227 research outputs found

    A novel stable isotope tracer method to simultaneously quantify skeletal muscle protein synthesis and breakdown

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    Background/Aims: Methodological challenges have been associated with the dynamic measurement of muscle protein breakdown (MPB), as have the measurement of both muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and MPB within the same experiment. Our aim was to use the transmethylation properties of methionine as proof-of-concept to measure rates of MPB via its methylation of histidine within skeletal muscle myofibrillar proteins, whilst simultaneously utilising methionine incorporation into bound protein to measure MPS.Results: During the synthesis measurement period, incorporation of methyl[D3]-13C-methionine into cellular protein in C2C12 myotubes was observed (representative of MPS), alongside an increase in the appearance of methyl[D3]-methylhistidine into the media following methylation of histidine (representative of MPB). For further validation of this approach, fractional synthetic rates (FSR) of muscle protein were increased following treatment of the cells with the anabolic factors insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin, while dexamethasone expectedly reduced MPS. Conversely, rates of MPB were reduced with IGF-1 and insulin treatments, whereas dexamethasone accelerated MPB.Conclusions: This is a novel stable isotope tracer approach that permits the dual assessment of muscle cellular protein synthesis and breakdown rates, through the provision of a single methionine amino acid tracer that could be utilised in a wide range of biological settings

    Nutrient modulation in the management of disease-induced muscle wasting: evidence from human studies

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    Purpose of review: In addition to being essential for movement, skeletal muscles act as both a store and source of key macronutrients. As such, muscle is an important tissue for whole body homeostasis, undergoing muscle wasting in times of starvation, disease, and stress, for example, to provide energy substrates for other tissues. Yet, muscle wasting is also associated with disability, comorbidities, and mortality. As nutrition is so crucial to maintaining muscle homeostasis 'in health', it has been postulated that muscle wasting in cachexia syndromes may be alleviated by nutritional interventions. This review will highlight recent work in this area in relation to muscle kinetics, the acute metabolic (e.g. dietary protein), and longer-term effects of dietary interventions. Recent findings: Whole body and skeletal muscle protein synthesis invariably exhibit deranged kinetics (favouring catabolism) in wasting states; further, many of these conditions harbour blunted anabolic responses to protein nutrition compared with healthy controls. These derangements underlie muscle wasting. Recent trials of essential amino acid and protein-based nutrition have shown some potential for therapeutic benefit. Summary: Nutritional modulation, particularly of dietary amino acids, may have benefits to prevent or attenuate disease-induced muscle wasting. Nonetheless, there remains a lack of recent studies exploring these key concepts to make conclusive recommendations

    Recent developments in deuterium oxide tracer approaches to measure rates of substrate turnover: implications for protein, lipid, and nucleic acid research

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    Purpose of review: Methods that inform on dynamic metabolism that can be applied to clinical populations to understand disease progression and responses to therapeutic interventions are of great importance. This review perspective will highlight recent advances, development, and applications of the multivalent stable isotope tracer deuterium oxide (D2O) to the study of substrate metabolism with particular reference to protein, lipids, and nucleic acids, and how these methods can be readily applied within clinical and pharmaceutical research. Recent findings: Advances in the application of D2O techniques now permit the simultaneous dynamic measurement of a range of substrates (i.e. protein, lipid, and nucleic acids, along with the potential for OMICs methodologies) with minimal invasiveness further creating opportunities for long-term ‘free living’ measures that can be used in clinical settings. These techniques have recently been applied to ageing populations and further in cancer patients revealing altered muscle protein metabolism. Additionally, the efficacy of numerous drugs in improving lipoprotein profiles and controlling cellular proliferation in leukaemia have been revealed. Summary: D2O provides opportunities to create a more holistic picture of in-vivo metabolic phenotypes, providing a unique platform for development in clinical applications, and the emerging field of personalized medicine

    The age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function: measurement and physiology of muscle fibre atrophy and muscle fibre loss in humans

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    Age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, sarcopenia, is associated with physical frailty and increased risk of morbidity (chronic diseases), in addition to all-cause mortality. The loss of muscle mass occurs incipiently from middle-age (~1%/year), and in severe instances can lead to a loss of ~50% by the 8-9th decade of life. This review will focus on muscle deterioration with ageing and highlight the two underpinning mechanisms regulating declines in muscle mass and function: muscle fibre atrophy and muscle fibre loss (hypoplasia) – and their measurement. The mechanisms of muscle fibre atrophy in humans relate to imbalances in muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and breakdown (MPB); however, since there is limited evidence for basal alterations in muscle protein turnover, it would appear that “anabolic resistance’ to fundamental environmental cues regulating diurnal muscle homeostasis (namely physical activity and nutrition), underlie age-related catabolic perturbations in muscle proteostasis. While the ‘upstream’ drivers of the desensitization of aged muscle to anabolic stimuli are poorly defined, they most likely relate to impaired efficiency of the conversion of nutritional/exercise stimuli into signalling impacting mRNA translation and proteolysis. Additionally, loss of muscle fibres has been shown in cadaveric studies using anatomical fibre counts, and from iEMG studies demonstrating motor unit loss, albeit with few molecular investigations of this in humans. We suggest that defining countermeasures against sarcopenia requires improved understandings of the co-ordinated regulation of muscle fibre atrophy and fibre loss, which are likely to be inextricably linked

    An overview of technical considerations for Western blotting applications to physiological research

