45 research outputs found

    Real-Time Fluorescence Measurements of ROS and [Ca<sup>2+</sup>] in Ischemic / Reperfused Rat Hearts:Detectable Increases Occur only after Mitochondrial Pore Opening and Are Attenuated by Ischemic Preconditioning

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    Mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening is critical for ischemia / reperfusion (I/R) injury and is associated with increased [Ca2+] and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here we employ surface fluorescence to establish the temporal sequence of these events in beating perfused hearts subject to global I/R. A bespoke fluorimeter was used to synchronously monitor surface fluorescence and reflectance of Langendorff-perfused rat hearts at multiple wavelengths, with simultaneous measurements of hemodynamic function. Potential interference by motion artefacts and internal filtering was assessed and minimised. Re-oxidation of NAD(P)H and flavoproteins on reperfusion (detected using autofluorescence) was rapid (t0.5 < 15 s) and significantly slower following ischemic preconditioning (IP). This argues against superoxide production from reduced Complex 1 being a critical mediator of initial mPTP opening during early reperfusion. Furthermore, MitoPY1 (a mitochondria-targeted H2O2-sensitive fluorescent probe) and aconitase activity measurements failed to detect matrix ROS increases during early reperfusion. However, two different fluorescent cytosolic ROS probes did detect ROS increases after 2-3 min of reperfusion, which was shown to be after initiation of mPTP opening. Cyclosporin A (CsA) and IP attenuated these responses and reduced infarct size. [Ca2+]i (monitored with Indo-1) increased progressively during ischemia, but dropped rapidly within 90 s of reperfusion when total mitochondrial [Ca2+] was shown to be increased. These early changes in [Ca2+] were not attenuated by IP, but substantial [Ca2+] increases were observed after 2-3 min reperfusion and these were prevented by both IP and CsA. Our data suggest that the major increases in ROS and [Ca2+] detected later in reperfusion are secondary to mPTP opening. If earlier IP-sensitive changes occur that might trigger initial mPTP opening they are below our limit of detection. Rather, we suggest that IP may inhibit initial mPTP opening by alternative mechanisms such as prevention of hexokinase 2 dissociation from mitochondria during ischemia

    The role of oxidized cytochrome c in regulating mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production and its perturbation in ischaemia

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    Oxidized cytochrome c is a powerful superoxide scavenger within the mitochondrial IMS (intermembrane space), but the importance of this role in situ has not been well explored. In the present study, we investigated this with particular emphasis on whether loss of cytochrome c from mitochondria during heart ischaemia may mediate the increased production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) during subsequent reperfusion that induces mPTP (mitochondrial permeability transition pore) opening. Mitochondrial cytochrome c depletion was induced in vitro with digitonin or by 30 min ischaemia of the perfused rat heart. Control and cytochrome c-deficient mitochondria were incubated with mixed respiratory substrates and an ADP-regenerating system (State 3.5) to mimic physiological conditions. This contrasts with most published studies performed with a single substrate and without significant ATP turnover. Cytochrome c-deficient mitochondria produced more H2O2 than control mitochondria, and exogenous cytochrome c addition reversed this increase. In the presence of increasing [KCN] rates of H2O2 production by both pre-ischaemic and end-ischaemic mitochondria correlated with the oxidized cytochrome c content, but not with rates of respiration or NAD(P)H autofluorescence. Cytochrome c loss during ischaemia was not mediated by mPTP opening (cyclosporine-A insensitive), neither was it associated with changes in mitochondrial Bax, Bad, Bak or Bid. However, bound HK2 (hexokinase 2) and Bcl-xL were decreased in end-ischaemic mitochondria. We conclude that cytochrome c loss during ischaemia, caused by outer membrane permeabilization, is a major determinant of H2O2 production by mitochondria under pathophysiological conditions. We further suggest that in hypoxia, production of H2O2 to activate signalling pathways may be also mediated by decreased oxidized cytochrome c and less superoxide scavenging

    Hearts from Mice Fed a Non-Obesogenic High-Fat Diet Exhibit Changes in Their Oxidative State, Calcium and Mitochondria in Parallel with Increased Susceptibility to Reperfusion Injury

