144 research outputs found
Affective Temperaments and Somatization Among Unipolar Depression Patients and Healthy Controls
Introduction Literature describes important comorbidity rates between somatization and mood disorders. Furthermore, there are data suggesting an association between affective temperament and somatization traits in healthy subjects. Objective In the present observational study, we investigated affective temperaments and somatization aspects in clinical and healthy samples. Aim The study focused on differences between unipolar depressive inpatients (DEP) and controls (C). Method We administered to 20 DEP and 20 C following questionnaires: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), 17-item Self Rating Depression Scale (SDS), Hypomania check list 32(HCL-32), Self Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), DCPR diagnostic criteria for psychosomatic research, Brief TEMPS-A, Modified Somatic Perception Questionnaire (MSPQ), Somatosensory Amplification Scale-SSAS. DEP and C were matched for age, sex and marital status. Result About temperaments, ANOVA showed that DEP were more cyclothymic (p Conclusion Our data suggest that DEP present an important affective temperamental dysregulation. Relative to somatization aspects, DEP show a greater vulnerability than C
Los fondos rotatorios como estrategia organizativa
El acceso de los pequeños productores al crédito fue –y continúa siendo–, muy bajo, por lo que las organizaciones que los agrupan en el departamento Libertador General San Martín (Chaco), comenzaron hace más de una década una estrategia de autoayuda, conformando fondos rotatorios, mayormente formados con el propio esfuerzo, lo que se constituye en una interesante experiencia de desarrollo y aprendizaje endógeno. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la conformación, funcionamiento y resultados obtenidos por las distintas organizaciones en el manejo de estos fondos, observándose que esta práctica contribuyó al fortalecimiento de cada una de ellas, las que fueron logrando reconocimiento zonal y provincial, aportando al desarrollo local y obteniendo diferentes beneficios, tales como sedes propias, herramientas de trabajo, acceso a precios diferenciales por compras conjuntas. En el proceso de consolidación de los fondos rotatorios, se visualizó el aporte de la mujer, ya que el 90% de los mismos son administrados por mujeres, como también la inclusión de personas que en otros contextos quedan desplazadas de estas asistencias, tales como jubilados o desocupados. Esta estrategia de economía solidaria ha sido liderada, consolidada y retroalimentada por las organizaciones a través de sus propias experiencias, lo que permite aseverar que se trata de “organizaciones que aprenden”.The access of small producers to credit was –and continues to be– very low, so the organizations that group them in the Libertador General San Martín department (Chaco) began a self-help strategy more than a decade ago, with forming revolving funds, mostly formed with one's own effort, which constitutes an interesting experience of endogenous
development and learning. The objective of this work is to analyze the conformation, operation and results obtained by the different organizations in the management of these funds, observing that this practice contributed to the strengthening of each one of them, which were achieving zonal and provincial recognition, contributing to local development and obtaining different benefits, such as own headquarters, work tools, access to differential prices for joint purchases. In the process of consolidating the revolving funds, the contribution of women was visualized, since 90% of them are managed by women, as well as the inclusion of people who in other contexts are displaced from these assistances, such as retired or unemployed. This solidarity economy strategy has been led, consolidated and
provided feedback by the organizations through their own experiences, which makes it possible to assert that they are “learning organizations”.EEA El ColoradoFil: Martinez, Gerardo Roberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria El Colorado. Agencia De Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Passamano, Luís Antonio. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca. Subsecretaría de Agricultura Familiar, Campesina e Indígena; ArgentinaFil: Piemontese, Elena Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria El Colorado. Agencia De Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentin
Generando trabajo rural en el territorio. Autoproducción de alimento balanceado
Durante décadas, las organizaciones organizadas en la Oficina de Organizaciones de Agricultura Familiar en el departamento del Libertador General San Martín (Chaco), desarrollaron y articularon acciones con instituciones públicas que trabajan en el territorio. Como resultado de esta acción, se ha dado prioridad al trabajo que, con una visión agroecológica, promueve la igualdad de género y la inclusión juvenil, el desarrollo de cadenas productivas que contribuyan a la seguridad alimentaria y al fortalecimiento organizacional. Como resultado del diagnóstico de la situación de los asociados, de las organizaciones y del contexto social, identificar problemas y oportunidades, vinculados a las primeras encuestas productivas, organizativas y tecnológicas y de infraestructura; Entre las oportunidades, se destacan la existencia de instituciones y políticas públicas dirigidas a la agricultura familiar, la disponibilidad de recursos humanos en el territorio y la demanda de productos saludables, preparados localmente, junto con la existencia de experiencias de marketing directo. Para resolver estas preguntas, uno de los objetivos que se propuso fue instalar plantas de alimentos balanceados en diferentes lugares del territorio, para resolver el autoabastecimiento de este importante insumo para la producción; de esta forma recibimos varias contribuciones que contribuyeron a dar respuestas a esta necesidad. Para resolver estas preguntas, uno de los objetivos que se propuso fue instalar plantas de alimentos balanceados en diferentes lugares del territorio, para resolver el autoabastecimiento de este importante insumo para la producción; de esta forma recibimos varias contribuciones que contribuyeron a dar respuestas a esta necesidad. Para resolver estas preguntas, uno de los objetivos que se propuso fue instalar plantas de alimentos balanceados en diferentes lugares del territorio, para resolver el autoabastecimiento de este importante insumo para la producción; de esta forma recibimos varias contribuciones que contribuyeron a dar respuestas a esta necesidad.EEA El ColoradoFil: Martinez, Gerardo Roberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria El Colorado. Agencia De Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Piemontese, Elena Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria El Colorado. Agencia De Extensión Rural San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Passamano, Luís Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria El Colorado. Agencia De Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentin
Alcohol Pattern Consumption Differently Affects the Efficiency of Macrophage Reverse Cholesterol Transport in Vivo
It has been well established that moderate alcohol consumption inversely correlates with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, whereas binge alcohol drinking increases cardiovascular disease risk. The aim of this study was to assess in vivo the impact of different drinking patterns on reverse cholesterol transport (RCT); the atheroprotective process leading to the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. RCT was measured with a standardized, radioisotope-based technique in three groups of atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E knock out mice: Placebo group, receiving water, which would mimic the abstainers; moderate group, receiving 0.8 g/kg alcohol/day for 28 days, which would mimic a moderate intake; binge group, receiving 0.8 g/kg alcohol/day for 5 days/week, followed by the administration of 2.8 g/kg alcohol/day for 2 days/week, which would mimic a heavy intake in a short period. Mice in the binge drinking group displayed an increase in total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) and non-HDL-c (all p < 0.0001 vs. placebo), and a significantly reduced elimination of fecal cholesterol. The moderate consumption did not lead to any changes in circulating lipids, but slightly improved cholesterol mobilization along the RCT pathway. Overall, our data confirm the importance of considering not only the total amount, but also the different consumption patterns to define the impact of alcohol on cardiovascular risk
Use and Prescription of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Older and Frail Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Multidisciplinary Consensus Document
In the last twelve years the clinical management of patients with atrial fibrillation has been revolutionised by the introduction of direct oral anticoagulants. Despite the large amount of evidence produced, some populations remain relatively poorly explored regarding the effectiveness and safety of direct oral anticoagulants, such as the oldest and/or frailest individuals. Frailty is clinical syndrome characterized by a reduction of functions and physiological reserves which results in individuals having higher vulnerability. While current evidence underlines a relationship between atrial fibrillation and frailty, particularly in determining a higher risk of adverse outcomes, data regarding effectiveness and safety of direct oral anticoagulants in frailty atrial fibrillation patients are still lacking, leaving uncertainty about how to guide prescription in this specific subgroup. On these premises, this multidisciplinary consensus document explains why it would be useful to integrate the clinical evaluation performed through comprehensive geriatric assessment to gather further elements to guide prescription of direct oral anticoagulants in such a high-risk group of patients
Gestione e miglioramento di pascoli italiani
Experimental results of trials on pastures management and improvement, conducted by 10 University Institutes within
the study team «Characterization of italian pastures» are reported.
The trials carried out in different soil and climate conditions, ranging from the Alps to the southern Appennines and
to the Islands, in different years, provide some conclusive and generaI considerations.
With periodical cuts, the forage availability period becomes longer, while using one cut at flowering yield results are higher.
As far as management techniques are concerned, fertilization with the three main nutrients affects positively quanti-qualitative yield, although in real situations the application of one or two elements may be sufficient and more economically
convenient, and in relation to the botanical composition.
Undersowing determines positive effects both on botanical composition and on pasture utilization. Positive results, furthermore, are obtained by mechanical scrub clearing.
Vengono riferiti i risultati sperimentali delle prove sulla gestione e sul miglioramento dei pascoli condotte da dieci Istituti
Universitari costituenti il gruppo di studio «Caratterizzazione di pascoli italiani», Dalle prove condotte in ambienti pedoclimatici
diversi, dalle alpi all'appennino meridionale ed alle isole, e in annate differenti, sono emerse come generalizzabili
alcune considerazioni conclusive.
Con sfalci periodici si allunga il periodo di disponibilità di foraggio verde, mentre con quello unico alla fioritura la
produzione risulta più elevata.
