407 research outputs found

    Turmoil over the crisis: innovation capabilities and firm exit

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    This work investigates the relationship between the characteristics and survival probabilities of firms, distinguishing between “involuntary” firm exit and exit by merger and acquisition (M&A). More in detail, we study how, and to what extent, innovation capabilities, as proxied by patents and trademarks, are able to shape, together with standard performance variables, the observed dynamics at the firm level. By using comprehensive data on Italian firms from business registers, we separate the administrative procedures leading to “involuntary” exit from those ending up with an event of M&A. We find that while higher productivity is associated with a lower probability of “involuntary” exit, productivity increases the chances of being the target for M&A. As far as intellectual property instruments are concerned, they tend to reduce the probability of both “involuntary” exit and M&A. However, the relative importance of the two instruments differs according to the exit route: patents are more relevant than trademarks in preventing “involuntary” exit, while the opposite is true for M&A. Plain English Summary We investigate firm’s exit after a crisis. Overall innovation plays a positive role, but the relative importance of IP depends on the exit route: patents are more relevant than trademarks against “involuntary” exit, while the opposite is true for M&A. We resort to the virtual universe of Italian limited liability firms from manufacturing, trade, and service to investigate the determinants of firm survival over the period 2010–2014. We scrutinize detailed administrative data on significant events occurring to firms to distinguish between events leading to involuntary exit and to M&A. In addition to the evidence on innovation, our results show that higher productivity decreases the probability of “involuntary” exit, yet productivity increases the chances of being the target for M&A. Taken together, these findings warn against a simplistic perspective on exit: the role of innovation and firm characteristics heavily depends on the exit route

    'R&D and export performance: exploring heterogeneity along the export intensity distribution'

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    This study analyses the relationship between firm-level innovative effort as measured by R&D expenditures and export intensity. We apply quantile regression techniques to a sample of Italian firms to verify whether R&D expenditures’ effect varies along the conditional distribution of export intensity, after controlling for censoring and endogeneity issues. Empirical findings suggest that the effect of R&D expenditures on export intensity is positive and that firms taking most advantage from R&D activity are in the right tail of the export intensity distribution (from the 70th quantile onwards), that is, those exporting 50% of their sales or more. Overall, the results prove robust to several specification checks and suggest not only that firms’ innovative efforts help explaining heterogeneity in export intensity performance, but also that its positive effect differs across the export to sales ratio distribution. This implies that innovation policy measures might be more effective for firms characterised by a relatively high export intensive margin

    VIV regimes and simplified solutions by the spectral model description

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    The present paper discusses technical aspects of the vortex-induced vibrations (VIVs) of structures excited by the wind in the framework of the spectral model, which is applied by many codes and guidelines for civil engineering verifications. Quantitative thresholds related to Scruton number domains, where the structural response can be considered in \u201cforced vibration\u201d or \u201clock-in\u201d regime, are proposed. In this way, the type of VIV response and its evaluation can be assessed with simple calculations that use the parameters already present in codes and guidelines. An analytical solution of the original model allows straightforward evaluations inclusive of operative criteria to properly consider structural and flow conditions concerning the coefficients governing the VIV response in the spectral description, leaving out some assumptions that are commonly adopted. Extensive numerical applications, limited here to circular cylinders and including a real full-scale chimney, allow to identify the most significant parameters of the model and the criticalities connected with their choice

