117 research outputs found

    Схеми скорочення необхідного об'єму вимірювань у методі контролю стаціонарної підйомної установки

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    Предлагается последовательная процедура принятия решения относительно вектора характеристик контролируемой стационарной подъемной установки, которая является некоторым обобщением процедуры Вальда и позволяет получить выигрыш в среднем объеме испытаний, аналогичный обычному «вальдовскому» выигрышу для случая двух гипотез. Предлагаемая последовательная процедура позволяет учитывать дополнительную информацию и за счет этого получить добавочный выигрыш в объеме контроля стационарной подъемной установки.Offers a consistent decision-making procedure for the vector characteristics of the controlled stationary hoist, which is a generalization of Wald's procedure and provides a gain in the average volume of tests, similar to the usual "of Wald's" winning the case of two hypotheses. The proposed sequential procedure takes into account the additional information and thereby obtain additional gains in the amount of control a stationary hoist

    Using Intratumor Heterogeneity of Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers to Classify Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Tumors Based on Histologic Features

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    Haralick texture features are used to quantify the spatial distribution of signal intensities within an image. In this study, the heterogeneity of proliferation (Ki-67 expression) and immune cells (CD45 expression) within tumors was quantified and used to classify histologic characteristics of larynx and hypopharynx carcinomas. Of 21 laryngectomy specimens, 74 whole-mount tumor slides were scored on histologic characteristics. Ki-67 and CD45 immunohistochemistry was performed, and all sections were digitized. The tumor area was annotated in QuPath. Haralick features independent of the diaminobenzidine intensity were extracted from the isolated diaminobenzidine signal to quantify intratumor heterogeneity. Haralick features from both Ki-67 and CD45 were used as input for a principal component analysis. A linear support vector machine was fitted to the first 4 principal components for classification and validated with a leave-one-patient-out cross-validation method. Significant differences in individual Haralick features were found between cohesive and noncohesive tumors for CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.009, and entropy: P =.02) and between the larynx and hypopharynx tumors for both CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.007, and entropy: P =.005) and Ki-67 (correlation: P =.003). Therefore, these features were used for classification. The linear classifier resulted in a classification accuracy of 85% for site of origin and 81% for growth pattern. A leave-one-patient-out cross-validation resulted in an error rate of 0.27 and 0.35 for both classifiers, respectively. In conclusion, we show a method to quantify intratumor heterogeneity of immunohistochemistry biomarkers using Haralick features. This study also shows the feasibility of using these features to classify tumors by histologic characteristics. The classifiers created in this study are a proof of concept because more data are needed to create robust classifiers, but the method shows potential for automated tumor classification.</p

    Using Intratumor Heterogeneity of Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers to Classify Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Tumors Based on Histologic Features

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    Haralick texture features are used to quantify the spatial distribution of signal intensities within an image. In this study, the heterogeneity of proliferation (Ki-67 expression) and immune cells (CD45 expression) within tumors was quantified and used to classify histologic characteristics of larynx and hypopharynx carcinomas. Of 21 laryngectomy specimens, 74 whole-mount tumor slides were scored on histologic characteristics. Ki-67 and CD45 immunohistochemistry was performed, and all sections were digitized. The tumor area was annotated in QuPath. Haralick features independent of the diaminobenzidine intensity were extracted from the isolated diaminobenzidine signal to quantify intratumor heterogeneity. Haralick features from both Ki-67 and CD45 were used as input for a principal component analysis. A linear support vector machine was fitted to the first 4 principal components for classification and validated with a leave-one-patient-out cross-validation method. Significant differences in individual Haralick features were found between cohesive and noncohesive tumors for CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.009, and entropy: P =.02) and between the larynx and hypopharynx tumors for both CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.007, and entropy: P =.005) and Ki-67 (correlation: P =.003). Therefore, these features were used for classification. The linear classifier resulted in a classification accuracy of 85% for site of origin and 81% for growth pattern. A leave-one-patient-out cross-validation resulted in an error rate of 0.27 and 0.35 for both classifiers, respectively. In conclusion, we show a method to quantify intratumor heterogeneity of immunohistochemistry biomarkers using Haralick features. This study also shows the feasibility of using these features to classify tumors by histologic characteristics. The classifiers created in this study are a proof of concept because more data are needed to create robust classifiers, but the method shows potential for automated tumor classification

    Multi-modal volumetric concept activation to explain detection and classification of metastatic prostate cancer on PSMA-PET/CT

