241 research outputs found

    Cerebellum and neurodegenerative diseases: Beyond conventional magnetic resonance imaging

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    The cerebellum plays a key role in movement control and in cognition and cerebellar involvement is described in several neurodegenerative diseases. While conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used for brain and cerebellar morphologic evaluation, advanced MRI techniques allow the investigation of cerebellar microstructural and functional characteristics. Volumetry, voxel-based morphometry, diffusion MRI based fiber tractography, resting state and task related functional MRI, perfusion, and proton MR spectroscopy are among the most common techniques applied to the study of cerebellum. In the present review, after providing a brief description of each technique's advantages and limitations, we focus on their application to the study of cerebellar injury in major neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and hereditary ataxia. A brief introduction to the pathological substrate of cerebellar involvement is provided for each disease, followed by the review of MRI studies exploring structural and functional cerebellar abnormalities and by a discussion of the clinical relevance of MRI measures of cerebellar damage in terms of both clinical status and cognitive performance

    Integrating early detection with DNA barcoding: species identification of a nonnative monitor lizard (Squamata: Varanidae) carcass in Mississippi, U.S.A.

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    Early detection of invasive species is critical to increasing the probability of successful management. At the primary stage of an invasion, invasive species are easier to control as the population is likely represented by just a few individuals. Detection of these first few individuals can be challenging, particularly if they are cryptic or otherwise characterized by low detectability. The engagement of members of the public may be critical to early detection as there are far more citizens on the landscape than trained biologists. However, it can be difficult to assess the credibility of public reporting, especially when a diagnostic digital image or a physical specimen in good condition are lacking. DNA barcoding can be used for verification when morphological identification of a specimen is not possible or uncertain (i.e., degraded or partial specimen). DNA barcoding relies on obtaining a DNA sequence from a relatively small fragment of mitochondrial DNA and comparing it to a database of sequences containing a variety of expertly identified species. Herein we report the successful identification of a degraded specimen of a non-native, potentially invasive reptile species (Varanus niloticus) via DNA barcoding, after discovery and reporting by a member of the public

    Can demographic histories explain long-term isolation and recent pulses of asymmetric gene flow between highly divergent grey fox lineages?

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    Secondary contact zones between deeply divergent, yet interfertile, lineages provide windows into the speciation process. North American grey foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) are divided into western and eastern lineages that diverged approximately 1 million years ago. These ancient lineages currently hybridize in a relatively narrow zone of contact in the southern Great Plains, a pattern more commonly observed in smaller-bodied taxa, which suggests relatively recent contact after a long period of allopatry. Based on local ancestry inference with whole-genome sequencing (n = 43), we identified two distinct Holocene pulses of admixture. The older pulse (500–3500 YBP) reflected unidirectional gene flow from east to west, whereas the more recent pulse (70–200 YBP) of admixture was bi-directional. Augmented with genotyping-by-sequencing data from 216 additional foxes, demographic analyses indicated that the eastern lineage declined precipitously after divergence, remaining small throughout most of the late Pleistocene, and expanding only during the Holocene. Genetic diversity in the eastern lineage was highest in the southeast and lowest near the contact zone, consistent with a westward expansion. Concordantly, distribution modelling indicated that during their isolation, the most suitable habitat occurred far east of today\u27s contact zone or west of the Great Plains. Thus, long-term isolation was likely caused by the small, distant location of the eastern refugium, with recent contact reflecting a large increase in suitable habitat and corresponding demographic expansion from the eastern refugium. Ultimately, long-term isolation in grey foxes may reflect their specialized bio-climatic niche. This system presents an opportunity for future investigation of potential pre- and post-zygotic isolating mechanisms

    Genomic analyses of gray fox lineages suggest ancient divergence and secondary contact in the southern Great Plains

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    The gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) lineage diverged from all other extant canids at their most basal node and is restricted to the Americas. Previous mitochondrial analysis from coastal populations identified deeply divergent (up to 1 Mya) eastern and western lineages that predate most intraspecific splits in carnivores. We conducted genotyping by sequencing and mitochondrial analysis on gray foxes sampled across North America to determine geographic concordance between nuclear and mitochondrial contact zones and divergence times. We also estimated the admixture within the contact zone between eastern and western gray foxes based on nuclear DNA. Both datasets confirmed that eastern and western lineages met in the southern Great Plains (i.e. Texas and Oklahoma), where they maintained high differentiation. Admixture was generally low, with the majority of admixed individuals carrying \u3c10% ancestry from the other lineage. Divergence times confirmed a mid-Pleistocene split, similar to the mitochondrial estimates. Taken together, findings suggest gray fox lineages represent an ancient divergence event, far older than most intraspecific divergences in North American carnivores. Low admixture may reflect a relatively recent time since secondary contact (e.g. post-Pleistocene) or, alternatively, ecological or reproductive barriers between lineages. Though further research is needed to disentangle these factors, our genomic investigation suggests species-level divergence exists between eastern and western gray fox lineages

    Position Sense Deficits at the Lower Limbs in Early Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Neural Correlates

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    Background/Objective. Position sense, defined as the ability to identify joint and limb position in space, is crucial for balance and gait but has received limited attention in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). We investigated lower limb position sense deficits, their neural correlates, and their effects on standing balance in patients with early MS. Methods. A total of 24 patients with early relapsing-remitting MS and 24 healthy controls performed ipsilateral and contralateral matching tasks with the right foot during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Corpus callosum (CC) integrity was estimated with diffusion tensor imaging. Patients also underwent an assessment of balance during quiet standing. We investigated differences between the 2 groups and the relations among proprioceptive errors, balance performance, and functional/structural correlates. Results. During the contralateral matching task, patients demonstrated a higher matching error than controls, which correlated with the microstructural damage of the CC and with balance ability. In contrast, during the ipsilateral task, the 2 groups showed a similar matching performance, but patients displayed a functional reorganization involving the parietal areas. Neural activity in the frontoparietal regions correlated with the performance during both proprioceptive matching tasks and quiet standing. Conclusion. Patients with early MS had subtle, clinically undetectable, position sense deficits at the lower limbs that, nevertheless, affected standing balance. Functional changes allowed correct proprioception processing during the ipsilateral matching task but not during the more demanding bilateral task, possibly because of damage to the CC. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying disability in MS and could influence the design of neurorehabilitation protocols

