4,327 research outputs found

    Quantifying Timing Leaks and Cost Optimisation

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    We develop a new notion of security against timing attacks where the attacker is able to simultaneously observe the execution time of a program and the probability of the values of low variables. We then show how to measure the security of a program with respect to this notion via a computable estimate of the timing leakage and use this estimate for cost optimisation.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables. A shorter version is included in the proceedings of ICICS'08 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 20-22 October, 2008 Birmingham, U

    Probabilistic abstract interpretation: From trace semantics to DTMC’s and linear regression

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    In order to perform probabilistic program analysis we need to consider probabilistic languages or languages with a probabilistic semantics, as well as a corresponding framework for the analysis which is able to accommodate probabilistic properties and properties of probabilistic computations. To this purpose we investigate the relationship between three different types of probabilistic semantics for a core imperative language, namely Kozen’s Fixpoint Semantics, our Linear Operator Semantics and probabilistic versions of Maximal Trace Semantics. We also discuss the relationship between Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation (PAI) and statistical or linear regression analysis. While classical Abstract Interpretation, based on Galois connection, allows only for worst-case analyses, the use of the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse in PAI opens the possibility of exploiting statistical and noisy observations in order to analyse and identify various system properties

    Oncogenic K-Ras suppresses IP<sub>3</sub>-dependent Ca<sup>2+</sup> release through remodeling of IP<sub>3</sub>Rs isoform composition and ER luminal Ca<sup>2+</sup> levels in colorectal cancer cell lines

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    The GTPase Ras is a molecular switch engaged downstream of G-protein coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine inases that controls multiple cell fate-determining signalling athways. Ras signalling is frequently deregulated in cancer underlying associated changes in cell phenotype. Although Ca2+ signalling pathways control some overlapping functions with Ras, and altered Ca2+ signalling pathways are emerging as important players in oncogenic transformation, how Ca2+ signalling is remodelled during transformation and whether it has a causal role remains unclear. We have investigated Ca2+ signalling in two human colorectal cancer cell lines and their isogenic derivatives in which the mutated K-Ras allele (G13D) has been deleted by homologous recombination. We show that agonist-induced Ca2+ release from intracellular stores is enhanced by loss of K-RasG13D through an increase in the ER store content and a modification of IP3R subtype abundance. Consistently, uptake of Ca2+ into mitochondria and sensitivity to apoptosis was enhanced as a result of KRasG13D loss. These results suggest that suppression of Ca2+ signalling is a common response to naturally occurring levels of K-RasG13D that contributes to a survival advantage during oncogenic transformation

    An Algorithmic Approach to Quantum Field Theory

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    The lattice formulation provides a way to regularize, define and compute the Path Integral in a Quantum Field Theory. In this paper we review the theoretical foundations and the most basic algorithms required to implement a typical lattice computation, including the Metropolis, the Gibbs sampling, the Minimal Residual, and the Stabilized Biconjugate inverters. The main emphasis is on gauge theories with fermions such as QCD. We also provide examples of typical results from lattice QCD computations for quantities of phenomenological interest.Comment: 44 pages, to be published in IJMP

    On dynamical probabilities, or: how to learn to shoot straight

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    © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016.In order to support, for example, a quantitative analysis of various algorithms, protocols etc. probabilistic features have been introduced into a number of programming languages and calculi. It is by now quite standard to define the formal semantics of (various) probabilistic languages, for example, in terms of Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMCs). In most cases however the probabilities involved are represented by constants, i.e. one deals with static probabilities. In this paper we investigate a semantical framework which allows for changing, i.e. dynamic probabilities which is still based on time-homogenous DTMCs, i.e. the transition matrix representing the semantics of a program does not change over time

    Fast and Accurate Computation Tools for Gravitational Waveforms from Binary Sistems with any Orbital Eccentricity

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    The relevance of orbital eccentricity in the detection of gravitational radiation from (steady state) binary stars is emphasized. Computationnally effective fast and accurate)tools for constructing gravitational wave templates from binary stars with any orbital eccentricity are introduced, including tight estimation criteria of the pertinent truncation and approximation errors.Comment: submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., under review. 11 Pages, 45 Figure

