309 research outputs found

    Approximation du calcul de la taille échantillonnale pour les tests à hypothèses multiples lorsque r parmis m hypothèses doivent être significatives

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    Généralement, dans les situations d’hypothèses multiples on cherche à rejeter toutes les hypothèses ou bien une seule d’entre d’elles. Depuis quelques temps on voit apparaître le besoin de répondre à la question : « Peut-on rejeter au moins r hypothèses ? ». Toutefois, les outils statisques pour répondre à cette question sont rares dans la littérature. Nous avons donc entrepris de développer les formules générales de puissance pour les procédures les plus utilisées, soit celles de Bonferroni, de Hochberg et de Holm. Nous avons développé un package R pour le calcul de la taille échantilonnalle pour les tests à hypothèses multiples (multiple endpoints), où l’on désire qu’au moins r des m hypothèses soient significatives. Nous nous limitons au cas où toutes les variables sont continues et nous présentons quatre situations différentes qui dépendent de la structure de la matrice de variance-covariance des données.Generally, in multiple endpoints situations we want to reject all hypotheses or at least only one of them. For some time now, we see emerge the need to answer the question : "Can we reject at least r hypotheses ?" However, the statistical tools to answer this new problem are rare in the litterature. We decide to develop general power formulas for the principals procedures : Bonferroni’s, Hochberg’s and Holm’s procedures. We also develop an R package for the sample size calculation for multiple endpoints, when we want to reject at least r hypotheses. We limit ourselves in the case where all the variables are continuous and we present four different situations depending on the structure of the data’s variance-covariance matrix

    Spectral cube extraction for the VLT/SPHERE IFS: Open-source pipeline with full forward modeling and improved sensitivity

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    We present a new open-source data-reduction pipeline to reconstruct spectral data cubes from raw SPHERE integral-field spectrograph (IFS) data. The pipeline is written in Python and based on the pipeline that was developed for the CHARIS IFS. It introduces several improvements to SPHERE data analysis that ultimately produce significant improvements in postprocessing sensitivity. We first used new data to measure SPHERE lenslet point spread functions (PSFs) at the four laser calibration wavelengths. These lenslet PSFs enabled us to forward-model SPHERE data, to extract spectra using a least-squares fit, and to remove spectral crosstalk using the measured lenslet PSFs. Our approach also reduces the number of required interpolations, both spectral and spatial, and can preserve the original hexagonal lenslet geometry in the SPHERE IFS. In the case of least-squares extraction, no interpolation of the data is performed. We demonstrate this new pipeline on the directly imaged exoplanet 51 Eri b and on observations of the hot white dwarf companion to HD 2133. The extracted spectrum of HD 2133B matches theoretical models, demonstrating spectrophotometric calibration that is good to a few percent. Postprocessing on two 51 Eri b data sets demonstrates a median improvement in sensitivity of 80% and 30% for the 2015 and 2017 data, respectively, compared to the use of cubes reconstructed by the SPHERE Data Center. The largest improvements are seen for poorer observing conditions. The new SPHERE pipeline takes less than three minutes to produce a data cube on a modern laptop, making it practical to reprocess all SPHERE IFS data.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. Software available at: https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/charis-de

    WEIRD: Wide-orbit Exoplanet search with InfraRed Direct imaging

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    We report results from the Wide-orbit Exoplanet search with InfraRed Direct imaging (WEIRD), a survey designed to search for Jupiter-like companions on very wide orbits (1000 to 5000 AU) around young stars (<<120 Myr) that are known members of moving groups in the solar neighborhood (<<70 pc). Sharing the same age, distance, and metallicity as their host while being on large enough orbits to be studied as "isolated" objects make such companions prime targets for spectroscopic observations and valuable benchmark objects for exoplanet atmosphere models. The search strategy is based on deep imaging in multiple bands across the near-infrared domain. For all 177 objects of our sample, zab′z_{ab}^\prime, JJ, [3.6] and [4.5] images were obtained with CFHT/MegaCam, GEMINI/GMOS, CFHT/WIRCam, GEMINI/Flamingos-2, and SpitzerSpitzer/IRAC. Using this set of 4 images per target, we searched for sources with red zab′z_{ab}^\prime and [3.6]−[4.5][3.6]-[4.5] colors, typically reaching good completeness down to 2Mjup companions, while going down to 1Mjup for some targets, at separations of 1000−50001000-5000 AU. The search yielded 4 candidate companions with the expected colors, but they were all rejected through follow-up proper motion observations. Our results constrain the occurrence of 1-13 Mjup planetary-mass companions on orbits with a semi-major axis between 1000 and 5000 AU at less than 0.03, with a 95\% confidence level.Comment: 55 pages, 16 figures, accepted to A

    Approche expérimentale du bang sonique des aéronefs

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    La présence d'un mobile supersonique dans l'atmosphère crée une onde de choc, c'est-à-dire une perturbation atmosphérique caractérisée par des discontinuités de pression. Cette perturbation évolue pour former à quelques kilomètres l'onde en N caractéristique du bang sonique. Des campagnes de mesure visant à évaluer les nuisances sonores liées au bang ont été effectuées avant la mise en service du supersonique Concorde. A partir des années 80, l'ONERA a exploité des données acoustiques issues des vols commerciaux transatlantiques de l'appareil pour approfondir la connaissance du phénomène de bang, notamment sous l'angle de sa propagation à grande distance. Nous présentons les résultats de simulations avec un code de rayons 3D en atmosphère réelle à partir des données de vol, visant à obtenir les limites des zones de retombées acoustiques. L'analyse fréquentielle des signaux enregistrés en Bretagne a permis de trouver une nette corrélation entre la fréquence pic et la distance à la source

    First results from the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey: Constraints on the z=6 quasar luminosity function and the quasar contribution to reionization

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    We present preliminary results of a new quasar survey being undertaken with multi-colour optical imaging from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The current data consists of 3.83 sq. deg. of imaging in the i' and z' filters to a 10 sigma limit of z'<23.35. Near-infrared photometry of 24 candidate 5.7<z<6.4 quasars confirms them all to be low mass stars including two T dwarfs and four or five L dwarfs. Photometric estimates of the spectral type of the two T dwarfs are T3 and T6. We use the lack of high-redshift quasars in this survey volume to constrain the z=6 quasar luminosity function. For reasonable values of the break absolute magnitude M*_1450 and faint-end slope alpha, we determine that the bright-end slope beta>-3.2 at 95% confidence. We find that the comoving space-density of quasars brighter than M_1450=-23.5 declines by a factor >25 from z=2 to z=6, mirroring the decline observed for high-luminosity quasars. We consider the contribution of the quasar population to the ionizing photon density at z=6 and the implications for reionization. We show that the current constraints on the quasar population give an ionizing photon density <<30% that of the star-forming galaxy population. We conclude that active galactic nuclei make a negligible contribution to the reionization of hydrogen at z~6.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, ApJ, in pres
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