3,046 research outputs found

    Electron dynamics in graphene with gate-defined quantum dots

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    We use numerically exact Chebyshev expansion and kernel polynomial methods to study transport through circular graphene quantum dots in the framework of a tight-binding honeycomb lattice model. Our focus lies on the regime where individual modes of the electrostatically defined dot dominate the charge carrier dynamics. In particular, we discuss the scattering of an injected Dirac electron wave packet for a single quantum dot, electron confinement in the dot, the optical excitation of dot-bound modes, and the propagation of an electronic excitation along a linear array of dots.Comment: revised version, 6 pages, 7 figure

    LOX/hydrocarbon rocket engine analytical design methodology development and validation. Volume 1: Executive summary and technical narrative

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    During the past three decades, an enormous amount of resources were expended in the design and development of Liquid Oxygen/Hydrocarbon and Hydrogen (LOX/HC and LOX/H2) rocket engines. A significant portion of these resources were used to develop and demonstrate the performance and combustion stability for each new engine. During these efforts, many analytical and empirical models were developed that characterize design parameters and combustion processes that influence performance and stability. Many of these models are suitable as design tools, but they have not been assembled into an industry-wide usable analytical design methodology. The objective of this program was to assemble existing performance and combustion stability models into a usable methodology capable of producing high performing and stable LOX/hydrocarbon and LOX/hydrogen propellant booster engines

    Nuclear Reactions: A Challenge for Few- and Many-Body Theory

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    A current interest in nuclear reactions, specifically with rare isotopes concentrates on their reaction with neutrons, in particular neutron capture. In order to facilitate reactions with neutrons one must use indirect methods using deuterons as beam or target of choice. For adding neutrons, the most common reaction is the (d,p) reaction, in which the deuteron breaks up and the neutron is captured by the nucleus. Those (d,p) reactions may be viewed as a three-body problem in a many-body context. This contribution reports on a feasibility study for describing phenomenological nucleon-nucleus optical potentials in momentum space in a separable form, so that they may be used for Faddeev calculations of (d,p) reactions.Comment: to appear in the Proceedings of HITES 2012: Conference on `Horizons of Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics', June 4-7, 2012, New Orleans, Louisian

    Phase Transitions in a Dusty Plasma with Two Distinct Particle Sizes

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    In semiconductor manufacturing, contamination due to particulates significantly decreases the yield and quality of device fabrication, therefore increasing the cost of production. Dust particle clouds can be found in almost all plasma processing environments including both plasma etching devices and in plasma deposition processes. Dust particles suspended within such plasmas will acquire an electric charge from collisions with free electrons in the plasma. If the ratio of inter-particle potential energy to the average kinetic energy is sufficient, the particles will form either a liquid structure with short range ordering or a crystalline structure with long range ordering. Otherwise, the dust particle system will remain in a gaseous state. Many experiments have been conducted over the past decade on such colloidal plasmas to discover the character of the systems formed, but more work is needed to fully understand these structures. The preponderance of previous experiments used monodisperse spheres to form complex plasma systems

    Positron Tunnelling through the Coulomb Barrier of Superheavy Nuclei

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    We study beams of medium-energy electrons and positrons which obey the Dirac equation and scatter from nuclei with Z>100.Z > 100. At small distances the potential is modelled to be that of a charged sphere. A large peak is found in the probability of positron penetration to the origin for Z184.Z \approx 184. This may be understood as an example of Klein tunnelling through the Coulomb barrier: it is the analogue of the Klein Paradox for the Coulomb potential.Comment: 3 figures, to be published in Physics Letters

    Combustor design and analysis using the Rocket Combustor Interactive Design (ROCCID) methodology

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    The ROCket Combustor Interactive Design (ROCCID) Methodology is a newly developed, interactive computer code for the design and analysis of a liquid propellant rocket combustion chamber. The application of ROCCID to design a liquid rocket combustion chamber is illustrated. Designs for a 50,000 lbf thrust and 1250 psi chamber pressure combustor using liquid oxygen (LOX)RP-1 propellants are developed and evaluated. Tradeoffs between key design parameters affecting combustor performance and stability are examined. Predicted performance and combustion stability margin for these designs are provided as a function of the combustor operating mixture ratio and chamber pressure

    LOX/hydrocarbon rocket engine analytical design methodology development and validation. Volume 2: Appendices

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    This final report includes a discussion of the work accomplished during the period from Dec. 1988 through Nov. 1991. The objective of the program was to assemble existing performance and combustion stability models into a usable design methodology capable of designing and analyzing high-performance and stable LOX/hydrocarbon booster engines. The methodology was then used to design a validation engine. The capabilities and validity of the methodology were demonstrated using this engine in an extensive hot fire test program. The engine used LOX/RP-1 propellants and was tested over a range of mixture ratios, chamber pressures, and acoustic damping device configurations. This volume contains time domain and frequency domain stability plots which indicate the pressure perturbation amplitudes and frequencies from approximately 30 tests of a 50K thrust rocket engine using LOX/RP-1 propellants over a range of chamber pressures from 240 to 1750 psia with mixture ratios of from 1.2 to 7.5. The data is from test configurations which used both bitune and monotune acoustic cavities and from tests with no acoustic cavities. The engine had a length of 14 inches and a contraction ratio of 2.0 using a 7.68 inch diameter injector. The data was taken from both stable and unstable tests. All combustion instabilities were spontaneous in the first tangential mode. Although stability bombs were used and generated overpressures of approximately 20 percent, no tests were driven unstable by the bombs. The stability instrumentation included six high-frequency Kistler transducers in the combustion chamber, a high-frequency Kistler transducer in each propellant manifold, and tri-axial accelerometers. Performance data is presented, both characteristic velocity efficiencies and energy release efficiencies, for those tests of sufficient duration to record steady state values

    Center-of-mass effects on the quasi-hole spectroscopic factors in the 16O(e,e'p) reaction

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    The spectroscopic factors for the low-lying quasi-hole states observed in the 16O(e,e'p)15N reaction are reinvestigated with a variational Monte Carlo calculation for the structure of the initial and final nucleus. A computational error in a previous report is rectified. It is shown that a proper treatment of center-of-mass motion does not lead to a reduction of the spectroscopic factor for pp-shell quasi-hole states, but rather to a 7% enhancement. This is in agreement with analytical results obtained in the harmonic oscillator model. The center-of-mass effect worsens the discrepancy between present theoretical models and the experimentally observed single-particle strength. We discuss the present status of this problem, including some other mechanisms that may be relevant in this respect.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, uses Revtex, to be published in Phys. Rev. C 58 (1998

    Analysis of Cognitive Abilities of Adolescents Learning Disabled Specifically in Arithmetic Computation

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    This research was published by the KU Center for Research on Learning, formerly known as the University of Kansas Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities.This investigation identified a group of adolescents homogeneously defined as specifically learning disabled in arithmetic and examined whether cognitive processes measured by visual-spatial, visual-reasoning, and visual-memory tasks are related to this task failure. The results indicate that a relationship exists between two major components in the LD definition --academic task failure and specific cognitive abilities. There is validity to these two components when a very specific population of students disabled in arithmetic have been identified