7,834 research outputs found

    A Four-Factor User Interaction Model for Content-Based Image Retrieval

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    In order to bridge the “Semantic gap”, a number of relevance feedback (RF) mechanisms have been applied to content-based image retrieval (CBIR). However current RF techniques in most existing CBIR systems still lack satisfactory user interaction although some work has been done to improve the interaction as well as the search accuracy. In this paper, we propose a four-factor user interaction model and investigate its effects on CBIR by an empirical evaluation. Whilst the model was developed for our research purposes, we believe the model could be adapted to any content-based search system

    Observations of ozone production in a dissipating tropical convective cell during TC4

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    From 13 July–9 August 2007, 25 ozonesondes were launched from Las Tablas, Panama as part of the Tropical Composition, Cloud, and Climate Coupling (TC4) mission. On 5 August, a strong convective cell formed in the Gulf of Panama. World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) data indicated 563 flashes (09:00–17:00 UTC) in the Gulf. NO2 data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) show enhancements, suggesting lightning production of NOx. At 15:05 UTC, an ozonesonde ascended into the southern edge of the now dissipating convective cell as it moved west across the Azuero Peninsula. The balloon oscillated from 2.5–5.1 km five times (15:12–17:00 UTC), providing a unique examination of ozone (O3) photochemistry on the edge of a convective cell. Ozone increased at a rate of 1.6–4.6 ppbv/hr between the first and last ascent, resulting cell wide in an increase of (2.1–2.5)×106 moles of O3. This estimate agrees to within a factor of two of our estimates of photochemical lightning O3 production from the WWLLN flashes, from the radar-inferred lightning flash data, and from the OMI NO2 data (1.2, 1.0, and 1.7×106 moles, respectively), though all estimates have large uncertainties. Examination of DC-8 in situ and lidar O3 data gathered around the Gulf that day suggests 70–97% of the O3 change occurred in 2.5–5.1 km layer. A photochemical box model initialized with nearby TC4 aircraft trace gas data suggests these O3 production rates are possible with our present understanding of photochemistry

    The impact of the 1783-1784 AD Laki eruption on global aerosol formation processes and cloud condensation nuclei

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    The 1783–1784 AD Laki flood lava eruption commenced on 8 June 1783 and released 122 Tg of sulphur dioxide gas over the course of 8 months into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere above Iceland. Previous studies have examined the impact of the Laki eruption on sulphate aerosol and climate using general circulation models. Here, we study the impact on aerosol microphysical processes, including the nucleation of new particles and their growth to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) using a comprehensive Global Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP). Total particle concentrations in the free troposphere increase by a factor ~16 over large parts of the Northern Hemisphere in the 3 months following the onset of the eruption. Particle concentrations in the boundary layer increase by a factor 2 to 5 in regions as far away as North America, the Middle East and Asia due to long-range transport of nucleated particles. CCN concentrations (at 0.22% supersaturation) increase by a factor 65 in the upper troposphere with maximum changes in 3-month zonal mean concentrations of ~1400 cm<sup>−3</sup> at high northern latitudes. 3-month zonal mean CCN concentrations in the boundary layer at the latitude of the eruption increase by up to a factor 26, and averaged over the Northern Hemisphere, the eruption caused a factor 4 increase in CCN concentrations at low-level cloud altitude. The simulations show that the Laki eruption would have completely dominated as a source of CCN in the pre-industrial atmosphere. The model also suggests an impact of the eruption in the Southern Hemisphere, where CCN concentrations are increased by up to a factor 1.4 at 20° S. Our model simulations suggest that the impact of an equivalent wintertime eruption on upper tropospheric CCN concentrations is only about one-third of that of a summertime eruption. The simulations show that the microphysical processes leading to the growth of particles to CCN sizes are fundamentally different after an eruption when compared to the unperturbed atmosphere, underlining the importance of using a fully coupled microphysics model when studying long-lasting, high-latitude eruptions

    Fe I Oscillator Strengths for the Gaia-ESO Survey

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    The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey (GES) is conducting a large-scale study of multi-element chemical abundances of some 100 000 stars in the Milky Way with the ultimate aim of quantifying the formation history and evolution of young, mature and ancient Galactic populations. However, in preparing for the analysis of GES spectra, it has been noted that atomic oscillator strengths of important Fe I lines required to correctly model stellar line intensities are missing from the atomic database. Here, we present new experimental oscillator strengths derived from branching fractions and level lifetimes, for 142 transitions of Fe I between 3526 {\AA} and 10864 {\AA}, of which at least 38 are urgently needed by GES. We also assess the impact of these new data on solar spectral synthesis and demonstrate that for 36 lines that appear unblended in the Sun, Fe abundance measurements yield a small line-by-line scatter (0.08 dex) with a mean abundance of 7.44 dex in good agreement with recent publications.Comment: Accepted for publication in Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    The NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey. I. Low-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectra

