1,352 research outputs found

    Balanço hídrico e classificação climática de thornthwaite do bairro Camobi, Santa Maria, RS

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    For the human activities development, the detailed knowledge of the climatic conditions is essential. However, in many study fields there is absence of information about it. Purposing to enhance the availability ofinformation on this subject, using precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration potential data, this paper aims to establish the water balance and the Thornthwaite climatic classification of the Camobi neighbourhood in the city of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. The methodology used the water balance equation proposed from Thornthwaite (1948) and enhanced from Thornthwaite and Mather in 1955. It were used data in the period from 2010 and 2017 and, as reference, a soil water availability equal to 100mm. The monthly average air temperature and precipitation were 19,48ºC and 145,99mm, while the annual evapotranspiration was 880,1mm and the hydric excess 835,5mm. The yearly average precipitation was 1.752mm. In the analysed period, there was excess of water in the soil, representing 0,48 times the annual precipitation and the evapotranspiration was concentrated in the summer. It was obtained the climatic equation B3rB’3a’, that is, a humid climate, few or zero water deficiency, mesothermic and thermal efficiency concentrated in summer.Para o desenvolvimento das atividades humanas, o conhecimento detalhado das condições climáticas assume fundamental importância. Entretanto, em muitas áreas há carência de informações sobre o assunto. No sentido de aumentar a disponibilidade de informações em relação ao tema, utilizando-se dados de precipitação, temperatura e evapotranspiração potencial, o trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer o balanço hídrico e a classificação climática de Thornthwaite do bairro Camobi no município de Santa Maria, RS. A metodologia seguiu o cálculo do balanço hídrico proposto por Thornthwaite (1948) e aperfeiçoado por Thornthwaite e Mather em 1955. Utilizaram-se dados obtidos no do período 2010 a 2017 e, como referência, a capacidade de água disponível (CAD) igual a 100 mm. A média mensal da temperatura do ar foi 19,48°C e da precipitação 145,99 mm, enquanto a evapotranspiração anual foi 880,1 mm e, 835,5 mm o excesso hídrico. A média para a precipitação anual foi 1.752 mm. No período analisado houve excesso de água no solo, representando 0,48 vezes a precipitação anual, com a evapotranspiração concentrada no verão. Foi obtida a fórmula climática B3rB’3a’, tratando-se de clima úmido, com deficiência de água pequena ou nula, mesotérmico e concentração da eficiência termal no verão

    Diagrama ombrotérmico do bairro Camobi, Santa Maria, RS

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    For the human activities development, the detailed knowledge of the climatic conditions is essential. However, in many fields, there is a lack of information about it ant the the environmental problems became larger with the human sedentarisation. These problems occur in several places due to planning deficiency, that is, lack in the natural resources management process. In the city of Santa Maria, RS, the conditions are exacerbated due to its particular location, a transition zone between the Pampa and the Atlantic Rainforest biomes. Aiming to enlarge the information available in the climatic and ecological fields, this paper establish ombrothermic diagrams and identifies the ombric and thermical monthly curves in the Camobi Neighborhood, in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS. The methodology followed was proposed from Bagnouls and Gaussen (1963). It were used data from 2010 to 2017. The monthly mean air temperature was 19,48ºC and the monthly mean precipitation was 145,99mm. The yearly mean precipitation was 1.752mm. It is concluded that, considering the monthly mean air temperature (ºC) and pluviometric precipitation (mm), there is no dry period in the Camobi neighbourhood. However, when yearly results are considered, dry periods are identified in 2010 between March and July, in 2011 in Dezember, in 2012 in March and Juky, in 2016 in June and in 2017 in July. It is also verified that, even in the most dry years, described as years with occurance of drought, the dry period happens in small intervals, such as in 2011, 2012 and 2016.Para o desenvolvimento das atividades humanas, o conhecimento detalhado das condições climáticas assume fundamental importância. Entretanto, em muitas áreas, há carência de informações sobre o assunto e os problemas ambientais intensificaram-se com a sedentarização do homem. Tais problemas ocorrem em diversos locais devido à carência de planejamento, ou seja, por deficiências no processo de gestão dos recursos naturais. No caso da cidade de Santa Maria, RS, as condições se agravam devido a sua localização peculiar, uma zona de transição entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. No sentido de aumentar a disponibilidade de informações em relação ao clima e ecologia, o trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer diagramas ombrotérmicos e identificar as curvas ômbricas e térmicas mensais para o bairro Camobi no município de Santa Maria, RS. A metodologia seguiu a proposta de Bagnouls e Gaussen (1963). Utilizaram-se dados obtidos no do período 2010 a 2017. A média mensal da temperatura do ar foi 19,48°C e, a precipitação média mensal 145,99 mm. A média para a precipitação anual foi 1.752 mm. Conclui-se, ao se considerar a média dos valores mensais para a temperatura do ar (°C) e precipitação pluviométrica (mm) no período 2010-2017 que, caracteristicamente, no bairro camobi não existe período seco. Porém, ao se observar os resultados ano a ano verifica-se a ocorrência de períodos secos em 2010 para os meses de março e outubro, para 2011 no mês de dezembro, em 2012 para os meses de março e junho, em 2016 para o mês de junho e, em 2017 ocorre período seco no mês de julho. Também se observa que, mesmo nos anos mais secos, caracterizados como anos com presença de estiagem, o período seco acontece em pequenos intervalos como ocorreu, por exemplo, nos anos de 2011, 2012 e 2016.

