291 research outputs found

    Long fully commutative elements in affine Coxeter groups

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    An element of a Coxeter group WW is called fully commutative if any two of its reduced decompositions can be related by a series of transpositions of adjacent commuting generators. In the preprint "Fully commutative elements in finite and affine Coxeter groups" (arXiv:1402.2166), R. Biagioli and the authors proved among other things that, for each irreducible affine Coxeter group, the sequence counting fully commutative elements with respect to length is ultimately periodic. In the present work, we study this sequence in its periodic part for each of these groups, and in particular we determine the minimal period. We also observe that in type AA affine we get an instance of the cyclic sieving phenomenon.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    On some polynomials enumerating Fully Packed Loop configurations

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    We are interested in the enumeration of Fully Packed Loop configurations on a grid with a given noncrossing matching. By the recently proved Razumov--Stroganov conjecture, these quantities also appear as groundstate components in the Completely Packed Loop model. When considering matchings with p nested arches, these numbers are known to be polynomials in p. In this article, we present several conjectures about these polynomials: in particular, we describe all real roots, certain values of these polynomials, and conjecture that the coefficients are positive. The conjectures, which are of a combinatorial nature, are supported by strong numerical evidence and the proofs of several special cases. We also give a version of the conjectures when an extra parameter tau is added to the equations defining the groundstate of the Completely Packed Loop model.Comment: 27 pages. Modifications reflecting the recent proof of the Razumov--Stroganov conjecture; also added some references and a more detailed conclusio

    Fully Packed Loops in a triangle: matchings, paths and puzzles

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    Fully Packed Loop configurations in a triangle (TFPLs) first appeared in the study of ordinary Fully Packed Loop configurations (FPLs) on the square grid where they were used to show that the number of FPLs with a given link pattern that has m nested arches is a polynomial function in m. It soon turned out that TFPLs possess a number of other nice properties. For instance, they can be seen as a generalized model of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. We start our article by introducing oriented versions of TFPLs; their main advantage in comparison with ordinary TFPLs is that they involve only local constraints. Three main contributions are provided. Firstly, we show that the number of ordinary TFPLs can be extracted from a weighted enumeration of oriented TFPLs and thus it suffices to consider the latter. Secondly, we decompose oriented TFPLs into two matchings and use a classical bijection to obtain two families of nonintersecting lattice paths (path tangles). This point of view turns out to be extremely useful for giving easy proofs of previously known conditions on the boundary of TFPLs necessary for them to exist. One example is the inequality d(u)+d(v)<=d(w) where u,v,w are 01-words that encode the boundary conditions of ordinary TFPLs and d(u) is the number of cells in the Ferrers diagram associated with u. In the third part we consider TFPLs with d(w)- d(u)-d(v)=0,1; in the first case their numbers are given by Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, but also in the second case we provide formulas that are in terms of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. The proofs of these formulas are of a purely combinatorial nature.Comment: 40 pages, 31 figure

    Automata, reduced words, and Garside shadows in Coxeter groups

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    In this article, we introduce and investigate a class of finite deterministic automata that all recognize the language of reduced words of a finitely generated Coxeter system (W,S). The definition of these automata is straightforward as it only requires the notion of weak order on (W,S) and the related notion of Garside shadows in (W,S), an analog of the notion of a Garside family. Then we discuss the relations between this class of automata and the canonical automaton built from Brink and Howlett's small roots. We end this article by providing partial positive answers to two conjectures: (1) the automata associated to the smallest Garside shadow is minimal; (2) the canonical automaton is minimal if and only if the support of all small roots is spherical, i.e., the corresponding root system is finite.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; v2: 23 pages, 8 figures, Remark 3.15 added, accepted in Journal of Algebra, computational sectio

    Combinatorics of fully commutative involutions in classical Coxeter groups

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    An element of a Coxeter group WW is fully commutative if any two of its reduced decompositions are related by a series of transpositions of adjacent commuting generators. In the present work, we focus on fully commutative involutions, which are characterized in terms of Viennot's heaps. By encoding the latter by Dyck-type lattice walks, we enumerate fully commutative involutions according to their length, for all classical finite and affine Coxeter groups. In the finite cases, we also find explicit expressions for their generating functions with respect to the major index. Finally in affine type AA, we connect our results to Fan--Green's cell structure of the corresponding Temperley--Lieb algebra.Comment: 25 page

    A Bijection between well-labelled positive paths and matchings

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    A well-labelled positive path of size n is a pair (p,\sigma) made of a word p=p_1p_2...p_{n-1} on the alphabet {-1, 0,+1} such that the sum of the letters of any prefix is non-negative, together with a permutation \sigma of {1,2,...,n} such that p_i=-1 implies \sigma(i)<\sigma(i+1), while p_i=1 implies \sigma(i)>\sigma(i+1). We establish a bijection between well-labelled positive paths of size nn and matchings (i.e. fixed-point free involutions) on {1,2,...,2n}. This proves that the number of well-labelled positive paths is (2n-1)!!. By specialising our bijection, we also prove that the number of permutations of size n such that each prefix has no more ascents than descents is [(n-1)!!]^2 if n is even and n!!(n-2)!! otherwise. Our result also prove combinatorially that the n-dimensional polytope consisting of all points (x_1,...,x_n) in [-1,1]^n such that the sum of the first j coordinates is non-negative for all j=1,2,...,n has volume (2n-1)!!/n!
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