12 research outputs found

    Longitudinal mediation of processing speed on age-related change in memory and fluid intelligence

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    Age-related decline in processing speed has long been considered a key driver of cognitive aging. While the majority of empirical evidence for the processing speed hypothesis has been obtained from analyses of between-person age differences, longitudinal studies provide a direct test of within-person change. Using recent developments in longitudinal mediation analysis, we examine the speed–mediation hypothesis at both the within- and between-person levels in two longitudinal studies, LASA and OCTO-Twin. We found significant within-person indirect effects of change in age, such that increasing age was related to lower speed which, in turn, relates to lower performance across repeated measures on other cognitive outcomes. Although between-person indirect effects were also significant in LASA, they were not in OCTO-Twin. These differing magnitudes of direct and indirect effects across levels demonstrate the importance of separating between- and within-person effects in evaluating theoretical models of age-related change

    Independent and Interactive Impacts of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus on Verbal Memory: A Coordinated Analysis of Longitudinal Data From England, Sweden, and the United States

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    The importance of preventing and controlling hypertension (HTN) and diabetes mellitus (DM) to mitigate risks to physical health has long been understood by healthcare professionals. More recently, a growing body of evidence also implicates HTN and DM in age-related cognitive decline and risk for dementia, though consensus has yet to be reached on whether older adults living with comorbid HTN and DM are at heightened risk for cognitive impairment. The present study sought to contribute to this topic through a coordinated analysis of three longitudinal studies of aging from England, Sweden, and the United States (total N=12 513). Identical multilevel linear growth models were fit to each to estimate the impact of baseline disease status on initial level and change in verbal declarative memory performance. Overall, few associations between HTN, DM and cognition were observed. Rate of decline was steeper for Swedish participants with independent HTN but attenuated for their American counterparts. Americans with comorbid HTN and DM showed attenuated decline. Treatment with medication was substantially less prevalent in the earlier-born and lower-educated Swedish sample, which may help to explain our pattern of results. In addition, those living with multiple conditions may be more likely to receive treatment, mitigating cognitive decline. Our results present a nuanced view of the interactions between HTN, DM and cognition and lead us to recommend consideration of treatment status or proxies such as birth cohort and education, in combination with age at assessment and specific measure used, in the interpretation of research in this area

    Correlação entre o California Mastitis Test (CMT) e a Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) do leite de búfalas Murrah Correlation between the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and Somatic Cells Count on milk from Murrah buffalo cows

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi estimar as correlações entre o California Mastitis Test (CMT), a contagem células somáticas (CCS) e a produção de leite. Foram colhidas 544 amostras de leite de 38 búfalas em lactação nos anos de 2002 e 2003. O manejo de ordenha consistiu em uma ordenha diária, em que os tetos das búfalas eram desinfectados com solução de iodo, secos individualmente com papel toalha e submetidas à ordenha mecânica. O CMT foi realizado imediatamente após higienização dos tetos e as amostras de leite foram enviadas ao laboratório do DHVSP da Unesp/Botucatu, para realização da Contagem de Células Somáticas, em aparelho eletrônico Somacount 300. Foram efetuadas correlações entre Contagem de Células Somáticas, CMT, produção de leite, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais, que foram analisadas pelo SAEG (1997). A média de células somáticas foi de 63.380 células/mL, a produção diária de leite, de 4,07 &plusmn; 1,3 kg e a produção ajustada para os 270 dias, de 1214,25 &plusmn; 293,54 kg. Não foram encontradas correlações entre produção de leite, contagem de células somáticas e CMT. Para CCS e CMT, a correlação foi positiva e significativa (r = 0,53).<br>The objective of this trial was to investigate correlations among the California Mastitis Test, somatic cells count (SCC), and milk yield. Milk samples were collected from thirty-eight Murrah buffalo cows in the years of 2002 and 2003. Milking management included cleaning teats with individual paper towel followed by attachment of the milk units in cows that were milked once daily. The CMT was done immediately after teat cleaning and collected milk samples were sent to the laboratory for determination of SCC using a Somacount 300. Correlations including variables such as SCC, CMT, milk yield, and percentages of fat, protein, and total solids were done using SAEG (1997). Somatic cells count averaged 63.380 cells/mL while average milk production and milk production adjusted for 270 days were 4.07 &plusmn; 1.3 kg and 1214.25 &plusmn; 293.54 kg, respectively. No significant correlations between milk yield and SCC and milk yield and CMT were observed in this study. However, a positive and significant correlation (0.53) between SCC and CMT was found