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    Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is increasingly used to analyze the behavior of neural networks. Concept activation uses human-interpretable concepts to explain neural network behavior. This study aimed at assessing the feasibility of regression concept activation to explain detection and classification of multi-modal volumetric data. Proof-of-concept was demonstrated in metastatic prostate cancer patients imaged with positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). Multi-modal volumetric concept activation was used to provide global and local explanations. Sensitivity was 80% at 1.78 false positive per patient. Global explanations showed that detection focused on CT for anatomical location and on PET for its confidence in the detection. Local explanations showed promise to aid in distinguishing true positives from false positives. Hence, this study demonstrated feasibility to explain detection and classification of multi-modal volumetric data using regression concept activation.Comment: Accepted as: Kraaijveld, R.C.J., Philippens, M.E.P., Eppinga, W.S.C., J\"urgenliemk-Schulz, I.M., Gilhuijs, K.G.A., Kroon, P.S., van der Velden, B.H.M. "Multi-modal volumetric concept activation to explain detection and classification of metastatic prostate cancer on PSMA-PET/CT." MICCAI workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing (iMIMIC), 202

    Brain and Head-and-Neck MRI in Immobilization Mask: A Practical Solution for MR-Only Radiotherapy

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    In brain/head-and-neck radiotherapy (RT), thermoplastic immobilization masks guarantee reproducible patient positioning in treatment position between MRI, CT, and irradiation. Since immobilization masks do not fit in the diagnostic MR head/head-and-neck coils, flexible surface coils are used for MRI imaging in clinical practice. These coils are placed around the head/neck, in contact with the immobilization masks. However, the positioning of these flexible coils is technician dependent, thus leading to poor image reproducibility. Additionally, flexible surface coils have an inferior signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) compared to diagnostic coils. The aim of this work was to create a new immobilization setup which fits into the diagnostic MR coils in order to enhance MR image quality and reproducibility. For this purpose, a practical immobilization setup was constructed. The performances of the standard clinical and the proposed setups were compared with four tests: SNR, image quality, motion restriction, and reproducibility of inter-fraction subject positioning. The new immobilization setup resulted in 3.4 times higher SNR values on average than the standard setup, except directly below the flexible surface coils where similar SNR was observed. Overall, the image quality was superior for brain/head-and-neck images acquired with the proposed RT setup. Comparable motion restriction in feet-head/left-right directions (maximum motion ≈1 mm) and comparable inter-fraction repositioning accuracy (mean inter-fraction movement 1 ± 0.5 mm) were observed for the standard and the new setup

    The impact of etiology in lesion-symptom mapping - A direct comparison between tumor and stroke

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    INTRODUCTION: Lesion-symptom mapping is a key tool in understanding the relationship between brain structures and behavior. However, the behavioral consequences of lesions from different etiologies may vary because of how they affect brain tissue and how they are distributed. The inclusion of different etiologies would increase the statistical power but has been critically debated. Meanwhile, findings from lesion studies are a valuable resource for clinicians and used across different etiologies. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to directly compare lesion-symptom maps for memory and language functions from two populations, a tumor versus a stroke population. METHODS: Data from two different studies were combined. Both the brain tumor (N = 196) and stroke (N = 147) patient populations underwent neuropsychological testing and an MRI, pre-operatively for the tumor population and within three months after stroke. For this study, we selected two internationally widely used standardized cognitive tasks, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and the Verbal Fluency Test. We used a state-of-the-art machine learning-based, multivariate voxel-wise approach to produce lesion-symptom maps for these cognitive tasks for both populations separately and combined. RESULTS: Our lesion-symptom mapping results for the separate patient populations largely followed the expected neuroanatomical pattern based on previous literature. Substantial differences in lesion distribution hindered direct comparison. Still, in brain areas with adequate coverage in both groups, considerable LSM differences between the two populations were present for both memory and fluency tasks. Post-hoc analyses of these locations confirmed that the cognitive consequences of focal brain damage varied between etiologies. CONCLUSION: The differences in the lesion-symptom maps between the stroke and tumor population could partly be explained by differences in lesion volume and topography. Despite these methodological limitations, both the lesion-symptom mapping results and the post-hoc analyses confirmed that etiology matters when investigating the cognitive consequences of lesions with lesion-symptom mapping. Therefore, caution is advised with generalizing lesion-symptom results across etiologies

    MR-guidance in clinical reality: current treatment challenges and future perspectives

