2,558 research outputs found

    Observations of Global and Local Infall in NGC 1333

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    We report ``infall asymmetry'' in the HCO+^+ (1--0) and (3--2) lines toward NGC 1333, extended over 0.39pc2\sim 0.39 {\rm pc}^2, a larger extent than has been reported be fore, for any star-forming region. The infall asymmetry extends over a major portion of the star-forming complex, and is not limited to a single protostar, or to a single dense core, or to a single spectral line. It seems likely that the infall asymmetry represents inward motions, and that these motions are physically associated with the complex. Both blue-asymmetric and red-asymmetric lines are seen, but in both the (3--2) and (1--0) lines of HCO+^+ the vast majority of the asymmetric lines are blue, indicating inward motions. The (3--2) line, tracing denser gas, has the spectra with the strongest asymmetry and these spectra are associated with the protostars IRAS 4A and 4B, which most likely indicates a warm central source is affecting the line profiles. The (3--2) and (1--0) lines usually have the same sense of asymmetry in common positions, but their profiles differ significantly, and the (1--0) line appears to trace motions on much larger spatial scales than does the (3--2) line. Line profile models fit the spectra well, but do not strongly constrain their parameters. The mass accretion rate of the inward motions is of order 104^{-4} M_\odot/yr, similar to the ratio of stellar mass to cluster age.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, 1 colour figur

    Image Flux Ratios of Gravitationally Lensed HS 0810+2554 with High Resolution Infrared Imaging

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    We report near simultaneous imaging using LMIRCam on the LBTI of the quadruply imaged lensed quasar HS 0810+2554 at wavelengths of 2.16, 3.7 and 4.78 μ4.78~\mum with a Full Width Half Max (FWHM) spatial resolution of 0 ⁣ ⁣.130^{\prime\prime}\!\!.13, 0 ⁣ ⁣.120^{\prime\prime}\!\!.12 and 0 ⁣ ⁣.150^{\prime\prime}\!\!.15 respectively, comparable to HST optical imaging. In the z=1.5\rm{z} = 1.5 rest frame of the quasar, the observed wavelengths correspond to 0.86, 1.48, and 1.91 μ1.91~\mum respectively. The two brightest images in the quad, A and B, are clearly resolved from each other with a separation of 0.1870.187^{\prime\prime}. The flux ratio of these two images (A/B) trends from 1.79 to 1.23 from 2.16 to 4.78 μ4.78~\mum. The trend in flux ratio is consistent with the 2.16 μ2.16~\mum flux originating from a small sized accretion disk in the quasar that experiences only microlensing. The excess flux above the contribution from the accretion disk at the two longer wavelengths originates from a larger sized region that experiences no microlensing. A simple model employing multiplicative factors for image B due to stellar microlensing (m)(m) and sub-structure millilensing (M)(M) is presented. The result is tightly constrained to the product m×M=1.79m\times M=1.79. Given the observational errors, the 60\% probability contour for this product stretches from m=2.6m= 2.6, M=0.69M = 0.69 to m=1.79m= 1.79, M=1.0M = 1.0, where the later is consistent with microlensing only.Comment: accepted A

    1.12 A˚ resolution crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the plasmid-mediated colistin resistance determinant MCR-2

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    MCR-2 confers resistance to colistin, a `last-line' antibiotic against extensively resistant Gram-negative pathogens. It is a plasmid-encoded phosphoethanol­amine transferase that is closely related to MCR-1. To understand the diversity in the MCR family, the 1.12 å resolution crystal structure of the catalytic domain of MCR-2 was determined. Variable amino acids are located distant from both the di-zinc active site and the membrane-proximal face. The exceptionally high resolution will provide an accurate starting model for further mechanistic studies

    Population growth and its spatial distribution as factors in the deforestation of Nang Rong, Thailand

