58 research outputs found

    Attività ed esperienze dei bambini nei Centri per bambini e famiglie

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    What do children do in the Centers for Children and Families today? What do adults offer to them in terms of activities, learning and social experiences with peers, spaces and materials? Many studies have been conducted focusing on the educational function of centers for children and families, but so far only few of them have addressed the quality of the experiences offered to children in these contexts. In the article we will present the analyses of the group-activities offered to children in the 40 centers for children and families involved in the Italian study

    Video, formazione e consapevolezza. Intrecci metodologici

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    L’articolo propone una riflessione teorica sulle potenzialità della videoricerca nella formazione degli educatori nei servizi per l’infanzia. La tesi che verrà argomentata è che la rilevanza formativa propria della videoregistrazione e del suo uso in contesto formativo possa essere implementata e resa ancora più incisiva dall’uso sinergico di diversi strumenti di ricerca/formazione (visuali e testuali). In particolare, l’intreccio tra la revisione di sequenze videoregistrate, l’analisi delle immagini, l’esplicitazione e il confronto sui significati provocati da domande-stimolo e il confronto (individuale e di gruppo), aumenta le potenzialità rappresentative e ri-rappresentative del video, consentendo agli educatori di sperimentare processi di revisione delle pratiche a più livelli

    Semantiche personali e processi riflessivi negli educatori. Analisi di una storia di formazione

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    The relationship between experience and reflection is a kind of continuous thread in the pedagogical debate regarding teacher training, where reflection is among the tenets of professionalcompetence. Widely-shared ideas hold that the experience alone is not enough, and “learning by doing” requires reasoning and reflection (according to Deweyian logic) on what is being done. Yet the link between the two areas is not so obvious; the intelligent processing of practice needs support: contexts, methods, tools. In this article we consider teacher training methods using a teacher’s story as an example, reconsidered and discussed in light of the analysis of the personal semantics that emerge from the subjects’ thinking processes regarding her experiences.Il rapporto tra esperienza e riflessione è una specie di filo rosso nel dibattito pedagogico sulla formazione degli educatori che pone la riflessività tra i capisaldi della competenza professionale.È ormai assunto condiviso l’idea che l’esperienza da sola non basta, non si impara facendo se non si ragiona-riflette (secondo la nota logica dell’indagine deweyana) su quello che si fa. Eppurenon è cosi immediato collegare i due ambiti; l’elaborazione intelligente sulla pratica necessita di sostegno: contesti, metodi, strumenti. Nell’articolo apriremo una riflessione sui metodi per la formazione illustrando una storia di formazione, riletta e discussa a partire dall’analisi delle semantiche personali che emergono dall’analisi testuale del processo di pensiero sull’esperienza della protagonista

    History of migraine and volume of brain infarcts: The italian project on stroke at young age (IPSYS)

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Migraine has been shown to increase cerebral excitability, promote rapid infarct expansion into tissue with perfusion deficits, and result in larger infarcts in animal models of focal cerebral ischemia. Whether these effects occur in humans has never been properly investigated. METHODS: In a series of consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke, enrolled in the setting of the Italian Project on Stroke at Young Age, we assessed acute as well as chronic infarct volumes by volumetric magnetic resonance imaging, and compared these among different subgroups identified by migraine status. RESULTS: A cohort of 591 patients (male, 53.8%; mean age, 37.5±6.4 years) qualified for the analysis. Migraineurs had larger acute infarcts than non-migraineurs (median, 5.9 cm3 [interquartile range (IQR), 1.4 to 15.5] vs. 2.6 cm3 [IQR, 0.8 to 10.1], P<0.001), and the largest volumes were observed in patients with migraine with aura (median, 9.0 cm3 [IQR, 3.4 to 16.6]). In a linear regression model, migraine was an independent predictor of increased log (acute infarct volumes) (median ratio [MR], 1.64; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.22 to 2.20), an effect that was more prominent for migraine with aura (MR, 2.92; 95% CI, 1.88 to 4.54). CONCLUSION: s These findings reinforce the experimental observation of larger acute cerebral infarcts in migraineurs, extend animal data to human disease, and support the hypothesis of increased vulnerability to ischemic brain injury in people suffering migraine

