173 research outputs found


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    Introduction Controversies surrounding Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and the cumbersome-nature of movement analysis-based (MAB) methods for shoulder function evaluation make the exploration of alternatives needed. Research aimed at the simplification of MAB outcome measures had demonstrated previously that the B-B Score, which relies on two movements only, was valid for out-of-laboratory evaluations of shoulder function. Nevertheless, further investigations were needed to optimise testing procedures, test the B-B Score’s capability of acquisition using a user-friendly device, and critically evaluate its measurement properties in comparison to current methods. Objective The aim of this thesis was to develop and assess the simplest possible MAB shoulder function scoring procedure for clinical measurement. Methods The research included four steps: 1) Optimisation of the B-B Score testing procedure (Phase 1 study [data-driven]), 2) Comparison of measurements using a smartphone or an inertial sensor system (Phase 2 study [data-driven]), 3) Validation in frequentlyoccurring pathologies (rotator cuff conditions, instability, fracture, capsulitis) (Phase 3 study [data-driven]), 4) Benchmarking of the new approach with concurrent MAB outcome measures and PROMs (literature review). Results Amongst the tested methods, the B-B score was optimised by using the mean of three replicates in the computation of the range of accelerations by angular velocities. The comparison of easily-used smartphone and reference device showed non-significant differences and excellent relationships between measurements (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient [ICC=0.97]). The smartphone’s B-B Score intra-rater and inter-rater reliability was excellent (ICC=0.92), but limits of agreement could reach up to ±19.4%. The score was responsive (area under the curve [AUC≥0.70]) and demonstrated excellent discriminative power between patients and controls (AUC≥0.90), except for shoulder instability (AUC=0.67). The correlations with PROMs were moderate to high. The benchmarking established that the measurement properties of the B-B Score compared equivalently with those of PROMs and MAB outcome measures, except for shoulder instability. Conclusion Shoulder function can be efficiently evaluated using a simple scoring procedure performed with a smartphone, which facilitates its objective assessment. Further research is needed to understand how best to reduce the effects of variability associated with single measurements in order to optimise clinical applicability and to explore the B-B Score’s properties in other situations requiring functional assessments of the shoulder. . Keywords: shoulder, shoulder function; outcome assessment; validation studies, reliability and validity; inertial sensors; smartphone sensors; body-worn sensors; kinematics; sensitivity and specificity

    Évaluation de la politique de formation de la police. Enquête par questionnaire et entretiens approfondis auprès des policiers/ères récemment assermenté-e-s

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    Ce rapport de recherche a été commandé par la Commission externe d'évaluation des politiques publiques du Canton de Genève (Suisse) dans le cadre d'une évaluation de la politique de formation de la police dans ce canton. L'étude montre que, d'une manière générale, les policiers/ères récemment assermenté-e-s jugent positivement leur formation, en particulier certains éléments du dispositif pédagogique (durée de la formation, charge de travail, formateurs/trices) et se sentent bien préparé-e-s à gérer les contacts avec leurs différents publics (en particulier les personnes agressives et les victimes de violences domestiques). Néanmoins, la plupart des policiers/ères interrogé-e-s perçoivent le travail effectué au sein des services comme étant éloigné des prescriptions scolaires. Ils estiment que ces dernières ne sont pas celles qui sont appliquées par leurs collègues expérimenté-e-s. Les matières physico-techniques sont, d'une manière générale, considérées comme plus utiles et plus importantes que les matières relationnelles. Dans cet ordre d'idée, un certain nombre de policiers/ères réclament moins de psychologie. Il s'agit cependant de la matière relationnelle à propos de laquelle les jugements sont les plus nuancés, en particulier à propos des savoirs permettant de gérer les personnes présentant des troubles mentaux, d'améliorer la communication et de gérer les conflits (au détriment de ceux visant à l'introspection). Les enseignements de police de proximité ont quant à eux tendance à être associés à une spécialisation propre à la gendarmerie et inutile pour les nouveaux/elles entrant-e-s, en particulier les inspecteurs/trices. L'éthique et les droits de l'Homme concentrent par contre les jugements négatifs : ces cours sont perçus comme diffusant des « bonnes paroles » prêchées par des formateurs/trices extérieurs à la profession (si ce n'est réellement, du moins symboliquement), éloignées de la réalité du métier et échouant à combattre les préjugés, en particulier ceux basés sur l'origine ethnico-nationale. L'étude montre en outre que les compétences relationnelles et les rapports aux différents publics sont centrales dans les appréciations portées sur l'adéquation entre formation et pratique. À ce sujet, ont été repérés néanmoins des points qui posent problèmes (aux yeux des policiers/ères interrogé-e-s ou à nos yeux) : peu de réflexivité en ce qui concerne les risques associés au «délit de faciès», problèmes avec les « maghrébins » et les jeunes en groupe (liés en particulier à la remise en cause de l'autorité policière), imprévisibilité des consommateurs/trices de drogue et vision pessimiste (parfois très peu empathique) de la toxicomanie, sentiment de difficulté et d'inconfort associé aux tâches visant à prendre en charge la souffrance d'autrui, relégation de la plupart des situations de violence domestique au rang de tâches indues, difficultés associées aux contacts avec les personnes atteintes de maladies psychiques graves, et la mention en priorité des cours de TTI pour la gestion des personnes agressives (au détriment des matières relationnelles)

    Patients' expectations of physiotherapists before and after an intensive chronic low back pain rehabilitation programme: a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews and observations.

