18 research outputs found

    Optimal secure quantum teleportation of coherent states of light

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    We investigate quantum teleportation of ensembles of coherent states of light with a Gaussian distributed displacement in phase space. Recently, the following general question has been addressed in [P. Liuzzo-Scorpo et al., arXiv:1705.03017]: Given a limited amount of entanglement and mean energy available as resources, what is the maximal fidelity that can be achieved on average in the teleportation of such an alphabet of states? Here, we consider a variation of this question, where Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is used as a resource rather than plain entanglement. We provide a solution by means of an optimisation within the space of Gaussian quantum channels, which allows for an intuitive visualisation of the problem. We first show that not all channels are accessible with a finite degree of steering, and then prove that practical schemes relying on asymmetric two-mode Gaussian states enable one to reach the maximal fidelity at the border with the inaccessible region. Our results provide a rigorous quantitative assessment of steering as a resource for secure quantum teleportation beyond the so-called no-cloning threshold. The schemes we propose can be readily implemented experimentally by a conventional Braunstein-Kimble continuous variable teleportation protocol involving homodyne detections and corrective displacements with an optimally tuned gain. These protocols can be integrated as elementary building blocks in quantum networks, for reliable storage and transmission of quantum optical states

    Performance characterization for noisy quantum technologies

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    The fast development of quantum technologies requires a new theoretical effort to characterize their performance in practical scenarios. By studying both discrete and continuous variable systems, we will explore several research lines, such as control theory, quantum metrology and non-Markovianity. The thread connecting these different fields will be an approach that attempts to determine the limits and the potentiality of quantum performance in the presence of noise and scarcity of resources. Indeed, the goal of this thesis is to investigate whether quantum features can enhance the performance of particular instances of quantum protocols, and, if this is the case, how this enhancement is affected when some restrictions on the practical implementation of these protocols are in place

    Performance characterization for noisy quantum technologies

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    The fast development of quantum technologies requires a new theoretical effort to characterize their performance in practical scenarios. By studying both discrete and continuous variable systems, we will explore several research lines, such as control theory, quantum metrology and non-Markovianity. The thread connecting these different fields will be an approach that attempts to determine the limits and the potentiality of quantum performance in the presence of noise and scarcity of resources. Indeed, the goal of this thesis is to investigate whether quantum features can enhance the performance of particular instances of quantum protocols, and, if this is the case, how this enhancement is affected when some restrictions on the practical implementation of these protocols are in place

    Gaussian interferometric power as a measure of continuous-variable non-Markovianity

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    We investigate the non-Markovianity of continuous-variable Gaussian quantum channels through the evolution of an operational metrological quantifier, namely, the Gaussian interferometric power, which captures the minimal precision that can be achieved using bipartite Gaussian probes in a black-box phase estimation setup, where the phase shift generator is a priori unknown. We observe that the monotonicity of the Gaussian interferometric power under the action of local Gaussian quantum channels on the ancillary arm of the bipartite probes is a natural indicator of Markovian dynamics; consequently, its breakdown for specific maps can be used to construct a witness and an effective quantifier of non-Markovianity. In our work, we consider two paradigmatic Gaussian models, the damping master equation and the quantum Brownian motion, and identify analytically and numerically the parameter regimes that give rise to non-Markovian dynamics. We then quantify the degree of non-Markovianity of the channels in terms of Gaussian interferometric power, showing, in particular, that even nonentangled probes can be useful to witness non-Markovianity. This establishes an interesting link between the dynamics of bipartite continuous-variable open systems and their potential for optical interferometry. The results are an important supplement to the recent research on characterization of non-Markovianity in continuous-variable systems

    Optimal continuous variable quantum teleportation with limited resources

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    Given a certain amount of entanglement available as a resource, what is the most efficient way to accomplish a quantum task? We address this question in the relevant case of continuous variable quantum teleportation protocols implemented using two-mode Gaussian states with a limited degree of entanglement and energy. We first characterize the class of single-mode phase-insensitive Gaussian channels that can be simulated via a Braunstein-Kimble protocol with nonunit gain and minimum shared entanglement, showing that infinite energy is not necessary apart from the special case of the quantum limited attenuator. We also find that apart from the identity, all phase-insensitive Gaussian channels can be simulated through a two-mode squeezed state with finite energy, albeit with a larger entanglement. We then consider the problem of teleporting single-mode coherent states with Gaussian-distributed displacement in phase space. Performing a geometrical optimization over phase-insensitive Gaussian channels, we determine the maximum average teleportation fidelity achievable with any finite entanglement and for any realistically finite variance of the input distribution

    Noisy frequency estimation with noisy probes

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    We consider frequency estimation in a noisy environment with noisy probes. This builds on previous studies, most of which assume that the initial probe state is pure, while the encoding process is noisy, or that the initial probe state is mixed, while the encoding process is noiseless. Our work is more representative of reality, where noise is unavoidable in both the initial state of the probe and the estimation process itself. We prepare the probe in a GHZ diagonal state, starting from n + 1 qubits in an arbitrary uncorrelated mixed state, and subject it to parameter encoding under dephasing noise. For this scheme, we derive a simple formula for the (quantum and classical) Fisher information, and show that quantum enhancements do not depend on the initial mixedness of the qubits. That is, we show that the so-called 'Zeno' scaling is attainable when the noise present in the encoding process is time inhomogeneous. This scaling does not depend on the mixedness of the initial probe state, and it is retained even for highly mixed states that can never be entangled. We then show that the sensitivity of the probe in our protocol is invariant under permutations of qubits, and monotonic in purity of the initial state of the probe. Finally, we discuss two limiting cases, where purity is either distributed evenly among the probes or concentrated in a single probe

    Non-Markovianity hierarchy of Gaussian processes and quantum amplification

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    We investigate the dynamics of Gaussian states of continuous variable systems under Gaussianity-preserving channels. We introduce a hierarchy of such evolutions encompassing Markovian and weakly and strongly non-Markovian processes and provide simple criteria to distinguish between the classes, based on the degree of positivity of intermediate Gaussian maps. We present an intuitive classification of all one-mode Gaussian channels according to their non-Markovianity degree and show that weak non-Markovianity has an operational significance, as it leads to a temporary phase-insensitive amplification of Gaussian inputs beyond the fundamental quantum limit. Explicit examples and applications are discussed