Per gli interventi tecnici, la concimazione con i tre macroelementi influisce favorevolmente sull'entità e sulla qualità
della produzione, anche se, nelle situazioni concrete, può essere sufficiente, e più vantaggioso dal lato economico, la somministrazione di uno o due elementi, anche in relazione alla facies floristica.
La trasemina determina effetti favorevoli sia sulla composizione floristica sia nella migliore utilizzazione del pascolo.
Risultati positivi, infine, si conseguono con il decespugliamento meccanico
Caratterizzazione della dinamica produttiva di pascoli naturali italiani
This work studies herbage production and its seasonal distribution in indigenous pastures, and analyses the relationship
between the environmental factors (soil, clima, vegetation) and the productivity of these resources.
The investigations have been carried on during the period 1983-90 by the joint activity of 10 different University Istitutions
in 23 different environments distributed along the Italian peninsula and the main islands.
For each environment, pasture production has been measured with the Corrall and Fenlon method, analysing the more
important vegetational and ecological conditions; altogether the total yearly production and the seasonal pattern of herbage
production have been detected on 104 pastures.
The total herbage yield is not significantly influenced by the latitudinal gradient, and the overall regional (alps, central
Appenine, south Apennine and islands) production is about 2.3 t ha-1 year-1 The wide range (0.5-6.3 t ha-1 year-1) of
herbage production, on small or medium scale, seems to be due to evident changeof environmental or management factors.
Five types of seasonal distribution of herbage growth are evidenced with multivariate analysis methods, based on the
growing season and the amplitude of the growth. With mean temperature above 12°C and total rainfall below 800 mm,
herbage distribution shows a standstill during summer period and an evident regrowth in autumn. On the contrary, for
the 4 other distribution types, the winter standstill become important, and the types are distinct by summer growth amplitude
and by the growing season lenght. With cluster analysis method, for each type of herbage distribution, have been
pointed out under-types characterized by interannual herbage production variation.
Among the environmental factors, vegetation characheristics, expressed as Pasture Value following Daget and Poissonet
seems to be strictly correlated with total production. The comparative poor role played by the soil and climatic factor,
may be due to the strong past and present antropic influence, related with management and utilization techniques.
Il presente lavoro ha come scopo l'approfondimento delle conoscenze sulla produzione e sulla distribuzione stagionale
della crescita dell'erba dei pascoli naturali, nonché l'analisi delle interazioni tra i fattori ambientali, pedo-climatici e vegetazionali,
e la risposta produttiva di queste risorse.
La ricerca è stata condotta nel periodo 1983-90 da 10 diverse Istituzioni Universitarie, in 23 ambienti differenti, distribuiti
lungo tutta la penisola e le isole maggiori.
Per ogni ambiente, con il metodo di rilievo di Corrall e Fenlon, è stata saggiata la risposta produttiva di pascoli rappresentativi
delle principali situazioni vegetazionali e di giacitura; complessivamente sono state rilevate la produzione totale
annua e la curva di produttività media pluriennale di 104 pascoli.
Riguardo la produzione annua complessiva si è osservato che essa non presenta variazioni significative lungo il gradiente
latitudinale, collocandosi tra le diverse regioni (alpina, centro appenninica, suq, appenninica e insulare) attorno a 2.3
t ha-1 anno-1. La fitomassa raccolta è soggetta invece a variazioni sensibili (0.5-6.3 t ha-1 anno-1) riconducibili a fattori
ambientali e gestionali che si esprimono su piccola e media scala.
Con metodi di analisi multivariata si sono individuate 5 tipologie distributive della crescita dell'erba, in rapporto alla
stagione vegetativa e alle variazioni dell'intensità di crescita nel corso della stagione stessa. Con temperature medie e precipitazioni
annue rispettivamente maggiori di 12°C e minori di 800 mm, risulta evidente la stasi vegetativa nel trimestre
estivo e la ripresa vegetativa autunnale. Nel caso opposto la stasi è invernale e le 4 tipologie afferenti a questo modello,
sono distinguibili dall'entità della crescita nei mesi estivi e dalla durata della stagione vegetativa. Per ogni tipologia produttiva,
sono state evidenziate, tramite l'analisi cluster, sotto-tipologie distinte per la variabilità produttiva interannuale.
Tra i fattori ambientali, la vegetazione, espressa attraverso l'indice del valore pastorale di Daget e Poissonet, presenta
una buona capacità predittiva nei confronti del livello produttivo dei pascoli. Il contributo comparativamente modesto offerto
dai fattori pedoclimatici sembra attribuibile alla forte influenza antropica, pregressa e attuale, attraverso le cure colturali
e l'utilizzazione
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