23 research outputs found

    Preliminary study of the atmospheric pollen in "Sierra de las Nieves" Natural Park (Southern Spain)

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    ‘Sierra de las Nieves’ is a Natural Park and a Biosphere Reserve located in the south of Spain. This protected area has a high diversity of ecosystems with abundant endangered species which have led it to be in ways to become a National Park. Some of those species have anemophilous pollination strategies. Since 1991, the Aerobiology research team of the University of Malaga has been sampling and studying airborne pollen in different cities of Malaga province. Nevertheless, a pollen trap has never been installed inside a Natural Park for a continuous sampling process. The objectives of this study were to determinate the atmospheric pollen behaviour of the main taxa registered during winter and spring months in this protected area, as well as compare the results with the data obtained in urban stations during the same period searching for significant differences. The pollen samplings were made by means of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap inside the protected area of the Natural Park. The samples obtained were mounted and counted according to the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). The high vegetal diversity of ‘Sierra de las Nieves’ are reflected in the pollen counts. Significant differences between the sampligs obtained at ‘Sierra de las Nieves’, Malaga and the neraby city of Ronda stations were found regarding to the daily pollen concentration. The qualitative and quantitative differences can be explained by the different land use, altitude, climatic characteristics and by the distance between aerobiological stations and pollen emission sources. There is an important influence of wind dymanic and others meteorological factors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Backward air trajectory models for detecting pollen airborne sources of Castanea in Ronda (South Spain)

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    Ronda is located in a rural area close to the natural Parks Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves, surrounded by crops, natural and seminatural vegetation. The Genal Valley, which is located at the southwest of Ronda, is the biggest Castanea sativa Mill. crop area in Andalusia (South Spain) but there are also others C. sativa crops in different areas close to Ronda. This increases the Castanea atmospheric pollen levels in Ronda, the highest of Malaga province. Castanea pollen has been cited by different authors as potentially allergenic. The objective of this preliminary study was to determine the main sources of Castanea pollen detected in Ronda during the period in which the highest concentrations were detected along the year 2017. The pollen samplings were made by means of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap. The samples obtained were mounted and counted according to the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). Backward air trajectories were calculated according to HYSPLIT 4 model. Models were run five times a day by using R software for the whole month of June 2017. Due to the wind dynamics in Ronda, the main source of Castanea airborne pollen was not the expected (the Genal Valley). The dominant winds in June 2017 came from the southeast of Ronda and brought Castanea pollen from the crops of two nearby localities, Istan and Ojen, which are widely smaller than those situated in the Genal Valley. Therefore, due to the high pollen production of these crops, predictive models for the Castanea airborne pollen in Ronda should be done in future researches in order to prevent allergic diseases in the population. Additionally, by studing air trajectory models, the cross pollination between Castanea populations in the area can be estimated.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Preliminary study of the airborne pollen in the atmosphere of Puerto Ayora (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador)

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    Galapagos is an archipelago of volcanic islands located 972 km west from the continental Ecuador. They were declared by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve due to their singular environmental value, where a third part of the native plants are endemic to this archipelago (Jaramillo et al., 2011). In spite of the numerous scientific studies carried out in Galapagos, there are not any aerobiological samplings being performed currently. The main objectives of this study were to install a pollen trap for detecting the presence of pollen in the atmosphere of Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands) and qualitatively identify the different pollen types detected during the studied period. A Durham (1946) gravimetric pollen trap was modified to turn it into a passive impact pollen trap based on Pla Dalmau (1957) modifications. It was placed on the roof of the Galapagos National School (Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island) at a height of 15m above ground level. The samples were obtained by using silicone fluid as adhesive substance and glycerine gelatine as mounting mean. The pollen grains were counted in a surface of 14 x 48 mm in each sample. The pollen types were identified with the aid of the pollen guide of the Galapagos Island by Jaramillo & Trigo (2011) and the Charles Darwin Foundation pollen bank. Pollen types of endemic plants such as Darwiniothamnus sp., Passiflora foetida var. galapagensis Killip, Justicia galapagana Lindau and Castela galapageia Hook. f. were detected together with those of other native and introduced species. A high diversity of pollen types was detected, reflecting the particular vegetation of the island. This preliminary aerobiological information can be used as precedent for further studies on the pollination of native and introduced species of the Galapagos Islands, as well as for detecting possible allergic diseases in the population.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Atmospheric pollen dynamics in Malaga (s. Spain) during 2013-2014. Seasonal trends