    Physically-based deconvolution of impedance spectra for LSCF-based SOFC

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    A physically-based model for the interpretation of the impedance spectra of an anode-supported LSCF/GDC/YSZ/Ni:YSZ solid oxide fuel cell is presented in this work. The model locally describes transport and reaction phenomena within the cell components through mass conservation equations. The microstructural properties of the electrodes are predicted through numerical three-dimensional reconstruction of the microstructure, with input parameters obtained from the analysis of SEM pictures of each layer. Simulations show that the model reproduces impedance spectra obtained in different operating conditions with the same set of fitting parameters, comprising material-specific kinetic constants and electrochemical capacitances, which fairly agree with independent literature data and a previous analysis of the spectra through DRT. The model allows for the deconvolution and quantification of the characteristic resistance and frequency of the different physical processes that build up the impedance of the cell. In particular, 7 processes are identified: charge-transfer reactions between LSCF/GDC, GDC/YSZ and Ni/YSZ interfaces appear in the high-frequency range, the medium-frequency feature is due the oxygen reduction reaction and the gas diffusion in the anode, while the low-frequency arc is mainly due to the gas conversion in the anodic channel. An additional low frequency contribution (< 1Hz), not considered in the model, is observed and tentatively attributed to the adsorption of oxygen onto the LSCF surface. Simulation results suggest that more efforts must be dedicated to characterize and improve the oxygen transfer at the LSCF/GDC and GDC/YSZ interfaces. The study shows that a quantitative interpretation of impedance spectra is possible with a reduced number of fitting parameters when a physically-based approach is adopted, making the model an attractive tool for diagnostic purposes

    The ultrasound risk stratification systems for thyroid nodule have been evaluated against papillary carcinoma. A meta-analysis

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    Thyroid imaging reporting and data systems (TIRADS) are used to stratify the malignancy risk of thyroid nodule by ultrasound (US) examination. We conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the pooled cancer prevalence and the relative prevalence of papillary, medullary, follicular thyroid cancer (PTC, MTC, and FTC) and other malignancies among nodules included in studies evaluating their performance. Four databases were searched until February 2020. Original articles with at least 1000 nodules, evaluating the performance of at least one TIRADS among AACE/ACE/AME, ACR-TIRADS, ATA, EU-TIRADS, or K-TIRADS, and reporting data on the histological diagnosis of malignant lesions were included. The number of malignant nodules, PTC, FTC, MTC and other malignancies in each study was extracted. For statistical pooling of data, a random-effects model was used. Nine studies were included, evaluating 19,494 thyroid nodules. The overall prevalence of malignancy was 34% (95%CI 21 to 49). Among 6162 histologically proven malignancies, the prevalence of PTC, FTC, MTC and other malignancies was 95%, 2%, 1%, and 1%, respectively. A high heterogeneity was found for all the outcomes. A limited number of studies generally conducted using a retrospective design was found, with possible selection bias. Acknowledging this limitation, TIRADSs should be regarded as accurate tools to diagnose PTC only. Proposed patterns and/or cut-offs should be revised and other strategies considered to improve their performance in the assessment of FTC, MTC and other malignancies

    Bovine PrP expression levels in transgenic mice influence transmission characteristics of atypical bovine spongiform encephalopathy

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    Until recently, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) disease in cattle was thought to be caused by a single agent strain, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) (classical BSE or BSE-C). However, due to the initiation of a large-scale surveillance programme throughout Europe, two atypical BSE strains, bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy (BASE, also named BSE-L) and BSE-H have since been discovered. These atypical BSE isolates have been previously transmitted to a range of transgenic mouse models overexpressing PrP from different species at different levels, on a variety of genetic backgrounds. To control for genetic background and expression level in the analysis of these isolates, we performed here a comprehensive comparison of the neuropathological and molecular properties of all three BSE agents (BASE, BSE-C and BSE-H) upon transmission into the same gene-targeted transgenic mouse line expressing the bovine prion protein (Bov6) and a wild-type control of the same genetic background. Significantly, upon challenge with these BSE agents, we found that BASE did not produce shorter survival times in these mice compared with BSE-C, contrary to previous studies using overexpressing bovine transgenic mice. Amyloid plaques were only present in mice challenged with atypical BSE and neuropathological features, including intensity of PrP deposition in the brain and severity of vacuolar degeneration were less pronounced in BASE compared with BSE-C-challenged mice

    Prion protein interacts with bace1 and differentially regulates its activity towards wild type and swedish mutant amyloid precursor protein

