231 research outputs found

    TeV-scale Seesaw with Quintuplet Fermions

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    We propose a new seesaw model based on fermionic hypercharge zero weak quintuplet in conjunction with additional scalar quadruplet which attains an induced vev. The model provides both tree-level seesaw ~ v^6/M^5 and a loop-suppressed radiative ~ (1 / 16 \pi^2) v^2/M contributions to active neutrino masses. The empirical masses m_\nu ~ 10^{-1} eV can be achieved with M ~ TeV new states, accessible at the LHC. For 5 fb^{-1} of accumulated integrated luminosity at the LHC, there could be ~ 500 doubly-charged \Sigma^{++} or \bar{\Sigma^{++}} fermions with mass M_\Sigma = 400 GeV, leading to interesting multi-lepton signatures. The neutral component of the fermion quintuplet, previously identified as minimal dark matter candidate, becomes unstable in the proposed seesaw setup. The stability can be restored by introducing a Z_2 symmetry, in which case neutrinos get mass only from radiative contributions.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, corresponds to published versio

    A characterisation of S-box fitness landscapes in cryptography

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    Substitution Boxes (S-boxes) are nonlinear objects often used in the design of cryptographic algorithms. The design of high quality S-boxes is an interesting problem that attracts a lot of attention. Many attempts have been made in recent years to use heuristics to design S-boxes, but the results were often far from the previously known best obtained ones. Unfortunately, most of the effort went into exploring different algorithms and fitness functions while little attention has been given to the understanding why this problem is so difficult for heuristics. In this paper, we conduct a fitness landscape analysis to better understand why this problem can be difficult. Among other, we find that almost each initial starting point has its own local optimum, even though the networks are highly interconnected

    Exotic Seesaw-Motivated Heavy Leptons at the LHC

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    We study the LHC potential for discovering TeV-scale SU(2)_L 5-plet fermions introduced recently to explain small neutrino masses. We show that the Drell-Yan production and the decays of new exotic Sigma leptons are testable at the LHC. Their production is abundant due to nontrivial electroweak gauge charges. For 1 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity at the present LHC sqrt{s}=7 TeV, there can be 270 Sigma-Sigmabar pairs produced for M_Sigma = 400 GeV. Besides producing same-sign dilepton events, they could lead, due to a chosen small mixing between heavy and light leptons, to ~10 golden decays Sigma^{+++}(Sigma^{+++}-bar) --> W^\pm W^\pm l^\pm with a specific decay signature.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, corresponds to the PRD versio


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    U radu se razmatra manjak vode u tlu za područje Zagreba za obradiva tla (tipa: aluvij i semiglej) te za najčeŔće uzgajane poljoprivredne kulture (silažni kukuruz, kupus, paprika, salata, rajčica, kukuruz, jabuka itd.). Pogodnost tala je određena FAO metodom. KlimatoloÅ”ke karakteristike područja s aspekta navodnjavanja određene su uporabom 20-godiÅ”njih nizova meteoroloÅ”kih podataka i pedoloÅ”kih podataka te indeksa faza razvoja biljaka. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) izračunata je prema metodi Penman-Montheitha. Efektivne oborine izračunate su metodom USBR iz vrijednosti srednjih mjesečnih prosječnih oborina kao i iz količine mjesečnih oborina koje su razgraničene donjim kvartilom. Bilanca vode u tlu za svaku kulturu izračunata je prema metodi Palmera. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su potrebe kultura za vodom različite, a ukupni nedostatak vode ovisi o količini i sezonskom rasporedu oborina i hidropedoloÅ”kim značajkama tala. Za svaku kulturu izračunat je manjak vode za viÅ”egodiÅ”nji prosjek oborina i za suÅ”ne mjesece, koji su razgraničeni donjim kvartilom količine oborine. Može se zaključiti da je navodnjavanje potrebna mjera u uzgoju navedenih kultura na navedenim tipovima tala na području Zagreba.The paper deals with water a deficit in arable soils of the Zagreb region (types: calacaric fluvisol and semigley) and for the most common agricultural crops grown (silage maize, cabbage, bell pepper, lettuce, tomato, maize, apple, etc.). Soil suitability was assessed by the FAO method. Climatological characteristics of the region, from the aspect of irrigation, were assessed using 20-year series of meteorological and pedological data, and indices of plant development stages. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method. Effective precipitation was calculated by the USBR method from the values of mean monthly average precipitation as well as from the amounts of monthly precipitation, separated by the lower quartile. Palmerā€™s method was used to calculate soil water balance for each crop. The results show that different crops have different water requirements, the total water deficit depending on the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation and on the soil hydropedological characteristics. The water deficit was calculated for each crop with respect to the long-term precipitation average as well as for droughty months, separated by the lower quartile of the precipitation amount. It is concluded that irrigation is a necessary measure for the production of the studied crops on the said soil types in the Zagreb region

    A clean signal for a top-like isosinglet fermion at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We predict a clean signal at the Large Hadron Collider (s)\sqrt s)=14 TeV for a scenario where there is a top-like, charge +2/3 vectorlike isosinglet fermion. Such a quark, via mixing with the standard model top, can undergo decays via both flavour-changing Z-boson coupling and flavour-changing Yukawa interactions. We concentrate on the latter channel, and study the situation where, following its pair-production, the heavy quark pair gives rise to two tops and two Higgs boson. We show that the case where each Higgs decays in the bbĖ‰b\bar{b} channel, there can be a rather distinct and background-free signal that can unveil the existence of the vectorlike isosinglet quark of this kind.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Automatic Fungi Recognition: Deep Learning Meets Mycology

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    The article presents an AI-based fungi species recognition system for a citizen-science community. The systemā€™s real-time identification too ā€” FungiVision ā€” with a mobile application front-end, led to increased public interest in fungi, quadrupling the number of citizens collecting data. FungiVision, deployed with a human-in-the-loop, reaches nearly 93% accuracy. Using the collected data, we developed a novel fine-grained classification dataset ā€” Danish Fungi 2020 (DF20) ā€” with several unique characteristics: species-level labels, a small number of errors, and rich observation metadata. The dataset enables the testing of the ability to improve classification using metadata, e.g., time, location, habitat and substrate, facilitates classifier calibration testing and finally allows the study of the impact of the device settings on the classification performance. The continual flow of labelled data supports improvements of the online recognition system. Finally, we present a novel method for the fungi recognition service, based on a Vision Transformer architecture. Trained on DF20 and exploiting available metadata, it achieves a recognition error that is 46.75% lower than the current system. By providing a stream of labeled data in one direction, and an accuracy increase in the other, the collaboration creates a virtuous cycle helping both communities

    Data Mining in Health Care Sector: Literature Notes

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    Ā© 2019 ACM. A standout amongst the most essential strides of the knowledge discovery in database KDD is data mining. Data mining is defined as a basic advance during the time spent learning discovery in databases in which understanding strategies are utilized in order to pattern discovery. Due to the huge amount of data available within the healthcare systems, data mining is important for the healthcare sector in the clinical and diagnosis diseases. However, data mining and healthcare organizations have developed some of dependable early discovery frameworks and different healthcare related frameworks from the clinical treatment and analysis information. The main motivation of this paper is to give a survey of data extraction in health care. In addition, the benefits and obstacles of the use of data extraction strategies in health care and therapeutic information have been thought

    Critique of Fermionic R\nuMDM and its Scalar Variants

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    We examine the stability of minimal dark matter (MDM) particle-candidates in the setup in which they participate in radiative neutrino (R\nu) masses. We first point out the existence of an additional renormalizable term in recently proposed R\nuMDM Lagrangian, which violates the claimed accidental Z_2 symmetry and spoils the stability of the fermionic MDM quintuplet component. We then explore the viability of RĪ½\nuMDM variants based on scalar MDM multiplets. There are ubiquitous super-renormalizable terms in the scalar potential which make these scalar multiplets unstable.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, corresponds to published versio
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