78 research outputs found

    El pole fitness como propuesta metodológica de entrenamiento para el desarrollo de la fuerza y la flexibilidad

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    El Pole Fitness es una disciplina artístico - deportiva, que combina de manera armoniosa la fuerza, la flexibilidad, la danza y el fitness, utilizando para ello un pole o barra vertical, la misma que recibe nombres como: Barra Americana, Pole Dance y Baile del Tubo, pero todos se refieren a lo mismo; éste es un ejercicio que tiene sus orígenes en el malkhamb (tubo gimnástico) y en el mallastambha (pilar gimnástico), estos instrumentos han sido utilizados desde hace 250 años para la práctica del yoga, utilizando una cuerda o un palo de madera para aumentar la fuerza y el volumen muscular. La búsqueda de nuevas actividades físicas, tanto en hombres como en mujeres, tiene como objetivo el obtener resultados confiables, que permitan observar el mejoramiento de su estado físico, para ello la práctica del pole fitness presenta una gama de actividades que son progresivas y consisten en tonificar el cuerpo a partir de la realización de figuras o acrobacias, giros de menor y mayor dificultad, con el propio peso el cuerpo, ayudando así a ganar fuerza y aumentar flexibilidad.Pole Fitness is a discipline with a mixture among art and sports, it combines strength, flexibility, dance and fitness armonically where it is used a vertical metal bar with different names such as: American Bar or Pole dance. This is a discipline with its origins in the malkhamb (gimnastic bar) and the mallastamba (pole gymnastics), those instruments have been used 250 years ago to practice Yoga, but with a wood stick and a piece of rope to increase strength and muscle volume. The search for new physical activities, both men and women, has as a main goal to get reliable results that let us to watch a physical improvement. In order to that, practicing Pole fitness gives us a variety of progressive activities for toning our body from doing figures or acrobatics, big and small twists, using our own bodyweight. It will help to have more strenght and to increase flexibility.Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialización Cultura FísicaCuenc

    Serological Biomarkers for the Prediction and Detection of Human Papillomavirus Associated Cancers

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    High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types are not only associated to uterine cervical cancer, but also to a fraction of cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, head and neck. An HPV infection generates a protective humoral immune response against the capsid proteins L1 and L2; however, an immune response against other HPV early proteins is also generated. This latter is not a protective response, but those antibodies can be useful as biomarkers of the status of the infection and/or the stage of the cancer lesion. Until now, there are no conclusive results regarding the use of anti-HPV antibodies as biomarkers in diagnosis. In this review, we hereby summarized the actual panorama of the humoral immune response against different HPV early proteins during the development of the disease as possible biomarkers for the prediction and detection of HPV-associated cancers

    Un método sencillo de diseño de estructuras tensadas combinando mallado en topología y análisis no lineal de estructuras

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    When designing a tension structure the shape is not known at the beginning of the process. Form-finding methods allow the designer to obtain an initial shape from given boundary conditions. Several form-finding methods for tension structures are already available in the technical literature; all of them posses certain limitations and drawbacks and no single method is optimal for all problems. The engineer may select the proper combination of methods best suited to the designer’s needs. In this paper it is proposed a combined method to achieve satisfactory equilibrium configurations for fabric tension structures. The force density method (FDM) implemented with topological mapping (TM) is used as a search engine for the preliminary design, and a procedure that employs nonlinear structural analysis is proposed for final refinement of the initial equilibrium configuration hence allowing the use of the same analysis tool for both refinement of the solution and analysis under loading.Al diseñar una estructura tensada la forma inicial es normalmente desconocida. Los métodos de búsqueda de forma permiten al ingeniero obtener una geometría inicial dadas unas condiciones de contorno. Existen diferentes métodos de búsqueda de formas de equilibrio, pero todos tienen limitaciones y no existe uno único óptimo para cualquier tipo de problema. El ingeniero debe elegir la combinación de métodos que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. En este artículo se propone un método combinado para generar configuraciones de equilibrio satisfactorias en estructuras tensadas. Como motor de búsqueda para el diseño preliminar se emplea el método de las densidades de fuerza (FDM) implementado con mallado en topología (TM), y se propone un procedimiento basado en análisis no lineal de estructuras para el refinamiento de la configuración inicial de equilibrio, permitiéndose así el empleo de las mismas herramientas tanto para el refinamiento de la solución inicial como para el cálculo posterior bajo condiciones de carga


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    Comparar riesgo de exposición a la ingesta de alcohol en estudiantes en SLP-México, 2007. Estudio descriptivo, transversal y comparativo, en cuanto a características demográficas, de  consumo,  y analítico en cuanto a edad y sexo. Aplicación de la encuesta AUDIT (OMS). El 83.83% (166) consume o ha consumido bebidas alcohólicas, sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto a sexo. Los hombres presentan, respecto a las mujeres (p<0.05), 2.37 veces el riesgo de consumir alcohol dos a cuatro veces al mes 3.74 veces riesgo de consumir seis bebidas al mes o más frecuentemente y cuatro veces el riesgo de no poder parar de beber. Los mayores de 22 años presentaron 4.9 veces el riesgo de alto consumo que los menores de 20. El mayor consumo de alcohol es en varones mayores. Si se dirigen campañas a este grupo vulnerable se abatirá considerablemente  éste consumo en la población estudiantil.  AbstractCompare risk of exposure to the intake of alcohol in students in SLP-Mexico, 2007. Study descriptive, crosscutting and comparative, in demographic characteristics, consumption, and analytical in regard to age and sex. Implementation of the survey Audit (WHO). The results were analyzed like cases and controls. The sample was calculated by the program EPI INFO version 6.0. The 83.83% (166) consumed or has consumed alcoholic beverages, without statistically significant difference in regard to sex. Men presented (p<0. 05), 2.37 times the risk of consume alcohol two to four times a month 3.74 times risk of consume six drinks per month or more frequently and four times the risk of failing to stop drinking. The aged 22 presented 4.9 times the risk of high consumption that minors of 20. The increased consumption of alcohol is in bigger older than 22 years old males. It is necessary to direct campaigns towards students with consumption of high risk and to young people with moderate consumption.  Palabras Clave: riesgo, alcohol, estudiantes

    The Extrusion Process as an Alternative for Improving the Biological Potential of Sorghum Bran: Phenolic Compounds and Antiradical and Anti-Inflammatory Capacity

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    Approximately 80% of sorghum phenolic compounds are linked to arabinoxylans by ester bonds, which are capable of resisting the digestion process in the upper gastrointestinal tract, compromising their bioaccessibility and biological potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the extrusion process on the content of phenolic compounds in sorghum bran and its impact on phenolic compounds and antiradical and anti-inflammatory capacity. Results revealed that the extrusion process increased total phenol content in sorghum bran compared to nonextruded sorghum, particularly for extrusion at 180°C with 20% moisture content (2.0222±0.0157 versus 3.0729±0.0187 mg GAE/g +52%), which positively affected antiradical capacity measured by the DPPH and TEAC assays. The percentage of inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production by RAW cells due to the presence of extruded sorghum bran extract was significantly higher than that of nonextruded sorghum bran extract (90.2±1.9% versus 76.2±1.3%). The results suggest that extruded sorghum bran could be used as a functional ingredient and provide advantages to consumers by reducing diseases related to oxidative stress and inflammation

    Differential antibody response against conformational and linear epitopes of the L1 protein from human papillomavirus types 16/18 is generated in vaccinated woman or with different exposures to the virus

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    Antibodies against human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 protein are associated to past infections and related to the evolution of the disease, while antibodies against L1 virus like particles (VLPs-L1) are used to follow the neutralizing immune response in vaccinated women. In this study, sera antibodies against conformational and linear epitopes of L1 protein from HPV16/18 were evaluated to discriminate HPV vaccinated women from those naturally infected or with uterine cervical lesions. The VLPs-L1 from HPV16/18 generated in baculovirus were purified by CsCl gradient and linear L1 protein obtained by denature VLPs. Serum antibodies against VLPs-L1 and L1 from vaccinated women or with different exposures to the virus were measured by ELISA. Regresion and ROC analysis were carried out to evaluete the test performance to discriminate the different women populations. The results showed that antibodies against VLPs-L1-16/18 highly associated with vaccinated women (OR=2.11e+08 and 57.74, respectively), but not associations were observed with natural infected women or with cervical lesions. However, antibodies against L1-16/18 showed high associations with vaccinated women (OR= 101.33 and 37.91, respectively) (p≤ 0.05), but also associations of these antibodies were observed with the cervical cancer (CC) group (OR= 3.33 and 5.65, respectively). The ROC analysis showed that antibodies against VLPs-L1 and L1 16/18 were highly effective to detect vaccinated women (AUC= 0.96, 0.91. 0.80 and 0.78, respectively), with high sensitivity for HPV16 (100% and 86.3%), and moderate for HPV18 (63.6%). However, anti-L1 antibodies had the best test performance to discriminate the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3)/CC group from controls (AUC= 0.67 HPV16 and 0.63 HPV18), with low sensitivity (15% to 20%, respectively) and high specificity (96% and 92%, respectively). In conclusion, our results suggested that anti-VLPs-L1 16/18 antibodies are highly efficient to detect vaccinated women, but anti-L1 antibodies are better to discriminate CIN3/CC among the general population

    Bioadsorción de plomo (II) presente en solución acuosa sobre residuos de fibras naturales procedentes de la industria ixtlera (Agave lechuguilla Torr. y Yucca carnerosana (TREL.) MCKELVEY)

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    "El plomo ha sido reconocido como uno de los metales más tóxicos por su efecto negativo sobre el ambiente. En el presente trabajo se evaluó el uso potencial de residuos de Agave lechuguilla Torr. (lechuguilla) y Yucca carnerosana (Trel.) McKelvey (yuca) procedentes de la industria ixtlera para remover iones Pb (II) presentes en solución acuosa. Los datos del equilibrio de bioadsorción mostraron que al aumentar el pH de la solución de 2.0 a 5.0, la capacidad de bioadsorción de ambos materiales se incrementa. Este efecto se explicó considerando que la carga superficial negativa de estos materiales es mayor al aumentar el pH y por ello se favorece la remoción de Pb (II). El efecto de la temperatura de la solución en las isotermas de bioadsorción, expuso la naturaleza endotérmica del proceso. La energía libre de Gibbs y la entropía calculada (ΔG° y ΔS°) indicaron la espontaneidad de la bioadsorción y la afinidad del Pb (II) en solución por los bioadsorbentes, respectivamente. La variación de las capacidades de bioadsorción de la lechuguilla y la yuca se atribuyó a la diferencia en el contenido de sitios ácidos y lignina, lo que condujo a la presencia de diversos mecanismos de bioadsorción. En ambos materiales, la bioadsorción de Pb (II) ocurre por los mecanismos de interacciones π-catión, atracciones electrostáticas e intercambio iónico; además en el caso de la lechuguilla se evidenció un proceso de microprecipitación.""Lead has been recognized as one of the most toxic metals due to its negative effect on the environment. In the present work, the potential use of Agave lechuguilla Torr. (lechuguilla) and Yucca carnerosana (Trel.) McKelvey (yucca) residues from the ixtle industry to remove Pb (II) ions in an aqueous solution was evaluated. The adsorption equilibrium data showed that when increasing the pH in the solution from 2.0 to 5.0, the biosorption capacity of both materials increases. This effect might be explained by the negative surface charge of these materials, which is greater at high pH, favoring the removal of Pb (II). The effect of the temperature of the solution on the biosorption isotherms revealed the endothermic nature of the biosorption process. The Gibbs free energy change and the calculated entropy (ΔG° and ΔS°) indicated the spontaneity of biosorption and the affinity of Pb (II) in the solution for biosorbents, respectively. The variation of the biosorption capacities of lechuguilla and yucca was attributed to the different content of acid sites and lignin, which resulted in the presence of different biosorption mechanisms. In both materials, the biosorption of Pb (II) occurs by π-cation interactions, electrostatic attractions and ion exchange; moreover, a microprecipitation process on lechuguilla was evinced.

    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to assess the anthelmintic potential from plant extracts

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    "Los nematodos parásitos afectan la productividad pecuaria, dando lugar a pérdidas económicas considerables. Sin embargo, son pocos los antihelmínticos disponibles en el mercado y la resistencia de los parásitos a los existentes va en incremento, por lo que su control es actualmente ineficiente. En este sentido, la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias para controlar la parasitosis es una necesidad actual. Una posibilidad para el control estriba en la investigación de metabolitos derivados de plantas, ya que el conocimiento sobre su uso tradicional es un referente de inicio. Sin embargo, la eficacia antihelmíntica, así como los mecanismos de acción de plantas con uso tradicional como anti-parasitarios, poco se han investigado científicamente, y en la mayoría de los casos se desconocen los compuestos activos responsables del efecto anti-parasitario. Una de las limitantes del estudio experimental del potencial antihelmíntico es la dificultad de trabajar con modelos parásitos. En este sentido, el nematodo de vida libre C. elegans es un modelo útil para entender el mecanismo de acción de drogas antihelmínticas. Por un lado, este nematodo se puede mantener y manipular en laboratorio con facilidad; por otro, comparte características fisiológicas y homología genética con nematodos parásitos, lo que permite comparaciones válidas. En esta revisión se pretende mostrar el potencial de la búsqueda de compuestos activos derivados de plantas tradicionalmente utilizadas como anti-parasitarios como punto de partida en el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos antihelmínticos, así como resaltar las ventajas que C. elegans proporciona para entender los mecanismos de acción de nuevos compuestos.""Parasitic nematodes affect livestock productivity, leading to economic losses. Despite their importance, few anthelmintics have been developed and several parasites have developed resistance to them, rendering control of parasitic infections very inefficient. In this sense, the search for new strategies to control parasitic nematodes is timely and relevant. One possibility is to conduct research on metabolites derived from plants with anthelmintic potential, since knowledge about its traditional use is a good starting point. However, the anthelmintic efficacy and mechanisms of action of plants traditionally used, have been scarcely investigated, and the bioactive compounds responsible for the effects remain mostly unknown. One of the limitations that experimental studies on potential anthelmintic face is the difficulty of working with parasite models. In this respect, the free-living nematode C. elegans is a useful tool for understanding the mechanism of action of anthelmintic drugs as well as mechanisms of resistance. First, C. elegans can be maintained and easily manipulated in the laboratory; in addition, C. elegans shares physiological characteristics and has genetic homology with nematode parasites, allowing valid comparisons. This review aims to underscore the potential of finding active compounds derived from plants traditionally used as anthelmintic as a starting point in the development of new drugs, as well as highlight the benefits that C. elegans provides for understanding mechanisms of action of novel anthelmintic.

    Growth performance and carcass classification of pure Pelibuey and crossbred lambs raised under an intensive production system in a warm-humid climate

