15 research outputs found

    Aplinkos 寞taka duonini懦 (Triticum aestivum L.) ir kiet懦j懦 (Triticum durum Desf.) kvie膷i懦 albumin懦 kiekiui

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    Albumins or water soluble proteins (wsp) in wheat are important as nutrients containing high content of essential amino acids such as lysine, tryptophan, methionine, and also asparagine, glutamine, arginine, and proline in comparison to storage proteins-glutenins and gliadins. Fifteen bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 15 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes were evaluated across six different environments for two years to determine the content of albumins in grains. The purpose of this research was to determine the variability of the albumins content of the tested bread wheat and durum wheat genotypes, effects of environment, genotype and their interaction (GEI) on the trait of interest, heritability in a broad sense, stability, and also to interpret GEI by climatic factors modelling. The statistical procedure included analysis of variance, sites regression and factorial regression. The mean content of albumins was 20.23 g kg-1 in bread wheat and 23.12 g kg-1 in durum wheat. Environment followed by GEI was the most important in determining albumins content. The heritability in a broad sense was low, i.e. 31.3% for bread wheat and only 2.4% for durum wheat. GEI for the albumins content was explained with the efficacy of 94.7% and 94.2% of sum of squares, for bread wheat and durum wheat, respectively, by the following models: mean temperature in May, winter moisture reserves, minimum temperature in April and March for bread wheat; and precipitation sum in April, sunshine hours sum in March, maximum temperature in May, and winter moisture reserves for durum wheat. The simultaneous selection for high albumins content and good stability proved to be possible for bread wheat genotypes, but less for durum wheat genotypes due to unsatisfactory stability

    Zbozowe bialkowe inhibitory enzymow hydrolitycznych i ich znaczenie. Czesc I. Bialkowe inhibitory alfa-amylaz

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    W ziarnie zb贸偶 wyst臋puj膮 w znacznych ilo艣ciach bia艂kowe substancje o charakterze inhibitor贸w enzym贸w hydrolitycznych. Pomimo, i偶 wyst臋powanie tych substancji w ziarnie zb贸偶 stwierdzono ju偶 w latach trzydziestych, to do tej pory nie uda艂o si臋 dok艂adnie ich pozna膰. W pracy tej scharakteryzowano inhibitory enzym贸w amylolitycznych wyst臋puj膮ce w ziarnie pszenicy, 偶yta i pszen偶yta oraz przedstawiono wsp贸艂czesne pogl膮dy na temat ich znaczenia.Cereal seeds contain a lot of protein substances which are inhibitors of hydrolytic enzymes. Although, they were discovered in the early 1930's till today remain a number of question to be answer. In this paper protein nature alpha-amylase inhibitors found in grain of wheat, rye and triticale were discussed on the grounds of the present-day knowledge

    Zbozowe, bialkowe inhibitory enzymow hydrolitycznych i ich znaczenie. Czesc II: Bialkowe inhibitory proteinaz

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    W pracy przedstawiono przegl膮d danych literaturowych na temat zbo偶owych, bia艂kowych inhibitor贸w enzym贸w proteolitycznych. Szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 zwr贸cono na ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci, formy wielorakie, a tak偶e ich znaczenie biochemiczne, fizjologiczne i 偶ywieniowe.The present state of knowledge on cereal proteinacious inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes is reviewed. Particular attention was given on their properties, multiple forms as well as significance from nutritional, physiological and biochemical point of view

    The review of protein separation and purification methods appearing useful in research and food analysis

