical and biological remission at 1 year of follow-up in paediatric CD patients. Those results are very important to identify the best strategy in pediatric CD patients, where safety concerns are major

    Eating disorder or oesophageal achalasia during adolescence: diagnostic difficulties

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    International audienceMarine was a fourteen and a half-year-old adolescent female hospitalized for an eating disorder (ED) of the anorexic type with purging behaviors. She has had a complicated life course, made up of disruptions and discontinuities, both family and school. Since the age of five, Marine had been intermittently treated in psychiatry for a diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder. The current illness started with spontaneous and induced vomiting associated with major weight loss (body mass index, 15.27 kg m−2). The diagnosis of anorexia nervosa was established after several opinions from professionals in five Parisian university pediatric departments, where additional investigations were carried out without any somatic cause being identified. In this context, Marine was transferred to a child psychiatry unit. There, she had acute dyspnea during the insertion of a nasogastric tube. As a result, a new specialized opinion was sought from a pediatric gastroenterologist and further explorations were performed (oeso-gastroduodenal transit and manometry), leading to the conclusion to an oesophageal achalasia requiring surgical treatment. This case report highlights that the exclusion of any organic disorder should be a priority in the diagnostic assessment of an ED. Oesophageal achalasia is a rare differential diagnosis and should be considered in case of swallowing difficulties or dysphagia. Health care professionals should take care to provide appropriate somatic follow-up for patients with psychiatric disorders