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    In Alzheimer disease amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) accumulate in the brain. Cleavage of APP by the β-secretase BACE1 is the rate-limiting step in the production of Aβ. We have reported previously that the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) inhibited the action of BACE1 toward human wild type APP (APP(WT)) in cellular models and that the levels of endogenous murine Aβ were significantly increased in PrP(C)-null mouse brain. Here we investigated the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying this observation. PrP(C) interacted directly with the prodomain of the immature Golgi-localized form of BACE1. This interaction decreased BACE1 at the cell surface and in endosomes where it preferentially cleaves APP(WT) but increased it in the Golgi where it preferentially cleaves APP with the Swedish mutation (APP(Swe)). In transgenic mice expressing human APP with the Swedish and Indiana familial mutations (APP(Swe,Ind)), PrP(C) deletion had no influence on APP proteolytic processing, Aβ plaque deposition, or levels of soluble Aβ or Aβ oligomers. In cells, although PrP(C) inhibited the action of BACE1 on APP(WT), it did not inhibit BACE1 activity toward APP(Swe). The differential subcellular location of the BACE1 cleavage of APP(Swe) relative to APP(WT) provides an explanation for the failure of PrP(C) deletion to affect Aβ accumulation in APP(Swe,Ind) mice. Thus, although PrP(C) exerts no control on cleavage of APP(Swe) by BACE1, it has a profound influence on the cleavage of APP(WT), suggesting that PrP(C) may be a key protective player against sporadic Alzheimer disease

    Studio della fluidita dl leghe a base rame

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    Le leghe di rame sono spesso utilizzate nella produzione di getti o semilavorati con svariate composizioni per la versatilit\ue0 del processo di colata, che permette di utilizzare diverse tecniche e svariati materiali al fine di ottenere le caratteristiche desiderate. Tuttavia, nonostante questa tecnologia di produzione sia largamente utilizzata, non esiste ad oggi un test normato atto a determinarne i parametri ottimali e a prevenire eventuali difetti. Questo lavoro nasce dall'esigenza di mettere a punto un sistema di misura affidabile, che possa ambire a diventare uno standard di uso comune per la valutazione di un parametro fondamentale, come la col abilit\ue0, e che contribuisca allo studio dell\u2019influenza sia di fattori produttivi che di fattori chimici, come la presenza di elementi in lega in concentrazioni macro o micro (< 1%). La ricerca si focalizza sulla standardizzazione di un test di fluidit\ue0 che risponda alle esigenze scientifiche di precisione, sensibilit\ue0 e riproducibilit\ue0, mantenendo l\u2019aspetto pratico di semplicit\ue0 di realizzazione poich\ue9 possa essere di interesse per prove di fonderia

    Soliton dynamics of ring quantum cascade lasers with injected signal

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    Nonlinear interactions in many physical systems lead to symmetry breaking phenomena in which an initial spatially homogeneous stationary solution becomes modulated. Modulation instabilities have been widely studied since the 1960s in different branches of nonlinear physics. In optics, they may result in the formation of optical solitons, localized structures that maintain their shape as they propagate, which have been investigated in systems ranging from optical fibres to passive microresonators. Recently, a generalized version of the Lugiato-Lefever equation predicted their existence in ring quantum cascade lasers with an external driving field, a configuration that enables the bistability mechanism at the basis of the formation of optical solitons. Here, we consider this driven emitter and extensively study the structures emerging therein. The most promising regimes for localized structure formation are assessed by means of a linear stability analysis of the homogeneous stationary solution (or continuous-wave solution). In particular, we show the existence of phase solitons - chiral structures excited by phase jumps in the cavity - and cavity solitons. The latter can be deterministically excited by means of writing pulses and manipulated by the application of intensity gradients, making them promising as frequency combs (in the spectral domain) or reconfigurable bit sequences that can encode information inside the ring cavity

    energy and carbon balance of materials used in a building envelope renovation

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    Construction and demolition waste (CDW) are a priority waste stream in EU's polices, accounting for about 30% of all waste generated. At the same time, according to the EU energy-efficiency directi ..
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