4,751 research outputs found

    Fecundity of Biomphalaria straminea and B. glabrata in the laboratory: a twelve-month comparative study

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    In the present comparative study a Biomphalaria straminea sample from Picos (Piauí) showed expressive advantages related to fecundity over a B. glabrata sample from Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais) such as: higher egg-mass production in 10 out of 12 months of study; higher egg production in all months of study; higher egg per egg-mass ratio in 11 out of 12 months of study; 66% of the egg-masses containing more than 20 eggs while in B. glabrata 70% of the egg-masses showed less than 20 eggs; three times less empty egg capsules than B. glabrata; attainning maximum fecundity in half the time required by B. glabrata. Mortality however was higher and sooner in B. straminea, suggesting higher semelparity in this species than in B. glabrata, a possibility that requires confirmation through long-term studies with other samples of both species. This first finding of a B. straminea sample more fecund than B. glabrata is discussed in relation to other data from the literature, and some recommendations are made on the quantification of fecundity of planorbid snails

    Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains in an External Staggered Field

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    We present in this paper a nonlinear sigma-model analysis of a spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in an external commensurate staggered magnetic field. After rediscussing briefly and extending previous results for the staggered magnetization curve, the core of the paper is a novel calculation, at the tree level, of the Green functions of the model. We obtain precise results for the elementary excitation spectrum and in particular for the spin gaps in the transverse and longitudinal channels. It is shown that, while the spectral weight in the transverse channel is exhausted by a single magnon pole, in the longitudinal one, besides a magnon pole a two-magnon continuum appears as well whose weight is a stedily increasing function of the applied field, while the weight of the magnon decreases correspondingly. The balance between the two is governed by a sum rule that is derived and discussed. A detailed comparison with the present experimental and numerical (DMRG) status of the art as well as with previous analytical approaches is also made.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of praziquantel against schistosomes in seven countries with ongoing large-scale deworming programs

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends periodic assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of praziquantel (PZQ) to detect reduced efficacy that may arise from drug resistance in schistosomes. In this multi-country study (2014), we assessed the therapeutic efficacy of a single oral dose of PZQ (40 mg/kg) against Schistosoma mansoni (Brazil, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Madagascar and Tanzania), S. haematobium (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Tanzania and Zanzibar) and S. japonicum (the Philippines) infections in school-aged children, across a total of 12 different trials. Each trial was performed according to the standardized methodology for evaluating PZQ efficacy as described by the WHO. Overall, therapeutic efficacy, measured as the reduction in arithmetic mean of schistosome egg counts following drug administration (egg reduction rate; ERR), was high for all three schistosome species (S. mansoni: 93.4% (95%CI: 88.8-96.8); S. haematobium: 97.7% (95%CI: 96.5-98.7) and S. japonicum: 90.0% (95%CI: 68.4-99.3). At the trial level, therapeutic efficacy was satisfactory (point estimate ERR >= 90%) for all three Schistosoma species with the exception of S. mansoni in Cameroon where the ERR was 88.5% (95%CI: 79.0-95.1). Furthermore, we observed that in some trials individual drug response could vary significantly (wide 95%CI) and that few non-responsive individuals could significantly impact ERR point estimates. In conclusion, these results do not suggest any established reduced efficacy of the standard PZQ treatment to any of the three schistosome species within these countries. Nevertheless, the substantial degree of variation in individual responses to treatment in some countries underpins the need for future monitoring. The reported ERR values serve as reference values to compare with outcomes of future PZQ efficacy studies to ensure early detection of reduced efficacies that could occur as drug pressure continues increase. Finally, this study highlights that 95%CI should be considered in WHO guidelines to classify the therapeutic efficacy of PZQ

    Pseudogap and spectral function from superconducting fluctuations to the bosonic limit

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    The crossover from weak to strong coupling for a three dimensional continuum model of fermions interacting via an attractive contact potential is studied above the superconducting critical temperature. The pair-fluctuation propagator, the one-loop self-energy, and the spectral function are investigated in a systematic way from the superconducting fluctuation regime (weak coupling) to the bosonic regime (strong coupling). Analytic and numerical results are reported. In the strong-coupling regime, where the pair fluctuation propagator has bosonic character, two quite different peaks appear in the spectral function, a broad one at negative frequencies and a narrow one at positive frequencies. By decreasing coupling, the two-peak structure evolves smoothly. In the weak-coupling regime, where the fluctuation propagator has diffusive Ginzburg-Landau character, the overall line-shape of the spectral function is more symmetric. The systematic analysis of the spectral function identifies specific features which allow one to distinguish by ARPES whether a system is in the weak- or strong-coupling regime. Connection of the results of our analysis with the phenomenology of cuprate superconductors is also attempted and rests on the recently introduced two-gap model.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Evaluation of the Therapeutic Efficacy of Praziquantel Against Schistosomes in Seven Countries with Ongoing Large-Scale Deworming Programs

