18 research outputs found

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on harm reduction services in Spain.

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    --- - Label: BACKGROUND NlmCategory: BACKGROUND content: Containment policies and other restrictions introduced by the Spanish government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic present challenges for marginalised populations, such as people who use drugs. Harm reduction centres are often linked to social services, mental health services, and infectious disease testing, in addition to tools and services that help to reduce the harms associated with injecting drugs. This study aimed to explore the impact of the pandemic on these services in four autonomous communities in Spain. - Label: METHODS NlmCategory: METHODS content: This is a cross-sectional study that employed a seven-section structured survey administered electronically to 20 centres in July 2020. Data from the most heavily affected months (March-June) in 2020 were compared to data from the same period in 2019. Averages were calculated with their ranges, rates, and absolute numbers. - Label: RESULTS NlmCategory: RESULTS content: "All 11 responding centres reported having had to adapt or modify their services during the Spanish state of alarm (14 March-21 June 2020). One centre reported complete closure for 2\xC2\xA0months and four reported increases in their operating hours. The average number of service users across all centres decreased by 22% in comparison to the same period in the previous year and the average needle distribution decreased by 40% in comparison to 2019. Most centres reported a decrease in infectious disease testing rates (hepatitis B and C viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, and tuberculosis) for March, April, and May in 2020 compared to the previous year. Reported deaths as a result of overdose did not increase during the state of alarm, but 2/11 (18%) centres reported an increase in overdose deaths immediately after finalisation of the state of alarm." - Label: CONCLUSION NlmCategory: CONCLUSIONS content: Overall, Spanish harm reduction centres were able to continue operating and offering services by adjusting operating hours. The number of overall service users and needles distributed fell during the Spanish state of alarm lockdown period, suggesting that fewer clients accessed harm reduction services during this time, putting them at greater risk of reusing or sharing injecting equipment, overdosing, acquiring infectious diseases with decreased access to testing or discontinuing ongoing treatment such as methadone maintenance therapy, hepatitis C treatment, or antiretroviral therapy

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on harm reduction services in Spain

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    Containment policies and other restrictions introduced by the Spanish government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic present challenges for marginalised populations, such as people who use drugs. Harm reduction centres are often linked to social services, mental health services, and infectious disease testing, in addition to tools and services that help to reduce the harms associated with injecting drugs. This study aimed to explore the impact of the pandemic on these services in four autonomous communities in Spain. This is a cross-sectional study that employed a seven-section structured survey administered electronically to 20 centres in July 2020. Data from the most heavily affected months (March-June) in 2020 were compared to data from the same period in 2019. Averages were calculated with their ranges, rates, and absolute numbers. All 11 responding centres reported having had to adapt or modify their services during the Spanish state of alarm (14 March-21 June 2020). One centre reported complete closure for 2 months and four reported increases in their operating hours. The average number of service users across all centres decreased by 22% in comparison to the same period in the previous year and the average needle distribution decreased by 40% in comparison to 2019. Most centres reported a decrease in infectious disease testing rates (hepatitis B and C viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, and tuberculosis) for March, April, and May in 2020 compared to the previous year. Reported deaths as a result of overdose did not increase during the state of alarm, but 2/11 (18%) centres reported an increase in overdose deaths immediately after finalisation of the state of alarm. Overall, Spanish harm reduction centres were able to continue operating and offering services by adjusting operating hours. The number of overall service users and needles distributed fell during the Spanish state of alarm lockdown period, suggesting that fewer clients accessed harm reduction services during this time, putting them at greater risk of reusing or sharing injecting equipment, overdosing, acquiring infectious diseases with decreased access to testing or discontinuing ongoing treatment such as methadone maintenance therapy, hepatitis C treatment, or antiretroviral therapy

    Chronic conditions and multimorbidity among West African migrants in greater Barcelona, Spain

