32 research outputs found

    Estimation of ontogeny functions for renal transporters using a combined population pharmacokinetic and physiology-based pharmacokinetic approach : application to OAT1,3

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    To date, information on the ontogeny of renal transporters is limited. Here, we propose to estimate the in vivo functional ontogeny of transporters using a combined population pharmacokinetic (popPK) and physiology-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling approach called popPBPK. Clavulanic acid and amoxicillin were used as probes for glomerular filtration, combined glomerular filtration, and active secretion through OAT1,3, respectively. The predictive value of the estimated OAT1,3 ontogeny function was assessed by PBPK predictions of renal clearance (CLR) of other OAT1,3 substrates: cefazolin and piperacillin. Individual CL(R)post-hoc values, obtained from a published popPK model on the concomitant use of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin in critically ill children between 1 month and 15 years, were used as dependent variables in the popPBPK analysis. CLR was re-parameterized according to PBPK principles, resulting in the estimation of OAT1,3-mediated intrinsic clearance (CLint,OAT1,3,invivo) and its ontogeny. CLint,OAT1,3,invivo ontogeny was described by a sigmoidal function, reaching half of adult level around 7 months of age, comparable to findings based on renal transporter-specific protein expression data. PBPK-based CLR predictions including this ontogeny function were reasonably accurate for piperacillin in a similar age range (2.5 months-15 years) as well as for cefazolin in neonates as compared to published data (%RMSPE of 21.2 and 22.8%, respectively and %PE within +/- 50%). Using this novel approach, we estimated an in vivo functional ontogeny profile for CLint,OAT1,3,invivo that yields accurate CLR predictions for different OAT1,3 substrates across different ages. This approach deserves further study on functional ontogeny of other transporters

    Endothelial dysfunction and diabetes: roles of hyperglycemia, impaired insulin signaling and obesity

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    Predictive Performance of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Beta-Lactam Antibiotic Concentrations in Adipose, Bone and Muscle Tissues.

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    Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models consist of compartments representing different tissues. As most models are only verified based on plasma concentrations, it is unclear how reliable as-sociated tissue profiles are. This study aimed to assess the accuracy of PBPK-predicted beta-lactam antibiotic concentrations in different tissues and assess the impact of using effect site concentrations for evaluation of target attainment. Adipose, bone, and muscle concentra-tions of five beta-lactams (piperacillin, cefazolin, cefuroxime, ceftazi-dime, and meropenem) in healthy adults were collected from literature and compared with PBPK predictions. Model performance was evalu-ated with average fold errors (AFEs) and absolute AFEs (AAFEs) between predicted and observed concentrations. In total, 26 studies were included, 14 of which reported total tissue concentrations and 12 unbound interstitial fluid (uISF) concentrations. Concurrent plasma concentrations, used as baseline verification of the models, were fairly accurate (AFE: 1.14, AAFE: 1.50). Predicted total tissue concentrations were less accurate (AFE: 0.68, AAFE: 1.89). A slight trend for underpre-diction was observed but none of the studies had AFE or AAFE values outside threefold. Similarly, predictions of microdialysis-derived uISF concentrations were less accurate than plasma concentration predic-tions (AFE: 1.52, AAFE: 2.32). uISF concentrations tended to be over -predicted and two studies had AFEs and AAFEs outside threefold. Pharmacodynamic simulations in our case showed only a limited impact of using uISF concentrations instead of unbound plasma concentrations on target attainment rates. The results of this study illustrate the limitations of current PBPK models to predict tissue con-centrations and the associated need for more accurate models.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTClinical inaccessibility of local effect site concentrations precipitates a need for predictive methods for the estimation of tissue concentra-tions. This is the first study in which the accuracy of PBPK-predicted tissue concentrations of beta-lactam antibiotics in humans were assessed. Predicted tissue concentrations were found to be less accurate than concurrent predicted plasma concentrations. When using PBPK models to predict tissue concentrations, this potential relative loss of accuracy should be acknowledged when clinical tissue concentrations are unavailable to verify predictions.Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models consist of compartments representing different tissues. As most models are only verified based on plasma concentrations, it is unclear how reliable as-sociated tissue profiles are. This study aimed to assess the accuracy of PBPK-predicted beta-lactam antibiotic concentrations in different tissues and assess the impact of using effect site concentrations for evaluation of target attainment. Adipose, bone, and muscle concentra-tions of five beta-lactams (piperacillin, cefazolin, cefuroxime, ceftazi-dime, and meropenem) in healthy adults were collected from literature and compared with PBPK predictions. Model performance was evalu-ated with average fold errors (AFEs) and absolute AFEs (AAFEs) between predicted and observed concentrations. In total, 26 studies were included, 14 of which reported total tissue concentrations and 12 unbound interstitial fluid (uISF) concentrations. Concurrent plasma concentrations, used as baseline verification of the models, were fairly accurate (AFE: 1.14, AAFE: 1.50). Predicted total tissue concentrations were less accurate (AFE: 0.68, AAFE: 1.89). A slight trend for underpre-diction was observed but none of the studies had AFE or AAFE values outside threefold. Similarly, predictions of microdialysis-derived uISF concentrations were less accurate than plasma concentration predic-tions (AFE: 1.52, AAFE: 2.32). uISF concentrations tended to be over -predicted and two studies had AFEs and AAFEs outside threefold. Pharmacodynamic simulations in our case showed only a limited impact of using uISF concentrations instead of unbound plasma concentrations on target attainment rates. The results of this study illustrate the limitations of current PBPK models to predict tissue con-centrations and the associated need for more accurate models.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTClinical inaccessibility of local effect site concentrations precipitates a need for predictive methods for the estimation of tissue concentra-tions. This is the first study in which the accuracy of PBPK-predicted tissue concentrations of beta-lactam antibiotics in humans were assessed. Predicted tissue concentrations were found to be less accurate than concurrent predicted plasma concentrations. When using PBPK models to predict tissue concentrations, this potential relative loss of accuracy should be acknowledged when clinical tissue concentrations are unavailable to verify predictions.A