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    Dokonano przegl膮du nowoczesnych metod separacji i oczyszczania bia艂ek przydatnych w badaniach i analizie 偶ywno艣ci. Proces oczyszczania bia艂ek obejmuje cztery g艂贸wne etapy: wyb贸r 藕r贸d艂a bia艂ka, ekstrakcj臋 bia艂ka z materia艂u biologicznego, oczyszczanie wyekstrahowanego bia艂ka z wykorzystaniem technik chromatografii kolumnowej oraz jego przechowywanie do czasu analizy. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka w materiale biologicznym i jego rozmieszczenie jest jednym z czynnik贸w decyduj膮cych o wyborze 藕r贸d艂a bia艂ka. Znaczne ilo艣ci bia艂ek mo偶na uzyska膰 wykorzystuj膮c techniki rekombinacji DNA, kt贸re prowadz膮 do ich zwi臋kszonej ekspresji w kom贸rkach bakteryjnych. W przypadku izolacji bia艂ek wewn膮trzkom贸rkowych nale偶y zastosowa膰 dodatkowe zabiegi maj膮ce na celu rozbicie zar贸wno tkanek, jak i kom贸rek. Kom贸rki znajduj膮ce si臋 w zawiesinie rozbija si臋 za pomoc膮 szeregu metod. W przypadku bia艂ek integralnych, zwi膮zanych z b艂on膮 biologiczn膮, b艂ona biologiczna zostaje poddana dzia艂aniu detergentu anionowego, takiego jak Tryton X-100, kt贸ry nie denaturuje bia艂ka i zapobiega jego inaktywacji. Przed przyst膮pieniem do dalszego oczyszczania bia艂ek nale偶y okre艣li膰 ich przeznaczenie, wymagany stopie艅 czysto艣ci oraz aktywno艣膰. W zale偶no艣ci od przeznaczenia produkt finalny mo偶e mie膰 trzy stopnie czysto艣ci: bardzo wysoki >99%, wysoki 95-99% oraz umiarkowany 99%, high, ranging between 95 and 99%, and moderate < 95%. Chromatographic techniques are employed to separate macromolecules on the basis of such parameters like: size and shape, hydrophobicity, surface net charge, or affinity. The first of those techniques is molecular sieving chromatography, also known as a gel filtration. If this technique is applied, macromolecules are separated according to their sizes and shapes. The other technique is ion exchange chromatography and with it, proteins are separated according to differences in the surface net charge of protein macromolecules. While applying the hydrophobic interaction chromatography, the separation of proteins is based on differences in the protein hydrophobicity, whereas the affinity chromatography utilizes the affinity of two substances, for example an enzyme and a substrate, and one of these two substances is carrier-bound, thus, immobilized. In the paper, the purity degree of protein as a final product was discussed with regard to the potential application of such a protein product

    Czynniki warunkuj膮ce rozw贸j produkcji bezpiecznej 偶ywno艣ci w Polsce

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    Food allergies are a serious problem of modern society. That have contributed to the creation of a separate sector that is involved in the production of foods targeted specifically for it. The aim of the article is an attempt at distinguishing the key success factors that determine not only the success but also the development of safe food production in Poland. To effect the main purpose of the paper, primary as well as secondary materials were used. The basis for the evaluation, apart from papers, making up the literature of the subject, were the results of the research conducted amongst a group of experts among whom the questionnaire was conducted. It related to multi-plane and multi-aspect conditions for the development of safe food in Poland. Then, the STEEPVL analysis and Key Success Factors method were conducted. Analyses show, that the producers of safe food which is targeted at allergic people, to develop their own businesses do not need the organizational and technological support, but mainly financial. Finding the competitive advantages is primarily at the level of skill to raise funds for small and medium-sized enterprises from the pool of national aid and the EU.Alergie pokarmowe stanowi膮 istotny problem wsp贸艂czesnego spo艂ecze艅stwa. Przyczyni艂y si臋 do powstania odr臋bnego sektora, zajmuj膮cego si臋 wytwarzaniem 偶ywno艣ci skierowanej specjalnie do tego segmentu rynku. Celem artyku艂u jest pr贸ba wyodr臋bnienia kluczowych czynnik贸w sukcesu determinuj膮cych rozw贸j produkcji bezpiecznej 偶ywno艣ci w Polsce. W pracy wykorzystano materia艂y pierwotne i wt贸rne. Opr贸cz dost臋pnych opracowa艅 wchodz膮cych w zakres literatury przedmiotu, zebrano tak偶e zesp贸艂 ekspert贸w, w艣r贸d kt贸rych przeprowadzono badania ankietowe, dotycz膮ce wielop艂aszczyznowych i wieloaspektowych uwarunkowa艅 rozwoju produkcji bezpiecznej 偶ywno艣ci w Polsce. Do analizy wykorzystano metody ilo艣ciowe i jako艣ciowe, a tak偶e Metod臋 Kluczowych Czynnik贸w Sukcesu oraz STEEPVL. Z analiz wynika, 偶e producenci bezpiecznej 偶ywno艣ci, przeznaczonej dla os贸b z alergi膮, do tego, aby rozwija膰 w艂asn膮 dzia艂alno艣膰, nie potrzebuj膮 wsparcia organizacyjnego i technologicznego, ale g艂贸wnie wsparcie finansowe. Szukanie przewag konkurencyjnych odbywa si臋 przede wszystkim na p艂aszczy藕nie umiej臋tno艣ci pozyskania funduszy dla ma艂ych i 艣rednich przedsi臋biorstw z puli 艣rodk贸w pomocy krajowej oraz unijnej