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    Virus de l'hepatitis B; Factors de risc metabòlic; MigrantsHepatitis B virus; Metabolic risk factors; Migrants;Hepatitis B virus; Metabolic risk factors; MigrantsObjectives: This study aimed to report the prevalence and identify potential risk factors of chronic conditions among West African migrants living in the greater Barcelona area, Spain, and explore the relationship between years of residence in Spain and chronic disease burden.Methods: This cross-sectional study included 436 adult African migrants who participated in a community-based hepatitis B virus (HBV) screening and vaccination program (HBV-COMSAVA) in the greater Barcelona area from 21 November 2020 to 22 January 2022. Data were analyzed using standard descriptive statistics and bivariable and multivariable logistic regression.Results: HBV, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and metabolic risk factors, and multimorbidity prevalence were 9.17, 20.87, and 4.13%, respectively. Being male or having been previously tested for HBV were associated with higher odds of HBV positivity. Associated risk factors for NCDs and metabolic risk factors included living in Spain for >5 years, being female, and being aged ≥50 years. Conclusion: The high prevalence of chronic conditions in migrant populations supports a need for early detection strategies and tailored public health interventions that aim to reduce the disease burden imposed on migrants and on health systems in host countries.This study was carried out by ISGlobal with competitive funding through the Gilead Sciences global HBV-CARE program (IN-ES-988–5799)

    Late presentation of chronic HBV and HCV patients seeking first time specialist care in Spain: a 2-year registry review

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    Chronic viral hepatitis infection affects an estimated 325 million people globally. People who initiate treatment after significant disease progression face increased risk of severe liver complications and death. Data are scarce on the characteristics and risk factors of people who present late to care in Spain and globally. Data were collected from January 2018 to December 2019 to report late presentation (LP) to specialist care at 11 large university hospitals in Spain to assess related risk factors using a multivariable logistic regression model. 2290 (CHB = 505, CHC = 1785) patients were analysed, with 581 (25.2%) presenting late. Hepatitis C patients more frequently reported LP compared to hepatitis B patients (28.1% vs 15.0%; p < 0.001). Older age (p < 0.001), being male (p < 0.001), being Spanish‑born (p < 0.001), and having an unknown origin of referral (p = 0.08) were associated with a higher likelihood of LP. Advanced liver disease was identified in 533 (23%) patients and late‑stage liver disease in 124 (5.4%). LP, including with irreversible liver damage, to viral hepatitis specialist care is frequent in Spain, despite being a country with unrestricted treatment access. Initiatives to reduce LP should specifically target men, older individuals, foreign‑born populations for CHB, and Spanish nationals for CHC

    Conceptualising hepatitis C stigma: A thematic synthesis of qualitative research.

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    BACKGROUND: Stigma is an important element in the experience of living with chronic viral hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV), impacting healthcare access and uptake as well as health outcomes. Conceptualisations of stigma in research are, however, often assumed and implicit. This study aimed to synthesise and critically engage with the qualitative literature to provide an overarching conceptualisation of stigma as it pertains to viral hepatitis. METHODS: We critically reviewed qualitative literature that mobilised concepts or theories of stigma in relation to viral hepatitis. We searched seven electronic databases for peer-reviewed literature from 2000 to 2019. Given a dearth of conceptual literature on HBV stigma, we conducted a thematic analysis of concepts deployed to theorise stigma in relation to HCV. RESULTS: We found 13 studies that conceptualised stigma in relation to HCV, yet none for HBV. We synthesise the analytical findings of these studies and explore how HCV is theorised in relation to four themes: 'identity', 'embodiment', 'institutionalisation', and 'structuration'. Taken together, these themes illustrate the way in which HCV stigma manifests as the confluence of normative assumptions of socially unacceptable practices relating to HCV, such as injecting drug use and sexual behaviours; attitudes towards socially excluded populations; and fears of contracting a contagious and chronic illness. As such, operating within political, social, and economic systems, HCV stigma can act to silence the needs of those with HCV through misrecognising the multifaceted identities of individuals with HCV and structural determinants of health. Stigma, which is built and perpetuated by institutional arrangements, as well as in social processes and policies, shapes deservedness to, as well as engagements with, health and social care. CONCLUSION: While commonly employed as a framing concept, much research lacks explicit theoretical or critical engagement on how stigma is conceptualised. There is a tendency for qualitative, empirical research to focus on risk factors shaping individual behaviour change, rather than on risk contexts and socio-structural change. Approaches to address stigma in relation to HCV must consider how stigma operates throughout social processes and is embedded in systems of power and normalised in institutional operating systems

    Community-based screening enhances hepatitis B virus linkage to care among West African migrants in Spain