    Hide, Keep Quiet, and Keep Low : Properties That Make Aspergillus fumigatus a Successful Lung Pathogen

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    Representatives of the genus Aspergillus are opportunistic fungal pathogens. Their conidia can reach the alveoli by inhalation and can give rise to infections in immunocompromised individuals. Aspergillus fumigatus is the causal agent of invasive aspergillosis in nearly 90% of the cases. It is not yet well-established what makes this fungus more pathogenic than other aspergilli such as A. niger. Here, we show that A. fumigatus and A. niger conidia adhere with similar efficiency to lung epithelial A549 cells but A. fumigatus conidia internalized 17% more efficiently. Conidia of both aspergilli were taken up in phagolysosomes 8 h after the challenge. These organelles only acidified in the case of A. niger, which is probably due to the type of melanin coating of the conidia. Viability of both types of conidia was not affected after uptake in the phagolysosomes. Germination of A. fumigatus and A. niger conidia in the presence of epithelial cells was delayed when compared to conidia in the medium. However, germination of A. niger conidia was still higher than that of A. fumigatus 10 h after exposure to A549 cells. Remarkably, A. fumigatus hyphae grew mainly parallel to the epithelium, while growth direction of A. niger hyphae was predominantly perpendicular to the plane of the cells. Neutrophils reduced germination and hyphal growth of A. niger, but not of A fumigatus, in presence of epithelial cells. Taken together, efficient internalization, delayed germination, and hyphal growth parallel to the epithelium gives a new insight into what could be the causes for the success of A. fumigatus compared to A. niger as an opportunistic pathogen in the lung

    Hide, Keep Quiet, and Keep Low : Properties That Make Aspergillus fumigatus a Successful Lung Pathogen

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    Representatives of the genus Aspergillus are opportunistic fungal pathogens. Their conidia can reach the alveoli by inhalation and can give rise to infections in immunocompromised individuals. Aspergillus fumigatus is the causal agent of invasive aspergillosis in nearly 90% of the cases. It is not yet well-established what makes this fungus more pathogenic than other aspergilli such as A. niger. Here, we show that A. fumigatus and A. niger conidia adhere with similar efficiency to lung epithelial A549 cells but A. fumigatus conidia internalized 17% more efficiently. Conidia of both aspergilli were taken up in phagolysosomes 8 h after the challenge. These organelles only acidified in the case of A. niger, which is probably due to the type of melanin coating of the conidia. Viability of both types of conidia was not affected after uptake in the phagolysosomes. Germination of A. fumigatus and A. niger conidia in the presence of epithelial cells was delayed when compared to conidia in the medium. However, germination of A. niger conidia was still higher than that of A. fumigatus 10 h after exposure to A549 cells. Remarkably, A. fumigatus hyphae grew mainly parallel to the epithelium, while growth direction of A. niger hyphae was predominantly perpendicular to the plane of the cells. Neutrophils reduced germination and hyphal growth of A. niger, but not of A fumigatus, in presence of epithelial cells. Taken together, efficient internalization, delayed germination, and hyphal growth parallel to the epithelium gives a new insight into what could be the causes for the success of A. fumigatus compared to A. niger as an opportunistic pathogen in the lung

    Conventional pig as animal model for human renal drug excretion processes: unravelling the porcine renal function by use of a cocktail of exogenous markers