    A penetration efficiency model for the optimization of solid conical microneedles’ geometry

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    Microneedles (MNs) are promising alternatives to pills and traditional needles as drug delivery systems due to their fast, localized, and relatively less painful administration. Filling a knowledge gap, this study investigated and optimized the most influential geometrical factors determining the penetration efficiency of MNs. The effects of height, base diameter, and tip diameter were analyzed using the finite element method, with results showing that the most influencing factor was base diameter, followed by height. Moreover, the taper angle, which is dependent on all the geometrical factors, was found to directly affect the penetration efficiency at a fixed height. An additional model was developed to relate the height and taper angle to penetration efficiency, and the results were experimentally validated by compression testing of MN array prototypes printed using two-photon photolithography. The numerical model closely predicted the experimental results, with a root mean square error of 9.35. The results of our study have the potential to aid the design of high-penetration efficiency MNs for better functionality and applicability

    Physiochemical responses of Ailanthus altissima under the challenge of Verticillium dahliae: elucidating the decline of one of the world’s worst invasive alien plant species

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    Natural infections of Verticillium spp. (Fungi, Ascomycota) on Ailanthus altissima have suggested to consider the biological control as a promising strategy to counteract this invasive plant, which is otherwise difficult to control by traditional mechanical and chemical treatments. Verticillium wilt is able to lead plants to death, throughout a pathogenic mechanism including vessel occlusions and production of degrading enzymes and phytotoxins. In this study, a 10 weeks open air pot experiment was set to investigate the ecophysiological and biochemical responses of Ailanthus trees artificially inoculated in the trunk with the V. dahliae strain VdGL16, previously isolated in Central Italy from the same host. Inoculated plants showed visible injuries starting from 2 weeks post inoculation (wpi), that progressively developed until a final severe defoliation. The fungal infection rapidly compromised the plant water status, and photosynthesis was impaired due to both stomatal and mesophyll limitations from 4 wpi, with subsequent detrimental effects also on PSII activity. Moreover, the disease altered the translocations of nutrients, as confirmed by cation and carbohydrate contents, probably due to a consumption of simple sugars and starch reserves without replacement of new photosynthesized. An accumulation of osmolytes (abscisic acid and proline) and phenylalanine (a precursor of phenylpropanoids) was also reported at 8 wpi, this being a response mechanism that needs to be further elucidated. However, the activation delay of such defence strategy inevitably did not avoid the premature defoliation of plants and the decline of physiochemical parameters, confirming the key role of Verticillium in Ailanthus decay

    Genetic diversity of dinitrogen-fixing bacterial communities in soil amended with olive husks