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    Frontiers constitute a major source of global land cover change hot spots, with forests and grass lands being converted into agricultural uses. As such, frontiers provide an opportunity to see how people manipulate the land and their lives in the context of social, cultural and environmental constraints. This paper examines frontier settlement and land cover change in Nang Rong district, Northeast Thailand for the last half century. It uses a Cellular Automata (CA) model to explore the land cover consequences of alternative patterns of settlement in a setting where people establish dwelling units in nucleated villages and work agricultural plots that surround villages. Forested land around the center of a village is converted into agricultural uses in an inverse relationship to the distance from the village center, but frequently modified by biophysical conditions. Land at the center of the village may be reforested after the village is established as a source of shade as well as fruit and other products. Model variation in land cover change is more sensitive to the spatial reach of village households than their temporal reach, suggesting the important role that technology plays in how villagers travel to their fields (walking versus motorized transit)

    Variation in thromboembolic complications among patients undergoing commonly performed cancer operations

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    ObjectiveThere is widespread evidence that cancer confers an increased risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). This risk is thought to vary among different cancer types. The purpose of this study is to better define the incidence of thrombotic complications among patients undergoing surgical treatment for a spectrum of prevalent cancer diagnoses in contemporary practice.MethodsAll patients undergoing one of 11 cancer surgical operations (breast resection, hysterectomy, prostatectomy, colectomy, gastrectomy, lung resection, hepatectomy, pancreatectomy, cystectomy, esophagectomy, and nephrectomy) were identified by Current Procedural Terminology and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision codes using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database (2007-2009). The study endpoints were DVT, pulmonary embolism (PE), and overall postoperative venous thromboembolic events (VTE) within 1 month of the index procedure. Multivariate logistic regression was utilized to calculate adjusted odds ratios for each endpoint.ResultsOver the study interval, 43,808 of the selected cancer operations were performed. The incidence of DVT, PE, and total VTE within 1 month following surgery varied widely across a spectrum of cancer diagnoses, ranging from 0.19%, 0.12%, and 0.28% for breast resection to 6.1%, 2.4%, and 7.3%, respectively, for esophagectomy. Compared with breast cancer, the incidence of VTE ranged from a 1.31-fold increase in VTE associated with gastrectomy (95% confidence interval, 0.73-2.37; P = .4) to a 2.68-fold increase associated with hysterectomy (95% confidence interval, 1.43-5.01; P = .002). Multivariate logistic regression revealed that inpatient status, steroid use, advanced age (≥60 years), morbid obesity (body mass index ≥35), blood transfusion, reintubation, cardiac arrest, postoperative infectious complications, and prolonged hospitalization were independently associated with increased risk of VTE.ConclusionsThe incidence of VTE and thromboembolic complications associated with cancer surgery varies substantially. These findings suggest that both tumor type and resection magnitude may impact VTE risk. Accordingly, such data support diagnosis and procedural-specific guidelines for perioperative VTE prophylaxis and can be used to anticipate the risk of potentially preventable morbidity

    A multimodal imaging study of recognition memory in very preterm born adults

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    Very preterm (<32 weeks of gestation) birth is associated with structural brain alterationsand memory impairments throughout childhood and adolescence. Here, we used functional MRI(fMRI) to study the neuroanatomy of recognition memory in 49 very preterm-born adults and 50 con-trols (mean age: 30 years) during completion of a task involving visual encoding and recognition ofabstract pictures. T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted images were also collected. Bilateral hippocam-pal volumes were calculated and tractography of the fornix and cingulum was performed and assessedin terms of volume and hindrance modulated orientational anisotropy (HMOA). Online recognitionmemory task performance, assessed with A scores, was poorer in the very preterm compared with thecontrol group. Analysis of fMRI data focused on differences in neural activity between the recognitionand encoding trials. Very preterm born adults showed decreased activation in the right middle frontalgyrus and posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus and increased activation in the left inferior frontalgyrus and bilateral lateral occipital cortex (LOC) compared with controls. Hippocampi, fornix and cin-gulum volume was significantly smaller and fornix HMOA was lower in very preterm adults. Amongall the structural and functional brain metrics that showed statistically significant group differences,LOC activation was the best predictor of online task performance (P 5 0.020). In terms of associationbetween brain function and structure, LOC activation was predicted by fornix HMOA in the pretermgroup only (P 5 0.020). These results suggest that neuroanatomical alterations in very preterm bornindividuals may be underlying their poorer recognition memory performance