    Research of optimum soy allergen extraction method from meat products

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    W trakcie produkcji wyrob贸w mi臋snych stosowane s膮 r贸偶ne dodatki technologiczne, w tym bia艂ka ro艣linne, kt贸re mog膮 stanowi膰 potencjalne 藕r贸d艂o ukrytych alergen贸w w gotowych wyrobach. Dlatego te偶 niezb臋dna jest skuteczna kontrola produkt贸w, tak aby w konsekwencji zapewni膰 bezpiecze艅stwo konsumentom ze zdiagnozowan膮 alergi膮 pokarmow膮. Celem prezentowanych bada艅 by艂o wskazanie efektywnego sposobu ekstrakcji alergennych bia艂ek sojowych z farszu par贸wkowego, przed obr贸bk膮 techniczn膮 i po niej. Oceny dokonano na podstawie oznaczenia zawarto艣ci tych bia艂ek z wykorzystaniem enzymatycznego testu fazy sta艂ej ELISA. Z badanych farsz贸w bia艂ka izolowano 18 metodami (dla ka偶dego z 6 rozpuszczalnik贸w zastosowano 3 sposoby izolacji). Wykazano, 偶e na ekstraktywno艣膰 bia艂ek sojowych z badanego materia艂u statystycznie istotny wp艂yw mia艂 zar贸wno rodzaj stosowanego rozpuszczalnika, jak i spos贸b izolacji. Spo艣r贸d u偶ytych w badaniach rozpuszczalnik贸w najlepszym okaza艂 si臋 120 mM Tris-HCl o pH 8,6 z dodatkiem 0,05% Tween 20.During the meat production products various technological additives are used, including vegetable protein. Soy proteins have good water-binding properties and emulsifying fat. They also improve the quality and performance of the final product and increase the total protein content in these products, through the interaction of muscle protein. Soy proteins can be a potential source of hidden allergens in meat products. Therefore, it is necessary to create an effective tool to control these products to ensure the safety of people with food allergy. The aim of this study was evaluation of the best extraction method of allergenic soy proteins from stuffing before and after heat treatment by determining the content of these proteins by ELISA method. Allergens from the stuffing were isolated by 18 methods. Six solvent were used: 10 mM PBS, pH 7.4; 10 mM PBS, pH 7.4 containing 0.05% Tween 20; 120 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 containing 0.1% BSA, 0.05% Tween 20, 2% SDS, 2% 2-mercaptoethanol; 120 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.6 containing 0.1% BSA, 0.05% Tween 20, 2% SDS, 2% 2-mercaptoethanol; 120 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.6 and 120 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.6 containing 0.05% Tween 20. For each solvent, three isolation methods were used: shaking at 25掳C, shaking at 37掳C in a water bath and sonication at 37掳C. Rabbit anti-soy protein antibody (SIGMA S2519) at 1 : 3000 dilution and goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with peroxidase (SIGMA A8275) at 1 : 8000 dilution were used for soy quantification in analyzed stuffings. The extract obtained from 1 g minced soybeans with 10 ml 10 mM PBS pH 7.4 at 25掳C was used as a standard and soy protein content of the analyzed extracts was expressed in ppm soybean. Western blot was performed to verify immunoreactivity of antibodies and to eliminate cross-reactivity between antibodies and matrix. The types of solvent, as well as isolations method were statistically significant influenced onallergenic soy protein contentin extracts. For extracts from stuffing before heat treatment the most effective extraction method was 120 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.6 containing 0.05% Tween 20. It was observed that the temperature of extraction has not an effect on soy protein contents extracted. The addition of Tween 20 to a solvent supported soy protein extraction from stuffing after heat treatment. Among the solvents used in this study 120 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.6 containing 0.05% Tween 20 was the best. The use of sonication hindered the soy protein isolation

