694 research outputs found

    Effect of the cation structure on the properties of homobaric imidazolium ionic liquids

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    In this work we investigate the structure–property relationships in a series of alkylimidazolium ionic liquids with almost identical molecular weight. Using a combination of theoretical calculations and experimental measurements, we have shown that re-arranging the alkyl side chain or adding functional groups results in quite distinct features in the resultant ILs. The synthesised ILs, although structurally very similar, cover a wide spectrum of properties ranging from highly fluid, glass forming liquids to high melting point crystalline salts. Theoretical ab initio calculations provide insight on minimum energy orientations for the cations, which then are compared to experimental X-ray crystallography measurements to extract information on hydrogen bonding and to verify our understanding of the studied structures. Molecular dynamics simulations of the simplest (core) ionic liquids are used in order to help us interpret our experimental results and understand better why methylation of C2 position of the imidazolium ring results in ILs with such different properties compared to their non-methylated analogues

    Vegetarianismo y trastornos alimentarios en adolescentes de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Objective: To evaluate eating disorders risk behaviors and unhealthy weight control practices among adolescents who consider themselves as vegetarians and those who are omnivorous.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 12 technical schools in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The sample included 1167 adolescents (51% female), aged 14 to 19 (mean age, 16). Adolescents stated whether they  were currently vegetarian, and the sample was dichotomized as vegetarian and non-vegetarian. The two groups were compared as regards weight status, eating disorder risk behavior, unhealthy weight control methods and the perception of healthy eating.Results: About 4% of the sample was currently vegetarian, most of them female (70.8%), and females were 2.89 times more likely to be vegetarian than males. No relationship was found between the vegetarian status and unhealthy weight control behavior; however the vegetarian group considered their diet to be healthier than the non-vegetarian group (P=.04).Conclusions: The frequency of vegetarianism, as well the frequency of eating disorder risk behaviors had no association in this adolescent sample from São Paulo, Brazil.Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de trastornos alimentarios y conductas no saludables de control del peso entre adolescentes que afirman ser vegetarianos y los que afirman ser omnívoros.Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en 12 escuelas técnicas de la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil. La muestra incluyó a 1.167 adolescentes (el 51% mujeres) entre 14 y 19 años de edad (media, 16). Los adolescentes declaraban si eran vegetarianos en aquel momento, por lo que la muestra se dividió en vegetarianos y no vegetarianos. Se compararon los dos grupos en cuanto a peso, trastornos alimentarios, métodos no saludables de control del peso y la percepción de alimentación saludable.Resultados: Cerca del 4% de la muestra declaró ser vegetariana, la mayoría eran mujeres (70,8%) y para las mujeres ser vegetarianas era 2,89 veces más probable que para los varones. No se encontró asociación entre ser vegetariano y los comportamientos no saludables de control del peso. Sin embargo, el grupo de vegetarianos considera que su alimentación es más saludable que la del grupo de no vegetarianos (p = 0,04).Conclusiones: La frecuencia del vegetarianismo y la frecuencia de trastornos alimentarios fueron menores en esta muestra de adolescentes de São Paulo, Brasil

    Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Cortical Networks in Psychopathy

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    Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by callous antisocial behavior and criminal recidivism. Here we examine whether psychopathy is associated with alterations in functional connectivity in three large-scale cortical networks. Using fMRI in 142 adult male prison inmates, we computed resting-state functional connectivity using seeds from the default mode network, frontoparietal network, and cingulo-opercular network. To determine the specificity of our findings to these cortical networks, we also calculated functional connectivity using seeds from two comparison primary sensory networks: visual and auditory networks. Regression analyses related network connectivity to overall psychopathy scores and to subscores for the “factors” and “facets” of psychopathy: Factor 1, interpersonal/affective traits; Factor 2, lifestyle/antisocial traits; Facet 1, interpersonal; Facet 2, affective; Facet 3, lifestyle; Facet 4, antisocial. Overall psychopathy severity was associated with reduced functional connectivity between lateral parietal cortex and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. The two factor scores exhibited contrasting relationships with functional connectivity: Factor 1 scores were associated with reduced functional connectivity in the three cortical networks, whereas Factor 2 scores were associated with heightened connectivity in the same networks. This dissociation was evident particularly in the functional connectivity between anterior insula and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. The facet scores also demonstrated distinct patterns of connectivity. We found no associations between psychopathy scores and functional connectivity within visual or auditory networks. These findings provide novel evidence on the neural correlates of psychopathy and suggest that connectivity between cortical association hubs, such as the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, may be a neurobiological marker of the disorder

    An XML transfer schema for exchange of genomic and genetic mapping data: implementation as a web service in a Taverna workflow

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomic analysis, particularly for less well-characterized organisms, is greatly assisted by performing comparative analyses between different types of genome maps and across species boundaries. Various providers publish a plethora of on-line resources collating genome mapping data from a multitude of species. Datasources range in scale and scope from small bespoke resources for particular organisms, through larger web-resources containing data from multiple species, to large-scale bioinformatics resources providing access to data derived from genome projects for model and non-model organisms. The heterogeneity of information held in these resources reflects both the technologies used to generate the data and the target users of each resource. Currently there is no common information exchange standard or protocol to enable access and integration of these disparate resources. Consequently data integration and comparison must be performed in an <it>ad hoc </it>manner.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a simple generic XML schema (GenomicMappingData.xsd – GMD) to allow export and exchange of mapping data in a common lightweight XML document format. This schema represents the various types of data objects commonly described across mapping datasources and provides a mechanism for recording relationships between data objects. The schema is sufficiently generic to allow representation of any map type (for example genetic linkage maps, radiation hybrid maps, sequence maps and physical maps). It also provides mechanisms for recording data provenance and for cross referencing external datasources (including for example ENSEMBL, PubMed and Genbank.). The schema is extensible via the inclusion of additional datatypes, which can be achieved by importing further schemas, e.g. a schema defining relationship types. We have built demonstration web services that export data from our ArkDB database according to the GMD schema, facilitating the integration of data retrieval into Taverna workflows.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data exchange standard we present here provides a useful generic format for transfer and integration of genomic and genetic mapping data. The extensibility of our schema allows for inclusion of additional data and provides a mechanism for typing mapping objects via third party standards. Web services retrieving GMD-compliant mapping data demonstrate that use of this exchange standard provides a practical mechanism for achieving data integration, by facilitating syntactically and semantically-controlled access to the data.</p

    Graph-based analysis and visualization of experimental results with ONDEX

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    Motivation: Assembling the relevant information needed to interpret the output from high-throughput, genome scale, experiments such as gene expression microarrays is challenging. Analysis reveals genes that show statistically significant changes in expression levels, but more information is needed to determine their biological relevance. The challenge is to bring these genes together with biological information distributed across hundreds of databases or buried in the scientific literature (millions of articles). Software tools are needed to automate this task which at present is labor-intensive and requires considerable informatics and biological expertise. Results: This article describes ONDEX and how it can be applied to the task of interpreting gene expression results. ONDEX is a database system that combines the features of semantic database integration and text mining with methods for graph-based analysis. An overview of the ONDEX system is presented, concentrating on recently developed features for graph-based analysis and visualization. A case study is used to show how ONDEX can help to identify causal relationships between stress response genes and metabolic pathways from gene expression data. ONDEX also discovered functional annotations for most of the genes that emerged as significant in the microarray experiment, but were previously of unknown function

    Purple sulfur bacteria fix N-2 via molybdenum-nitrogenase in a low molybdenum Proterozoic ocean analogue

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    Biological N-2 fixation was key to the expansion of life on early Earth. The N-2-fixing microorganisms and the nitrogenase type used in the Proterozoic are unknown, although it has been proposed that the canonical molybdenum-nitrogenase was not used due to low molybdenum availability. We investigate N-2 fixation in Lake Cadagno, an analogue system to the sulfidic Proterozoic continental margins, using a combination of biogeochemical, molecular and single cell techniques. In Lake Cadagno, purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are responsible for high N-2 fixation rates, to our knowledge providing the first direct evidence for PSB in situ N-2 fixation. Surprisingly, no alternative nitrogenases are detectable, and N-2 fixation is exclusively catalyzed by molybdenum-nitrogenase. Our results show that molybdenum-nitrogenase is functional at low molybdenum conditions in situ and that in contrast to previous beliefs, PSB may have driven N-2 fixation in the Proterozoic ocean. N-2 fixation was key to the expansion of life on Earth, but which organisms fixed N-2 and if Mo-nitrogenase was functional in the low Mo early ocean is unknown. Here, the authors show that purple sulfur bacteria fix N-2 using Mo-nitrogenase in a Proterozoic ocean analogue, despite low Mo conditions

    Hidden biosphere in an oxygen-deficient Atlantic open ocean eddy: future implications of ocean deoxygenation on primary production in the eastern tropical North Atlantic

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    The eastern tropical North Atlantic (ETNA) is characterized by a highly productive coastal upwelling system and a moderate oxygen minimum zone with lowest open ocean oxygen (O2) concentrations of around 40 μmol kg−1. Only recently, the discovery of re-occurring mesoscale eddies with sometimes close to anoxic O2 concentrations (<1 μmol kg−1) and located just below the mixed layer challenged our understanding of O2 distribution and biogeochemical processes in this area. Here, we present the first metagenomic dataset from a deoxygenated anticyclonic modewater eddy in the open waters of the ETNA. In the eddy, we observed a significantly lower bacterial diversity compared to surrounding waters, along with a significant community shift. We detected enhanced primary productivity in the surface layer of the eddy indicated by elevated chlorophyll concentrations and increased carbon uptake rates up to three times as high as in surrounding waters. Carbon uptake below the euphotic zone correlated to the presence of a specific high-light ecotype of Prochlorococcus, which is usually underrepresented in the ETNA. Our combined data indicate that high primary production in the eddy fuels export production and the presence of a specific microbial community responsible for enhanced respiration at shallow depths, below the mixed layer base. Progressively decreasing O2 concentrations in the eddy were found to promote transcription of the key gene for denitrification, nirS, in the O2-depleted core waters. This process is usually absent from the open ETNA waters. In the light of future ocean deoxygenation our results show exemplarily that even distinct events of anoxia have the potential to alter microbial community structures and with that critically impact primary productivity and biogeochemical processes of oceanic water bodies