173 research outputs found

    From antidoping controls to medication controls in horses: the European approach

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    Antidoping control is undergoing major changes on a European level. Equestrian authorities now recognize two types of molecules (xenobiotics) subject to two different control strategies. The most sensitive techniques will be used to track the slightest presence (exposure) of substances prohibited in sports (anabolic steroids, amphetamines
). On the other hand, for molecules used legitimately as medication, such as anti-inflammatories, only concentrations which are above a value able to compromise the competition fairness will be reported i.e. residual plasma and urinary levels of these substances will be interpreted in terms of their biological activity. Consequently, assay techniques are or will be chosen to guarantee a lack of effect rather than the evidence of exposure. These changes in antidoping control concerning medications control required the development of a systematic approach, to define effective plasma levels as well as plasma and urinary concentrations considered as devoid of biological activity. This approach is part of a more general concept of risk analysis, which includes two stages: scientific risk evaluation to define critical drug levels, and risk management by the Authorities that set the final values to implement.La mise en oeuvre du contrĂŽle antidopage connaĂźt une profonde Ă©volution qui se dĂ©veloppe dans un cadre europĂ©en. Les autoritĂ©s hippiques reconnaissent aujourd'hui deux types de molĂ©cules (xĂ©nobiotiques) pour lesquelles elles adopteront des stratĂ©gies diffĂ©rentes pour en contrĂŽler l'usage. Pour les molĂ©cules qui n'ont pas leur place dans un contexte sportif (anabolisants, amphĂ©tamines...), les techniques analytiques les plus performantes seront mises en oeuvre pour traquer la moindre prĂ©sence (exposition) chez le cheval. En revanche, pour des molĂ©cules utilisĂ©es lĂ©gitimement comme mĂ©dicament, tels les anti-inflammatoires, on ne souhaite pas gĂȘner leur usage mĂ©dical en dĂ©tectant, longtemps aprĂšs la fin du traitement, des traces rĂ©siduelles d'exposition. Pour ces molĂ©cules, un jugement biologique est dĂ©sormais portĂ© sur les niveaux de concentration plasmatique et urinaire dĂ©tectĂ©s. Il en rĂ©sulte que les techniques analytiques ont (ou auront) des performances adaptĂ©es aux enjeux, afin de garantir une absence d'effet et non une simple exposition. Cette Ă©volution du contrĂŽle antidopage vers un contrĂŽle des mĂ©dications a exigĂ© le dĂ©veloppement d'une approche systĂ©matisĂ©e, pour Ă©tablir les concentrations plasmatiques efficaces et dĂ©terminer les concentrations plasmatiques et urinaires considĂ©rĂ©es comme sans signification biologique. Cette dĂ©marche s'inscrit dans un cadre plus gĂ©nĂ©ral d'une analyse de risque avec une Ă©tape d'apprĂ©ciation scientifique du risque pour Ă©tablir les concentrations critiques et une Ă©tape de gestion du risque, menĂ©e par les AutoritĂ©s qui auront Ă  dĂ©cider des valeurs finales Ă  retenir et Ă  mettre en oeuvre

    A bibliometric study of scientific research in the french veterinary schools from 2000 to 2010

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    L’objet de cet article a Ă©tĂ© d’évaluer l’impact de la rĂ©forme du statut des enseignants-chercheurs de 1992 sur le bilan scientifique des Écoles vĂ©tĂ©rinaires françaises. Pour cela, un bilan quantitatif des recherches menĂ©es dans les ENV a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tabli. À partir de la base de donnĂ©es ‘Web of Knowledge’, les performances collectives et individuelles ont Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©es par diffĂ©rents indices bibliomĂ©triques dont le h-index. Il a Ă©tĂ© conclu que la rĂ©forme de 1992 a en grande partie atteint ses objectifsL’objet de cet article a Ă©tĂ© d’évaluer l’impact de la rĂ©forme du statut des enseignants-chercheurs de 1992 sur le bilan scientifique des Écoles vĂ©tĂ©rinaires françaises. Pour cela, un bilan quantitatif des recherches menĂ©es dans les ENV a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tabli. À partir de la base de donnĂ©es ‘Web of Knowledge’, les performances collectives et individuelles ont Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©es par diffĂ©rents indices bibliomĂ©triques dont le h-index. Il a Ă©tĂ© conclu que la rĂ©forme de 1992 a en grande partie atteint ses objectif