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    The industrial production of olive oil is accompanied by the accumulation of large quantities of by-products from the olive milling industry that are commonly dispersed as fertilisers, which are nowadays suspected to have potential toxic effects on is omicroflora. The aim of this work has been the investigation of the genetic diversity of bacterial communities present in soil treated with olive husks focusing on the dinitrogen-fixing bacteria.nifH genes were amplified from total soil DNA using universal primers, cloned and typed by restriction analysis and sequencing of representative haplotypes. On the same samples, DGGE analysis on amplified 16S rDNA was performed aiming at monitoring modifications in the total community pattern. Results showed a high genetic diversity ofnifH genes within the community, which was well in agreement with the total community profiles obtained by DGGE on 16SrDNA. Most of thenifH gene fragments (19 out of 32) were found to be similar to sequences related with clostridia

    Caracterização fisico-química e capacidade antioxidante de pitangas (Eugenia uniflora L.)

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    This study was carried out to obtain more information about the physicochemical properties, composition, and antioxidant activity of pitanga fruits (Eugenia uniflora L.), particularly fruits from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Pitanga with different flesh colors (purple, red, and orange) from tree selections cultivated at Embrapa Clima Temperado (RS-Brazil) were analyzed. Only slight differences were observed in the quality parameters and in the proximate and fatty acid compositions among the fruits studied. The extracts from purple-fleshed pitanga had the highest total phenolic and anthocyanin contents along with the highest antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant capacity (DPPH and FRAP assays) of methanolic pitanga extracts was highly correlated with the total phenolic content, but in ethanolic extracts, the anthocyanin content was correlated only with the FRAP antioxidant capacity. Orange fleshed pitanga had higher β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene levels than those of the red fruit, which had higher lycopene content. The results indicate that the purple-fleshed pitanga, cultivated in Rio Grande do Sul, is a rich source of phenolic compounds and has high antioxidant capacity. The red and orange-fleshed pitanga, on the other hand, are rich sources of carotenoids.Este estudo foi realizado para obter mais informações sobre as propriedades físico-químicas, composição e atividade antioxidante de frutos de pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.), especialmente os do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Foram comparadas pitangas com diferentes colorações de polpa (roxa, vermelha e laranja) de seleções cultivadas na Embrapa Clima Temperado (RS-Brasil). Foram observadas pequenas diferenças nos parâmetros de qualidade e na composição centesimal e de ácidos graxos entre as frutas com diferentes colorações de polpa. Os extratos de pitanga roxa apresentaram maiores conteúdos totais de fenólicos e de antocianinas, bem como, a maior capacidade antioxidante. A capacidade antioxidante (valores de DPPH e FRAP) dos extratos metanólicos de pitanga apresentou alta correlação com o conteúdo de fenólicos totais, mas nos extratos etanólicos, o conteúdo de antocianinas correlacionou-se apenas com a capacidade antioxidante avaliada pelo método de FRAP. A pitanga de cor laranja apresentou maiores teores de β-criptoxantina e β-caroteno, enquanto que a de cor vermelha continha alto teor de licopeno. Os resultados indicam que a pitanga de cor roxa, cultivada no Rio Grande do Sul, é uma fonte rica de compostos fenólicos e possui alta capacidade antioxidante. As de cor vermelha e laranja, por outro lado, são fontes ricas de carotenoides.147154Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    The use of red species for urban “greening” in the age of climate change

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    The red/purple colour of some plant species is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a colourful class of flavonoids widely spread in the Plantae kingdom. Beside a doubtless aesthetic value of anthocyanin-rich species, the presence of these pigments confers them peculiar physiological and biochemical properties which make red species usually more tolerant to some environmental stresses, as occur in Mediterranean area. The ability of anthocyanins to partially absorb a proportion of light striking the mesophyll (mainly green and yellow wavebands) represents a useful feature against a condition of excessive light which not only occurs when plants are subjected to high irradiances, but also when other stressors (e.g., high temperature, low water availability) impair the photosynthetic process. The work elucidates as the presence of anthocyanins determines morpho-anatomical, biochemical and physiological effects. In particular, the roles of these pigments are described comparing the leaf ontogenesis of two genotypes of Prunus cerasifera, one with red (var. Pissardii) and one with green leaves (clone 29C). Red-leafed Prunus resulted better protected, especially during the leaf senescence. The presence of anthocyanins also promotes a delayed leaf senescence (4-week-longer leaf lifespan) which is a well-appreciated feature in the context of urban “greening”