89 research outputs found

    Organising decoupling

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    Viele der gravierenden, Länder übergreifende Umweltprobleme sind zu eng mit Wirtschaftswachstum und Lebensstilen verbunden, als dass sie ohne umfas­sende Änderung der industriellen Produktionsmuster lösbar wären. Transitions­forschung zeigt Wege zur nötigen Veränderung von Industrie und Gesellschaft um die Lebensgrundlagen einer wachsenden Bevölkerung bei Bewahrung der na­türlichen Ressourcen langfristig sicherzustellen

    Moving towards systems innovation

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    Steigender Wohlstand schafft mehr und andere Umweltprobleme, als er löst. Zur Lösung der mit Wirtschaftswachstum einhergehenden globalen Umweltprobleme ist ein grundlegender Systemwandel nötig. Die industrielle Produktion muss Wirtschaftswachstum weitestgehend vom Ressourcenverbrauch entkoppeln. Ausgangspunkt für eine umfassende Neuorganisation der Produktionssysteme ist Wissen, das die Grundlagen für Systeminnovationen schafft. Transitionsforschung stellt dieses Wissen als Alternative zum Status Quo bereit

    LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task 2017

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    International audienceThe LifeCLEF challenge BirdCLEF offers a large-scale proving ground for system-oriented evaluation of bird species identification based on audio recordings of their sounds. One of its strengths is that it uses data collected through Xeno-canto, the worldwide community of bird sound recordists. This ensures that BirdCLEF is close to the conditions of real-world application, in particular with regard to the number of species in the training set (1500). The main novelty of the 2017 edition of BirdCLEF was the inclusion of soundscape recordings containing time-coded bird species annotations in addition to the usual Xeno-canto recordings that focus on a single foreground species. This paper reports an overview of the systems developed by the five participating research groups, the methodology of the evaluation of their performance, and an analysis and discussion of the results obtained

    LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task 2016: The arrival of Deep learning

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    International audienceThe LifeCLEF bird identification challenge provides a large-scale testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of bird species identification based on audio recordings. One of its main strength is that the data used for the evaluation is collected through Xeno-Canto, the largest network of bird sound recordists in the world. This makes the task closer to the conditions of a real-world application than previous, similar initiatives. The main novelty of the 2016-th edition of the challenge was the inclusion of soundscape recordings in addition to the usual xeno-canto recordings that focus on a single foreground species. This paper reports the methodology of the conducted evaluation, the overview of the systems experimented by the 6 participating research groups and a synthetic analysis of the obtained results

    LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task 2014

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    International audienceThe LifeCLEF bird identification task provides a testbed for a system-oriented evaluation of 501 bird species identification. The main originality of this data is that it was specifically built through a citizen science initiative conducted by Xeno-Canto, an international social net-work of amateur and expert ornithologists. This makes the task closer to the conditions of a real-world application than previous, similar ini-tiatives. This overview presents the resources and the assessments of the task, summarizes the retrieval approaches employed by the participating groups, and provides an analysis of the main evaluation results. With a total of ten groups from seven countries and with a total of twenty-nine runs submitted, involving distinct and original methods, this first year task confirms the interest of the audio retrieval community for biodiver-sity and ornithology, and highlights further challenging studies in bird identification

    LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task 2015

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    International audienceThe LifeCLEF bird identification task provides a testbed for a system-oriented evaluation of 999 bird species identification. The main originality of this data is that it was specifically built through a citizen science initiative conducted by Xeno-Canto, an international social network of amateur and expert ornithologists. This makes the task closer to the conditions of a real-world application than previous, similar initiatives. This overview presents the resources and the assessments of the task, summarizes the retrieval approaches employed by the participating groups, and provides an analysis of the main evaluation results

    Are multimedia identification tools biodiversity-friendly?

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    This paper discusses the results of the LifeCLEF 2014 multimedia identification challenges with regards to the requirements of real-world ecological surveillance systems. In particular, we study the identification performances of the evaluated systems as a function of the ordinariness or rarity of the species in the dataset. This allows us to assess the ability of the underlying methods to be robust to heavily tailed distributions such as the ones encountered in real-world collections of life observations. Results show that all methods are more or less affected by the long-tail curse but that the best methods making use of classifiers with good discrimi- nation capacities do resist the phenomenon pretty well