    Paw Inflammation Model in Dogs for Preclinical Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Investigations of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

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    The goal of the present study was to develop and validate a new canine model of inflammation. The motivation was to make available a scientifically appropriate and ethically acceptable model to conduct pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic investigations for testing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in dogs. A kaolin-induce paw inflammation model previously developed in cats was adapted to the dog. The paw inflammation developed within a few hours, reached maximum values 24 h and up to 3 days after kaolin administration, and then progressively resolved over 2 months. Five end points of clinical interest (body temperature, creeping time under a tunnel, paw withdrawal latency to a standardized thermal stimulus, lameness score, and vertical force developed during walking on a force plate) were measured regularly over the next 24 h and beyond to characterize the time development of the inflammation either in control conditions (placebo period) or after the administration of meloxicam (test period) according to a crossover design. Pharmacodynamic data were modeled using an indirect response pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model. This model described three effects of meloxicam, namely, classic anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. The mean plasma meloxicam IC(50) values were 210 ng/ml for the antipyretic effect, 390 ng/ml for the analgesic effect, and 546 ng/ml for the vertical force exerted by the paw on the ground as measured by force plates. These in vivo IC(50) values require approximately 80 (antipyretic effect) to 90% (all other effects) cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition as calculated ex vivo whole-blood assay data

    Impact of three ampicillin dosage regimens on selection of ampicillin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae and excretion of blaTEM genes in swine feces

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    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of three ampicillin dosage regimens on ampicillin resistance among Enterobacteriaceae recovered from swine feces using phenotypic and genotypic approaches. Phenotypically, ampicillin resistance was determined from the percentage of resistant Enterobacteriaceae and MICs of E. coli isolates. The pool of ampicillin resistance genes was also monitored by quantification of blaTEM genes, which code for the most frequently produced ÎČ-lactamases in Gram-negative bacteria, using a newly-developed real-time PCR assay. Ampicillin was administered intramuscularly and by oral route to fed or fasted pigs for 7 days at 20 mg/kg. The average percentage of resistant Enterobacteriaceae before treatment was between 2.5% and 12% and blaTEM genes quantities were below 107 copies/g of feces. By days four and seven, the percentage of resistant Enterobacteriaceae exceeded 50% in all treated groups, with some highly resistant strains (MIC>256”g/mL). In the control group, blaTEM genes quantities fluctuated between 104 - 106 copies/g of feces, whereas they fluctuated between 106-108 and 107-109 copies/g of feces for intramuscular and oral routes, respectively. Whereas phenotypic evaluations did not discriminate between the three ampicillin dosage regimens, blaTEM genes quantification was able to differentiate between the effects of two routes of ampicillin administration. Our results suggest that fecal blaTEM genes quantification provides a sensitive tool to evaluate the impact of ampicillin administration on the selection of ampicillin resistance in the digestive microflora and its dissemination in the environment

    Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling of marbofloxacin administered alone and in combination with tolfenamic acid in calves

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    In a four-period, cross-over study, the fluoroquinolone antibacterial drug marbofloxacin (MB) was administered to calves, alone and in combination with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug tolfenamic acid (TA). Both drugs were administered intramuscularly (IM) at doses of 2 mg/kg. A tissue cage model of inflammation, based on the actions of the mild irritant carrageenan, was used to evaluate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of MB and MB in combination with TA. MB mean values of area under concentration-time curve (AUC) were 15.1 Όg·h/mL for serum, 12.1 Όg·h/mL for inflamed tissue cage fluid (exudate) and 9.6 Όg·h/mL for noninflamed tissue cage fluid (transudate). Values of C(max) were 1.84, 0.35 and 0.31 Όg/mL, respectively, for serum, exudate and transudate. Mean residence time (MRT) of 23.6 h (exudate) and 22.6 h (transudate) also differed significantly from serum MRT (8.6 h). Co-administration of TA did not affect the PK profile of MB. The pharmacodynamics of MB was investigated using a bovine strain of Mannheimia haemolytica. Time-kill curves were established ex vivo on serum, exudate and transudate samples. Modelling the ex vivo serum time-kill data to the sigmoid E(max) equation provided AUC(24 h) /MIC values required for bacteriostatic (18.3 h) and bactericidal actions (92 h) of MB and for virtual eradication of the organism was 139 h. Corresponding values for MB + TA were 20.1, 69 and 106 h. These data were used to predict once daily dosage schedules for a bactericidal action, assuming a MIC(90) value of 0.24 Όg/mL, a dose of 2.6 mg/kg for MB and 2.19 mg/kg for MB + TA were determined, which are similar to the currently recommended dose of 2.0 mg/kg.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Prion protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of healthy and naturally scrapie-affected sheep