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    Hepatitis B virus; Community approach; Screening programsVirus de l'hepatitis B; Abordatge comunitari; Programes de deteccióVirus de la hepatitis B; Abordaje comunitario; Programas de detecciónBackground: Chronic infection with HBV is responsible for >50% of all hepatocellular cancer cases globally and disproportionately affects sub-Saharan African (sSA) countries. Migration from these countries to Europe has increased substantially in recent years, posing unique challenges to health systems. The aim of this study was to carry out a community-based intervention to increase HBV screening, vaccination, and linkage to care among sSA migrants in Catalonia, Spain. Methods:This was a prospective cohort study. Participants ≥18 years were offered community-based HBV screening between 20/11/20 and 21/01/22. Rapid HBV testing and blood sample collection utilizing plasma separation cards were carried out and linkage to care was offered to all participants. HBV vaccination and post-test counseling were performed at a second visit in the community. The main outcome was the odds of those with current HBV infection being successfully linked to hepatology. Rates of completing the care cascade of this model were analyzed. Results: In the present study, 444 people undergo screening, with 50.6% of participants showing evidence of past or current HBV infection, including an HBsAg prevalence of 9.2%. Migrants with current HBV infection exhibit 5.2 times higher odds of successful linkage to care compared to those in need of post-test counseling or vaccination. The study achieves a successful linkage to care rate of 72% for all participants, with specialist appointments arranged within 15.5 days.Conclusions:This community-based HBV screening program provides evidence of a successful model for identifying and providing care, including vaccination, to west African migrants at high risk of HBV infection who may otherwise not engage in care.Antecedents: La infecció crònica pel VHB és responsable del >50% de tots els casos de càncer hepatocel·lular a nivell mundial i afecta desproporcionadament els països de l'Àfrica subsahariana (SAS). La migració d'aquests països a Europa ha augmentat substancialment en els últims anys, plantejant reptes únics per als sistemes de salut. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi va ser dur a terme una intervenció basada en la comunitat per augmentar la detecció del VHB, la vacunació i la vinculació amb l'atenció entre els migrants de SSA a Catalunya, Espanya. Mètodes: Es tractava d'un estudi de cohort prospectiu. Als participants ≥18 anys se'ls va oferir un cribratge comunitari del VHB entre el 20/11/20 i el 21/01/22. Es van dur a terme proves ràpides de VHB i recollida de mostres de sang mitjançant targetes de separació de plasma i es va oferir vinculació a l'atenció a tots els participants. La vacunació contra el VHB i l'assessorament post-test es van realitzar en una segona visita a la comunitat. El resultat principal van ser les probabilitats que les persones amb infecció actual pel VHB estiguin vinculades amb èxit a l'hepatologia. Es van analitzar les taxes de completar la cascada assistencial d'aquest model. Resultats: En el present estudi, 444 persones se sotmeten a cribratge, amb el 50.6% dels participants que mostren evidència d'infecció passada o actual pel VHB, inclosa una prevalença de VHB del 9.2%. Els migrants amb infecció actual pel VHB presenten 5,2 vegades més probabilitats d'èxit en l'atenció en comparació amb aquells que necessiten assessorament o vacunació post-prova. L'estudi aconsegueix una taxa de vinculació reeixida a l'atenció del 72% per a tots els participants, amb cites amb especialistes concertades en un termini de 15,5 dies. Conclusions: Aquest programa de cribratge del VHB basat en la comunitat proporciona proves d'un model reeixit per identificar i proporcionar atenció, inclosa la vacunació, als migrants de l'Àfrica occidental amb alt risc d'infecció pel VHB que d'altra manera podrien no dedicar-se a l'atenció.C.A.P., J.V.L. and Lv.S. acknowledge support to ISGlobal from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX2018-000806-S), and from the Government of Catalonia through the “CERCA Program”. C.A.P. acknowledges support from the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund as an AGAUR-funded PhD fellow. E.M. thanks the CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya for their support to the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP). This study was carried out by ISGlobal with competitive funding through the Gilead Sciences global HBV-CARE program (IN-ES-988–5799)

    Strengthening integration of chronic care in Africa: protocol for the qualitative process evaluation of integrated HIV, diabetes and hypertension care in a cluster randomised controlled trial in Tanzania and Uganda

