891 research outputs found

    Construction d'arbres à partir de relations d'intermédiarité, application au stemma codicum

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    Dans cet article, nous allons modéliser la relation ternaire d’intermédiarité dans le cadre de l’édition critique de texte. L’éditeur doit essayer de reconstituer au mieux, à partir des manuscrits préservés, le manuscrit original tel que l’auteur l’a écrit. Le corpus est constitué de manuscrits copiés les uns sur les autres. Une des méthodes utilisées consiste à élaborer un arbre de filiation des manuscrits restants, appelé le stemma codicum Nous proposons de construire cet arbre à partir des relations d’intermédiarité entre les manuscrits : Un manuscrit B est entre les manuscrits A et C si le manuscrit C a été copié à partir du manuscrit B et que lui-même a été copié sur le manuscrit A.In this paper, we model the ternary betweenness relation within the framework of the critical edition of texts. The editor must try to reconstruct as well as possible, starting from the various preserved manuscripts, the original manuscript as the author wrote it. The corpus is made up of many manuscripts which are copied from one another. To do so, it appears interesting to draw up a family tree of these manuscripts called stemma codicum. A manuscript B is between the manuscripts A and C, i.e. the manuscript C was copied starting from the manuscript B which itself was copied from A. This is this concept of betweenness by copy act which one wishes to model

    Isolation And Structural Elucidation Of Two New Compound Munduleaxanthone And Jipaflavonone From Mundulea Antanossarum Baill. (Syn. Mundulea Anceps Var. Mangokyensis "R.Vig. P.P.A, Leguminosae) Originated From Madagascar

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    Mundulea antanossarum (Leguminosae), known by its vernacular name "Malaignarety", is a species of plant endemic to the southern part of Madagascar. It is a very important plant for society in this region, due to its therapeutic virtues in traditional Malagasy medicine.Phytochemical studies carried out on the pith of this plant isolated two pure products, and their chemical structures were elucidated using mass spectrometry (TOF-SM-EIS), ultra-violet visible (HPLC-UV-DAD), infra-red (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1D and 2D NMR).The results of our studies carried out on this plant led to the discovery of two new molecules, Munduleaxanthone and Jipaflavonone, included in the flavonone chemical family with a reputation for biological activity.Key words: Munduleaxanthone, Jipaflavonone, Mundulea antanossarum, Phytochemistry, NMR (1D and 2D) and TOF-SM-EIS.

    Healing Activity of Sepia Officinalis Bone

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    Madagascar is a country renowned worldwide for its exceptional biodiversity and high level of endemism. Its fauna is of particular scientific interest in the search for new molecules of biopharmaceutical interest. Surveys carried out in the south-west region of this large island have revealed that S. officinalis bones have been used in this region to treat wounds. Thanks to a number of biological models, this information on ethno-medical uses has been scientifically validated. The results of scientific studies show that it has two effects: healing and anti-healing

    The Dry Season in Haiti: a Window of Opportunity to Eliminate Cholera Citation Revisions Authors

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Since the beginning of the cholera epidemic in Haiti, attack rates have varied drastically with alternating peak and lull phases, which were partly associated with the fluctuating dry, rainy and cyclonic seasons. According to a study conducted in 2012, the toxigenic V. cholerae O1 strain responsible for the outbreak did not settle at a significant level in the Haitian aquatic environment. Therefore, we hypothesize that some areas of lingering cholera transmission during the dry season could play an important role in the re-emergence of outbreaks during the rainy season. Our objective was therefore to describe the dynamics of cholera and assess the fight against the disease during the dry season.METHODS:A field study was conducted from February 19 to March 29, 2013. After identifying the affected communes by analyzing the national cholera database, we visited corresponding health facilities to identify patient origins. We then conducted a field assessment of these foci to confirm the presence of cholera, assess factors associated with transmission and examine the activities implemented to control the epidemic since the beginning of the current dry season.RESULTS:We found that the great majority of Haitian communes (109/140) presented no sign of cholera transmission in February and March 2013. Suspected cases were concentrated in a small number of urban and rural areas, almost all of which were located in the northern half of the country and often in inland locales. In these areas, community health activities appeared insufficient and were often inappropriately targeted. Out of 49 analyzed foci, only 10 had benefited from at least one intervention involving the distribution of water treatment products together with an awareness campaign since December 2012.CONCLUSION:Cholera continues to affect Haiti as observed in early 2013; however, activities implemented to interrupt cholera transmission appear insufficient and poorly suited. This deficiency in the fight against cholera, especially at a period when transmission is weak, may explain the persistence of cholera even in the absence of significant aquatic reservoirs in Haiti

    Représentations du texte pour la classification arborée et l’analyse automatique de corpus. Application à un corpus d’historiens latins

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    Nous exposons ici différentes méthodes de classification automatique des textes littéraires et nous en comparons les performances, notamment en ce qui concerne leur aptitude à traduire les structurations génériques du corpus. Nous montrons qu’une approche topologique des textes, qui prend en compte leur linéarité fondamentale, c’est-à-dire l’ordre macro- et micro-structurel de leurs différentes unités constitutives, permet d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats classificatoires que les méthodes traditionnelles qui tendent à négliger cette structure linéaire.In this paper, we present different methods of automatic classification applied to a corpus of literary texts and we compare their different results; in particular we evaluate how each of them is suitable for exhibiting the generic classification of the corpus. We demonstrate that a topological approach of the texts which takes into account their linearity, i.e. the order of their micro- and macro-structures, results in better clustering than traditional quantitative methods which leave generally out of count this linear structure

    Assessing renal graft function in clinical trials: Can tests predicting glomerular filtration rate substitute for a reference method?

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    Assessing renal graft function in clinical trials: Can tests predicting glomerular filtration rate substitute for a reference method?BackgroundIn clinical trials, comparison of renal graft function needs a rigorous determination of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Since reference methods to measure GFR cannot be easily implemented, a number of tests predicting GFR are usually used. However, little is known about their validity in renal transplant patients. We aimed to compare the performances of six GFR tests with inulin clearance in this population.MethodsFive hundred consecutive inulin clearances performed in 294 renal transplant recipients with stable renal function were retrospectively selected. For each of them, we computed six estimates: the 24-hour creatinine clearance, the Cockcroft-Gault, Walser, Jelliffe, Nankivell, and Levey formulas. Their respective performance was assessed by correlation (simple linear regression), accuracy (dispersion of true error), and agreement (Bland and Altman method).ResultsEach GFR test closely correlated with inulin clearance (P < 0.0001). Comparisons between pairs of GFR tests did not show any significant difference in accuracy between the Levey, Jelliffe, and Walser formulas. Conversely, each of these formulas demonstrated a significant lower dispersion (P < 0.005) than the others. Nevertheless, all GFR tests displayed considerable lack of agreement with limits of agreement over 40mL/min/1.73m2 apart. The proportion of predicted GFR differing from inulin clearance by ± 10mL/min/1.73m2, ranged from 34% for the Jelliffe formula to 53% for the Nankivell's one.ConclusionNone of these formulas seems to be able to safely substitute for inulin clearance. In clinical trials, renal graft function should be preferably assessed using a reference method of GFR measurement
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