1,237 research outputs found

    The voice of Edith Cowan: Australia\u27s first woman parliamentarian 1921-1924

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    On 12 March 1996 the Honourable Justice French, as Chancellor of Edith Cowan University, led a rededication ceremony of the Edith Cowan Clock Tower. This occasion, the seventy-fifth anniversary of Edith Cowan\u27s election to the Legislative Assembly, was immediately followed by a breakfast at the nearby Parliament of Western Australia. During the evening a touring exhibition of Edith Cowan\u27s life was launched titled A Tough Nut to Crack . Then five days later Professor Geoffrey Bolton spoke at St George\u27s Cathedral to celebrate a Life of Service by Edith Cowan. The Voice of Edith Cowan is another contribution to the anniversary. The publication focuses upon her role as a parliamentarian. What, too, was the content of her speeches? How did she conduct herself as a parliamentarian? What was her legislative contribution? What was her impact as a politician? In an introductory essay tentative answers have been formulated to these questions. Edith Cowan\u27s parliamentary speeches have been organised by firstly recording each of her annual Address-in-Reply Speeches. This has been followed by the two private member\u27s Bills (Administration Act Amendment Bill and Women\u27s Legal Status Bill) she piloted through the Legislative Assembly. Her participation in a range of legislative measures, in subject alphabetical order, then follow. The Parliamentary Questions which Edith Cowan directed to Minister\u27s are then presented before her Notices of Motion and Complimentary Remarks. In conclusion Edith Cowan\u27s observations in the annual budget estimates are recorded..

    Endothelial dysfunction and lung capillary injury in cardiovascular diseases

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    Cardiac dysfunction of both systolic and diastolic origins leads to increased left atrial pressure, lung capillary injury and increased resistance to gas transfer. Acutely, pressure-induced trauma disrupts the endothelial and alveolar anatomical configuration and definitively causes an impairment of cellular pathways involved in fluid-flux regulation and gas exchange efficiency, a process well identified as stress failure of the alveolar-capillary membrane. In chronic heart failure (HF), additional stimuli other than pressure may trigger the true remodeling process of capillaries and small arteries characterized by endothelial dysfunction, proliferation of myofibroblasts, fibrosis and extracellular matrix deposition. In parallel there is a loss of alveolar gas diffusion properties due to the increased path from air to blood (thickening of extracellular matrix) and loss of fine molecular mechanism involved in fluid reabsorption and clearance. Deleterious changes in gas transfer not only reflect the underlying lung tissue damage but also portend independent prognostic information and may play a role in the pathogenesis of exercise limitation and ventilatory abnormalities observed in these patients. Few currently approved treatments for chronic HF have the potential to positively affect structural remodeling of the lung capillary network; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are one of the few currently established options. Recently, more attention has been paid to novel therapies specifically targeting the nitric oxide pathway as a suitable target to improve endothelial function and permeability as well as alveolar gas exchange properties

    Psychosocial and physiologic correlates of perceived health among HIV-infected women

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    The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to perception of physical health in a cohort of HIV-infected women. A descriptive correlational design was used to identify factors influencing perceived physical health in a sample of 275 HIV-infected women in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Participants were predominantly single African-American women with household incomes of less than $10,000 per year. Using Spearman’s rho, statistically significant positive correlations (p \u3c .05) were found between perceived physical health and T helper cell count, hope, present life satisfaction, education, and income. Statistically significant positive correlations (p \u3c.05) were observed between perceived physical health and three HIV-specific active coping styles (managing the illness, focusing on others, and positive thinking). Inverse relationships were observed between perceived physical health and HIVrelated symptoms, stage of illness, depression, physical and sexual violence experienced since becoming HIV-infected, history of drug use since becoming HIV-infected, and age. Using backward stepwise selection, 9 of 14 variables were retained in the final model that explained 60% of the variance in physical health at the p \u3c .10 level of significance (R2 = .60). Variables that demonstrated a significant relationship with perceived physical health were HIV-related symptoms, depression, present life satisfaction, age, education, coping by managing the illness, coping through positive thinking, and coping by focusing on the present. These findings support the need to address the psychosocial as well as the physiologic factors associated with HIV/AIDS in developing comprehensive plans of nursing care