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    The applications of Western/immuno-blotting (WB) techniques have reached multiple layers of the scientific community and are now considered routine procedures in the field of physiology. This is none more so than in relation to skeletal muscle physiology (i.e. resolving the mechanisms underpinning adaptations to exercise). Indeed, the inclusion of WB data is now considered an essential aspect of many such physiological publications to provide mechanistic insight into regulatory processes. Despite this popularity, and due to the ubiquitous and relatively inexpensive availability of WB equipment, the quality of WB in publications and subsequent analysis and interpretation of the data can be variable, perhaps resulting in spurious conclusions. This may be due to poor laboratory technique and/or lack of comprehension of the critical steps involved in WB and what quality control procedures should be in place to ensure robust data generation. The present review aims to provide a detailed description and critique of WB procedures and technicalities, from sample collection through preparation, blotting and detection to analysis of the data collected. We aim to provide the reader with improved expertise to critically conduct, evaluate and troubleshoot the WB process, to produce reproducible and reliable blots

    A 4-week, lifestyle-integrated, home-based exercise training programme elicits improvements in physical function and lean mass in older men and women: a pilot study

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    Background: Developing alternative exercise programmes that can alleviate certain barriers to exercise such as psychological, environmental or socio-economical barriers, but provide similar physiological benefits e.g. increases in muscle mass and strength, is of grave importance. This pilot study aimed to assess the efficacy of an unsupervised, 4-week, whole-body home-based exercise training (HBET) programme, incorporated into daily living activities, on skeletal muscle mass, power and strength. Methods: Twelve healthy older volunteers (63±3 years, 7 men: 5 women, BMI: 29±1 kg/m²) carried out the 4-week “lifestyle-integrated” HBET of 8 exercises, 3x12 repetitions each, every day. Before and after HBET, a number of physical function tests were carried out: unilateral leg extension 1-RM (one- repetition maximum), MVC (maximal voluntary contraction) leg extension, lower leg muscle power (via Nottingham Power Rig), handgrip strength and SPPBT (short physical performance battery test). A D3-Creatine method was used for assessment of whole-body skeletal muscle mass, and ultrasound was used to measure the quadriceps cross-sectional area (CSA) and vastus lateralis muscle thickness. Results: Four weeks HBET elicited significant (p<0.05) improvements in leg muscle power (276.7±38.5 vs. 323.4±43.4 W), maximal voluntary contraction (60°: 154.2±18.4 vs. 168.8±15.2 Nm, 90°: 152.1±10.5 vs. 159.1±11.4 Nm) and quadriceps CSA (57.5±5.4 vs. 59.0±5.3 cm2), with a trend for an increase in leg strength (1-RM: 45.7±5.9 vs. 49.6±6.0 kg, P=0.08). This was despite there being no significant differences in whole-body skeletal muscle mass, as assessed via D3-Creatine. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that increases in multiple aspects of muscle function can be achieved in older adults with just 4-weeks of “lifestyle-integrated” HBET, with a cost-effective means. This training mode may prove to be a beneficial alternative for maintaining and/or improving muscle mass and function in older adults

    Exploring the Association between Vascular Dysfunction and Skeletal Muscle Mass, Strength and Function in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The prevalence of vascular dysfunction increases with advancing age, as does the loss of muscle mass, strength and function. This systematic review explores the association between vascular dysfunction and skeletal muscle health in healthy adults. Methods: EMBASE and MEDLINE were searched for cross-sectional and randomized controlled studies between January 2009 and April 2019, with 33 out of 1246 studies included based on predefined criteria. Assessments of muscular health included muscle mass, strength and function. Macrovascular function assessment included arterial stiffness (pulse wave velocity or augmentation index), carotid intima-media thickness, and flow-mediated dilation. Microvascular health assessment included capillary density or microvascular flow (contrast enhanced ultrasound). Results: All 33 studies demonstrated a significant association between vascular function and skeletal muscle health. Significant negative associations were reported between vascular dysfunction and -muscle strength (10 studies); -mass (9 studies); and -function (5 studies). Nine studies reported positive correlations between muscle mass and microvascular health. Conclusions: Multiple studies have revealed an association between vascular status and skeletal muscle health in healthy adults. This review points to the importance of screening for muscle health in adults with vascular dysfunction with a view to initiating early nutrition and exercise interventions to ameliorate functional decline over tim

    Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound repeatability for the measurement of skeletal muscle microvascular blood flow

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    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) can be used to directly assess skeletal muscle perfusion. However, its repeatability over time has not yet been validated and therefore its use in longitudinal measures (i.e., exploring the impact of a chronic intervention or disease progression) is limited. This study aimed to determine the repeatability of CEUS for the measurement of skeletal muscle microvascular blood flow (MBF) at baseline and in response to exercise, across independent assessment sessions. Ten healthy volunteers (five female; 30 ± 6 years) had CEUS of the right vastus lateralis recorded in two separate sessions, 14 days apart. Measurements were taken at baseline, during an isometric leg extension and during recovery. Acoustic intensity data from a region of interest were plotted as a replenishment curve to obtain blood volume (A) and flow velocity (β) values from a one-phase association non-linear regression of mean tissue echogenicity. Linear regression and Bland–Altman analyses of A and β values were performed, with significance assumed as P < 0.05. Strong positive correlations were observed across sessions for all A and β values (both P < 0.0001). Bland–Altman analysis showed a bias (SD) of −0.013 ± 1.24 for A and −0.014 ± 0.31 for β. A bias of 0.201 ± 0.770 at baseline, 0.527 ± 1.29 during contraction and −0.203 ± 1.29 at recovery was observed for A, and −0.0328 ± 0.0853 (baseline), −0.0446 ± 0.206 (contraction) and 0.0382 ± 0.233 (recovery) for β. A strong agreement between CEUS MBF measures across independent sessions suggests it to be a repeatable method for assessing skeletal muscle perfusion over time, and therefore facilitates wider use in longitudinal studies