    Content of gluten in rhizome of narrow-leaved cattail [Typha angustifolia]

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    Jedynym sposobem leczenia os贸b cierpi膮cych na celiaki臋 jest eliminacja z diety produkt贸w zawieraj膮cych bia艂ka glutenowe. Poszukiwane s膮 nowe 藕r贸d艂a po偶ywienia niezawieraj膮ce bia艂ek glutenowych, do kt贸rych mo偶e nale偶e膰 pa艂ka wodna (Typha ssp.). Z jej k艂膮czy mo偶na pozyska膰 m膮czk臋, b臋d膮c膮 surowcem do wypieku plack贸w chlebowych i ciastek. Celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie zawarto艣ci frakcji glutenowej, powoduj膮cej reakcj臋 chorobow膮 u os贸b cierpi膮cych na celiaki臋, w m膮czce pozyskanej z k艂膮czy pa艂ki wodnej w膮skolistnej. Materia艂 do bada艅 stanowi艂y k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej w膮skolistnej (Typha angustifolia), pobrane w okresie zimowym (stycze艅 2009 r.) z trzech r贸偶nych zbiornik贸w wodnych: stawu po艂o偶onego w Puszczy Zielonce (k. Poznania), stawu hodowlanego oraz jeziora w Osiecznej (k. Leszna). Test na obecno艣膰 glutenu prowadzono metodami immunoenzymatycznymi, wykorzystuj膮c produkty firmy R-Biopharm: Cocktail Solution庐 oraz kit gliadynowy Ridascreen庐 Gliadin R7001 (AOAC 120601). Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka og贸艂em oznaczono metod膮 Kjeldahla, wykorzystuj膮c aparatur臋 Foss Tecator. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka w gliadynowych ekstraktach oznaczono fotometrycznie z wykorzystaniem odczynnika Bradford. Na podstawie uzyskanych wynik贸w stwierdzono, 偶e m膮czka z k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej w膮skolistnej nie zawiera peptyd贸w wywo艂uj膮cych celiaki臋 i mo偶e by膰 stosowana w produktach przeznaczonych dla os贸b na ni膮 cierpi膮cych. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka og贸艂em w m膮czce z k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej by艂a zmienna w zale偶no艣ci od miejsca zbioru ro艣liny. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka w ekstraktach m膮czki z k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej nie by艂a skorelowana z zawarto艣ci膮 bia艂ka og贸艂em w samej m膮czce.The only way to treat people suffering from celiac disease is to eliminate products containing gluten proteins from the diet. Researches have been carried out to find new sources of gluten-free food; among them, the cattail (Typha spp) can be counted. It is possible to grind its rhizomes and to get a baking flour to make cakes, bread, and biscuits. The objective of the study was to determine the content of gluten fraction in the flour produced from rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail that caused a disease response in persons with the celiac disease. The experimental material comprised rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail (Typha angustifolia), harvested in three water reservoirs during the winter period (January 2009), i.e. in a pond in the Zielonka Forest (the Province of Wielkopolska), in a lake and a fish breeding pond in Osieczna (near Leszno). The test for gluten was conducted by means of immunoassay methods using the products from an R-Biopharm Company: Cocktail Solution 庐 and Ridascreen gliadin kit 庐 Gliadin R7001 (AOAC 120601). The content of total protein was determined by a Kjeldahl method using a Foss Tecator apparatus. The content of Gliadin protein in the extracts was determined photometrically using a Bradford reagent. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the flour from rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail did not contain any peptides that caused celiac disease. Thus, this flour can be used in the products for people suffering from this disease. The content of total protein in the flour varied depending on the place where the plants were harvested. The content of the protein fraction in the flour extracts produced from rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail was not correlated with the content of total protein in the flour alone

    Comparison of two ELISA methods with commercially available antibodies for prolamin detection in beer

