89 research outputs found

    Testing an exact f(R)f(R)-gravity model at Galactic and local scales

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    The weak field limit for a pointlike source of a f(R)∝R3/2f(R) \propto R^{3/2}-gravity model is studied. We aim to show the viability of such a model as a valid alternative to GR + dark matter at Galactic and local scales. Without considering dark matter, within the weak field approximation, we find general exact solutions for gravity with standard matter, and apply them to some astrophysical scales, recovering the consistency of the same f(R)f(R)-gravity model with cosmological results.}{In particular, we show that it is possible to obtain flat rotation curves for galaxies, [and consistency with] Solar System tests, as in the so-called "Chameleon Approach". In fact, the peripheral velocity v∞ v_\infty is shown to be expressed as v∞=λM v_\infty = \lambda \sqrt{M}, so that the Tully-Fisher relation is recovered. The results point out the possibility of achieving alternative theories of gravity in which exotic ingredients like dark matter and dark energy are not necessary, while their coarse-grained astrophysical and cosmological effects can be related to a geometric origin.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Astron. & Astrop

    The production of matter from curvature in a particular linearized high order theory of gravity and the longitudinal response function of interferometers

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    The strict analogy between scalar-tensor theories of gravity and high order gravity is well known in literature. In this paper it is shown that, from a particular high order gravity theory known in literature, it is possible to produce, in the linearized approch, particles which can be seen like massive scalar modes of gravitational waves and the response of interferometers to this type of particles is analyzed. The presence of the mass generates a longitudinal force in addition of the transverse one which is proper of the massless gravitational waves and the response of an arm of an interferometer to this longitudinal effect in the frame of a local observer is computed. This longitudinal response function is directly connected with the function of the Ricci scalar in the particular action of this high order theory. Important conseguences from a theoretical point of view could arise from this approach, because it opens to the possibility of using the signals seen from interferometers to understand which is the correct theory of gravitation.Comment: Accepted for Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physic

    Dynamical and gravitational lensing properties of a new phenomenological model of elliptical galaxies

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    Recent observations of the line of sight velocity profile of elliptical galaxies have furnished controversial results with some works favouring the presence of a large amount of dark matter in the outer regions and others arguing in favour of no dark matter at all. In order to shed new light on this controversy, we propose here a new phenomenological description of the total mass profile of galaxies. Under the hypothesis of spherical symmetry, we assume a double power-law expression for the global M/L ratio Upsilon(r)= Upsilon_0(r/r_0) ^{alpha}(1+r/r_0)^{beta}. In particular, Upsilon propto r^{alpha} for r/r_01 so that alpha1), Upsilon propto r^{alpha+beta} thus showing that models with alpha+beta=0 have an asymptotically constant M/L ratio. A wide range of possibilities is obtained by varying the slope parameters in the range we determine on the basis of physical considerations. Choosing a general expression for the luminosity density profile j(r), we work out an effective galaxy model that accounts for all the phenomenology observed in real elliptical galaxies. We derive the main dynamics and lensing properties of such an effective model. We analyze a general class of models, able to take into account different dynamical trends. We are able to obtain analytical expressions for the main dynamical and lensing quantities. We show that constraining the values of alpha+beta makes it possible to analyze the problem of the dark matter in elliptical galaxies. Indeed, positive values of alpha+beta would be a strong evidence for dark matter. Finally we indicate possible future approaches in order to face the observational data, in particular using velocity dispersion profiles and lensed quasar events

    High redshift constraints on dark energy models and tension with the flat LambdaCDM model

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    So far large and different data sets revealed the accelerated expansion rate of the Universe, which is usually explained in terms of dark energy. The nature of dark energy is not yet known, and several models have been introduced: a non zero cosmological constant, a potential energy of some scalar field, effects related to the non homogeneous distribution of matter, or effects due to alternative theories of gravity. In [1, 2] a tension with the flat LambdaCDM model has been discovered using a high-redshift Hubble diagram of supernovae, quasars, and gamma-ray bursts. Here we use Union2 type Ia supernovae (SNIa) and Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) Hubble diagram, and a set of direct measurements of the Hubble parameter to explore different dark energy models. We use the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parametrization of the dark energy equation of state (EOS), a minimally coupled quintessence scalar field, and, finally, we consider models with dark energy at early times (EDE). We perform a statistical analysis based on the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, and explore the probability distributions of the cosmological parameters for each of the competing models. We apply the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to compare these models: our analysis indicates that an evolving dark energy, described by a scalar field with exponential potential is favoured by observational data.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures submitted to JCA