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    Over recent years, pigs have been promoted as potential animal model due to their anatomical and physiological similarities with humans. However, information about the contribution of distinct renal elimination processes [glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), tubular secretion, and reabsorption] in pigs is currently limited. Therefore, a cocktail of renal markers, consisting of iohexol (GFR), para-aminohippuric acid (ERPF and net tubular anion secretion), pindolol (net tubular cation secretion), and fluconazole (net tubular reabsorption) was administered intravenously to 7-week-old male conventional pigs. Plasma and urinary concentrations were determined using validated analytical methods. The clearance of iohexol (GFR) was 97.87 +/- 16.05 ml/min/m(2) (mean +/- SD). The ERPF, calculated as the renal clearance of PAH, was 226.77 +/- 62.45 ml/min/m(2), whereas the net tubular secretion of PAH was 130.28 +/- 52.62 ml/min/m(2). The net tubular secretion of R-pindolol and S-pindolol was 13.53 +/- 12.97 and 18.01 +/- 39.23 ml/min/m(2), respectively. The net tubular reabsorption of fluconazole was 78.32 +/- 13.52 ml/min/m(2). Overall, this cocktail of renal markers was considered to be safe for use in pigs since no adverse effects were observed. Iohexol, PAH and fluconazole were considered suitable renal marker to assess the porcine renal function. Pindolol seems less appropriate due to the high degree of nonrenal clearance in pigs. The values of GFR, ERPF, and anion secretion are within the same range for both human and pig. Regarding the tubular reabsorption of fluconazole, slightly higher values were obtained for pigs. Nevertheless, these results indicate the conventional pig could be an appropriate animal model to study renal drug elimination processes in humans

    Effective Neutrophil Phagocytosis of Aspergillus fumigatus Is Mediated by Classical Pathway Complement Activation

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    Aspergillus fumigatus is an important airborne fungal pathogen and a major cause of invasive fungal infections. Susceptible individuals become infected via the inhalation of dormant conidia. If the immune system fails to clear these conidia, they will swell, germinate and grow into large hyphal structures. Neutrophils are essential effector cells for controlling A. fumigatus infection. In general, opsonization of microbial particles is crucial for efficient phagocytosis and killing by neutrophils. Although the antibodies present in human serum do bind to all fungal morphotypes, we observed no direct antibody-mediated phagocytosis of A. fumigatus. We show that opsonization, phagocytosis and killing by neutrophils of A. fumigatus is complement-dependent. Using human sera depleted of key complement components, we investigated the contribution of the different complement initiation pathways in complement activation on the fungal surface. We describe the classical complement pathway as the main initiator of complement activation on A. fumigatus swollen conidia and germ tubes. Antibodies play an important role in complement activation and efficient innate recognition, phagocytosis and killing of A. fumigatus by neutrophils. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Perfusable tissue index as a potential marker of fibrosis in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

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    A varying degree of interstitial and perivascular fibrosis is a common finding in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The perfusable tissue index (PTI), obtained with PET, is a non-invasive tool for assessing myocardial fibrosis on a regional level. Measurements of the PTI in DCM, however, have not been performed yet. This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the PTI is reduced in patients with DCM. Methods: Fifteen patients with an advanced stage of DCM (New York Heart Association class III or IV and left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] < 35%) and 11 healthy control subjects were studied. PET was performed using H2 15O and C15O to obtain the perfusable tissue fraction (PTF) and the anatomic tissue fraction (ATF), respectively. Results: The PTI (=PTF/ATF) was reduced in DCM compared with control subjects (0.91 ± 0.12 vs. 1.12 ± 0.10; P < 0.01). Heterogeneity of the PTI, expressed as the coefficient of variation, was increased in DCM versus that of healthy control subjects (0.18 ± 0.07 vs. 0.13 ± 0.06; P < 0.05). There was no correlation between the PTI and echocardiographically derived LVEF in both groups. Conclusion: The PTI was reduced in patients with an advanced stage of DCM. Interstitial and perivascular fibrosis may be responsible for this reduction. Furthermore, the degree of the PTI reduction was variable in DCM patients, both on a regional level and between patients. Noninvasive assessment of fibrosis with the PTI offers the opportunity to evaluate the effects of fibrosis on regional myocardial function, correlate fibrosis with prognosis, and monitor pharmaceutical intervention

    Off-label use of medicines in neonates, infants, children, and adolescents: a joint policy statement by the European Academy of Paediatrics and the European society for Developmental Perinatal and Pediatric Pharmacology

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    Health-care professionals who prescribe medicines have the professional duty to choose medicines that are in the best interest of their individual patient, irrespective if that patient is an adult or a child. However, the availability of medicines with an appropriate label for pediatric use is lagging behind those for adults, and even available pediatric drugs are sometimes not suitable to administer to children. Consequently, health-care professionals often have no other option than to prescribe off-label medicines to children. An important reason for use of off-label medicines is to improve access to (innovative) treatments or to address medical needs and preferences of patients, especially when no other options are available. However, off-label use of medicines is in general not supported by the same level of evidence as medicines licensed for pediatric use. This may result in increased uncertainty on efficacy as well as the risk for toxicity and other side effects. In addition, liability may also be of concern, counterbalanced by professional guidelines.Conclusion: The purpose of this joint EAP/ESDPPP policy statement is to offer guidance for HCPs on when and how to prescribe off-label medicines to children and to provide recommendations for future European policy.status: publishe