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    Se estudió el efecto de la raza en el crecimiento, las características y la clasificación de la canal utilizando 11 corderos Charollais x Pelibuey (ChP), 10 corderos Dorper x Pelibuey (DP) y 18 corderos Pelibuey (P) bajo un sistema de producción intensiva en un clima cálido-húmedo. Se observó un efecto significativo del genotipo (P<0.05) en el peso al nacer (PN), el peso al destete (PD) y la ganancia diaria de peso (GDP), todos ellos fueron mayores en el genotipo ChP. Los corderos ChP y DP alcanzaron el peso comercial 35 y 23 días antes, respectivamente, que los corderos P. El genotipo tiene una marcada influencia en las características de la canal, afecta la conformación y la clasificación de la canal. La probabilidad de obtener una canal con buena conformación y clasificación MEX 1 (buena: MEX 1) es 72 % mayor para el genotipo ChP que para el genotipo P. Los rendimientos de lomo y pierna del genotipo ChP fueron mayores que los de los otros genotipos. El pH, la temperatura y el color instrumental de la canal, la carne y la grasa subcutánea fueron afectados por el genotipo. Los corderos ChP mostraron un mejor crecimiento, características y clasificación de la canal que los corderos de los genotipos DP y P.The effect of breed on growth, characteristics, and carcass classification was investigated using 11 Charollais x Pelibuey (ChP) lambs, 10 Dorper x Pelibuey (DP) lambs, and 18 Pelibuey (P) lambs in an intensive production system in a warm-humid climate. A significant effect of genotype ( <0.05) was observed on birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), and daily weight gain (DWG), all of which were higher in the ChP genotype. ChP and DP lambs reached commercial weight 35 and 23 d earlier, respectively than P lambs. Genotype has a marked influence on the carcass characteristics, affect conformation and classification of carcass. The probability of obtaining a carcass with good conformation and MEX 1 classification (good: MEX 1) is 72 % higher for the ChP genotype than for the P genotype. The loin and leg yields of the ChP genotype were higher than those of the other genotypes. The pH, temperature, and instrumental color of the carcass, meat, and subcutaneous fat were affected by genotype. ChP lambs showed better growth, characteristics, and carcass classification than lambs of the DP and P genotypes

    Frecuencia serológica y molecular de Leishmania spp y Trypanosoma cruzi y factores asociados en perros con signos sugestivos de infección por tripanosomátidos en Quintana Roo, México

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 40 dogs with clinical signs suggestive of infection by Leishmania spp and Trypanosoma cruzi in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Blood, skin and bone marrow samples were taken. Indirect immunofluorescence (IFI) tests for detection of anti-Leishmania infantum and immunochromatic test for the detection of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in serum were performed. In addition, molecular analyses were performed using PCR to detect Leishmania spp in bone marrow and skin and T. cruzi in bone marrow. Histopathological analyses of the skin and cytology of the bone marrow were carried out in search of lesions and trypanosomatid agents. The results showed that 3 (7.5%) and 6 (15%) dogs with anti-L. infantum and T. cruzi antibodies were detected, respectively. Molecular analyses detected 17 dogs positive for infection by T. cruzi (42.5%) and none for infection by Leishmania spp. Dogs with low body condition showed greater seropositivity to T. cruzi using Fisher’s exact test (p&lt;0.05). Parasites of the genus Leishmania did not actively participate in the pathological processes of the animals; however, a high frequency of animals infected with T. cruzi was observed.Se realizó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 40 perros con signos clínicos sugestivos de infección por Leishmania spp y Trypanosoma cruzi en el municipio de Lázaro Cárdenas, Quintana Roo, México. Se tomaron muestras de sangre, piel y médula ósea. Se realizaron las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) para detección de anticuerpos anti-Leishmania infantum e inmunocromática para detección de anticuerpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi en suero. Además, se realizaron análisis moleculares, mediante PCR para la detección de Leishmania spp en médula ósea y piel y T. cruzi en médula ósea. Se realizaron análisis histopatológicos de piel y citológicos de médula ósea en busca de lesiones y agentes tripanosomátidos. Se detectaron 3 (7.5%) y 6 (15%) perros con anticuerpos anti-L. infantum y T. cruzi, respectivamente. En los análisis moleculares se detectaron 17 perros positivos a la infección por T. cruzi (42.5%) y ninguno a la infección por Leishmania spp. Los perros con baja condición corporal presentaron mayor seropositividad a T. cruzi mediante la prueba exacta de Fisher (p&lt;0.05). Los parásitos del género Leishmania no participaron activamente en los procesos patológicos de los animales estudiados; sin embargo, se observa una alta frecuencia de animales infectados por T. cruzi