    Effects of quintessence on observations of Type Ia SuperNovae in the clumpy Universe

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    We discuss the amplification dispersion in the observed luminosity of standard candles, like supernovae (SNe) of type Ia, induced by gravitational lensing in a Universe with dark energy (quintessence). We derive the main features of the magnification probability distribution function (pdf) of SNe in the framework of on average Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) models for both lensing by large-scale structures and compact objects. The magnification pdf is strongly dependent on the equation of state, wQw_Q, of the quintessence. The dispersion increases with the redshift of the source and is maximum for dark energy with very large negative pressure; the effects of gravitational lensing on the magnification pdf, i.e. the mode biased towards de-amplified values and the long tail towards large magnifications, are reduced for both microscopic DM and quintessence with an intermediate wQw_Q. Different equations of state of the dark energy can deeply change the dispersion in amplification for the projected observed samples of SNe Ia by future space-born missions. The "noise" in the Hubble diagram due to gravitational lensing strongly affects the determination of the cosmological parameters from SNe data. The errors on the pressureless matter density parameter, ΩM\Omega_M, and on wQw_Q are maximum for quintessence with not very negative pressure. The effect of the gravitational lensing is of the same order of the other systematics affecting observations of SNe Ia. Due to the lensing by large-scale structures, in a flat Universe with ΩM=0.4\Omega_M =0.4, at z=1z=1 a cosmological constant (wQ=−1w_Q=-1) can be interpreted as dark energy with wQ<−0.84w_Q <-0.84 (at 2-σ\sigma confidence limit).Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Distances in inhomogeneous quintessence cosmology

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    We investigate the properties of cosmological distances in locally inhomogeneous universes with pressureless matter and dark energy (quintessence), with constant equation of state. We give exact solutions for angular diameter distances in theempty beam approximation. In this hypothesis, the distance-redshift equation is derived fron the multiple lens-plane theory. The case of a flat universe is considered with particular attention. We show how this general scheme makes distances degenerate with respect to w_X and the smoothness parameters, alpha, accounting for the homogeneously distributed fraction of energy of the i-components. We analyse how this degeneracy influences the critical redshift where the angular diameter distance takes its maximum, and put in evidence future prospects for measuring the smoothness parameter of the pressureless matter, alpha_M.Comment: 24 pages, 9 ps figure

    Noether symmetry approach in phantom quintessence cosmology

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    In the framework of phantom quintessence cosmology, we use the Noether Symmetry Approach to obtain general exact solutions for the cosmological equations. This result is achieved by the quintessential (phantom) potential determined by the existence of the symmetry itself. A comparison between the theoretical model and observations is worked out. In particular, we use type Ia supernovae and large scale structure parameters determined from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS)and from the Wide part of the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). It turns out that the model is compatible with the presently available observational data. Moreover we extend the approach to include radiation. We show that it is compatible with data derived from recombination and it seems that quintessence do not affect nucleosynthesis results.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    A new method for the estimate of H_0 from quadruply imaged gravitational lens systems

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    We present a new method to estimate the Hubble constant H_0 from the measured time delays in quadruply imaged gravitational lens systems. We show how it is possible to get an estimate of H_0 without the need to completely reconstruct the lensing potential thus avoiding any a priori hypotheses on the expression of the galaxy lens model. Our method only needs to assume that the lens potential may be expressed as r^{\alpha} F(\theta), whatever the shape function F(\theta) is, and it is thus able to fully explore the degeneracy in the mass models taking also into account the presence of an external shear. We test the method on simulated cases and show that it does work well in recovering the correct value of the slope \alpha of the radial profile and of the Hubble constant H_0. Then, we apply the same method to the real quadruple lenses PG1115+080 and B1422+231 obtaining H_0 = 58_{-15}^{+17} km/s/Mpc (68% CL).Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Slott-Agape Project

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    SLOTT-AGAPE (Systematic Lensing Observation at Toppo Telescope - Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Lensing Experiment) is a new collaboration project among international partners from England, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland that intends to perform microlensing observation by using M31 as target. The MACHOs search is made thanks to the pixel lensing technique.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceeding of XLIII Congresso della Societa' Astronomica Italiana, Napoli, 4-8 Maggio, 199