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    High-fat diet with obesity-associated co-morbidities triggers cardiac remodeling and renders the heart more vulnerable to ischemia/reperfusion injury. However, the effect of high-fat diet without obesity and associated co-morbidities is presently unknown.To characterize a non-obese mouse model of high-fat diet, assess the vulnerability of hearts to reperfusion injury and to investigate cardiac cellular remodeling in relation to the mechanism(s) underlying reperfusion injury.Feeding C57BL/6J male mice high-fat diet for 20 weeks did not induce obesity, diabetes, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac dysfunction, atherosclerosis or cardiac apoptosis. However, isolated perfused hearts from mice fed high-fat diet were more vulnerable to reperfusion injury than those from mice fed normal diet. In isolated cardiomyocytes, high-fat diet was associated with higher diastolic intracellular Ca2+ concentration and greater damage to isolated cardiomyocytes following simulated ischemia/reperfusion. High-fat diet was also associated with changes in mitochondrial morphology and expression of some related proteins but not mitochondrial respiration or reactive oxygen species turnover rates. Proteomics, western blot and high-performance liquid chromatography techniques revealed that high-fat diet led to less cardiac oxidative stress, higher catalase expression and significant changes in expression of putative components of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). Inhibition of the mPTP conferred relatively more cardio-protection in the high-fat fed mice compared to normal diet.This study shows for the first time that high-fat diet, independent of obesity-induced co-morbidities, triggers changes in cardiac oxidative state, calcium handling and mitochondria which are likely to be responsible for increased vulnerability to cardiac insults

    An old medicine as a new drug to prevent mitochondrial complex I from producing oxygen radicals.

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    FindingsHere, we demonstrate that OP2113 (5-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione, CAS 532-11-6), synthesized and used as a drug since 1696, does not act as an unspecific antioxidant molecule (i.e., as a radical scavenger) but unexpectedly decreases mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS/H2O2) production by acting as a specific inhibitor of ROS production at the IQ site of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Studies performed on isolated rat heart mitochondria also showed that OP2113 does not affect oxidative phosphorylation driven by complex I or complex II substrates. We assessed the effect of OP2113 on an infarct model of ex vivo rat heart in which mitochondrial ROS production is highly involved and showed that OP2113 protects heart tissue as well as the recovery of heart contractile activity.Conclusion / significanceThis work represents the first demonstration of a drug authorized for use in humans that can prevent mitochondria from producing ROS/H2O2. OP2113 therefore appears to be a member of the new class of mitochondrial ROS blockers (S1QELs) and could protect mitochondrial function in numerous diseases in which ROS-induced mitochondrial dysfunction occurs. These applications include but are not limited to aging, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, cardiac atrial fibrillation, and ischemia-reperfusion injury

    The role of Hexokinase in cardioprotection - mechanism and potential for translation

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    Mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening plays a critical role in cardiac reperfusion injury and its prevention is cardioprotective. Tumour cell mitochondria usually have high levels of hexokinase isoform 2 (HK2) bound to their outer mitochondrial membranes (OMM) and HK2 binding to heart mitochondria has also been implicated in resistance to reperfusion injury. HK2 dissociates from heart mitochondria during ischaemia, and the extent of this correlates with the infarct size on reperfusion. Here we review the mechanisms and regulations of HK2 binding to mitochondria and how this inhibits mPTP opening and consequent reperfusion injury. Major determinants of HK2 dissociation are the elevated glucose‐6‐phosphate concentrations and decreased pH in ischaemia. These are modulated by the myriad of signalling pathways implicated in preconditioning protocols as a result of a decrease in pre‐ischaemic glycogen content. Loss of mitochondrial HK2 during ischaemia is associated with permeabilization of the OMM to cytochrome c, which leads to greater reactive oxygen species production and mPTP opening during reperfusion. Potential interactions between HK2 and OMM proteins associated with mitochondrial fission (e.g. Drp1) and apoptosis (B‐cell lymphoma 2 family members) in these processes are examined. Also considered is the role of HK2 binding in stabilizing contact sites between the OMM and the inner membrane. Breakage of these during ischaemia is proposed to facilitate cytochrome c loss during ischaemia while increasing mPTP opening and compromising cellular bioenergetics during reperfusion. We end by highlighting the many unanswered questions and discussing the potential of modulating mitochondrial HK2 binding as a pharmacological target. LINKED ARTICLES: This article is part of a themed section on Conditioning the Heart – Pathways to Translation. To view the other articles in this section visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bph.2015.172.issue‐

    Extent of Mitochondrial Hexokinase II Dissociation During Ischemia Correlates With Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Release, Reactive Oxygen Species Production, and Infarct Size on Reperfusion

