19 research outputs found

    Homogeneity and heterogeneity in amylase production by Bacillus subtilis under different growth conditions

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    Background Bacillus subtilis is an important cell factory for the biotechnological industry due to its ability to secrete commercially relevant proteins in large amounts directly into the growth medium. However, hyper-secretion of proteins, such as α-amylases, leads to induction of the secretion stress-responsive CssR-CssS regulatory system, resulting in up-regulation of the HtrA and HtrB proteases. These proteases degrade misfolded proteins secreted via the Sec pathway, resulting in a loss of product. The aim of this study was to investigate the secretion stress response in B. subtilis 168 cells overproducing the industrially relevant α-amylase AmyM from Geobacillus stearothermophilus, which was expressed from the strong promoter P(amyQ)-M. Results Here we show that activity of the htrB promoter as induced by overproduction of AmyM was “noisy”, which is indicative for heterogeneous activation of the secretion stress pathway. Plasmids were constructed to allow real-time analysis of P(amyQ)-M promoter activity and AmyM production by, respectively, transcriptional and out-of-frame translationally coupled fusions with gfpmut3. Our results show the emergence of distinct sub-populations of high- and low-level AmyM-producing cells, reflecting heterogeneity in the activity of P(amyQ)-M. This most likely explains the heterogeneous secretion stress response. Importantly, more homogenous cell populations with regard to P(amyQ)-M activity were observed for the B. subtilis mutant strain 168degUhy32, and the wild-type strain 168 under optimized growth conditions. Conclusion Expression heterogeneity of secretory proteins in B. subtilis can be suppressed by degU mutation and optimized growth conditions. Further, the out-of-frame translational fusion of a gene for a secreted target protein and gfp represents a versatile tool for real-time monitoring of protein production and opens novel avenues for Bacillus production strain improvement

    Homogeneity and heterogeneity in amylase production by Bacillus subtilis under different growth conditions

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    __Background:__ Bacillus subtilis is an important cell factory for the biotechnological industry due to its ability to secrete commercially relevant proteins in large amounts directly into the growth medium. However, hyper-secretion of proteins, such as a-amylases, leads to induction of the secretion stress-responsive CssR-CssS regulatory system, resulting in up-regulation of the HtrA and HtrB proteases. These proteases degrade misfolded proteins secreted via the Sec pathway, resulting in a loss of product. The aim of this study was to investigate the secretion stress response in B. subtilis 168 cells overproducing the industrially relevant a-amylase AmyM from Geobacillus stearothermophilus, which was expressed from the strong promoter P(amyQ)-M. __Results:__ Here we show that activity of the htrB promoter as induced by overproduction of AmyM was "noisy", which is indicative for heterogeneous activation of the secretion stress pathway. Plasmids were constructed to allow real-time analysis of P(amyQ)-M promoter activity and AmyM production by, respectively, transcriptional and outof- frame translationally coupled fusions with gfpmut3. Our results show the emergence of distinct sub-populations of high- and low-level AmyM-producing cells, reflecting heterogeneity in the activity of P(amyQ)-M. This most likely explains the heterogeneous secretion stress response. Importantly, more homogenous cell populations with regard to P(amyQ)-M activity were observed for the B. subtilis mutant strain 168degUhy32, and the wild-type strain 168 under optimized growth conditions. __Conclusion:__ Expression heterogeneity of secretory proteins in B. subtilis can be suppressed by degU mutation and optimized growth conditions. Further, the out-of-frame translational fusion of a gene for a secreted target protein and gfp represents a versatile tool for real-time monitoring of protein production and opens novel avenues for Bacillus production strain improvement

    High-salinity growth conditions promote tat-independent secretion of tat substrates in Bacillus subtilis

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    The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis contains two Tat translocases, which can facilitate transport of folded proteins across the plasma membrane. Previous research has shown that Tat-dependent protein secretion in B. subtilis is a highly selective process and that heterologous proteins, such as the green fluorescent protein (GFP), are poor Tat substrates in this organism. Nevertheless, when expressed in Escherichia coli, both B. subtilis Tat translocases facilitated exclusively Tat-dependent export of folded GFP when the twin-arginine (RR) signal peptides of the E. coli AmiA, DmsA, or MdoD proteins were attached. Therefore, the present studies were aimed at determining whether the same RR signal peptide-GFP precursors would also be exported Tat dependently in B. subtilis. In addition, we investigated the secretion of GFP fused to the full-length YwbN protein, a strict Tat substrate in B. subtilis. Several investigated GFP fusion proteins were indeed secreted in B. subtilis, but this secretion was shown to be completely Tat independent. At high-salinity growth conditions, the Tat-independent secretion of GFP as directed by the RR signal peptides from the E. coli AmiA, DmsA, or MdoD proteins was significantly enhanced, and this effect was strongest in strains lacking the TatAy-TatCy translocase. This implies that high environmental salinity has a negative influence on the avoidance of Tat-independent secretion of AmiA-GFP, DmsA-GFP, and MdoD-GFP. We conclude that as-yet-unidentified control mechanisms reject the investigated GFP fusion proteins for translocation by the B. subtilis Tat machinery and, at the same time, set limits to their Tat-independent secretion, presumably via the Sec pathway

