29 research outputs found

    Exploring the origin of high optical absorption in conjugated polymers

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    The specific optical absorption of an organic semiconductor is critical to the performance of organic optoelectronic devices. For example, higher light-harvesting efficiency can lead to higher photocurrent in solar cells that are limited by sub-optimal electrical transport. Here, we compare over 40 conjugated polymers, and find that many different chemical structures share an apparent maximum in their extinction coefficients. However, a diketopyrrolopyrrole-thienothiophene copolymer shows remarkably high optical absorption at relatively low photon energies. By investigating its backbone structure and conformation with measurements and quantum chemical calculations, we find that the high optical absorption can be explained by the high persistence length of the polymer. Accordingly, we demonstrate high absorption in other polymers with high theoretical persistence length. Visible light harvesting may be enhanced in other conjugated polymers through judicious design of the structure

    Tuberculosis incidence in foreign-born people residing in European countries in 2020.

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    BackgroundEuropean-specific policies for tuberculosis (TB) elimination require identification of key populations that benefit from TB screening.AimWe aimed to identify groups of foreign-born individuals residing in European countries that benefit most from targeted TB prevention screening.MethodsThe Tuberculosis Network European Trials group collected, by cross-sectional survey, numbers of foreign-born TB patients residing in European Union (EU) countries, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK) in 2020 from the 10 highest ranked countries of origin in terms of TB cases in each country of residence. Tuberculosis incidence rates (IRs) in countries of residence were compared with countries of origin.ResultsData on 9,116 foreign-born TB patients in 30 countries of residence were collected. Main countries of origin were Eritrea, India, Pakistan, Morocco, Romania and Somalia. Tuberculosis IRs were highest in patients of Eritrean and Somali origin in Greece and Malta (both > 1,000/100,000) and lowest among Ukrainian patients in Poland (3.6/100,000). They were mainly lower in countries of residence than countries of origin. However, IRs among Eritreans and Somalis in Greece and Malta were five times higher than in Eritrea and Somalia. Similarly, IRs among Eritreans in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK were four times higher than in Eritrea.ConclusionsCountry of origin TB IR is an insufficient indicator when targeting foreign-born populations for active case finding or TB prevention policies in the countries covered here. Elimination strategies should be informed by regularly collected country-specific data to address rapidly changing epidemiology and associated risks

    Risk factors for death from invasive pneumococcal disease, europe, 2010

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    We studied the possible association between patient age and sex, clinical presentation, Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype, antimicrobial resistance, and death in invasive pneumococcal disease cases reported by 17 European countries during 2010. The study sample comprised 2,921 patients, of whom 56.8% were men and 38.2% were >65 years of age. Meningitis occurred in 18.5% of cases. Death was reported in 264 (9.0%) cases. Older age, meningitis, and nonsusceptibility to penicillin were signifcantly asso ciated with death. Non-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) serotypes among children 65 years of age, risk did not differ by serotype. These fndings highlight differences in case-fatality rates between sero types and age; thus, continued epidemiologic surveillance across all ages is crucial to monitor the long-term effects of PCVs

    Rifapentine access in Europe: growing concerns over key tuberculosis treatment component

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    [No abstract available]Support statement: C. Lange is supported by the German Center of Infection Research (DZIF). All other authors have no funding to declare for this study. Funding information for this article has been deposited with the Crossref Funder Registry

    Occurrence of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in the European survey of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE): a prospective, multinational study

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    First cluster of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis isolates in Cyprus

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    This report describes the first patient in Cyprus to be infected with a vancomycin-resistant enterococcus, as well as the microbiological characteristics of a cluster of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus isolates from the intensive care unit where the index case was hospitalised. All isolates were identified as Enterococcus faecalis, belonged to the same clone, and contained the vanA gene cluster. Transfer of glycopeptide resistance to a susceptible strain of E. faecalis could not be detected

    First outbreak of nosocomial legionella infection in term neonates caused by a cold mist ultrasonic humidifier

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    Background To date, all descriptions of legionellosis in neonates have emerged from a small number of isolated case reports in newborns with unusually severe pneumonia. In December 2008, a large outbreak of Legionella infection occurred in term neonates in Cyprus, providing new information on the epidemiological and clinical features of Legionellosis in this age group.Methods An environmental investigation was performed at a small private hospital where the infected neonates were delivered. The medical records of the infected neonates were retrospectively reviewed to obtain clinical data on presentation, complications, and course of disease.Results Nine of the 32 (28%) newborns who were exposed to the contaminated source at the private nursery were infected with Legionella. Six subjects had pulmonary infiltrates, but in 3 cases there were no abnormal radiological findings and clinical presentation was mild. In 4 neonates, pulmonary infiltrates at presentation were bilateral and extensive and 3 died, conferring a mortality rate of 50% in subjects with pulmonary infiltrates and an overall mortality of 33.3%. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 3 was recovered in neonatal biological samples, although in some patients there was implication of a second strain, serogroup 1. It was determined that the neonates were infected while in the nursery at the private hospital by aerosol produced by a recently installed cold-mist humidifier that was filled with contaminated water.Conclusions Use of humidifiers in nursery units must be avoided as the risk of disseminating Legionella in neonates is very high. In neonates legionellosis should be suspected when signs of infection first appear and take an unusual course, even when no pulmonary infiltrates appear