    Vigilancia epidemiológica en mujeres embarazadas para control de riesgos en el consumo de tabaco en la ciudad de Gualeguaychú

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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de cotinina urinaria en embarazadas fumadoras activas y pasivas en centros de salud públicos (cpub) y privados (cpri) de Gualeguaychú para conocer su riesgo de exposición y contribuir a mejorar el diseño de las intervenciones en la prevención del hábito tabáquico durante el embarazo. Materiales y métodos: Se trabajó con 443 embarazadas que concurrieron a cpub y cpri de Gualeguaychú para su control prenatal, solicitándoles a las que manifestaron ser fumadoras activas o estar expuestas al hat una muestra de orina para el dosaje de cotinina. Se aplicó un diseño de tipo no experimental, retrospectivo y de corte transversal. El dosaje de cotinina se realizó en orina, empleando una metodología quimioluminiscente. Previamente se obtuvo un valor referencial de cotinina urinaria inferior a los 15,2 ng/ml para el 98 % de sujetos no fumadores no expuestos al hat. Resultados: El 97,3 % de las embarazadas que declararon ser fumadoras activas presentaron valores de cotinina superiores a los 100 ng/ml y el 66,2 % de las que expresaron ser fumadoras pasivas presentaron un nivel superior a 15,2 ng/ml. Discusión y conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la utilidad de la cotinina como indicador para obtener datos fidedignos frente a la exposición al tabaco

    Effect of dexamethasone on newborn survival at different administration-to-birth intervals: A secondary analysis of the who action (Antenatal corticosteroids for improving outcomes in preterm newborn)-I trial

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    Background: The WHO ACTION-I trial demonstrated that dexamethasone significantly reduced neonatal mortality when administered to women at risk of early preterm birth in low-resource countries. We conducted a secondary analysis to determine how these benefits can be optimised, by evaluating the effect of dexamethasone compared to placebo on newborn mortality and severe respiratory distress outcomes at different administration-to-birth intervals, and identifying the interval with the greatest benefits.Methods: The WHO ACTION-I trial was a multi-country, individually-randomised, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. It was conducted in 29 hospitals across Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Women with a viable singleton or multiple pregnancy who presented to participating hospitals at a gestational age of 26 weeks 0 days-33 weeks 6 days and who were at risk of imminent preterm birth were eligible. In this secondary analysis, 2638 women and their newborns treated with single course of dexamethasone or placebo were analysed. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the effect of dexamethasone versus placebo on neonatal death, stillbirth or neonatal death, and severe respiratory distress at 24 h and at 168 h, by administration-to-birth interval (from 0 through 28 days), adjusting for gestational age at first dose. We used relative risks to identify the administration-to-birth interval with the greatest benefits of dexamethasone compared to placebo on the newborn outcomes.Findings: Between 24 December 2017 and 21 November 2019, 2852 women and their 3070 babies were enrolled in the WHO ACTION-I trial; 1332 women (1464 babies) in the dexamethasone group and 1306 women (1440 babies) in the placebo group were included in this secondary analysis. Neonatal mortality risk was lower with increasing time between initiating dexamethasone and birth, achieving peak mortality reduction by days 13 and 14 and then diminishing as the interval approached 28 days, regardless of gestational age at administration. For other outcomes, the overall pattern of risk reduction extending into the second week was consistent with that of neonatal death.Interpretation: In women at risk of preterm birth prior to 34 weeks\u27 gestation, the neonatal benefits of antenatal dexamethasone appear to increase with longer administration-to-birth intervals than previously thought. This knowledge can support clinical assessment and estimation of the risks of adverse preterm newborn outcomes at the time of birth, and the potential benefits of antenatal dexamethasone treatment for a known administration-to-birth interval.Funding: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; World Health Organization

    Rapid reduction versus abrupt quitting for smokers who want to stop soon: a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial

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    Background: The standard way to stop smoking is to stop abruptly on a quit day with no prior reduction in consumption of cigarettes. Many smokers feel that reduction is natural and if reduction programmes were offered, many more might take up treatment. Few trials of reduction versus abrupt cessation have been completed. Most are small, do not use pharmacotherapy, and do not meet the standards necessary to obtain a marketing authorisation for a pharmacotherapy.\ud Design/Methods: We will conduct a non-inferiority andomised trial of rapid reduction versus standard abrupt cessation among smokers who want to stop smoking. In the reduction arm,participants will be advised to reduce smoking consumption by half in the first week and to 25% of baseline in the second, leading up to a quit day at which participants will stop smoking completely.This will be assisted by nicotine patches and an acute form of nicotine replacement therapy. In the abrupt arm participants will use nicotine patches only, whilst smoking as normal, for two weeks prior to a quit day, at which they will also stop smoking completely. Smokers in either arm will have standard withdrawal orientated behavioural support programme with a combination of nicotine patches and acute nicotine replacement therapy post-cessation.\ud Outcomes/Follow-up: The primary outcome of interest will be prolonged abstinence from smoking, with secondary trial outcomes of point prevalence, urges to smoke and withdrawal\ud symptoms. Follow up will take place at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 6 months post-quit day
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