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    In this work we present the atmospheric pollen results obtained in Malaga, a coastal Mediterranean city situated in southern Spain, throughout 2013 and 2014. The main objective is to compare the results obtained these years with those registered during the 21 previous years (1992-2012) and detect possible significant trends. The samplings were made with the aid of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap (Hirst, 1952) situated on the roof of the building of the Faculty of Sciences, Campus de Teatinos. The mounting of the samples and the pollen counting were according to the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network, the REA (GalĂĄn et al., 2007). In this work, the seasonal evolution of the different taxa, annual pollen index and features of the main pollen season (length and start, end and peak days) are studied and the results obtained in 2013 and 2014 are compared to the average values of the previous years in order to detect differences related to climate change. The annual mean temperature have been rising in 2013 and 2014 (19.1 and 19.9ÂșC) comparing to the average of the last 20 years (18.7ÂșC). The annual total rainfall have been declining in 2013 and 2014 (354.7 and 373.1 mm) comparing to the average of the last 20 years (546.2 mm). The relative humidity declined in 2014 (60.6%) compared to last 20 years (66.6%). Among the significant trends that we have observed are: increase in the annual pollen index of Quercus and Olea, decrease in the annual pollen index of Chenopodiaceae, Plantago and Cyperaceae, delay in the end and increase in the length of the main pollen season of Quercus, delay and reduction in the length of the main pollen season of Gramineae pollen.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tec

    The germplasm bank of the Botanical Garden of the University of Malaga.

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    The collection of the Germplasm Bank of the University of Malaga began recently associated with its Botanical Garden, in October 2021. The collection is made up of diaspores (fruits/seeds) of plant species belonging to the botanical garden itself and other native species of the vegetation of different areas of the province of Malaga. After the identification of the plants and the collection of the samples, standardized procedures are applied for their adequate conservation in the short and medium term in refrigerators at 4ÂșC, since the objective is to maintain a dynamic collection. Additionally, the database allows international exchanges and research activities such as viability studies or the elaboration of a photo atlas supported by morphometric studies of the preserved structures. The biodiversity conserved in this germplasm bank will be also very useful in a scenario of global change in which many species are being threatened, or even disappearing, since it constitutes a reservoir that guarantees the possible recovery of the different species whose diasporas have been preserved. Currently, the germplasm bank contains a total of 155 samples belonging to 115 taxa subject to strict protocols that guarantees the maintenance of their viability and genetic integrity, the sanitary conditions of the germplasm, its availability and the physical security of the collections.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Implementation of the PhenoFlex framework for forecasting the start of the main pollen season in the context of climate change

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    Climate change is affecting the flowering seasonality of many plant species, disrupting the dynamics of their life cycles and triggering changes in ecosystems. These changes are not uniform across all species and geographic regions, and local monitoring is required to gauge future phenological shifts and to establish mitigation strategies. In this context, aerobiological sampling has proven to be a valuable tool for monitoring the flowering onset in anemophilous species. The start date of the main pollen season for a certain pollen type in a given location is usually linked to the flowering onset of the taxa that produce it. This has encouraged the development of different models in recent years to estimate the start of the main pollen season. However, some of these models rely on rigid assumptions that may not fit the diversity of the environmental conditions in which the plants grow. In 2021, Luedeling et al. developed the PhenoFlex statistical framework to forecast the flowering onset of tree species based on biological processes. This model accommodates for both overlapping and sequential chilling and forcing periods. It also fits all the model parameters for the targeted taxa, avoiding the arbitrary selection of fixed parameters. To date, this framework has not been used in aerobiological contexts. In this study, we delve into the applicability of this framework to aerobiological data and issue some recommendations for model validation and its use in estimating climate change impacts. As an example of application, PhenoFlex models were fitted to aerobiological data for Cupressaceae and Platanus from 8 sampling locations within Malaga Province (southern Spain) with 52 sampling years. The models registered mean absolute errors of 7.7 and 4.5 days, respectively, and were used to generate forecasts according to different future temperature scenarios.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Improving the Robustness of Redundant Execution with Register File Randomization

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    [EN] Staggered Redundant execution (SRE) is a fault-tolerance mechanism that has been widely deployed in the context of safety-critical applications. SRE not only protects the system in the presence of faults but also helps relaxing safety requirements of individual elements. However, in this paper, we show that SRE does not effectively protect the system against a wide range of faults and thus, new mechanisms to increase the diversity of homogeneous cores are needed. In this paper, we propose Register File Randomization (RFR), a low-cost diversity mechanism that significantly increases the robustness of homogeneous multicores in front of common-cause faults (CCFs) and register file wearout. Our results show that RFR completely removes the failure rate for register file CCFs for certain workloads and reduces by a factor of 5X the impact of stress related register file aging for the workloads analysed. Our implementation requires less than 50 RTL lines of code and the area (FPGA logic) overhead of RFR is less than 0.2% of a 64-bit RISC-V core FPGA implementation.This work has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 877056 and the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion from Spain under grant agreement no. PCI2020-112092, and from the the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 871467.Tuzov, I.; Andreu, P.; Medina, L.; Picornell-Sanjuan, T.; Robles MartĂ­nez, A.; LĂłpez RodrĂ­guez, PJ.; Flich Cardo, J.... (2021). Improving the Robustness of Redundant Execution with Register File Randomization. IEEE. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCAD51958.2021.96434661