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanisms by which ischemic preconditioning (IP) inhibits mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening and, hence, ischemia–reperfusion injury remain unclear. Here we investigate whether and how mitochondria‐bound hexokinase 2 (mtHK2) may exert part of the cardioprotective effects of IP. METHODS AND RESULTS: Control and IP Langendorff‐perfused rat hearts were subject to ischemia and reperfusion with measurement of hemodynamic function and infarct size. Outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) permeabilization after ischemia was determined by measuring rates of respiration and H(2)O(2) production in the presence and absence of added cytochrome c in isolated mitochondria and permeabilized fibers. IP prevented OMM permeabilization during ischemia and reduced the loss of mtHK2, but not Bcl‐x(L), observed in control ischemic hearts. By contrast, treatment of permeabilized fibers with glucose‐6‐phosphate at pH 6.3 induced mtHK2 loss without OMM permeabilization. However, metabolic pretreatments of the perfused heart chosen to modulate glucose‐6‐phosphate and intracellular pH(i) revealed a strong inverse correlation between end‐ischemic mtHK2 content and infarct size after reperfusion. Loss of mtHK2 was also associated with reduced rates of creatine phosphate generation during the early phase of reperfusion. This could be mimicked in permeabilized fibers after mtHK2 dissociation. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that loss of mtHK2 during ischemia destabilizes mitochondrial contact sites, which, when accompanied by degradation of Bcl‐x(L), induces OMM permeabilization and cytochrome c loss. This stimulates reactive oxygen species production and mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening on reperfusion, leading to infarction. Consequently, inhibition of mtHK2 loss during ischemia could be an important mechanism responsible for the cardioprotection mediated by IP and other pretreatments

    Differentiating between fresh and frozen-thawed fish fillets by mitochondrial permeability measurement

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    International audienceIn this study, we investigated the properties of mitochondria to discriminate fresh from frozen-thawed fish fillets. Mitochondria were isolated from gilthead seabream fillets and the impact of freezing was evaluated by measuring the permeability of mitochondrial membranes. Freezing led to permeabilization of mitochondrial inner membranes to reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). The increase in permeability related to freezing shock was compared to the physiological permeabilization of mitochondria isolated from gilthead seabream fillets stored at 4°C. Two approaches were chosen to measure the increase in permeability: a spectrophotometric method to measure the consumption of NADH by complex I, and an oxygraphic method to measure O2 consumption by respiratory chains after exposure of mitochondria to NADH. Mitochondria isolated from frozen-thawed fillets were highly permeable to NADH and were no longer sensitive to a membrane permeabilizing agent: alamethicin. Altogether, our scientific approach allowed us to discriminate mitochondria isolated from fillets that have been exposed or not to a freezing shock (-80°C) and thus to discriminate between fresh and frozen-thawed fish fillets

    Hexokinase II and Reperfusion Injury:TAT-HK2 Peptide Impairs Vascular Function in Langendorff-perfused Rat Hearts

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    Rationale: Mitochondrial-bound hexokinase II (HK2) was recently proposed to play a crucial role in the normal functioning of the beating heart and to be necessary to maintain mitochondrial membrane potential. However, our own studies confirmed that mitochondria from ischemic rat hearts were HK2-depleted, yet showed no indication of depolarization and responded normally to ADP. Objective: To establish whether the human TAT-HK2 peptide used to dissociate mitochondrial-bound HKII in the Langendorff-perfused heart may exert its effects indirectly by impairing coronary function. Methods and Results: Ischemic preconditioning was blocked in rat hearts perfused with 2.5 µmol/L TAT-HK2 before ischemia or at the onset of reperfusion. However, TAT-HK2 also decreased the phosphocreatine:ATP ratio that correlated with reduced rate pressure product and increased diastolic pressure. These effects were preceded by increased aortic pressure (Langendorff constant flow) or decreased coronary flow (Langendorff constant pressure), which was also observed, albeit less pronounced, at 200 nmol/L TAT-HK2 and was prevented by coperfusion with the NO-donor diethylamine NONOate. Mitochondria from TAT-HK2–perfused hearts showed no loss of bound HK2, unlike mitochondria from ischemic hearts where the expected loss was prevented by ischemic preconditioning. Conclusions: In the perfused rat heart, TAT-HK2 should be used with caution and careful attention to dosage because some of its effects may be mediated by vasoconstriction of the coronary vasculature rather than dissociation of HK2 from myocyte mitochondria. </jats:sec

    Rapid re-oxidation of NAD(P)H and flavoproteins upon reperfusion of control and IP hearts following 30 min global ischemia.

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    <p>Data are presented as means ± SEM (error bars) of 8 control and 9 IP hearts (* p<0.05; ** p<0.01). <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167300#pone.0167300.s006" target="_blank">S2 Table</a> presents mean data for the corresponding values at 1 min before ischemia and at 2, 10 and 30 min of reperfusion, while a full representative trace for each parameter is given in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167300#pone.0167300.s002" target="_blank">S2 Fig</a></p