84 research outputs found

    Cell-free methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and high throughput sequencing technology: diagnostic value in patients with renal cell carcinoma.

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    Background CfmeDNA is a promising biomarker for non-invasive assessment of solid tumors: i) MeDNA is tissue- and tumor-specific ii) cfDNA methylation changes are stable unlike DNA alterations iii) \u2018methylation target size\u2019 is larger than identifying specific genomic alterations and, therefore, more sensitive. CfMeDIP-seq is a sensitive assay for genome-wide bisulfite-free cfMeDNA profiling, that requires 1-10 ng input DNA. We tested the feasibility of cfMeDIP-seq to detect ccRCC across TNM stages Methods We evaluated plasma cfDNA collected prior to nephrectomy in 46 pts with ccRCC: 25 stage I, 7 stage II, 6 stage III, 8 stage IV. cfMeDIP-seq involves four steps: 1) cfDNA end-repair, A-tailing, and adapter ligation, 2) cfMeDNA immunoprecipitation and enrichment using an Ab targeting 5-methylcytosine (quality control by qPCR to ensure 99% reaction specificity), 3) adapter-mediated PCR to amplify cfMeDNA, and 4) high-throughput NGS for cfMeDNA data. A previously-derived model (Shen et al, Nature, 2018) was used to classify pts as having ccRCC or not based on cfMeDNA. cfMeDIP-seq paired end data was reduced to 300 bp windows of the genome that map to CpG islands, shores, shelves, and FANTOM5 enhancers; a classifier was then built using the top 1,000 most variable fragments between pts with ccRCC and cancer-free controls. Statistical comparisons were performed in the R statistical environment, with the caret package being used for classifier construction and evaluation Results The average amount of cfDNA isolated from 1 ml of ccRCC plasma was 19.8\ub139.8 ng/\u3bcL [1.95-260]. Greater than 99% specificity of reaction and <1% of unMeDNA was achieved in 46/46 samples (100%). The previously-derived classifier of ccRCC correctly predicted 46/46 pts (100%) as having ccRCC. Across 3 rounds of 5-fold cross-validation, the classifier performed with a Cohen\u2019s Kappa of 0.93 Conclusion CfMeDIP-seq is a non-invasive, cost-effective, and sensitive assay to detect cancer-specific cfmeDNA in ccRCC pts prior to nephrectomy. With further validation, cfmeDNA may detect minimal residual disease after nephrectomy for \u2018precision\u2019 adjuvant therapy

    Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder as Functional Additive in Cookies to Protect SH-SY5Y Cells

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    The aim of this work is the evaluation of the addition of Moringa leaf powder (MLP) in cookies in terms of antioxidant properties, dough processability and sensorial properties of the cookies. The total content of biophenols and flavonoids in MLP was detected and the identification of the bioactive molecules was performed by HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS measurements, before and after oven treatment at 180 ◩C for 20 min. After a preliminary evaluation of the MLP water soluble fraction (MLPsf) cytotoxicity, its protective effect against an oxidative injury induced in the SH-SY5Y cells was assessed. Data evidence that the bioactive molecules present in MLPsf are effective in preventing ROS production and in protecting neuronal cells against oxidative stress. Prototypes of cookies containing MLP in different concentrations were then produced and evaluated by a consumer panel. Selected doughs containing MLP were analysed to determine the total content of biophenols in the cookies after baking and their enrichment in terms of valuable chemical elements. The influence of MLP on the viscoelastic behaviour and morphology of the doughs was also assessed. Finally, the potential role in counteracting the insurgence of not treatable neurodegenerative pathologies of two main MLP components, glucomoringin and kaempferol derivatives, present also after the thermal treatment, was discussed

    From Small Peptides to Large Proteins against Alzheimer'sDisease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder in the elderly. The two cardinal neuropathological hallmarks of AD are the senile plaques, which are extracellular deposits mainly constituted by beta-amyloids, and neurofibrillary tangles formed by abnormally phosphorylated Tau (p-Tau) located in the cytoplasm of neurons. Although the research has made relevant progress in the management of the disease, the treatment is still lacking. Only symptomatic medications exist for the disease, and, in the meantime, laboratories worldwide are investigating disease-modifying treatments for AD. In the present review, results centered on the use of peptides of different sizes involved in AD are presented

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 13

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Bryum, Cryphaea, Didymodon, and Grimmia; the fungal genera Bryostigma, Cercidospora, Conocybe, Cortinarius, Endococcus, Inocybe, Psathyrella, and Sphaerellothecium; the lichen genera Agonimia, Anisomeridium, Bilimbia, Diplotomma, Gyalecta, Huneckia, Lecidella, Lempholemma, Myriolecis, Nephroma, Pannaria, Pycnothelia, Pyrrhospora, Rinodina, Stereocaulon, Thalloidima, Trapelia, Usnea, Variospora, and Verrucaria

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Aneura, Aulacomnium, Dumortiera, Fossombronia, Hennediella, Hygrohypnella, Pohlia, Porella, Riccardia, Tortella, and Tortula, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Mycena, Naucoria, Trichoglossum, and Tubaria and the lichen genera Agonimia, Blastenia, Chaenotheca, Cladonia, Endocarpon, Gyalecta, Lecanographa, Parmeliella, Porpidia, Stenhammarella, and Thelidium

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora 6

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Acalypha, Acer, Canna, Cardamine, Cedrus, Chlorophytum, Citrus, Cyperus, Epilobium, Eucalyptus, Euphorbia, Gamochaeta, Hesperocyparis, Heteranthera, Lemna, Ligustrum, Lycium, Nassella, Nothoscordum, Oenothera, Osteospermum, Paspalum, Pontederia, Romulea, Rudbeckia, Salvia, Sesbania, Setaria, Sicyos, Styphnolobium, Symphyotrichum, and Tradescantia. Nomenclature and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as supplementary material

    ï»żNotulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 14

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algal genus Chara, for the bryophyte genera Bryum, Grimmia, Cephaloziella, Hypnum, Nogopterium, Physcomitrium, Polytrichastrum, Rhynchostegiella, Saelania, and Schistostega, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Lentinellus, Omphalina, and Xerophorus, and the lichen genera Acarospora, Agonimia, Candelariella, Cladonia, Graphis, Gyalolechia, Hypogymnia, Lichinella, Megalaria, Nephroma, Ochrolechia, Opegrapha, Peltigera, Placidium, Ramalina, Rhizoplaca, Ropalospora, Strangospora, Toniniopsis, Usnea, and Zahlbrucknerell

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 5

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Diplophyllum and Ptychostomum, the fungal genera Arrhenia, Gymnosporangium, and Sporidesmium and the lichen genera Arthonia, Coenogonium, Flavoplaca, Gyalolechia, Parmotrema, Peltigera, Pterygiopsis, Squamarina, Tornabea, and Waynea