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    Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension, has increased rapidly in recent years, although HIV infection remains a leading cause of death among young-middle-aged adults. Health service coverage for NCDs remains very low in contrast to HIV, despite the increasing prevalence of comorbidity of NCDs with HIV. There is an urgent need to expand healthcare capacity to provide integrated services to address these chronic conditions. Methods and analysis: This protocol describes procedures for a qualitative process evaluation of INTE-AFRICA, a cluster randomised trial comparing integrated health service provision for HIV infection, DM and hypertension, to the current stand-alone vertical care. Interviews, focus group discussions and observations of consultations and other care processes in two clinics (in Tanzania, Uganda) will be used to explore the experiences of stakeholders. These stakeholders will include health service users, policy-makers, healthcare providers, community leaders and members, researchers, non-governmental and international organisations. The exploration will be carried out during the implementation of the project, alongside an understanding of the impact of broader structural and contextual factors. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval was granted by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (UK), the National Institute of Medical Research (Tanzania) and TASO Research Ethics Committee (Uganda) in 2020. The evaluation will provide the opportunity to document the implementation of integration over several timepoints (6, 12 and 18 months) and refine integrated service provision prior to scale up. This synergistic approach to evaluate, understand and respond will support service integration and inform monitoring, policy and practice development efforts to involve and educate communities in Tanzania and Uganda. It will create a model of care and a platform of good practices and lessons learnt for other countries implementing integrated and decentralised community health services

    Late presentation of chronic HBV and HCV patients seeking first time specialist care in Spain: a 2-year registry review

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    Chronic viral hepatitis infection affects an estimated 325 million people globally. People who initiate treatment after significant disease progression face increased risk of severe liver complications and death. Data are scarce on the characteristics and risk factors of people who present late to care in Spain and globally. Data were collected from January 2018 to December 2019 to report late presentation (LP) to specialist care at 11 large university hospitals in Spain to assess related risk factors using a multivariable logistic regression model. 2290 (CHB = 505, CHC = 1785) patients were analysed, with 581 (25.2%) presenting late. Hepatitis C patients more frequently reported LP compared to hepatitis B patients (28.1% vs 15.0%; p < 0.001). Older age (p < 0.001), being male (p < 0.001), being Spanish-born (p < 0.001), and having an unknown origin of referral (p = 0.08) were associated with a higher likelihood of LP. Advanced liver disease was identified in 533 (23%) patients and late-stage liver disease in 124 (5.4%). LP, including with irreversible liver damage, to viral hepatitis specialist care is frequent in Spain, despite being a country with unrestricted treatment access. Initiatives to reduce LP should specifically target men, older individuals, foreign-born populations for CHB, and Spanish nationals for CHC.AP, TMW, JVL acknowledge support to ISGlobal from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019–2023” Programme (CEX2018-000806-S), and support from the Government of Catalonia through the CERCA Programme. CAP acknowledges support from the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund as an AGAUR-funded PhD fellow

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prevention in the Era of Hepatitis C Elimination

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    The hepatitis C virus (HCV), a single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family, is a major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide. Tumors caused by HCC have an increased mortality rate globally, which is more accentuated in Western countries. The carcinogenic potential of this virus is mediated through a wide range of mechanisms, spanning from the induction of chronic inflammation to oxidative stress and deregulation of cellular pathways by viral proteins. As the number of new infections continues unabated, HCC-related mortality should be prioritized through early detection, continued prevention of HCV transmission, and treatment of HCV with safe and efficacious direct antiviral agents (DAAs). People who inject drugs (PWID) are a significant reservoir of new HCV infections globally, and in order to eliminate hepatitis C as a global health threat, as set out by the World Health Organization, an integrated approach based on the optimization of care delivery and increased access to harm reduction and treatment for PWID is needed. Thanks to the development of safe and effective antiviral agents, eradication of the infection is now possible in almost all treated patients, leading to a significant reduction but not the elimination of the risk for HCC in cured patients. This is particularly relevant among aged populations who have cofactors of morbidity known to accelerate HCC progression, such as diabetes, obesity, and excessive alcohol consumption. Given the restless accumulation of individuals with cured HCV infection, the implementation of risk-stratified surveillance programs becomes impellent from a cost-effectiveness perspective, whereas the availability of a performant biomarker to predict HCC in cured patients remains an unmet clinical need