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    Magnetic Resonance-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) marks the beginning of a new era. MR is a versatile and suitable imaging modality for radiotherapy, as it enables direct visualization of the tumor and the surrounding organs at risk. Moreover, MRgRT provides real-time imaging to characterize and eventually track anatomical motion. Nevertheless, the successful translation of new technologies into clinical practice remains challenging. To date, the initial availability of next-generation hybrid MR-linac (MRL) systems is still limited and therefore, the focus of the present preview was on the initial applicability in current clinical practice and on future perspectives of this new technology for different treatment sites. MRgRT can be considered a groundbreaking new technology that is capable of creating new perspectives towards an individualized, patient-oriented planning and treatment approach, especially due to the ability to use daily online adaptation strategies. Furthermore, MRL systems overcome the limitations of conventional image-guided radiotherapy, especially in soft tissue, where target and organs at risk need accurate definition. Nevertheless, some concerns remain regarding the additional time needed to re-optimize dose distributions online, the reliability of the gating and tracking procedures and the interpretation of functional MR imaging markers and their potential changes during the course of treatment. Due to its continuous technological improvement and rapid clinical large-scale application in several anatomical settings, further studies may confirm the potential disruptive role of MRgRT in the evolving oncological environment

    Geometrical imaging accuracy, image quality and plan quality for prostate cancer treatments on a 1.5 T MRLinac in patients with a unilateral hip implant

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    Purpose. To assess the feasibility of prostate cancer radiotherapy for patients with a hip implant on an 1.5 T MRI-Linac (MRL) in terms of geometrical image accuracy, image quality, and plan quality. Methods. Pretreatment MRI images on a 1.5 T MRL and 3 T MRI consisting of a T2-weighted 3D delineation scan and main magnetic field homogeneity (B 0) scan were performed in six patients with a unilateral hip implant. System specific geometrical errors due to gradient nonlinearity were determined for the MRL. Within the prostate and skin contour, B 0 inhomogeneity, gradient nonlinearity error and the total geometrical error (vector summation of the prior two) was determined. Image quality was determined by visually scoring the extent of implant-born image artifacts. A treatment planning study was performed on five patients to quantify the impact of the implant on plan quality, in which conventional MRL IMRT plans were created, as well as plans which avoid radiation through the left or right femur. Results. The total maximum geometrical error in the prostate was <1 mm and the skin contour <1.7 mm; in all cases the machine-specific gradient error was most dominant. The B 0 error for the MRlinac MRI could partly be predicted based on the pre-treatment 3 T scan. Image quality for all patients was sufficient at 1.5 T MRL. Plan comparison showed that, even with avoidance of the hips, in all cases sufficient target coverage could be obtained with similar D1cc and D5cc to rectum and bladder, while V28Gy was slightly poorer in only the rectum for femur avoidance. Conclusion. We showed that geometrical accuracy, image quality and plan quality for six prostate patients with a hip implant or hip fixation treated on a 1.5 T MRL did not show relevant deterioration for the used image settings, which allowed safe treatment

    Improved delineation with diffusion weighted imaging for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumors validated with pathology

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the added value of a geometrically accurate diffusion-weighted (DW-) MRI sequence on the accuracy of gross tumor volume (GTV) delineations, using pathological tumor delineations as a ground truth. METHODS: Sixteen patients with laryngeal or hypopharyngeal carcinoma were included. After total laryngectomy, the specimen was cut into slices. Photographs of these slices were stacked to create a 3D digital specimen reconstruction, which was registered to the in vivo imaging. The pathological tumor (tumor HE) was delineated on the specimen reconstruction. Six observers delineated all tumors twice: once with only anatomical MR imaging, and once (a few weeks later) when DW sequences were also provided. The majority voting delineation of session one (GTV MRI) and session two (GTV DW-MRI), as well as the clinical target volumes (CTVs), were compared to the tumor HE. RESULTS: The mean tumor HE volume was 11.1 cm 3, compared to a mean GTV MRI volume of 18.5 cm 3 and a mean GTV DW-MRI volume of 15.7 cm 3. The median sensitivity (tumor coverage) was comparable between sessions: 0.93 (range: 0.61-0.99) for the GTV MRI and 0.91 (range: 0.53-1.00) for the GTV DW-MRI. The CTV volume also decreased when DWI was available, with a mean CTV MR of 47.1 cm 3 and a mean CTV DW-MRI of 41.4 cm 3. Complete tumor coverage was achieved in 15 and 14 tumors, respectively. CONCLUSION: GTV delineations based on anatomical MR imaging tend to overestimate the tumor volume. The availability of the geometrically accurate DW sequence reduces the GTV overestimation and thereby CTV volumes, while maintaining acceptable tumor coverage