    Hydrogen bonding in organometallic crystals. 1. From carboxylic acids and alcohols to carbonyl complexes

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    Reciprocal learning: il confronto interculturale come dispositivo per la formazione degli educatori - insights da una ricerca tra Italia e Stati Uniti

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    The need to foster an “intercultural stance” beginning at the ECE level is a core theme in the current debate on how to support education practitioners working in multicultural settings. Changing one’s outlook, decentring, attempting to see educational phenomena from different angles, developing alternative perspectives are required skills for quality educational work in complex and multicultural educational contexts. How can we help ECEC educators to develop an educational culture that is open to intercultural dialogue and views cultural displacement as an opportunity for learning and exercising critical-reflexive thinking? Based on data from a professional development research project with groups of educators in Italy and the United States, this article discusses how video-mediated processes of intercultural dialogue, debate and exchange can help to foster the development of an appropriate educational stance (and not just educational tools) for multicultural settings.Il tema della formazione a una “postura interculturale” fin dai servizi per la prima infanzia è al centro della riflessione contemporanea su come sostenere gli educatori impegnati in contesti educativi multiculturali. Cambiare prospettiva, decentrarsi, provare a vedere i fenomeni educativi da un altro punto di vista, vedere altrimenti sono competenze oggi necessarie per garantire la qualità del lavoro educativo in contesti educativi complessi e multiculturali. Come formare gli educatori che già lavorano nei servizi per l’infanzia a una cultura pedagogica aperta al dialogo interculturale e capace di cogliere nello spiazzamento culturale un’occasione di formazione e di allenamento al pensiero critico-riflessivo?A partire dai dati emersi da una ricerca sulla formazione degli educatori che ha coinvolto alcune educatriciin Italia e negli Stati Uniti, l’articolo propone una riflessione su come i processi di dialogo, confronto e scambio interculturale, mediati da video, possano essere dispositivi interessanti per promuovere lo sviluppo di una postura e non solo di strumenti per l’azione educativa in contesti multiculturali.O tema da formação para uma “postura intercultural” desde os serviços para a primeira infância está no centro da reflexão contemporânea em como apoiar os/as educadores/as envolvidos/as em contextos educativos multiculturais. Mudar a perspectiva, descentralizar-se, tentar entender os fenômenos educativos de um outro ponto de vista, ver de outra forma, são competências hoje necessárias para garantir a qualidade do trabalho educativo em contextos educativos complexos e multiculturais. Como formar os/as educadores/as que já trabalham nos serviços para a pequena infância para uma cultura pedagógica aberta ao diálogo intercultural e capaz de aproveitar no reposicionamento cultural uma ocasião de formação e exercícios para o pensamento crítico-reflexivo? A partir dos dados obtidos numa pesquisa acerca da formação de educadores/as que envolveu algumas educadoras da Itália e dos Estados Unidos, o artigo propõe uma reflexão a respeito de como os processos de diálogo, de confronto e troca intercultural, mediados por vídeo, podem ser dispositivos interessantes para promover o desenvolvimento de uma postura e não somente como instrumentos de ação educativa em contextos multiculturais

    ATM change management: An evolutionary and agent-based approach

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    Air Traffic Management (ATM) is a complex socio-technical system, whose behaviour depends on a combination of various subsystems of different nature: societal, technical, and human. Due to such aspects, it is difficult to understand which could be the part to be changed in order to improve performances, or which is the impact of a change on the overall performances. Such tasks are though issues, and cannot be easily performed. In this work, a new approach for the ATM change management process is proposed. It aims to introduce an innovative multidisciplinary process by combining the following different paradigms: the agent-based paradigm for the modelling of a change solution and the assessment of the achieved performances; the evolutionary computing paradigm for the tuning of the change: the sensitivity analysis to understand which part of the ATM system should be changed in order to match the targeted performance levels