    Establishment of the European meningococcal strain collection genome library (EMSC-GL)

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    Invasive meningococcal disease surveillance in Europe combines isolate characterisation and epidemiological data to support public health intervention. A representative European Meningococcal Strain Collection (EMSC) of IMD isolates was obtained, and whole genome sequenced to characterise 799 EMSC isolates from the epidemiological year July 2011–June 2012. To establish a genome library (GL), the isolate information was deposited in the pubMLST.org/neisseria database. Genomes were curated and annotated at 2,429 meningococcal loci, including those defining clonal complex, capsule, antigens, and antimicrobial resistance. Most genomes contained genes encoding B (n = 525; 65.7%) or C (n = 163; 20.4%) capsules; isolates were genetically highly diverse, with >20 genomic lineages, five of which comprising 60.7% (n = 485) of isolates. There were >350 antigenic fine-types: 307 were present once, the most frequent (P1.7-2,4:F5-1) comprised 8% (n = 64) of isolates. Each genome was characterised for Bexsero Antigen Sequence Typing (BAST): 25.5% (n = 204) of isolates contained alleles encoding the fHbp and/or the PorA VR1 vaccine component, but most genomes (n = 513; 64.2%) did not contain the NadA component. EMSC-GL will support an integrated surveillance of disease-associated genotypes in Europe, enabling the monitoring of hyperinvasive lineages, outbreak identification, and supporting vaccine programme implementation

    Unraveling the Dynamics of Omicron (BA.1, BA.2, and BA.5) Waves and Emergence of the Deltacton Variant: Genomic Epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic in Cyprus (Oct 2021–Oct 2022)

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    Commencing in December 2019 with the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), three years of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have transpired. The virus has consistently demonstrated a tendency for evolutionary adaptation, resulting in mutations that impact both immune evasion and transmissibility. This ongoing process has led to successive waves of infections. This study offers a comprehensive assessment spanning genetic, phylogenetic, phylodynamic, and phylogeographic dimensions, focused on the trajectory of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Cyprus. Based on a dataset comprising 4700 viral genomic sequences obtained from affected individuals between October 2021 and October 2022, our analysis is presented. Over this timeframe, a total of 167 distinct lineages and sublineages emerged, including variants such as Delta and Omicron (1, 2, and 5). Notably, during the fifth wave of infections, Omicron subvariants 1 and 2 gained prominence, followed by the ascendancy of Omicron 5 in the subsequent sixth wave. Additionally, during the fifth wave (December 2021–January 2022), a unique set of Delta sequences with genetic mutations associated with Omicron variant 1, dubbed “Deltacron”, was identified. The emergence of this phenomenon initially evoked skepticism, characterized by concerns primarily centered around contamination or coinfection as plausible etiological contributors. These hypotheses were predominantly disseminated through unsubstantiated assertions within the realms of social and mass media, lacking concurrent scientific evidence to validate their claims. Nevertheless, the exhaustive molecular analyses presented in this study have demonstrated that such occurrences would likely lead to a frameshift mutation—a genetic aberration conspicuously absent in our provided sequences. This substantiates the accuracy of our initial assertion while refuting contamination or coinfection as potential etiologies. Comparable observations on a global scale dispelled doubt, eventually leading to the recognition of Delta-Omicron variants by the scientific community and their subsequent monitoring by the World Health Organization (WHO). As our investigation delved deeper into the intricate dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Cyprus, a discernible pattern emerged, highlighting the major role of international connections in shaping the virus’s local trajectory. Notably, the United States and the United Kingdom were the central conduits governing the entry and exit of the virus to and from Cyprus. Moreover, notable migratory routes included nations such as Greece, South Korea, France, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Italy. These empirical findings underscore that the spread of SARS-CoV-2 within Cyprus was markedly influenced by the influx of new, highly transmissible variants, triggering successive waves of infection. This investigation elucidates the emergence of new waves of infection subsequent to the advent of highly contagious and transmissible viral variants, notably characterized by an abundance of mutations localized within the spike protein. Notably, this discovery decisively contradicts the hitherto hypothesis of seasonal fluctuations in the virus’s epidemiological dynamics. This study emphasizes the importance of meticulously examining molecular genetics alongside virus migration patterns within a specific region. Past experiences also emphasize the substantial evolutionary potential of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, underscoring the need for sustained vigilance. However, as the pandemic’s dynamics continue to evolve, a balanced approach between caution and resilience becomes paramount. This ethos encourages an approach founded on informed prudence and self-preservation, guided by public health authorities, rather than enduring apprehension. Such an approach empowers societies to adapt and progress, fostering a poised confidence rooted in well-founded adaptation