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    To investigate the expectations regarding physiotherapists of patients attending an interdisciplinary CLBP rehabilitation programme and the response to these expectations. A thematic analysis was conducted, based on interviews of working-age patients with CLBP and without significant comorbidities. Twenty patients participated (9 male, 11 female, aged 21-58 years; symptoms duration 4.3 ± 3.0 years; pain VAS 53 ± 21 mm). Patients expected to learn pain and activity management. Expected outcomes were a reduction of pain, increased well-being and a return to normality. A collaborative approach involving therapeutic and relational adaptation was expected. Despite divergences concerning emotional aspects, patients expected a large range of applied psychosocial skills.The programme met the expectations of most patients, especially when its goals matched those reported by the individuals. For most participants, the pain relief was below expectations. Active therapies were valued. After the programme, patients felt more ready to take responsibility for their back. The expectation of developing self-management skills was prevalent. Expected treatments were mostly compatible with recommendations. Expectations to resume activities and decrease pain were in line with the rehabilitation goals, although the expected reduction in pain was overestimated. Relational expectations converged towards patient-centred care

    Bioimpedance spectroscopy for swelling evaluation following total knee arthroplasty: a validation study

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    BACKGROUND: The evaluation of swelling is important for the outcome of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery. The circumference or volume measurements are applicable at the bedside of the patient but are altered by muscular atrophy and the post-surgical dressing. Bioimpedance spectroscopy might overcome these limitations; however, it should be validated. This study aimed to explore the validity, the reliability and the responsiveness of bioimpedance spectroscopy for measuring swelling after TKA. METHODS: The degree of swelling in 25 patients undergoing TKA surgery was measured using bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS R0), knee circumference and limb volume. The measurements were performed on D-1 (day before surgery), D + 2 (2 days after surgery) and D + 8 (8 days after surgery). The BIS R0 measurements were repeated twice, alternating between two evaluators. The percentage of the difference between the limbs was calculated for BIS R0, circumference and volume. The intra- and inter-observer intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), limits of agreement (LOA), effect size (Cohen's d), correlations between the methods and diagnostic sensitivity were calculated. RESULTS: BIS R0, circumference and volume detected swelling < 3.5% at D-1. The swelling at D2 and D8 was greater with BIS R0 [mean (SD) 29.9% (±9.8) and 38.27 (±7.8)] than with volume [14.7 (±9.5) and 14.9 (±8.2)] and circumference [11.1 (±5.7) and 11.7 (±4.1)]. The BIS R0 intra- and inter-evaluator ICCs ranged from 0.89 to 0.99, whereas the LOA were < 5.2%. The BIS R0 correlation was 0.73 with volume and 0.75 with circumference. The BIS R0 Cohen's d was 3.32 for the D-1-D2 evolution. The diagnostic sensitivity was 83% D2 and 96% at D8. CONCLUSION: Bioimpedance is a valid method for the evaluation of swelling following TKA. BIS R0 also demonstrated excellent intra- and inter-evaluator reliability. The diagnostic sensitivity and responsiveness is superior to that of concurrent methods. BIS R0 is an efficient method for post-surgical follow up at the bedside of the patient. The measurement of BIS R0 is a straightforward, valid, reliable and responsive method for lower limb swelling following TKA surgery that could be used in clinics and research. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00627770

    Alteration and recovery of arm usage in daily activities after rotator cuff surgery.

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    BACKGROUND: The objective measurement of dominant/nondominant arm use proportion in daily life may provide relevant information on healthy and pathologic arm behavior. This prospective case-control study explored the potential of such measurements as indicators of upper limb functional recovery after rotator cuff surgery. METHODS: Data on dominant/nondominant arm usage were acquired with body-worn sensors for 7 hours. The postsurgical arm usage of 21 patients was collected at 3, 6, and 12 months after rotator cuff surgery in the sitting, walking, and standing postures and compared with a reference established with 41 healthy subjects. The results were calculated for the dominant and nondominant surgical side subgroups at all stages. The correlations with clinical scores were calculated. RESULTS: Healthy right-handed and left-handed dominant arm usage was 60.2% (±6.3%) and 53.4% (±6.6%), respectively. Differences in use of the dominant side were significant between the right- and left-handed subgroups for sitting (P = .014) and standing (P = .009) but not for walking (P = .328). The patient group showed a significant underuse of 10.7% (±8.9%) at 3 months after surgery (P < .001). The patients recovered normal arm usage within 12 months, regardless of surgical side. The arm underuse measurement was weakly related to function and pain scores. CONCLUSION: This study provided new information on arm recovery after rotator cuff surgery using an innovative measurement method. It highlighted that objective arm underuse measurement is a valuable indicator of upper limb postsurgical outcome that captures a complementary feature to clinical scores