    Software engineering to sustain a high-performance computing scientific application: QMCPACK

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    We provide an overview of the software engineering efforts and their impact in QMCPACK, a production-level ab-initio Quantum Monte Carlo open-source code targeting high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Aspects included are: (i) strategic expansion of continuous integration (CI) targeting CPUs, using GitHub Actions runners, and NVIDIA and AMD GPUs in pre-exascale systems, using self-hosted hardware; (ii) incremental reduction of memory leaks using sanitizers, (iii) incorporation of Docker containers for CI and reproducibility, and (iv) refactoring efforts to improve maintainability, testing coverage, and memory lifetime management. We quantify the value of these improvements by providing metrics to illustrate the shift towards a predictive, rather than reactive, sustainable maintenance approach. Our goal, in documenting the impact of these efforts on QMCPACK, is to contribute to the body of knowledge on the importance of research software engineering (RSE) for the sustainability of community HPC codes and scientific discovery at scale.Comment: Accepted at the first US-RSE Conference, USRSE2023, https://us-rse.org/usrse23/, 8 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Impacts of Climate Change on indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals from agriculture

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    Objective: Climate change is likely to affect the nature of pathogens and chemicals in the environment and their fate and transport. Future risks of pathogens and chemicals could therefore be very different from those of today. In this review, we assess the implications of climate change for changes in human exposures to pathogens and chemicals in agricultural systems in the United Kingdom and discuss the subsequent effects on health impacts. Data sources: In this review, we used expert input and considered literature on climate change ; health effects resulting from exposure to pathogens and chemicals arising from agriculture ; inputs of chemicals and pathogens to agricultural systems ; and human exposure pathways for pathogens and chemicals in agricultural systems. Data synthesis: We established the current evidence base for health effects of chemicals and pathogens in the agricultural environment ; determined the potential implications of climate change on chemical and pathogen inputs in agricultural systems ; and explored the effects of climate change on environmental transport and fate of different contaminant types. We combined these data to assess the implications of climate change in terms of indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals in agricultural systems. We then developed recommendations on future research and policy changes to manage any adverse increases in risks. Conclusions: Overall, climate change is likely to increase human exposures to agricultural contaminants. The magnitude of the increases will be highly dependent on the contaminant type. Risks from many pathogens and particulate and particle-associated contaminants could increase significantly. These increases in exposure can, however, be managed for the most part through targeted research and policy changes

    Tropical cyclones and climate change

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    Recent research has strengthened the understanding of the links between climate and tropical cyclones (TCs) on various timescales. Geological records of past climates have shown century-long variations in TC numbers. While no significant trends have been identified in the Atlantic since the late 19th century, significant observed trends in TC numbers and intensities have occurred in this basin over the past few decades, and trends in other basins are increasingly being identified. However, understanding of the causes of these trends is incomplete, and confidence in these trends continues to be hampered by a lack of consistent observations in some basins. A theoretical basis for maximum TC intensity appears now to be well established, but a climate theory of TC formation remains elusive. Climate models mostly continue to predict future decreases in global TC numbers, projected increases in the intensities of the strongest storms and increased rainfall rates. Sea level rise will likely contribute toward increased storm surge risk. Against the background of global climate change and sea level rise, it is important to carry out quantitative assessments on the potential risk of TC-induced storm surge and flooding to densely populated cities and river deltas. Several climate models are now able to generate a good distribution of both TC numbers and intensities in the current climate. Inconsistent TC projection results emerge from modeling studies due to different downscaling methodologies and warming scenarios, inconsistencies in projected changes of large-scale conditions, and differences in model physics and tracking algorithms