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    We present the first results of a near-infrared (0.96-2.31 micron) spectroscopic survey of M, L, and T dwarfs obtained with NIRSPEC on the Keck II telescope. Our new survey has a resolving power of R = 2000 and is comprised of two major data sets: 53 J-band (1.14-1.36 micron) spectra covering all spectral types from M6 to T8 with at least two members in each spectral subclass (wherever possible), and 25 flux-calibrated spectra from 1.14 to 2.31 microns for most spectral classes between M6 and T8. Sixteen of these 25 objects have additional spectral coverage from 0.96-1.14 microns to provide overlap with optical spectra. Spectral flux ratio indexes for prominent molecular bands are derived and equivalent widths (EWs) for several atomic lines are measured. We find that a combination of four H2O and two CH4 band strengths can be used for spectral classification. Weak (EW~1-2 angstrom) atomic lines of Al I and Ca I disappear at the boundary between M and L types.Comment: 60 pages, 25 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Vol 596. Received 2003 March 31; accepted 2003 June 20. Web site at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~mclean/BDSSarchiv

    Hedgehog signalling acts upstream of Laminin alpha1 transcription in the zebrafish paraxial mesoderm

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    Laminin-111 (α1β1γ1) is a member of the Laminin family of extra-cellular matrix proteins that comprises 16 members, components of basement membranes. Laminin-111, one of the first Laminin proteins synthesised during embryogenesis, is required for basement membrane deposition and has essential roles in tissue morphogenesis and patterning. Yet, the mechanisms controlling Laminin-111 expression are poorly understood. We generated a zebrafish transgenic reporter line that reproduces faithfully the expression pattern of lama1, the gene encoding Laminin α1, and we used this reporter line to investigate lama1 transcriptional regulation. Our findings established that lama1 expression is controlled by intronic enhancers, including an enhancer directing expression in the paraxial mesoderm, anterior spinal cord and hindbrain, located in intron 1. We show that Hedgehog signalling is necessary and sufficient for lama1 transcription in the paraxial mesoderm and identify putative Gli/Zic binding sites that may mediate this control. These findings uncover a conserved role for Hedgehog signalling in the control of basement membrane assembly via its transcriptional regulation of lama1, and provide a mechanism to coordinate muscle cell fate specification in the zebrafish embryo

    Spitzer Observations of Low Luminosity Isolated and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We examine the infrared properties of five low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) and compare them with related but higher surface brightness galaxies, using Spitzer Space Telescope images and spectra. All the LSBGs are detected in the 3.6 and 4.5um bands, representing the stellar population. All but one are detected at 5.8 and 8.0um, revealing emission from hot dust and aromatic molecules, though many are faint or point-like at these wavelengths. Detections of LSBGs at the far-infrared wavelengths, 24, 70, and 160um, are varied in morphology and brightness, with only two detections at 160um, resulting in highly varied spectral energy distributions. Consistent with previous expectations for these galaxies, we find that detectable dust components exist for only some LSBGs, with the strength of dust emission dependent on the existence of bright star forming regions. However, the far-infrared emission may be relatively weak compared with normal star-forming galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    Acute ischaemic stroke patients - direct admission to a specialist centre or initial treatment in a local hospital? A systematic review

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    Objectives To assess the clinical effectiveness, in acute ischaemic stroke patients, of bypassing non-specialist centres in preference for a specialist stroke centre to receive the time-critical intervention of thrombolysis. Methods Systematic review and meta-analysis using: MEDLINE; MEDLINE In-Process; EMBASE; CINAHL; Cochrane Library including Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane CENTRAL Controlled Trials Register, DARE, NHS EED and HTA databases. Studies were included if they compared acute ischaemic stroke patients directly triaged to a specialist centre versus those initially triaged to a non-specialist centre with some or all later transferred to a specialist centre. Studies were excluded if they compared patients ever treated in a specialist centre versus those never treated in such a centre, since the aim was to assess the optimum initial triage route rather than the optimum location for overall management. The assumption being, based on previous research, that management in a specialist centre leads to better patient outcomes. Results Fourteen studies investigating 2790 patients were identified. Studies comparing commencement of thrombolysis in non-specialist centres versus the specialist centres (n=1394) showed no significant difference in unadjusted mortality (OR = 0.89; 95% CI = 0.61–1.30) or morbidity (favourable modified Rankin Score, n = 899) (OR = 1.16; 95% CI = 0.85–1.59) among thrombolysed patients. In studies where thrombolysis could only be administered in a specialist centre, data for patients arriving within the therapeutic window (n = 140) revealed significantly higher mortality for those initially admitted to a non-specialist centre compared to directly admitted to a specialist centre (OR = 6.62; 95% CI = 2.60–16.82); morbidity data also favoured direct admission to a specialist centre, although not consistently. Conclusions For ischaemic stroke patients, the location of initial thrombolysis treatment does not affect outcomes. However, if thrombolysis is only available at a specialist centre, outcomes are considerably better for those patients admitted directly. However, these conclusions are based on poor quality data with small sample populations, significant heterogeneity and subject to confounding

    Social Effects in Science: Modelling Agents for a Better Scientific Practice

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    Science is a fundamental human activity and we trust its results because it has several error-correcting mechanisms. Its is subject to experimental tests that are replicated by independent parts. Given the huge amount of information available, scientists have to rely on the reports of others. This makes it possible for social effects to influence the scientific community. Here, an Opinion Dynamics agent model is proposed to describe this situation. The influence of Nature through experiments is described as an external field that acts on the experimental agents. We will see that the retirement of old scientists can be fundamental in the acceptance of a new theory. We will also investigate the interplay between social influence and observations. This will allow us to gain insight in the problem of when social effects can have negligible effects in the conclusions of a scientific community and when we should worry about them.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure