356 research outputs found

    Paracetamol and antibiotics in childhood and subsequent development of wheezing/asthma: association or causation?

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    Several studies found an association between early administration of paracetamol and antibiotics and development of wheezing. This could be due to confounding: wheeze and asthmatic symptoms in early childhood are difficult to distinguish from respiratory tract infections that are widely treated with these drugs; in case of persistence of symptoms up to school age, this could explain the observed relationship

    Deletion in the EVC2 gene causes chondrodysplastic dwarfism in Tyrolean grey cattle

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    During the summer of 2013 seven Italian Tyrolean Grey calves were born with abnormally short limbs. Detailed clinical and pathological examination revealed similarities to chondrodysplastic dwarfism. Pedigree analysis showed a common founder, assuming autosomal monogenic recessive transmission of the defective allele. A positional cloning approach combining genome wide association and homozygosity mapping identified a single 1.6 Mb genomic region on BTA 6 that was associated with the disease. Whole genome re-sequencing of an affected calf revealed a single candidate causal mutation in the Ellis van Creveld syndrome 2 (EVC2) gene. This gene is known to be associated with chondrodysplastic dwarfism in Japanese Brown cattle, and dwarfism, abnormal nails and teeth, and dysostosis in humans with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. Sanger sequencing confirmed the presence of a 2 bp deletion in exon 19 (c.2993_2994ACdel) that led to a premature stop codon in the coding sequence of bovine EVC2, and was concordant with the recessive pattern of inheritance in affected and carrier animals. This loss of function mutation confirms the important role of EVC2 in bone development. Genetic testing can now be used to eliminate this form of chondrodysplastic dwarfism from Tyrolean Grey cattle

    Mapeamento de cobertura da terra na Raia Divisória (SP-PR-MS) a partir de imagens CBERS

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear e identificar os principais tipos de cobertura da terra na raia divisória entre os estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul, a partir de imagens CBERS-2B, do sensor CCD. Através da elaboração dos índices radiométricos NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) e NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) realizou-se a sobreposição dos resultados, gerando uma imagem síntese com as coberturas predominantes - água, área edificada/solo exposto e vegetação. De modo geral, o mapeamento apresentou correspondência significativa com a realidade, evidenciando sua vantagem quando se trabalha com áreas de grande extensão territorial. Apesar de a qualidade radiométrica da imagem e resolução espectral do sensor terem dificultado a identificação e delimitação de determinados alvos, a utilização dos índices foi eficaz, realçando as feições nas imagens, e possibilitando a distinção das áreas, bem como o mapeamento temático da cobertura da terra

    Rodas de diálogos: construindo a agroecologia do DF e Entorno.

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    O presente trabalho se propõe a relatar o desenvolvimento e resultados da dinâmica ?Rodas de Diálogos: Construindo a Agroecologia do DF e Entorno?, realizada no âmbito do IV Seminário de Agroecologia do Distrito Federal e Entorno, 2014, Brasília, DF.V SOCLA