    Pollen recognition through an open-source web-based system: automated particle counting for aerobiological analysis

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    Airborne pollen is produced by plants for their sexual reproduction and can have negative impacts on public health. The current monitoring systems are based on manual sampling processes which are tedious and time-consuming. Due to that, pollen concentrations are often reported with a delay of up to one week. In this study, we present an open-source user-friendly web application powered by deep learning for automatic pollen count and classification. The application aims to simplify the process for non-IT users to count and classify different types of pollen, reducing the effort required compared to manual methods. To overcome the challenges of acquiring large labelled datasets, we propose a semi-automatic labelling approach, which combines human expertise and machine learning techniques. The results demonstrate that our approach significantly reduces the effort required for users to count and classify pollen taxa accurately. The model achieved high precision and recall rates (> 96% [email protected]), enabling reliable pollen identification and prediction.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de MĂĄlaga/CBUA. This work was financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and FEDER funding inside the Operational Plurir- regional Program of Spain 2014–2020 and the Operational Program of Smart Growing (Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab, EnBiC2-Lab; LIFEWATCH-2019-11-UMA-01-BD) and by the Span- ish project TED2021-130167B-C33 (‘GEDIER: Application of Digital Twins to more sustainable irrigated farms’). A. Picornell was supported by a postdoctoral grant financed by the Ministry of Economic Transfor- mation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Junta de AndalucĂ­a (POSTDOC_21_00056)

    Seasonal and intradaily variations of Parietaria pollen in the atmosphere of MĂĄlaga.

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    Parietaria pollen is one of the main causes of hay fever and asthma in the population, presenting a high allergenicity. That is why, in order to inform the population, it is important to determine whether its behaviour pattern is different in different parts of the city. The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the behaviour pattern of the Parietaria pollen type in two different points within the city of Malaga and to analyze the existing correlation between pollen concentrations and the main meteorological parameters. We used two Hirst-type volumetric pollen traps, one of them installed in the periphery and the other in the city center, between 2017 and 2019. The samples were mounted and counted following the recommendations of the Spanish Aerobiology Network. To calculate the annual pollen integral, the sum of the mean daily concentrations throughout the year was used. To calculate the intradaily variations, the values were accumulated every two hours, expressed as percentages of the daily total. In order to study the relationships between meteorological parameters and pollen concentrations, Spearman correlation tests have been carried out. The values of the annual pollen integral were always much higher in the centre. Daily mean concentrations showed the presence of this pollen type in the atmosphere throughout the year. Regarding the intraday pattern, a more pronounced peak was observed in the city centre, while in the periphery, the distribution is more homogeneous throughout the day. The meteorological parameters play an important role in determining the daily concentrations in the atmosphere. In the light of these results, we can conclude that it is necessary to install several sampling points within the same city, due to its heterogeneity and different land uses, in order to inform the population with a greater precision and, in this way, prevent respiratory allergies.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Airborne pollen concentrations in Sierra de las Nieves National Park (southern Spain) and its allergenic potential.

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    Sierra de las Nieves was declared National Park in 2021. Around 100 000 people visit the park every year and a high percentage of them may suffer allergy symptoms due to the presence of some pollen types in the atmosphere. The aim of this study was to determine the allergenic potential of the concentrations registered in the atmosphere of Sierra de las Nieves National Park as well as the seasonality of different pollen types. Airborne pollen was sampled by means of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap installed in “Las Conejeras” recreational area. In this study, data of the year 2022 were considered. Pollen samples were mounted and counted following the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network. Data were managed by means of the AeRobiology package, implemented in R software. Spearman correlations test between daily pollen concentrations and the main meteorological parameters were performed. Airborne pollen was detected during almost the whole year, with the highest concentrations being reached during the period April-June (89.19% of the total annual pollen integral). The pollen type with the highest number of days with concentrations of high allergenic potential was Quercus (25 days), followed by Castanea and Poaceae (8 days), the period with the highest risk for allergy sufferers being April-July. High temperatures favour pollen release, increasing the airborne pollen concentrations, but precipitation and high relative humidity favour pollen precipitation, reducing airborne pollen concentrations. Wind dynamics play different roles depending on the pollen type considered, due to the heterogeneous distribution of the pollen emission sources. Allergy sufferers should consider the pollination period of the pollen types which they are allergic to when planning their visits to the National Park, especially on days with high temperatures and low relative humidity, meteorological conditions that tend to increase pollen concentrations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech