133 research outputs found

    Modeling co-operative volume signaling in a plexus of nitric oxide synthase-expressing neurons

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    In vertebrate and invertebrate brains, nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) is frequently expressed in extensive meshworks (plexuses) of exceedingly fine fibers. In this paper, we investigate the functional implications of this morphology by modeling NO diffusion in fiber systems of varying fineness and dispersal. Because size severely limits the signaling ability of an NO-producing fiber, the predominance of fine fibers seems paradoxical. Our modeling reveals, however, that cooperation between many fibers of low individual efficacy can generate an extensive and strong volume signal. Importantly, the signal produced by such a system of cooperating dispersed fibers is significantly more homogeneous in both space and time than that produced by fewer larger sources. Signals generated by plexuses of fine fibers are also better centered on the active region and less dependent on their particular branching morphology. We conclude that an ultrafine plexus is configured to target a volume of the brain with a homogeneous volume signal. Moreover, by translating only persistent regional activity into an effective NO volume signal, dispersed sources integrate neural activity over both space and time. In the mammalian cerebral cortex, for example, the NOS plexus would preferentially translate persistent regional increases in neural activity into a signal that targets blood vessels residing in the same region of the cortex, resulting in an increased regional blood flow. We propose that the fineness-dependent properties of volume signals may in part account for the presence of similar NOS plexus morphologies in distantly related animals

    Radiative Corrections to W and Quark Propagators in the Resonance Region

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    We discuss radiative corrections to W and quark propagators in the resonance region, |s-M^2| \lsim M*Gamma. We show that conventional mass renormalization, when applied to photonic or gluonic corrections, leads in next to leading order (NLO) to contributions proportional to [M*Gamma/(s-M^2)]^n, (n=1,2...), i.e. to a non-convergent series in the resonance region, a difficulty that affects all unstable particles coupled to massless quanta. A solution of this problem, based on the concepts of pole mass and width, is presented. It elucidates the issue of renormalization of amplitudes involving unstable particles and automatically circumvents the problem of apparent on-shell singularities. The roles of the Fried-Yennie gauge and the Pinch Technique prescription are discussed. Because of special properties of the photonic and gluonic contributions, and in contrast with the Z case, the gauge dependence of the conventional on-shell definition of mass is unbounded in NLO. The evaluations of the width in the conventional and pole formulations are compared and shown to agree in NLO but not beyond.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX (uses epsfig). Slight rewording of the abstract and one of the sentences of the text. Minor misprints corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Observations on the radiative corrections to pion beta-decay

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    We find that, in the local V-A theory, the radiative corrections to pion beta-decay involving the weak vector current, when evaluated in the current algebra (CA) formulation in which quarks are the fundamental underlying fields, show a small difference with the more elementary calculations based directly on the pion fields. We show that this difference arises from a specific short-distance effect that depends on the algebra satisfied by the weak and electromagnetic currents. On the other hand, we present a simple theoretical argument that concludes that this difference does not occur when the CA formulation is compared with the chiral perturbation theory (chiPT) approach. Comparisons with previous studies, and with a more recent calculation based on chiPT, are included. We also briefly review the important differences between the results in the local V-A theory and the Standard Model.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. V2: two paragraphs have been added in Section III. Final version on PR

    Using deep autoencoders to investigate image matching in visual navigation

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    This paper discusses the use of deep autoencoder networks to find a compressed representation of an image, which can be used for visual naviga-tion. Images reconstructed from the compressed representation are tested to see if they retain enough information to be used as a visual compass (in which an image is matched with another to recall a bearing/movement direction) as this ability is at the heart of a visual route navigation algorithm. We show that both reconstructed images and compressed representations from different layers of the autoencoder can be used in this way, suggesting that a compact image code is sufficient for visual navigation and that deep networks hold promise for find-ing optimal visual encodings for this task

    How do field of view and resolution affect the information content of panoramic scenes for visual navigation? A computational investigation

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    The visual systems of animals have to provide information to guide behaviour and the informational requirements of an animal’s behavioural repertoire are often reflected in its sensory system. For insects, this is often evident in the optical array of the compound eye. One behaviour that insects share with many animals is the use of learnt visual information for navigation. As ants are expert visual navigators it may be that their vision is optimised for navigation. Here we take a computational approach in asking how the details of the optical array influence the informational content of scenes used in simple view matching strategies for orientation. We find that robust orientation is best achieved with low-resolution visual information and a large field of view, similar to the optical properties seen for many ant species. A lower resolution allows for a trade-off between specificity and generalisation for stored views. Additionally, our simulations show that orientation performance increases if different portions of the visual field are considered as discrete visual sensors, each giving an independent directional estimate. This suggests that ants might benefit by processing information from their two eyes independently

    Head movements and the optic flow generated during the learning flights of bumblebees.

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordInsects inform themselves about the 3D structure of their surroundings through motion parallax. During flight, they often simplify this task by minimising rotational image movement. Coordinated head and body movements generate rapid shifts of gaze separated by periods of almost zero rotational movement, during which the distance of objects from the insect can be estimated through pure translational optic flow. This saccadic strategy is less appropriate for assessing the distance between objects. Bees and wasps face this problem when learning the position of their nest-hole relative to objects close to it. They acquire the necessary information during specialised flights performed on leaving the nest. Here, we show that the bumblebee's saccadic strategy differs from other reported cases. In the fixations between saccades, a bumblebee's head continues to turn slowly, generating rotational flow. At specific points in learning flights these imperfect fixations generate a form of 'pivoting parallax', which is centred on the nest and enhances the visibility of features near the nest. Bumblebees may thus utilize an alternative form of motion parallax to that delivered by the standard 'saccade and fixate' strategy in which residual rotational flow plays a role in assessing the distances of objects from a focal point of interest.Financial support came from the EPSRC, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and The Leverhulme Trust. O.R. was supported by the Overseas Researc

    Asymptotic properties of Born-improved amplitudes with gauge bosons in the final state

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    For processes with gauge bosons in the final state we show how to continuously connect with a single Born-improved amplitude the resonant region, where resummation effects are important, with the asymptotic region far away from the resonance, where the amplitude must reduce to its tree-level form. While doing so all known field-theoretical constraints are respected, most notably gauge-invariance, unitarity and the equivalence theorem. The calculations presented are based on the process ffˉ→ZZf\bar{f}\to ZZ, mediated by a possibly resonant Higgs boson; this process captures all the essential features, and can serve as a prototype for a variety of similar calculations. By virtue of massive cancellations the resulting closed expressions for the differential and total cross-sections are particularly compact.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, 4 Figures, uses axodra

    The heavy quark decomposition of the S-matrix and its relation to the pinch technique

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    We propose a decomposition of the S-matrix into individually gauge invariant sub-amplitudes, which are kinematically akin to propagators, vertices, boxes, etc. This decompsition is obtained by considering limits of the S-matrix when some or all of the external particles have masses larger than any other physical scale. We show at the one-loop level that the effective gluon self-energy so defined is physically equivalent to the corresponding gauge independent self-energy obtained in the framework of the pinch technique. The generalization of this procedure to arbitrary gluonic nn-point functions is briefly discussed.Comment: 11 uuencoded pages, NYU-TH-94/10/0

    How bumblebees coordinate path integration and body orientation at the start of their first learning flight (article)

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available on open access from the Company of Biologists via the DOI in this recordThe dataset associated with this article is available in ORE at https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.4606The start of a bumblebee's first learning flight from its nest provides an opportunity to examine the bee's learning behaviour during its initial view of the nest's unfamiliar surroundings. Bumblebees like many other bees, wasps and ants learn views of their nest surroundings while they face their nest. We find that a bumblebee's first fixation of the nest is a coordinated manoeuvre in which the insect faces the nest with its body oriented towards a particular visual feature within its surroundings. This conjunction of nest-fixation and body-orientation is preceded and reached by means of a translational scan during which the bee flies perpendicularly to its preferred body orientation. The significance of the coordinated manoeuvre is apparent during return flights after foraging. Bees then adopt a similar preferred body-orientation when they are close to the nest. How does a bee, unacquainted with its surroundings, know when it is facing its nest? A likely answer is path integration which gives bees continuously updated information about the current direction of their nest. Path integration also enables bees to fixate the nest when the body points in the appropriate direction. The three components of this coordinated manoeuvre are discussed in relation to current understanding of the central complex in the insect brain, noting that nest fixation is egocentric, whereas adopting a preferred body orientation and flight direction within the visual surroundings of the nest are geocentric.Leverhulme TrustEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC
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