    Provenance history of detrital diamond deposits, West Coast of Namaqualand, South Africa

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    The West Coast of Namaqualand in South Africa hosts extensive detrital diamond deposits, but considerable debate exists as to the provenance of these diamonds. Some researchers have suggested derivation of the diamonds from Cretaceous-Jurassic kimberlites (also termed Group I kimberlites) and orangeites (also termed Group II kimberlites) located on the Kaapvaal Craton. However, others favour erosion of diamonds from the ca.300 Ma Dwyka Group sediments, with older, pre-Karoo kimberlites being the original source(s). Previous work has demonstrated that 40Ar/39Ar analyses of clinopyroxene inclusions, extracted from diamonds, yield ages approaching the time(s) of source kimberlite emplacement, which can be used to constrain the provenance of placer diamond deposits. In the current study, 40Ar/39Ar analyses were conducted on clinopyroxene inclusions from two similar batches of Namaqualand detrital diamonds, yielding (maximum) ages ranging from 117.5 ± 43.6 Ma to 3684 ± 191 Ma (2σ) and 120.6 ± 15.4 Ma to 688.8 ± 4.9 Ma (2σ), respectively. The vast majority of inclusions (88%) produced ages younger than 500 Ma, indicating that most Namaqualand diamonds originated from Cretaceous-Jurassic kimberlites/orangeites, with few, if any, derived from the Dwyka tillites. The provenance of the Namaqualand diamonds from ca.115–200 Ma orangeites is consistent with Late Cretaceous paleo-drainage reconstructions, as these localities could have been sampled by the ‘paleo-Karoo’ River and transported to the West Coast via an outlet close to the current Olifants River mouth. At ca.90 Ma, this drainage system appears to have been captured by the ‘paleo-Kalahari’ River, a precursor to the modern Orange River system. This latter drainage is considered to have transported diamonds eroded from both ca.80–90 Ma kimberlites and ca.115–200 Ma orangeites to the West Coast, which were subsequently reworked along the Namibian coast, forming additional placer deposits

    Effect of dietary carbohydrate to lipid ratio on performance of Nile tilapia and enhancement of natural food in pond aquaculture

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    This study tested the effect of two diets differing in carbohydrate to lipid (CHO:LIP) ratio (4.7 vs. 19.5 g/g) on the contribution of natural food and the total fish production in tilapia ponds. Eight ponds, each divided into three equally sized compartments, were assigned to one of the two diets, which differed in CHO:LIP ratio but had the same digestible protein to digestible energy (DP:DE) ratio (15.5 and 15.6 g/MJ). Ponds were fed equal amounts of crude protein. Three feeding levels (no, low and high) were nested in each pond in a split plot design. Average body weight of fish at stocking was 90 g, and the duration of the experiment was 42 days. Increasing the CHO:LIP ratio had no impact on tilapia production. However, the feeding level influenced both biomass gain, specific growth rate and survival. The apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) for fat and carbohydrate was influenced by dietary CHO:LIP ratio but ADC for energy was unaffected. Proximate analysis of fish body composition showed no effect of diet except for levels of ash. Diet had no effect on the organic matter composition of the faeces, and the contribution of natural food to fish nitrogen gain. Therefore, we postulate that changing the dietary non-protein energy source from lipid to carbohydrate does not have any impact on tilapia culture in semi-intensive ponds.</p

    Pulse-mode quantum projection synthesis: Effects of mode mismatch on optical state truncation and preparation

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    Quantum projection synthesis can be used for phase-probability-distribution measurement, optical-state truncation and preparation. The method relies on interfering optical lights, which is a major challenge in experiments performed by pulsed light sources. In the pulsed regime, the time frequency overlap of the interfering lights plays a crucial role on the efficiency of the method when they have different mode structures. In this paper, the pulsed mode projection synthesis is developed, the mode structure of interfering lights are characterized and the effect of this overlap (or mode match) on the fidelity of optical-state truncation and preparation is investigated. By introducing the positive-operator-valued measure (POVM) for the detection events in the scheme, the effect of mode mismatch between the photon-counting detectors and the incident lights are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Phase Coherence and Control of Stored Photonic Information

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    We report the demonstration of phase coherence and control for the recently developed "light storage" technique. Specifically, we use a pulsed magnetic field to vary the phase of atomic spin excitations which result from the deceleration and storing of a light pulse in warm Rb vapor. We then convert the spin excitations back into light and detect the resultant phase shift in an optical interferometric measurement. The coherent storage of photon states in matter is essential for the practical realization of many basic concepts in quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Mathematical and computational models of drug transport in tumours

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    The ability to predict how far a drug will penetrate into the tumour microenvironment within its pharmacokinetic (PK) lifespan would provide valuable information about therapeutic response. As the PK profile is directly related to the route and schedule of drug administration, an in silico tool that can predict the drug administration schedule that results in optimal drug delivery to tumours would streamline clinical trial design. This paper investigates the application of mathematical and computational modelling techniques to help improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying drug delivery, and compares the performance of a simple model with more complex approaches. Three models of drug transport are developed, all based on the same drug binding model and parametrized by bespoke in vitro experiments. Their predictions, compared for a ‘tumour cord’ geometry, are qualitatively and quantitatively similar. We assess the effect of varying the PK profile of the supplied drug, and the binding affinity of the drug to tumour cells, on the concentration of drug reaching cells and the accumulated exposure of cells to drug at arbitrary distances from a supplying blood vessel. This is a contribution towards developing a useful drug transport modelling tool for informing strategies for the treatment of tumour cells which are ‘pharmacokinetically resistant’ to chemotherapeutic strategies

    Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Geophysical Plastic Flows

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    We explore possible applications of the Lattice-Boltzmann Method for the simulation of geophysical flows. This fluid solver, while successful in other fields, is still rarely used for geotechnical applications. We show how the standard method can be modified to represent free-surface realization of mudflows, debris flows, and in general any plastic flow, through the implementation of a Bingham constitutive model. The chapter is completed by an example of a full-scale simulation of a plastic fluid flowing down an inclined channel and depositing on a flat surface. An application is given, where the fluid interacts with a vertical obstacle in the channel.Comment: in W. Wu, R.I. Borja (Edts.) Recent advances in modelling landslides and debris flow, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering (2014), ISBN 978-3-319-11052-3, pp. 131-14

    An e-VLBI image of SN1987A from Australian radio telescopes and the JIVE correlator

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    We present an image of the expanding shell of the remnant associated with supernova1987A at the highest resolution to date at radio wavelengths, 85 milliarcseconds, using the e-VLBI technique, from 2007 October. This is comparable to the angular resolution obtainedwith the Hubble Space Telescope and is approximately 3 times higher than has been possiblewith the Australia Telescope Compact Array or 5 times higher than with the Chandra X-rayObservatory. The e-VLBI data at 1.4 GHz show good agreement with the ATCA data at 9GHz, resolving the substructure in the equatorial brightness enhancements of the remnant(allowing for the fact that the e-VLBI observations are sensitive to structure on angular scales&lt;0.4?). We place a 3s upper limit on the time-averaged pulsar emission or a compact pulsarpowerednebula at this frequency of 1 mJy/beam. These observations were made usingtelescopes in Australia, with the data transferred in real-time to the European VLBI Networkcorrelator at the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, in The Netherlands, via high-speednetworks, as part of the EXPReS project, demonstrating the feasibility of a real-time global e-VLBI network at 512 Mbps per antenna
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