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) prion protein (PrP) of healthy and naturally scrapie-affected sheep. The soluble form of CSF PrPC immunoblotted with an anti-octarepeat and an anti-C terminus mAb showed two isoforms of approximately 33 and 26 kDa, corresponding to the biglycosylated and unglycosylated isoforms of brain PrPC. Neither the mean concentration nor the electrophoretic profile of CSF PrP differed between healthy and scrapieaffected sheep, whereas a slightly increased resistance of CSF PrP to mild proteolysis by proteinase K was evident in the CSF of scrapie-affected sheep. No difference in susceptibility to proteolysis was observed between the two ARR and VRQ genetic variants of the purified prokaryote recombinant PrP. It was concluded that the physicochemical properties of PrPC in the CSF could be altered during scrapie and that these changes might reflect the physiopathological process of prion disease

    Clinical, electroretinographic and histomorphometric evaluation of the retina in sheep with natural scrapie

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    Background: The retina is part of the diencephalon in a peripheral location and may be involved in prion diseases. Retinal function and structural changes were assessed in naturally scrapie-affected red face Manech ewes presenting the classical signs of the disease, and clinically healthy age-matched subjects for controls. Ophthalmic examination was done prior to electroretinography (ERG), which was carried out under conditions that allowed photopic and scotopic activities to be assessed. Histomorphometry of the inner and outer retinal layers was performed post-mortem, and retinas were also examined for evidence of abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) accumulation and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) upregulation as a marker of gliosis. Scrapie status was determined by examination of brain tissue Results: Ocular reflexes and ophthalmoscopy did not reveal any difference between scrapie affected and control animals. Although the light-and dark-adapted ERG responses of both rod-and cone-mediated functions had a similar waveform in scrapie-affected and control sheep, a significant reduction in the amplitude of the ERG a-and b-waves was observed in affected animals compared to controls. These functional alterations were correlated with a substantial loss of cells in the outer nuclear layer (ONL), lengthening and disorganization in photoreceptor segments, and substantial reduction in cellularity and thickness of the inner nuclear layer (INL). The degenerative changes in the INL and ONL were most marked in the central and paracentral areas of the scrapie retinas, and were accompanied in all scrapie retinas by PrPSc deposition in the ganglion cell and synaptic layers. GFAP immunoreactivity was mainly increased in the ganglion cell and inner plexiform layers. Conclusions: No appreciable fundoscopic changes were observed in the scrapie-affected ewes although reproducible changes in retinal function as measured by ERG were observed in these animals. The alterations in the receptoral and post-receptoral pathways corresponded to the degenerative lesions observed in the ONL and INL of the scrapie retinas. The retinal degeneration was associated with prion protein infectivity which presumably spread via the optic nerve

    Predicted efficacy and tolerance of different dosage regimens of benzylpenicillin in horses based on a pharmacokinetic study with three IM formulations and one IV formulation