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends periodic assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of praziquantel (PZQ) to detect reduced efficacy that may arise from drug resistance in schistosomes. In this multi-country study (2014), we assessed the therapeutic efficacy of a single oral dose of PZQ (40 mg/kg) against Schistosoma mansoni (Brazil, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Madagascar and Tanzania), S. haematobium (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Tanzania and Zanzibar) and S. japonicum (the Philippines) infections in school-aged children, across a total of 12 different trials. Each trial was performed according to the standardized methodology for evaluating PZQ efficacy as described by the WHO. Overall, therapeutic efficacy, measured as the reduction in arithmetic mean of schistosome egg counts following drug administration (egg reduction rate; ERR), was high for all three schistosome species (S. mansoni: 93.4% (95%CI: 88.8-96.8); S. haematobium: 97.7% (95%CI: 96.5-98.7) and S. japonicum: 90.0% (95%CI: 68.4-99.3). At the trial level, therapeutic efficacy was satisfactory (point estimate ERR ≥90%) for all three Schistosoma species with the exception of S. mansoni in Cameroon where the ERR was 88.5% (95%CI: 79.0-95.1). Furthermore, we observed that in some trials individual drug response could vary significantly (wide 95%CI) and that few non-responsive individuals could significantly impact ERR point estimates. In conclusion, these results do not suggest any established reduced efficacy of the standard PZQ treatment to any of the three schistosome species within these countries. Nevertheless, the substantial degree of variation in individual responses to treatment in some countries underpins the need for future monitoring. The reported ERR values serve as reference values to compare with outcomes of future PZQ efficacy studies to ensure early detection of reduced efficacies that could occur as drug pressure continues increase. Finally, this study highlights that 95%CI should be considered in WHO guidelines to classify the therapeutic efficacy of PZQ

    Magnetic phases near the Van Hove singularity in s- and d-band Hubbard model

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    We investigate the magnetic instabilities of the nondegenerate (s-band) and a degenerate (d-band) Hubbard model in two dimensions using many-body effects due to the particle-particle diagrams and Hund's rule local correlations. The density of states and the position of Van Hove singularity change depending on the value of next-nearest neighbor hopping t'. The Stoner parameter is strongly reduced in the s-band case, and ferromagnetism survives only if electron density is small, and the band is almost flat at small momenta due to next-nearest neighbor hopping. In contrast, for the d-band case the reduction of the Stoner parameter which follows from particle-particle correlations is much smaller and ferromagnetism survives to a large extent. Inclusion of local spin-spin correlations has a limited destabilizing effect on the magnetic states.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Pairing fluctuations and pseudogaps in the attractive Hubbard model

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    The two-dimensional attractive Hubbard model is studied in the weak to intermediate coupling regime by employing a non-perturbative approach. It is first shown that this approach is in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo calculations for both single-particle and two-particle quantities. Both the density of states and the single-particle spectral weight show a pseudogap at the Fermi energy below some characteristic temperature T*, also in good agreement with quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The pseudogap is caused by critical pairing fluctuations in the low-temperature renormalized classical regime ω<T\omega < T of the two-dimensional system. With increasing temperature the spectral weight fills in the pseudogap instead of closing it and the pseudogap appears earlier in the density of states than in the spectral function. Small temperature changes around T* can modify the spectral weight over frequency scales much larger than temperature. Several qualitative results for the s-wave case should remain true for d-wave superconductors.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Dark Matter Annihilation around Intermediate Mass Black Holes: an update

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    The formation and evolution of Black Holes inevitably affects the distribution of dark and baryonic matter in the neighborhood of the Black Hole. These effects may be particularly relevant around Supermassive and Intermediate Mass Black Holes (IMBHs), the formation of which can lead to large Dark Matter overdensities, called {\em spikes} and {\em mini-spikes} respectively. Despite being larger and more dense, spikes evolve at the very centers of galactic halos, in regions where numerous dynamical effects tend to destroy them. Mini-spikes may be more likely to survive, and they have been proposed as worthwhile targets for indirect Dark Matter searches. We review here the formation scenarios and the prospects for detection of mini-spikes, and we present new estimates for the abundances of mini-spikes to illustrate the sensitivity of such predictions to cosmological parameters and uncertainties regarding the astrophysics of Black Hole formation at high redshift. We also connect the IMBHs scenario to the recent measurements of cosmic-ray electron and positron spectra by the PAMELA, ATIC, H.E.S.S., and Fermi collaborations.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Invited contribution to NJP Focus Issue on "Dark Matter and Particle Physics

    Determining Supersymmetric Parameters With Dark Matter Experiments

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    In this article, we explore the ability of direct and indirect dark matter experiments to not only detect neutralino dark matter, but to constrain and measure the parameters of supersymmetry. In particular, we explore the relationship between the phenomenological quantities relevant to dark matter experiments, such as the neutralino annihilation and elastic scattering cross sections, and the underlying characteristics of the supersymmetric model, such as the values of mu (and the composition of the lightest neutralino), m_A and tan beta. We explore a broad range of supersymmetric models and then focus on a smaller set of benchmark models. We find that by combining astrophysical observations with collider measurements, mu can often be constrained far more tightly than it can be from LHC data alone. In models in the A-funnel region of parameter space, we find that dark matter experiments can potentially determine m_A to roughly +/-100 GeV, even when heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons (A, H_1) cannot be observed at the LHC. The information provided by astrophysical experiments is often highly complementary to the information most easily ascertained at colliders.Comment: 46 pages, 76 figure

    Fitting the Gamma-Ray Spectrum from Dark Matter with DMFIT: GLAST and the Galactic Center Region

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    We study the potential of GLAST to unveil particle dark matter properties with gamma-ray observations of the Galactic center region. We present full GLAST simulations including all gamma-ray sources known to date in a region of 4 degrees around the Galactic center, in addition to the diffuse gamma-ray background and to the dark matter signal. We introduce DMFIT, a tool that allows one to fit gamma-ray emission from pair-annihilation of generic particle dark matter models and to extract information on the mass, normalization and annihilation branching ratios into Standard Model final states. We assess the impact and systematic effects of background modeling and theoretical priors on the reconstruction of dark matter particle properties. Our detailed simulations demonstrate that for some well motivated supersymmetric dark matter setups with one year of GLAST data it will be possible not only to significantly detect a dark matter signal over background, but also to estimate the dark matter mass and its dominant pair-annihilation mode.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figures, submitted to JCA