    Applications of quantitative fluorescence microscopy for systems level gene expression analyses in Bacillus subtilis

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    Nieuwe methode voor kwantitatieve fluorescentiemicroscopie Om beter te begrijpen hoe de grondbacterie Bacillus subtilis (die model kan staan voor de ziekenhuisbacterie S. aureus) overleeft, ontwikkelde UMCG-onderzoeker Sjouke Piersma nieuwe methoden voor kwantitatieve fluorescentiemicroscopie. Hij deed dat samen met zijn collega’s van de afdeling Medische Microbiologie. Bacillus subtilis is een bacterie die het liefst groeit op wortels van planten. Het is een populair modelorganisme voor onderzoek naar bacteriële genexpressie. Om na te gaan hoe de bacterie reageert op verschillende condities, maakten Piersma en zijn collega’s een verzameling van bacteriële stammen die meer dan 1.000 verschillende genfusies met een fluorescent eiwit (GFP) bevatten. Zo’n fusie licht op wanneer het bijbehorende proces in de cel actief is. Zo kon bekeken worden hoe genexpressie in de cel verandert onder verschillende condities. Het genexpressie-onderzoek van Piersma richtte zich zowel op individuele cellen binnen een populatie als op de gehele populatie. Voor de bestudering van genexpressie in individuele cellen werd gebruik gemaakt van een speciaal hiervoor ontwikkelde, nieuwe fluorescentiemicroscopie-methode. Deze methode is gebruikt voor een groot onderzoek waarin wiskundigen en biologen hebben samengewerkt. Zij hebben in kaart gebracht hoe Bacillus subtilis reageert op verandering in zijn voeding. Het onderzoek heeft meer inzicht gegeven in hoe de bacterie zich aan nieuwe omstandigheden aanpast, en leverde daarnaast een nieuwe methode op voor dataverwerking en datavisualisatie in de kwantitatieve fluorescentiemicroscopie

    Differential expression of a prophage-encoded glycocin and its immunity protein suggests a mutualistic strategy of a phage and its host

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    Sublancin 168 is a highly potent and stable antimicrobial peptide secreted by the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Production of sublancin gives B. subtilis a major competitive growth advantage over a range of other bacteria thriving in the same ecological niches, the soil and plant rhizosphere. B. subtilis protects itself against sublancin by producing the cognate immunity protein SunI. Previous studies have shown that both the sunA gene for sublancin and the sunI immunity gene are encoded by the prophage SP beta. The sunA gene is under control of several transcriptional regulators. Here we describe the mechanisms by which sunA is heterogeneously expressed within a population, while the sunI gene encoding the immunity protein is homogeneously expressed. The key determinants in heterogeneous sunA expression are the transcriptional regulators Spo0A, AbrB and Rok. Interestingly, these regulators have only a minor influence on sunI expression and they have no effect on the homogeneous expression of sunI within a population of growing cells. Altogether, our findings imply that the homogeneous expression of sunI allows even cells that are not producing sublancin to protect themselves at all times from the active sublancin produced at high levels by their isogenic neighbors. This suggests a mutualistic evolutionary strategy entertained by the SP beta prophage and its Bacillus host, ensuring both stable prophage maintenance and a maximal competitive advantage for the host at minimal costs

    Processing phase contrast images to create segmented cells.

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    <p>(A) ImageJ commands for the processing of phase contrast images to create segmented cells. (B) Visualization of the image processing from the original phase contrast image, through background subtraction, convolution, setting of a threshold grey intensity, conversion of values within threshold to mask and de-speckling. Red objects in the processed image are above the threshold and counted as cells. Notably, non-separated pairs of cells as marked with the white arrow pointing at the site of their attachment will be counted as one cell.</p