    Progress in regional PV power forecasting: A sensitivity analysis on the Italian case study

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    The increasing penetration of PV generation, driven by climate strategies and objectives, calls for accurate production forecasting to mitigate the negative effects associated with inherent variability, such as overgeneration, grid instability, supplementary reserve request. The regional PV power forecasting is crucial for Transmission and Distribution system operators for a better management of energy flows. In this work many aspects of regional PV power forecasting are investigated, by means of a comparison of six different forecasting models applied to predict the hourly production of the following days on six Italian bidding zones for one year. In particular, the work shows that the forecasting accuracy is mainly affected by the algorithm and its pre and post processing, with a range of 30% in performance accuracy, while it is less impacted by the forecasting horizon. It has been verified that the accuracy in the irra- diation prediction, used in input to the power forecasting algorithm, has less impact compared to single plants. The work confirms the performance improvement which can be obtained by increasing the size of the area to which the prediction refers, through a comparison between the forecasting at bidding zone and national level. Finally, we show that the larger the controlled forecast area, the smaller the impact on the forecast accuracy due to the non-uniform spatial and capacity distribution of the PV fleet. This means that as the size of the region increases, the average irradiance progressively becomes the best PV power predictor. We refer to this phenomenon as: “input smoothing effect"

    Role of lysines in cytochrome c – cardiolipin interaction

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    Cytochrome c undergoes structural variations during the apoptotic process; such changes have been related with modifications occurring in the protein when it forms a complex with cardiolipin, one of the phospholipids constituting the mitochondrial membrane. Although several studies have been performed to identify the site(s) of the protein involved in the cytochrome c/cardiolipin interaction, to date the location of this hosting region(s) remains unidentified and is a matter of debate. To gain a deeper insight into the reaction mechanism, we investigate the role that the Lys72, Lys73 and Lys79 residues play in the cytochrome c/cardiolipin interaction, as these side chains appear to be critical for cytochrome c/cardiolipin recognition. The Lys72Asn, Lys73Asn, Lys79Asn, Lys72/73Asn and Lys72/73/79Asn mutants of horse heart cytochrome c were produced and characterized by circular dichroism, UV-visible and resonance Raman spectroscopies, and the effects of the mutations on the interaction of the variants with cardiolipin have been investigated. The mutants are characterized by a subpopulation with non-native axial coordination, and are less stable than the wild type protein. Furthermore, the mutants lacking Lys72 and/or Lys79 do not bind cardiolipin and those lacking Lys73, although they form a complex with the phospholipid, do not show any peroxidase activity. These observations indicate that the Lys72, Lys73 and Lys79 residues stabilize the native axial Met80-Fe(III) coordination as well as the tertiary structure of cytochrome c. Moreover, while Lys72 and Lys79 are critical for cytochrome c/cardiolipin recognition, the simultaneous presence of Lys72, Lys73 and Lys79 is necessary for peroxidase activity of cardiolipin-bound cytochrome c

    The infant gut microbiome as a microbial organ influencing host well-being

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    Initial establishment of the human gut microbiota is generally believed to occur immediately following birth, involving key gut commensals such as bifidobacteria that are acquired from the mother. The subsequent development of this early gut microbiota is driven and modulated by specific dietary compounds present in human milk that support selective colonization. This represents a very intriguing example of host-microbe co-evolution, where both partners are believed to benefit. In recent years, various publications have focused on dissecting microbial infant gut communities and their interaction with their human host, being a determining factor in host physiology and metabolic activities. Such studies have highlighted a reduction of microbial diversity and/or an aberrant microbiota composition, sometimes referred to as dysbiosis, which may manifest itself during the early stage of life, i.e., in infants, or later stages of life. There are growing experimental data that may explain how the early human gut microbiota affects risk factors related to adult health conditions. This concept has fueled the development of various nutritional strategies, many of which are based on probiotics and/or prebiotics, to shape the infant microbiota. In this review, we will present the current state of the art regarding the infant gut microbiota and the role of key commensal microorganisms like bifidobacteria in the establishment of the first microbial communities in the human gut