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    Tradycyjne piwo produkowane jest najcz臋艣ciej ze s艂odu j臋czmiennego. Ok. 75% bia艂ek j臋czmienia stanowi膮 polipeptydy tworz膮ce gluten, z czego 50% to prolaminy, a 25% gluteniny. Ze wzgl臋du na sk艂ad surowcowy spo偶ywanie piwa przez osoby z nadwra偶liwo艣ci膮 na gluten mo偶e wywo艂a膰 niepo偶膮dane reakcje organizmu. Celem pracy by艂o oznaczenie prolamin w dost臋pnych na rynku piwach za pomoc膮 bezpo艣redniej i po艣redniej metody ELISA oraz por贸wnanie mo偶liwo艣ci detekcyjnych stosowanych komercyjnie dost臋pnych przeciwcia艂. Stwierdzono, 偶e wi臋kszymi mo偶liwo艣ciami detekcyjnymi hordein w piwie charakteryzowa艂y si臋 antygliadynowe przeciwcia艂a znakowane enzymatycznie stosowane w metodzie ELISA bezpo艣rednia.Traditional beer is made by barley malt. Approx. 75% of the barley proteins are polypeptides formin gluten, of which 50% is prolamines and 25% glutenins. Due to composition of beer consumption by persons with hyperintensitivity to gluten can cause adverse reactions of the body. The aim of this study was to determine the prolamins in beers available in the market with use of direct and indirect ELISA methods and compare detection possibilities of commercially available antibodies. It was found that enzymatically labeled antigliadin antibodies was characterized much more detection possibilities of hordeins in beer

    The influence of varying level of wheat proteinaceous inhibitors in wheat-based artificial feed on development parameters of selected stored product insects

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    The artificially made kernels from ground wheat grain, commercial wheat starch and wheat proteinaceous 伪-amylase inhibitors in different proportions were used as feed for adults of the granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.). In the case of larvae of the confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum Duv.) and the Mediterranean flour moth (Anagasta kuehniella Zell.) the friable feed mixture were used. The survival of S. granarius adults has not been correlated with the soluble proteins extracted from wheat and amylolytic activity located in this protein fraction. On the other hand the weight of dust (the index of feeding intensity) produced during feeding has depended on the presence of 伪-amylase and trypsin inhibitors in wheat-based feed. A. kuehniella larvae have not developed at all on feed consisted of 50% wheat starch and 50% of crude a-amylase inhibitors from wheat. The same feed has caused 15.1 days of extension in development time of T. confusum larvae. lt attests to specific native enzymatic apparatus existing in alimentary canals of three damaging grain species which can overcome some obstacles even if extremely highly active insect 伪-amylase inhibitors were present in feed. However, the sufficient nutrient should be available in feed compounds. Nevertheless, some reduction of insects population can be expected.Sztuczne ziarna zrobione z handlowej skrobii pszennej i bia艂kowych inhibitor贸w 伪-amylaz wymieszanych w r贸偶nych proporcjach oraz czyste ziarno pszenicy stanowi艂y pokarm wo艂ka zbo偶owego (Sitophilus granaris L.). Dla larw trojszyka ulca (Trbolium confusum Duv.) i mklika m膮cznego (Anagasta kuchniella Zell.) te same produkty podawano w postaci sypkiej. Procent prze偶ywalno艣ci chrz膮szczy wo艂ka zbo偶owego nie zale偶a艂 od zawarto艣ci bia艂ka rozpuszczalnego ani od aktywno艣ci amylolitycznej pokarmu. Z drugiej strony ilo艣膰 py艂u wytworzonego w czasie 偶erowania (wska藕nik intensywno艣ci 偶erowania) zale偶a艂 od obecno艣ci inhibitor贸w 伪-amylazy i trypsyny. Larwy mklika m膮cznego nie ko艅czy艂y rozwoju na pokarmie zawieraj膮cym 50% skrobii pszennej i 50 inhibitor贸w 伪-amylazy. Ten sam pokarm powodowa艂 przed艂u偶enie rozwoju larw trojszyka ulca o 15,1 dnia. To 艣wiadczy o istnieniu wrodzonego, specyficznego aparatu enzymatycznego w przewodzie pokarmowym testowanych owad贸w, kt贸ry mo偶e pokona膰 nawet ekstremalnie wysok膮 aktywno艣膰 inhibitor贸w 伪-amylazy obecnych w pokarmie. Efektem dzia艂ania inhibitor贸w mo偶e by膰 tylko redukcja liczebno艣ci populacji

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population:a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold.</p