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    IntroductionBenzylpenicillin (BP) is a first-line antibiotic in horses but there are discrepancies between manufacturers and literature recommendations regarding dosing regimen. Objectives of this study were to evaluate pharmacokinetics and local tolerance of four different formulations of BP in adult horses, and to suggest optimized dosing regimen according to the formulation.MethodsA cross-over design was used in 3 phases for the intramuscular injection of three different products: procaine BP alone, procaine BP/ benzathine BP combination or penethamate hydriodide were administered IM in the gluteal muscles of 6 horses for 3 days. Single IV administration of sodium BP was performed to the same horses with a dose of 22,000 IU BP/kg bwt 39 weeks after last IM injection. BP plasma concentrations were determined by UPLC assay coupled with mass spectrometry and a PK/PD analysis was conducted to predict the efficacy of various dosing regimens by estimating values of the fT>MIC index for different minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC). Tolerance at the site of IM injection was monitored by creatine kinase activity quantified with a validated chemistry system and clinical scorings.Results and discussionExcept one neurological reaction following one administration of penethamate hydriodide, the tolerance was good. Procaine BP alone, procaine BP/benzathine BP combination or penethamate hydriodide intramuscular administrations at a dosage of 22,000 IU BP/kg bwt q24h for 5 days would yield plasma concentrations that should be effective against bacteria with MIC of ≀0.256, 0.125 or 0.064 mg/L respectively. Of all the tested treatments, the use of a sodium BP by IV Constant Rate Infusion (CRI) for 10 hours a day was deemed to be the most efficient. All the formulations tested in this study are adequate to treat infections with susceptible Streptococcus equi

    Maternal and Fetal Exposure to Bisphenol A Is Associated with Alterations of Thyroid Function in Pregnant Ewes and Their Newborn Lambs

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    The putative thyroid-disrupting properties of bisphenol A (BPA) highlight the need for an evaluation of fetal exposure and its consequence on the mother/newborn thyroid functions in models relevant to human. The goals of this study were to characterize in sheep a relevant model for human pregnancy and thyroid physiology, the internal exposures of the fetuses and their mothers to BPA and its main metabolite BPA-glucuronide (Gluc), and to determine to what extent it might be associated with thyroid disruption. Ewes were treated with BPA [5 mg/(kg . d) sc] or vehicle from d 28 until the end of pregnancy. Unconjugated BPA did not appear to accumulate in pregnant ewes, and its concentration was similar in the newborns and their mothers (0.13 +/- 0.02 and 0.18 +/- 0.03 nmol/ml in cord and maternal blood, respectively). In amniotic fluid and cord blood, BPA-Gluc concentrations were about 1300-fold higher than those of BPA. Total T-4 concentrations were decreased in BPA-treated pregnant ewes and in the cord and the jugular blood of their newborns (30% decrease). A similar difference was observed for free T-4 plasma concentrations in the jugular blood of the newborns. Our results show in a long-gestation species with a similar regulatory scheme of thyroid function as humans that BPA in utero exposure can be associated with hypothyroidism in the newborns. If such an effect were to be confirmed for a more relevant exposure scheme to BPA, this would constitute a major issue for BPA risk assessment

    Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling of marbofloxacin administered alone and in combination with tolfenamic acid in calves

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    In a four-period, cross-over study, the fluoroquinolone antibacterial drug marbofloxacin (MB) was administered to calves, alone and in combination with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug tolfenamic acid (TA). Both drugs were administered intramuscularly (IM) at doses of 2 mg/kg. A tissue cage model of inflammation, based on the actions of the mild irritant carrageenan, was used to evaluate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of MB and MB in combination with TA. MB mean values of area under concentration-time curve (AUC) were 15.1 Όg·h/mL for serum, 12.1 Όg·h/mL for inflamed tissue cage fluid (exudate) and 9.6 Όg·h/mL for noninflamed tissue cage fluid (transudate). Values of C(max) were 1.84, 0.35 and 0.31 Όg/mL, respectively, for serum, exudate and transudate. Mean residence time (MRT) of 23.6 h (exudate) and 22.6 h (transudate) also differed significantly from serum MRT (8.6 h). Co-administration of TA did not affect the PK profile of MB. The pharmacodynamics of MB was investigated using a bovine strain of Mannheimia haemolytica. Time-kill curves were established ex vivo on serum, exudate and transudate samples. Modelling the ex vivo serum time-kill data to the sigmoid E(max) equation provided AUC(24 h) /MIC values required for bacteriostatic (18.3 h) and bactericidal actions (92 h) of MB and for virtual eradication of the organism was 139 h. Corresponding values for MB + TA were 20.1, 69 and 106 h. These data were used to predict once daily dosage schedules for a bactericidal action, assuming a MIC(90) value of 0.24 Όg/mL, a dose of 2.6 mg/kg for MB and 2.19 mg/kg for MB + TA were determined, which are similar to the currently recommended dose of 2.0 mg/kg.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
